The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 183 My name is Lu Shui, the young master of the Lu family

"The Immortal Court is a very ancient force, and it has long since disappeared in the long river of history, out of the sight of practitioners, but it seems to be active again recently.

Some strange places are always related to Xianting.

Now a fairy king suddenly appeared and was killed, which shows that the fairy court is not only alive, but also not weak. "Someone opened his mouth to analyze.

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, if Yin Tianzong really took the blame, then the four of us must be the unlucky ones.

They can't find the suzerain, and it's useless for others to find it, so it's most suitable to find the four of us. "It's a female voice.

"By the way, do you know anyone from Xianting? Who do you think the person looking for us will be?

You must know that the four of us are not random people.

A strong dragon doesn't overwhelm a local snake, even if the Immortal Court is great, it doesn't dare to directly confront our Hidden Heaven Sect.

Unless they regain their strength.

Besides, if they have background, we don't have suzerain? "The shit eater said.

"What do you want to say?" It was a female voice.

"If you dare to come, send them to the secret book, the suzerain can make the customer list on the land and water, and you will definitely be able to see the people on the list.

If the suzerain had a whim, the people in Xianting might be gone. "The shit eater said.

This time one by one did not object, but chose to think.

"I have no objection. If we are enemies of the Hidden Sky Sect, we must use the secret book, but I suggest that safety is the first priority during this period. First, form a team and leave here for a while, and use this time to observe the movements of the Immortal Court.

Then try to transfer the resources to the new Zongmen location, and just keep it for decoration. "Someone said.

"Agreed, then how to form a team?" A female voice.

"As usual."

"I think…"

"Okay, act now, let's go aside first."

"You take care."

In an instant, four people left two people.

The remaining two stared at each other.

"I don't eat shit, why are you looking at me like that?"



Lu Shui watched Xingsi Xianjun disappear. He never asked about the prophecy slate. The other party may have seen it, but he couldn't tell it. So not only would he not get an answer, but it would reveal that he knew the prophecy. Slate thing.

People in Xianting have special marks, and some things are easy to be recorded.

So in order not to make them pay more attention to the prophecy slate, Lu Shui didn't plan to ask the people in Xianting this kind of question.

At least not now.

After that, it doesn't matter if the strength is enough.

Thinking in this way, Lu Shui planned to go back directly, knowing what he wanted to know a little bit, Le Feng and others were also rescued, there was no need to stay here anymore.

But Xing Si, he really didn't intend to kill him.

It's not kindness, it's because of the limited strength, it's basically impossible to kill someone.

But sometimes the development of things is so dramatic. I thought I couldn't kill him, but instead I didn't move my hands and killed the other party standing there.

What a trick.

It wouldn't be the case for another type of fairy.

Of course, other immortals should not have the strength to interpret the prophecy slate.

"Speaking of which, did Youdao's faintly visible eyes look in just now?"

Then Lu Shui's figure disappeared, and his consciousness began to return.

If it weren't for the power of heaven and earth reserved, he would have to toss a bit when he went back.

The power of the stars disappeared, which greatly affected his going back and forth.

When Lu Shui opened his eyes, he saw the galaxy under his feet. At this time, he had already returned to his body, and his standing position did not change.

It's just that there is one more person beside him.

It's the empty monk.

At this moment, Monk Kongjian had a benevolent face, and he exuded Buddha's light all over his body. This Buddha's light was much brighter than ordinary Buddha's light, as if he had experienced baptism.

Lu Shui looked at him, and he naturally looked at Lu Shui.

"The monk actually got out of his own demons." Lu Shui retracted the hand he had extended before, and said with some surprise.

Naturally, he was not afraid of this monk's sudden attack, and the power of heaven and earth around him was not vegetarian.

But if he can get rid of his inner demons, this monk is okay.

Monk Kongjian looked at Lu Shuidao:

"The poor monk already knows what the benefactor has done."

"Oh?" Lu Shui asked curiously with a smile:

"What did the monk say?"

