The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 182 I will not take this blame from the Hidden Sky Sect

Zhan Wuying looked at the high altitude with an unusually solemn expression in the Demon Cultivation Realm.

His body trembled slightly, and his clenched fists almost failed to suppress the instinct to fight back.

The power of the sword just now forced him to resist subconsciously.

And that feeling is long-lost heart palpitations.

Facing that sword, he was actually not sure of victory.

Zhan Wuying looked in the direction of the Lu family, and said to himself in a low voice:

"It's me who underestimated you, and one day I will beat you upright."

Then Zhan Wuying began to calm down.

"It seems that the plan to directly target the Lu family needs to be sealed. I hope those people will not do anything stupid."

Thinking in this way, Zhan Wuying raised his head to look at the sky, and he found that something was wrong with the stars.

"Is there a problem with Xingsi, or have you seen the answer?"

However, he never received Xingsi's request for help, so he was not in a hurry.

In the depths of Daozong, after seeing Lu Wuwei make a move, he was silent for a long time.

Finally, a self-talking voice came out:

"My Taoist sect has been friendly with the Lu family in the past dynasties and has never had any disputes."

This ancient existence no longer wants to leave the forbidden area.

I don't want to meet people from the Lu family when I go out.

On the lake, the Goddess of Ice Sea watched the direction of Lu's family gradually merge into the glacier lake.

"The sun god has fallen, and his godhood has been emptied.

We can only wait for the new Sun God to be born. "

"The Lu family? It seems that the seven main gods have not all recovered, and we cannot confront them head-on."

"In ancient times, there were strong men who could suppress the Immortal King, the ancient Buddha of Buddhism.

There are also arrogance in this world, and the gods and gods are hard to beat. "

"The emperor does not wake up, the Buddha does not come out, the true god does not appear, Lu Wuwei can be said to be invincible."

"However, two fists are no match for four hands. Waiting for us to wake up, one Lu Wuwei, one Lu family, it is difficult to achieve great things."

At this time, the ice sea goddess completely merged into the lake.

Some things that are aimed at the Lu family will be done by others, and there is no need for her to remind and intervene.

Now everyone knows that it is the right thing to wake up their respective forces as soon as possible.

And know what the second half is about earlier.

The Sun God did not sacrifice in vain, at least let them understand that the Lu family cannot move for the time being.


After hearing that sentence, Lu Shui frowned. This sentence seemed to contain a lot of information, but it was of no use to him.

Then he wanted to check the slate again.

Go see what's on there.

And he always felt that this stone slab had a special power.

It gives people a feeling of transcending time and space, which is both real and unreal.

The prophecy slate is indeed no ordinary slate.

Then Lu Shui continued to try to get information from the stone slab. The slate was not the real body, so he couldn't see the words on it, so he could only watch it with his mind.

This method can get some news from inside, but what can't be controlled.

Soon Lu Shui heard a new sound, like thunder.

Boom! ! !

There was thunder everywhere, and the thunder gave Lu Shui a strange feeling, as if it was unknown.

Then a cry of "Whoah, whoah, whoah!" was heard.

It was the sound of a baby crying.

Immediately, Lu Shui heard a man crying and shouting, extremely desperate and painful, it was a man's voice.

Lu Shui was a little puzzled, and then he wanted to see the picture, and soon he saw a picture, which was very blurry, and he didn't know whether it was in the room or where.

There are three people in the picture, one is lying with a baby in his arms, and the other is kneeling in despair.

Lu Shui wanted to see the appearance of the three of them.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came over:

"Who? Dare to enter the starry sky field of this fairy?"

Lu Shui sighed inwardly, he was discovered, but it was slower than he expected.

Too bad I couldn't see the screen clearly.

But it's not because of the influence of this person, but because there is no information about the appearance of these three people in the stone slab.

Prophecy is inherently vague.

If he could see clearly, the people in Xianting would naturally know it directly.

Then the other party wouldn't have to bother to target the Lu family all the time.

