"I guess after meeting the parents, I will get married after my senior year. After all, they have been talking about it for several years." Jiang Chan smiled. As a couple of campus heroes, it seems that everything from school uniforms to wedding dresses is the most normal. Right?

"Oh, thinking about it, it's not a good feeling in my heart. Look at the old Song couple. I think they will have to grind in the future." Mother Tang sighed, "Fortunately, you were not engaged to Song Ruizhe."

"What did you mention about it in the past?" Father Tang knocked on the bowl: "Eating, we Junjun is fine now. I missed Song Ruizhe's crooked neck tree, but there is a wider forest outside, what kind of Can't find young talents?"

Mother Tang laughed: "Did you talk like that? Junjun, you haven't met a boy that suits your heart in the past few years? Our family is also an ordinary family, and there is really no right to talk to each other, as long as you like it. Just fine."

Jiang Chan took a bite of rice and said, "I stay in the laboratory all day long and I am about to become a dog. Where can I go to my boyfriend? This is a very costly thing, not only the time cost, but also me. I still want to concentrate on my career. After my career stabilizes, I will consider other things."

Father Tang agreed: "This is the reason. The so-called marriage and career are not limited to men. As an independent woman in the new era, it is better to have a career of your own. I don't ask you to be rich, but I ask you to be able to support you. I can have the courage to face this world independently."

Mother Tang shook her head: "I mean but you two, your daughter is not independent enough? If she is independent again, she will almost move a ladder to go to heaven on her own. You are so powerful, what kind of one can you find in the future?"

"I haven't thought about this problem." Jiang Chan picked up a chopstick mushroom again: "I'm still young, and I want to spend a few more years with you and my father. Is it possible that my mother wants to sweep me out sooner?"

"What are you talking about? Your father and I have only one daughter. Of course we hope you can stay with us more. We are just worried that you will be stimulated by Song Ruizhe. Song Ruizhe is not the only man in this world. There are many excellent men outside. Yes."

"I know, I didn't take Song Ruizhe to my heart. He is just a sample of men, the kind that can't be found in the crowd, why should I worry about the past? Besides? Isn't it me who should be worried about now?"

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows, and Tang's mother suddenly understood what she meant.

"That's not bad. I heard from your aunt yesterday that she tried the cervical spine massage device you gave her and it worked very well. As a result, when the little girl heard your name, her face sank and tears fell. If it doesn't fall, your auntie burst into flames."

Tang's mother talked about this incident, but she was very petty to talk about He Miaomiao. When she heard this, she felt panicked, who is this!

"Don't talk about others." Jiang Chan served Tang's mother a bowl of soup: "I don't have any dislike for He Miaomiao, but I really don't like her."

"Oh, it's rare to hear my girl say that she doesn't like a person." Mother Tang teased Jiang Chan in surprise. Her daughter is good at everything, but she is indifferent to everything. It is rare for her to express her likes and dislikes so clearly.

"It's normal not to like someone alone," Jiang Chan put down his chopsticks, "maybe we can't come, since the first day she transferred to school, I didn't like her."

"Go and rest after eating. You often use your brain. When you come back, let your brain rest and rest. I'll do these things at home." Seeing Jiang Chan preparing to clean up the table, Tang's mother drove her to the living room to rest.

Jiang Chan sat down on the big sofa in the living room and tuned up a financial channel casually. What happened to be an interview with her before came out. This kind of self-seeing feeling was shameful, but Jiang Chan was about to change the channel but was stopped by Tang's father. NS.

"Don't press don't press, this one is fine, let me see."

The remote control was taken away by Father Tang, and Jiang Chan lay down on the chaise couch. Although his eyes were fixed on the TV, his eyes were empty. Her thoughts flew into the life of the original owner.

She was right when she said that she didn't like He Miaomiao, but she wouldn't do anything to He Miaomiao in this life.

Looking at the memory of the original owner, the tragedy of her last life is certainly due to the original owner, but the culprit is naturally Song Ruizhe, and He Miaomiao is not innocent.

Song Ruizhe is a complete coward, relying on Tang Peijun's liking for him, he squandered the sincerity of others unscrupulously.

In Jiang Chan's view, if you know that someone likes you, and you happen to be unable to respond to her, then you should stay away from the other person, or simply reject the other person.

This kind of taking advantage of other people's affection and ruthlessly abandoning Tang Peijun after he grew up made Jiang Chan look down on him very much.

Besides He Miaomiao, she clearly knew that Tang Peijun liked Song Ruizhe, and that the two were engaged, but they were still entangled with Song Ruizhe. She still has the same thoughts as Song Ruizhe? Think Tang Peijun should shine for their love? Until you contribute your last trace of use value?

The girl Tang Peijun is also stupid. She treats Song Ruizhe so eagerly, but her sacrifice is fulfilled by Song Ruizhe and He Miaomiao, but she can't afford any benefit in the end.

After all, she still doesn't love herself, and regards a scumbag as more important than her own life. Song Ruizhe was able to hurt Tang Peijun because Tang Peijun gave him the right to hurt himself first?

If you change to Jiang Chan, who would dare to apologize to her, don't blame her for being ruthless and ruthless. She is the most obsessed person ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and very careful.

It's moving to see the love of other people's life and death, but it's based on the two people's mutual understanding. If it's just a one-sided sacrifice, then it's only yourself that is touched in the end.

So, what is so good about love? Looking at the Song family, Jiang Chan curled his lips with satisfaction. Is the life of singles not chic enough, or is the code not glamorous enough?

Watching the interview on TV came to an end, Jiang Chan grabbed the remote control: "Dad, have you watched enough? I'll sit next to you. Just ask me if you have any questions."

Father Tang waved his hand in a perfunctory manner: "Just ask you directly, there is no new feeling. How interesting is it to watch the interview on TV? I didn't know that you actually appeared on TV, and you girl didn't tell us."

Mother Tang also condemned Jiang Chan: "That's right, I didn't see the whole story, only the second half."

Father Tang: "There will be a replay tomorrow at noon. It seems to be twelve o'clock. I will watch it again when that time comes. I want to say that if I can burn this paragraph, it will be an unforgettable memory in the future."

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