"Things that violate the rules of the Sun God." Monk Kongjian said softly.

Lu Shui looked up and found that those people were all shrouded in light and fell into a state of cultivation.

Then Lu Shui turned his eyes back to Kong Jian's body, and said:

"What about the monk?"

"The benefactor has become possessed by demons, and I want to ask the benefactor to go back to Buddhism with the poor monk, so as to wipe away the demons in the benefactor's heart." Monk Kongjian looked at Lu Shui without emotion.

If there is, it is a face of compassion.

"Is the monk sure to take me away?

I am the fourth rank, and the monk is only the fourth rank, right? "Lu Shui directly showed his cultivation.

Monk Kongjian didn't have the slightest surprise in his eyes, he just took a step forward and said:

"The benefactor's evil heart is deeply rooted in obstinacy, so the poor monk can only force the benefactor back to Buddhism."

When Kong Jian took a step forward, the Arhat's dharma image appeared directly, and the Buddha's palm followed, hitting Lu Shui directly.

Facing this palm that was not weaker than the fifth rank, Lu Shui stretched out a palm to fight against it.


Lu Shui's palm touched that of Arhat Faxiang.

Huge power fluctuations, moving the galaxy.

This palm did not repel Lu Shui a step, on the contrary, the palm of the Arhat was shattering.

Lu Shui looked at Kongjian monk and said:

"You saw it, didn't you?"

Hearing these words, Monk Kong Jian's eyes flashed with panic, but he quickly returned to normal:

"The benefactor doesn't need to say much. Today, the poor monk will definitely bring the benefactor back to Buddhism."

Talking about it, I saw that the Buddha's light was flourishing on the monk's body, and the arhat's dharma was lifelike, and the previous cracks instantly recovered.

Then began to attack Lu Shui continuously.

Seeing the monk's attack, Lu Shui didn't back down in the slightest. Instead, he took a step forward and chose to fight close to Luo Hanfa.

Then palm to palm, fist to fist.

The speed between them is getting faster and faster, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The fluctuation of power also increases accordingly.

Boom, boom, boom.

Lu Shui and Arhat Faxiang moved faster and faster, and then disappeared in place.

Then they appeared in the distance, and the storm of power began to spread around.

When the force storm appeared, they disappeared again, and then appeared again.

Cracking sounds continued, and finally a huge roar sounded.


Arhat Faxiang was directly sent flying in mid-air.


In the Dharma photo, the monk spat out a mouthful of blood.


The monk fell on the galaxy, he looked at Lu Shui, and immediately stood up again, he must do it, and he must not stop.

Once you stop, panic will permeate your whole body.

Must move.

Thinking like this, Monk Kong Jian rushed directly to Lu Shui, this time he ignited all the power in his body, as if he wanted to die with Lu Shui.

Only by fighting recklessly can he suppress the fear in his heart.

He, whose Buddha's heart is about to be shattered, must fight with all his strength.

He also wants to hide, but fear will take over everything, he will be discovered, he will lose his Buddha heart, lose all power, and he will be killed at that time.

He saw it, Buddha Gate Thousand Eyes let him see the death of Xingsi Xianjun, let him see the horror of Lu Shui.

It made him even more aware of the specialness of this person in front of him.

Fomen must be asked to take this person back as soon as possible.

This man is full of variables.

At this moment, all the power of Monk Kongjian turned into a palm and directly attacked Lu Shui.

Lu Shui frowned, this palm was no longer something an ordinary fifth-level palm could resist.

And his strength is at most against people who have just reached the fifth level.

Facing this palm, he could only avoid its edge.

Then Lu Shui chose to use the power of heaven and earth to break the attack of this palm.

Without the slightest hesitation, at the moment when the palm was about to come, Lu Shui punched out.

boom! ! !

This punch penetrated the Buddha's palm, and the Buddha's palm collapsed. The huge impact caused the palm to collapse like light particles.

However, Lu Shui's punch did not stop, but directly hit Monk Kong Jian behind him.