Directly targeting someone is fine.

After that, Lu Shui didn't think too much about it anymore. Although he didn't know the specific content, there would always be a day when he saw the stone slab.

It's just that he was curious about the difference between the Tablet of Prophecy, the Book of the Future, and the Book of Revelation.

But from here he could see that the other party didn't see all these things.

Maybe only part of it.

But how much of this part is hard to say.

Soon Lu Shui found out that the man was going to pull him over.

It's time to pass, and by the way, help Lefeng and others escape from this person's control.

Xingsi Xianjun originally planned to check the second half, but when he just finished watching a part, he suddenly felt that someone forcibly entered here.

And the other party was actually watching the prophecy slate.

The tablet of prophecy is not here, but sealed in a special place. He can use the power of the stars to interpret it, but how could others be able to interpret the tablet of prophecy?

This is beyond his imagination.

The reason why he dared to interpret it blatantly here was that it would never affect the prophecy slate.

But now the Tablet of Prophecy has been read.

This is not a good thing.

The other party must be left behind.

But it is not easy for the other party to reach here after all.

He needs to be well prepared.

You need to try to pull the opponent into his starry sky, and then use his starry sky ability to shatter his consciousness. You need to open your eyes and see it, otherwise it cannot be used.

But he was also curious about what kind of brilliance the other party would shine in his starry sky.

In order to channel the power of the stars with all his strength, he almost closed his star gaze.

Now he will open up the starry sky again to watch the bright light in the starry sky.

It's just that before Xianjun Xingsi opened his eyes on the starry sky, he sensed that someone had broken into the starry sky he had preset.

"How could it be so fast? No, he was not only pulled over by me, but he came here on his own initiative."

Xingsi Xianjun was a little surprised, the opponent's actions were enough to show the opponent's strength.

If the other party doesn't enter his starry sky gaze, it's hard to say whether he can keep the other party.

For this reason, Xianjun Xingsi could only choose to delay the time.

To ensure that the other party does not leave too quickly.

Fortunately, he opened his eyes to the starry sky as usual, so he would not be noticed.

"Why did your Excellency trespass on this fairy's territory?" Xianjun Xingsi said.

Both Le Feng and Nie Hao below were a little surprised. Someone is here? where?

It's just that as soon as this thought came up, they saw a light appearing above the starry sky, and then this light became a figure.

Like a silhouette made of starlight.

The moment they saw this person, both Le Feng and Nie Hao felt that this person was their young suzerain.

They never imagined that the Young Sovereign really came.

And it came in such a mysterious way.

Lu Shui appeared from a high altitude, but he was a little surprised that there was only one blind man here.

But this blind man is not easy.

He dare not underestimate.

After all, the level difference... Hey, the level difference is not big, and the people in Xianting are also like this?

As for the previous state, this Lu Shui didn't care, after all, no matter how high the opponent's previous state was, he was not as high as him.

But this is the opponent's home court, Lu Shui still can't win the opponent, especially the power of the stars has been absorbed by the opponent.

There is basically no chance of winning in the fight, but Le Feng and others are not a big problem.

It's not hard to get them out of here.

Lu Shui took a look at Le Feng and Nie Hao, then looked at Xianjun Xingsi and said:

"People from Xianting?"

Xingsi Xianjun looked up at Lu Shui's position and said:

"Xianting Xingsi Xianjun, I didn't expect that even today, there are still people who remember Xianting."

Not many people know about Xianting in this era.

I know and I have only heard of it.

Xianting is already a legend.

Lu Shui looked at Xianjun Xingsi, was silent for a moment, and said:

"Who is stronger, you or Immortal?"

"Senior Undying Immortal?" Xing Si was a little surprised, it was a real surprise, he didn't expect this person to ask this question.

This is enough to show that the other party has seen Immortal Immortal.

"When senior Immortal Immortal stepped into the realm of immortality, I was still a little true immortal, and we are not from the same era.

When my immortal road was completed, Senior Immortal Immortal had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Emperor Zun once said that he will always leave an immortal status for Senior Immortal Immortal, so he is stronger than me.

Of course, we are not walking the same path. What I am focusing on, Senior Immortal Immortal must not be able to compare with me. "Xingsi Xianjun said.

When he talked about Immortal, the first person changed.

Lu Shui nodded.

When the Toothache Immortal was asleep, the Immortal Court had not yet been established, and there were almost no Immortal Summits at that time.

To many people in Xianting, Immortal Immortal is a senior, even a legend.

After pausing for a moment, feeling the surroundings, Lu Shui opened his mouth and said:

"Send the two of them out, your starry sky has been constructed, and I'm already in your starry sky."

Xianjun Xingsi was a little surprised, he had indeed wrapped Lu Shui in the starry sky, and now he just had to open his eyes.

He felt more and more that the other party was not simple.

I also want to know more and more how bright the other party will be in his starry sky.

But he also knows who Lu Shui is.

"It turns out that your Excellency is the person behind these two little guys."

As Xing Si spoke, he waved his hand, and Le Feng and Nie Hao were sent out of here directly.

Immediately Xing Si looked in the direction of Lu Shui and said:

"Your Excellency is confident?"

"I feel that you are going to open your eyes, and you are opening your eyes to see something." After confirming that Le Feng and the others had left, Lu Shui continued:

"I would like to advise you that there are some things in this world that cannot be seen directly. Sometimes seeing things that should not be seen will bring you disaster."

Although Lu Shui didn't know what the other party was going to do, he always knew that the other party was delaying time.

It's just that Lu Shui has absolute confidence in escaping from here, so he didn't intend to stop it.

But the other party let Le Feng and them go so readily, he also specially reminded the other party.

As for how this Xingsi chooses, he doesn't care.

Xingsi Xianjun smiled and said:

"Your Excellency was joking.

Although you and I have no enmity, we have different positions.

You have seen the most important things in my fairy court, so I naturally need to keep you.

This is inevitable.

No matter how special you are, I must do my best. "

Then Xianjun Xingsi took off the black cloth in front of his eyes and said:

"Let me see, and see what kind of light you will have."

Xingsi Xianjun knows the specialness of the other party, so he intends to do his best, as long as he can see the whole picture of the other party, he can keep the other party in the starry sky forever.

Completely kill each other.

Thinking like this, Xing Si slowly opened his eyes, he was a little excited and also looking forward to it.

The light of all things is different, sometimes it is the ultimate brilliance, and sometimes it is the distorted brilliance.

The more you watch, the more benefits you can bring him.

So Lu Shui, who was already special, made him look forward to it very much.

Lu Shui looked at Xing Si, he just watched quietly, did not avoid or move.

He saw that there were no eyeballs under Xingsi's eyelids, but only the first twilight, and there was a star in the twilight.

That star belongs to Xingsi's ultimate starry sky. This starry sky is both endless and limited.

Gradually, Lu Shui felt that he had been completely enveloped by the other party's eyes.

The other party saw him.

Xingsi opened his eyes, and the moment he opened his eyes, he could see the light of the person in front of him.

That is an extreme light, this light is bright and flawless, gorgeous and dazzling.

Then Xingsi found that the light was shining on him, illuminating his entire starry sky.

The moment he discovered this scene, Xingsi was stunned, he couldn't believe it, because this light, no, his starry sky couldn't accommodate this light.

This light completely surpassed his starry sky, beyond the scope of his tolerance.

"How come?" Xing Si was a little shocked, but also a little at a loss.

But he immediately chose to close, close his gaze, close his starry sky.

However, he was shocked to find that it couldn't be closed, not at all.

The extremely bright light kept shining, getting brighter and hotter.

It was as if a scorching sun was constantly approaching him, emitting light continuously.

The closer the light is, the hotter the temperature will be.