There was another loud noise, and Lu Shui's fist landed on Monk Kongjian's face.

With a bang, the monk was not sent flying, he completely withstood all the power of the punch, and it was the power of this punch that directly shattered the monk's vitality.

One punch kills.

Lu Shui withdrew his fist, then looked at Monk Kongjian who fell to the ground.

He didn't walk away or speak, just looked at it like this.

Soon, Lu Shui saw a crack appear between Monk Kongjian's brow, and as the crack appeared, he felt that everything around him stopped flowing.

It was as if everything had been frozen.

Supernatural powers, one thought is eternal.

At this time, a ray of light appeared from between Monk Kongjian's eyebrows, and as soon as he appeared, he planned to escape from here with a thought of eternity.

He just appeared and was about to escape from here when he suddenly heard a frightening voice:

"Is this your purpose?

Deliberately lure me to kill you, so as to escape from here with a thought of eternity?

But you are smarter than the last one, he actually wants to parasitize me. "

Lu Shui's voice reached Kongjian's ears, the sound was like the sound of hell, making Kongjian tremble with fear.

In the eternity of a thought, how could there be anyone who can speak?

Kong Jian didn't turn his head to look at Lu Shui, but directly used his magical powers to escape.

But when he wanted to escape, he found that Lu Shui was right in front of him.

"Do you know what price you need to pay for being an enemy of Buddhism?

My Buddhism has been gradually recovering, and the degree of horror is far beyond imagination. "

Kong Jian monk was a little flustered.

He's still trying to escape here.

Lu Shui ignored Kong Jian's words, but asked:

"Have you read the future scriptures?"

"The poor monk doesn't know what the benefactor is talking about." Kong Jian immediately spoke.

Lu Shui didn't care, but said softly:

"Does the monk know my name?"

"Didn't the benefactor say that his name is Dongfang Haoyue?" Kong Jian had already found a way to pass the news back.

He was going to pass the news back now, but the next moment, he heard the shocking news.

"No, Dongfang Haoyue is a pseudonym, my surname is Lu." Lu Shui looked at the shocked Kong Jian and said:

"Guess what my name is."

Kongjian watched Lu Shui start to retreat, his mind went blank.

Lu Shui didn't wait for Kong to answer, but directly told the answer:

"My name is Lu Shui, the young master of the Lu family. My father is Lu Gu, the head of the Lu family, and my mother is Dongfang Liyin, the wife of the head of the Lu family."

"Impossible." Monk Kong Jian's eyes widened, and the fear in his heart began to spread uncontrollably.

"Impossible, you can't be Lu Shui's, and Lu Shui can't be you.

You lied, you absolutely lied. " Kongjian monk retreated as he spoke, his voice trembling.

He was afraid, he was afraid, he couldn't help himself, if it was true, if what this man said was true, then everyone was wrong.

The person in the prophecy is most likely Lu Shui, not the second son of the Lu family at all.

Wrong, all wrong.

Lu Shui looked at the fearful monk and sighed:

"So, you still read the future scriptures.

Can you tell me what's inside? "

Lu Shui didn't intend to persecute the monk, but just asked. If persecution is useful, he will choose to persecute.

However, at this time, Dimension could no longer listen to other words, he would dissolve himself without saying a word, and he would use an eternity to send the news back.

Be sure to send it back.

Then he sent two messages, one about Lu Shui and the other about Dongfang Haoyue.

However, the moment he sent the message, he saw someone crushing his message, and when Monk Kong Jian looked at this person, his mind suddenly twisted.

He saw beings he couldn't comprehend.

There is only one last sentence in his mind that he wants to tell Buddhism.

Then he sent his last message: One thought is eternal and cannot be used.


The Kongjian monk completely dissipated, and the supernatural power disappeared forever.

Lu Shui put down the hand he just raised. Originally, he wanted to crush the last piece of news, but found that it was not something important.

Think about it or let the other party pass it back.

However, he discovered one thing. When he reported his name, it was easy to know whether the other party had seen the prophecy slate or something like that.