Not long after, Xianjun Xingsi felt that the sky was already occupied by the heat, and he was so small that he had no ability to resist under the light and heat.

"No, I can't come over."

Xingsi used all his strength to keep these lights away from him, but he couldn't do it, and he couldn't resist at all.

While he was still struggling, a source of light suddenly shone over.

The moment Xingsi saw that light, he knew that this was the core of the light, and this was the source of everything.

However, when he saw the light, he, who was already blind, lost his vision again.

Firelight emerged from his eyes and began to burn his eyes, and the next moment he felt the light shining on him.

Then there was fire all over him.

His whole body was burned.

Great pain penetrated his eyes, penetrated his body, penetrated his internal organs, penetrated everything about him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah."

The unbearable pain made Xingsi scream involuntarily.

At this moment, Xing Si finally understood what Lu Shui said, some things should not be seen, as seeing them would bring destruction.

But he never imagined that he would see such a terrible scene.

He could not have imagined that this world would have such terrifying potential.

Can this world hold him?

"She is right, my eyes can lead me to the peak of the fairy road, and they can also lead me to the abyss and destruction.

People should be in awe, and so are immortals. If you peep at the light of all things at will, you will surely perish.

Unfortunately, I realized it too late. "

Yes, it was too late, there was no chance of turning back for this kind of thing.

Enlightenment means destruction.

Lu Shui looked at Xingsi who was about to burn to nothing, and said curiously:

"who is she?"

Feeling the pain, Xingsi smiled bitterly and said:

"She said that she is the only true god in the world.

When I first met her, she was just an ordinary looking little girl.

The second time I saw her, she told me that my eyes would bring me my own death, and she gave me a book of exercises, telling me that I could weaken my eyes to avoid death.

I have discarded the exercises.

Ridiculous, right? "

"Jiu?" Lu Shui asked.

Xingsi looked at Lu Shui, and finally nodded:

"So you know her."

"Is she really the only true god? If I remember correctly, there should be a unique true god among the gods, right?" Lu Shui looked at Xing Si and said.

This is what Lu Shui remembered later, the only true god is the realm name of the gods.

Although it is called a god, it is just a psychopath who claims to be a god.

And Nine is also very special.

She was a little girl when Toothache Immortal met her, and she was also a little girl when Xingsi met her.

And the other party is helping these people solve their problems.

It is impossible without purpose.

"It's not the same." Xingsi shook his head and said:

"The gods appeared later, and the only true god who created the gods system was not Jiu."

Lu Shui nodded calmly.

Xingsi cried out in pain, and then said with difficulty:

"I overestimated my ability to spy on Your Excellency. I brought this kind of fate on my own. To die at the hands of someone like Your Excellency is a good destination for me.

It's just that I have a small question that I would like to ask your Excellency. "

Lu family area.

The Second Elder appeared above the sky after leaving the main hall.

She saw that the starry sky waved away by the sun god seemed to still have a little light, and there was always the power of the stars coming out of it.

Let her care a little bit.

Then she lightly touched the light and opened up the starry sky.

When the starry sky was opened, the power of the stars gushed out like a storm.

The person who hadn't looked back looked sideways again.

"This little girl opened the starry sky of the Sun God?" Ning Xia looked at the second elder and said.

The second elder is a veritable little girl with her.

She has met this little girl several times.

Zhan Wuying was also a little surprised, the power of the stars belonged to Xingsi.

"Xing Si had an accident?"

Zhan Wuying wanted to contact Xingsi, but he couldn't.

Daozong and others also watched, he was very interested in that person with great potential.

And when everyone was looking sideways, there was an ethereal voice coming from inside. This voice was distorted by the power of the stars. If it weren't for their advanced cultivation base, it would be difficult to hear clearly.

"Being able to die at the hands of someone like Your Excellency is a good destination for me, Xingsi.

It's just that I have a small question that I would like to ask your Excellency. "

Xingsi is dying? How can it be?

Who can kill Xingji?

Zhan Wuying's hair exploded all over, it's unbelievable.

However, he also had some guesses, but he didn't believe this guess. Anyone who can walk under the Sun God's rules must be a junior.

How could a junior kill Xingsi?

Others naturally guessed the same way, so they wanted to know who this person was.

At this time, there was another sound from inside.


Hearing this sentence, Ning Xia was lost, man.

It seems that they have no fate with Qiao Yunzong.

But she was still very curious about what Xingsi would ask.

"I am the Immortal Immortal Court's Emperor Da Luo Xianjun, Xingsi Xianjun, who are you?" Xingsi almost exhausted his strength to ask this question.

The moment they heard this question, everyone was stunned, not by the question.

Instead, he was stunned by the other party's self-introduction.

Da Luo Xianjun, the corresponding conventional realm of comprehension, is Dao Tiancheng.

It is in the same realm as the Sun God and the elder of the Lu family.

This terrifying existence is about to perish?

Two existences of this level directly fell tonight?

Not to mention Ning Xia and the others.

Even the Great Elder in the back mountain of the Lu family was a little surprised.

Zhan Wuying stared at it, he wanted to know who could kill Xingsi.

The second elder was also staring at the starry sky, and she was also very curious about who was able to kill a fairy in such a short time.

At this time, a calm voice came from inside the starry sky:

"My seat, the young lord of the Yintian Sect, Liu Huo."

Second Elder: "???"

Great Elder Houshan: "..."

Except for these two people, no one else knew who Liu Huo was.

They all plan to have someone check it out.

Zhan Wuying watched, he actually didn't know who Liu Huo was.

But soon he knew, Xingsi spoke again at this time:

"Liuhuo? It's you, it's really surprising.

You are the one who kills the barrenness, and you are the one who kills the flower fairy.

Do you have any enmity with Xianting? "

"Who knows?" Lu Shui's voice did not fluctuate.

"Is that so? I, I, arrived, reached the limit." Xingsi's voice was filled with pain:

"Although I am not reconciled, this is my ending, and I choose to accept it.

Uh, ah ah ah ah ah. "

As Xingsi's voice fell, the power of the stars disappeared, and the original starry sky disappeared directly.

"Hidden Sky Sect is about to become famous." The second elder said to himself.

Take the last step and return to the back mountain.

Yin Tianzong is indeed famous, Zhan Wuying decided to have someone investigate Yin Tianzong.

He wants to find the fire.

People from the Taoist sect also asked people to investigate. If it is confirmed that the other party is really the young master of the Yintian sect, then he, he will pretend that this did not happen.

In the forbidden area of ​​Daozong, there are only three people who can live from the time of the second elder of the Lu family to the present.

Some things only the three of them know.

Ning Xia also looked confused, she didn't know who Liu Huo was, but she knew Yin Tianzong.

What's the matter with this young master?



The second elder appeared by the pond.

"Now Liuhuo is not only the Young Sect Master of the Yintian Sect, but also the Young Sect Master. Will the real Young Sect Master continue to appear?"

After a while of silence, a gentle voice came from the pond:

"let it go."

The second elder didn't say anything, she looked at the pond, and finally turned and left.

This flurry of fire was a bit beyond expectations, but unfortunately I couldn't find much information.

The people in Xianting shouldn't be able to find out either, but if they can't find out Liu Huo, it doesn't mean they can't find out Yin Tianzong.



"Hey, I, the Yin Tianzong, won't blame me for this blame. What does it matter to us, the Yin Tianzong, to kill the immortal king of Xianting with fire?"

In the dark, four people stood on the stone pillar, each with a slightly sad face.

Some are even more angry.

Such as this scolding.

They just received a secret letter from a well-meaning person, which said that the leader of the Young Sect of the Hidden Sky Sect assassinated the Xianjun Xianting in front of the Xianting, and left calmly.

He also said that Xianting has already set his sights on Yintianzong.

Seeing this secret letter, the four senior officials of Yintian Sect were stunned.


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