Of course, you dare not act like this when facing Xianting, if you tell the people in Xianting, you may be hung up by the people inside them in the next moment.

And facing Buddhism, he only dared to act like this in an eternity.

After all, in the eternity of one thought, he is the ruler of all ages.

Especially after the fourth level, he can dominate everything without the other party entering his sea of ​​consciousness.

Afterwards, Lu Shui didn't care about these things. It seems that Buddhism is also targeting the Lu family.

It's just not as active as Xianting and Sun God.

Then Lu Shui shook his head, took out his chair and sat on the edge to watch the pattern of the sky and the earth.

This space was set up by the sun god, and the power of the sun god has not been fully absorbed, so they basically cannot get out.

So it takes a while to get out.

During this time, he is good at reading.

A rare moment of leisure.


Sea of ​​Bitterness Buddhism.

The core fire ancient Buddha above the Buddha Hall suddenly opened his eyes, and then he squeezed his hand, and a Buddha's light flew into the Buddha gate.

It is an eternal thought.

The ancient Buddha Xinhuo frowned, only the news came back, which meant that this Buddhist arhat who used one thought for eternity had passed away.

After pronouncing the Buddha's name, the core fire ancient Buddha let out the eternal content of a thought.

Then he heard a somewhat frightened and distorted voice:

"One thought is eternal..."

Xinhuo Gufo knew that this sentence was not finished, but there was no follow-up.

That Buddhist arhat didn't have a chance to finish this sentence.

But from this sentence, the ancient Buddha Xinhuo can at least know that the eternity of one thought is an important point.

Whether it can be used or not is unknown.

Then the core fire ancient Buddha grasped the news in his hands, and then the Buddha lotus bloomed in the news.

In the end, Xinhuo Gufo came to a conclusion:

"From now on, in the next life of Buddhism, it is forbidden to use one thought of eternity."

The voice of the ancient Xinhuo Buddha spread throughout the Buddhist gate, and everyone bowed their heads in response to the Buddha's call.

The ancient Buddha Xinhuo looked up at the sky, proclaimed a Buddha's name, and said:

"In the current world, it should not be underestimated."


The fairy court is located in the high-altitude island.

Five people stood on the floating stones.

The faces of these five people were very bad, a little angry and a little annoyed.

"Are you really not going to attack Yin Tianzong?" someone asked.

They already knew the news of Xiao Xingsi Xianjun's fall, and also knew that it was the mainstream fire of the Shaozong of the Yintian Sect.

"Although I really want to trouble them, the Hidden Sky Sect is not so easy to handle, and once we get the Hidden Sky Secret Book, we may be better off, but anyone else related to Xianting can't escape their assassination .

This would lead to a direct war between us.

With our combat power, if we don't come out in full force, we will definitely not be able to secure victory.

If there is no way to directly suppress Yintianzong, it will definitely have a great impact on our subsequent development.

Moreover, the suzerain of the Hidden Heaven Sect is also an unknown hidden danger. " Gao Yuan said.

This is a calm analysis.

"Yes, besides, the Yintian Sect is looking for Liuhuo's trouble, theoretically Liuhuo is indeed not the young lord of the Yintian Sect.

It is very likely that the other party did this to divert attention, and even deliberately weaken us.

If he is really targeting our Xianting. "Listening to Yun Xi also said.

The others did not speak.

But agree with both of them.

The strength of Xianting is currently not strong.

They originally had God of War and Xingsi, but after a while they can become an unshakable existence.

It's a pity that Xingsi fell.

It will take some time for God of War to recover his strength, and he is completely uncooperative.

"Let's ignore Yintianzong for now, but the investigation of Liuhuo can't be stopped. This person has ruined our good things several times, and we must definitely find him.

And he was able to kill Xingsi Xianjun, which is enough to see that there is a huge force behind him. "The person in the lead said.

The others nodded without any objection.

"Cancel all plans to directly confront the Lu family." The leader continued:

"The Lu family is no longer something we can confront directly.

Lu Wuwei's growth rate is too terrifying. "

The others also nodded. Although they didn't all see the battle, they could still understand it.

As for why they didn't see it, it's one thing if they don't have enough strength, and it's another thing for them to have limited vision due to the shady scenes in the Lu family area.

The Lu family can't move, so they can only try to prevent the Lu family from having a second son with legitimate reasons.

It's one thing for Lu Shui not to have an accident, but it's also a way for the Lu family couple to suffer some injuries.

As for what to do, this needs to be played by ear, and the most important thing for them is to wake up Xianting quickly.

Woke up before the second son of the Lu family appeared.

At that time, dealing with the Lu family has nothing to do with them.

"Then the last thing is the most important thing." The leader glanced at the others, and then said:

"Although Xianjun Xingsi fell, he left some things after all."

Others were a little surprised.

"What did Xianjun Xingsi leave behind?"

"Did Xianjun succeed?"

The second half appeared? "

If Xingsi Xianjun really succeeds, it will indeed be a great thing for them.

They have seen the tablet of prophecy, but the tablet of prophecy has just been used, so they cannot see the tablet of prophecy.

Of course, the tablet of prophecy is not something they can see if they want to.

It needs to be seen in a certain place at a certain time.

Not everyone can be like Xianjun Xingsi.

At this time, everyone looked at the leader.

After a pause, the leader said:

"Yes, but also no."

The others did not speak, but waited for the follow-up.

"Xingsi Xianjun should have read a lot, but he hasn't unlocked the second half, so we can't see it.

Fortunately, Xingsi Xianjun sent back some news and one thing. "The leader said.

"What's the content?" Gao Yuan asked.

The leader sighed and said:

"It's not good news, there may be a second person we need to deal with."

The others were also stunned, another one?

One person in the top half, and the same in the bottom half?

"Of course, it can't be ruled out that it can be used by us. In short, find this person first." The leader said.

"Then how do we find this person?" Ting Yunxi asked.

"Xingsi Xianjun passed back two characters, one is Mu and the other is Tang."

"According to the first half?"

"But can the upper half be the same as the lower half?"

"If you don't have any clues, just follow the above method."

"Then is this person surnamed Mu or Tang?"

"In the cultivation world, there are families with the surname Murong, there are families with the surname Murong, and there are also families with the surname Tang, and the other party may also be an ordinary person.

This simply can't be found. "

I really can't find it, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, and it doesn't have the slightest characteristics, even if it is found, it is impossible to know whether the other party is.

The leader said calmly:

"So Xianjun Xingsi sent back something, as long as that person is close to this thing, then he can know who the other party is.

So we need you to place people into these families. We will start with the families first, and then check the sect and the general area. "

Gao Yuan and the others were a little surprised that they could directly confirm who the candidate was?

This is completely different from the first half.

"Is this thing accurate? Is it useful to the Lu family?" Gao Yuan asked.

The leader shook his head:

"I don't know either, as to whether it will be useful to the Lu family, it's also hard to say.

Why there is Xingsi Xianjun did not indicate the reason.

However, you can try it close to Lu Shui. "

This can indeed be tried.

It can be further confirmed whether Lu Shui is the person mentioned on the prophecy slate.

Yes or no is a good thing.

If so, then a complete change of plans is required.

"Except for the Lu family? Where is the second place to test?" Someone asked.

"What do you think?" asked the leader.

"The Mu family." Gao Yuan said.

"The Mu family who is married to the Lu family?" Ting Yunxi asked.

The Mu family is not well-known, so it's hard to catch their eyes. If it wasn't for Lu Shui, they wouldn't know what kind of family the Mu family is.

Gao Yuan nodded:

"Yes, this family is the closest to the Lu family, and perhaps the most likely."

"Then the Mu family, investigate the current situation of the Mu family. It would be better if there are group activities, so that we can know the situation directly." The leader said.

"Then that's all for today, everyone holds their own roles."

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