The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 242 List of Killing Gods

Mu Xue was a little helpless, but it was when she was a child.

Was she cute as a child?

She doesn't know it herself.

From the time she was sensible, she began to practice, practice, and continue to practice.

Until marrying Lu Shui.

She understands basic manners, but she basically doesn't understand anything else.

So when he married Lu Shui, Lu Shui might think that she was a bit stupid.

When she first married Lu Shui, she was often at a loss.

However, fortunately, Lu Shui was there.

So she especially relied on Lu Shui, and now she still basically listens to Lu Shui.

In the days after marriage, Lu Shui would say that she was cute, and she must have been cute when she was a child.

Lu Shui thought she was good-looking, cute, and stunning, all of which were right.

She felt that her legs were thicker, she was fatter, and so on, it was all an illusion, no, it was all Lu Shui's prank.


Sometimes Lu Shui just wanted to be angry with her.

Then Mu Xue stopped thinking about it, and asked Lu Shui to teach her how to use the phone when Lu Shui came back.

This will definitely shorten the sense of distance, and then ask him to help open the bottle cap, er, the bottle cap is fine, if Lu Shui says he can't open it, she is worried that she can't help but give Lu Shui some brainstorming.

Then Mu Xue saw a little girl with colorful hair appearing from the lotus flower. When this girl first appeared, she was still sleeping and showed no sign of waking up.

Dongfang Chacha said curiously:

"Do I have to kiss her to wake her up?"

Mu Xue didn't speak, but she wanted to pinch the other's little cheek.

"Huh?" The little girl with colorful hair suddenly opened her eyes.

She seemed to smell a human being.

"Did you stay up late last night?" Dongfang Chacha poked the face of the little girl with colorful hair and asked.

At this time, the little girl with colorful hair finally saw the situation around her clearly, and then she came serious and looked directly at Dongfang Chacha.

The breath of the true god bloomed on her body.

"Human, are you blaspheming God?" The words were majestic and inviolable.

As the sound fell, the little girl with colored hair flew up.

She looked down at Dongfang Chacha and continued:

"Stupid human being, you will never be a god."

"Do you think God can't see the blue sky when he looks up, and the grass when he looks down?

Stupid, as a human being, how do you know the eyes of God. "The little girl with colored hair added.

Very proud.

"But gods live underwater, so there must be no snacks, no new clothes to wear, and even washing their hair. How lonely it is to be a god." Dongfang Chacha said, counting on her fingers.

The little girl with colorful hair looked at Dongfang Chacha angrily, and then stretched out a finger, trying to let this stupid human understand what the wrath of the true god is.

Just when she was about to make a move, Mu Xue suddenly said:

"Okay, stop messing around."

Hearing Mu Xue's voice, the little girl with colorful hair lost her prestige, then landed next to Mu Xue and said in a low voice:

"That stupid human being is blaspheming God. It's actually fun underwater, and gods don't need to eat or change their clothes."

If you eat too much, you will become a little fat man, which is the case with many fish and shrimp underwater.

How can a true god become a little fat man?

Stupid humans eat food.

And her clothes are so beautiful, there are many people who are envious of her.

"Here, here you are, it's delicious." Dongfang Chacha suddenly took out a piece of dessert and handed it to the little girl with colorful hair.


The little girl with colorful hair looks very beautiful looking at the dessert in Dongfang Chacha's hands.

After a long time, the little girl with colorful hair struggled to look away:

"As a true god, you don't need to eat."

Mu Xue didn't know what to say.

But she wanted to ask what was going on underwater.

Just when she was about to speak, the colorful-haired girl suddenly raised her head and said:

"I feel like something is calling me.

It is the end of the sea that needs me.

I'm going to have a look. "

Saying that, the little girl with colorful hair jumped out of the Fengshuang River and disappeared into the sky.

"Biao sister-in-law, doesn't she need to tell her parents when she goes out?" Dongfang Chacha asked curiously while eating some snacks.

Mu Xue thought for a while, and felt that the other party might not have parents.

But the end of the sea, it should be the domain of sea monsters, right?

"At that time, we can let the people of Tiannvzong go and see the situation." Mu Xue thought to herself.

Just right, they are currently investigating things related to the ancient fairy court.

It's just that these people can't see the only true god, which is quite troublesome.

"Do you still want to go in and have a look?" Mu Xue asked Dongfang Chacha.

Dongfang Chacha immediately excitedly said:

"Go, of course the adventure must be fully explored."


At the foot of Jian Yifeng Mountain, an ordinary disciple ate roast chicken and looked far ahead, sighing:

"Supreme swordsmanship, will Jianqi choose?"

"He is the one who is closest to the Supreme Sword Dao among all the people."

After eating the roast chicken, this ordinary disciple put out the fire, and then looked towards the center of Jian Yifeng.

"Jian Yifeng has not seen such a person for a long, long time."

"What choice will he make?"

Then this ordinary disciple turned his head to look in the direction of the Lu family, with some curiosity in his eyes.

"Lu Wuwei also encountered the supreme sword, how did he do it then?"

In the end, the ordinary disciple sighed and didn't think about it.

"Junior brother, it's time to start cutting down trees." A sudden cry sounded.

The ordinary disciple responded and ran over.

In Jian Yifeng, he was indeed just an ordinary disciple.

A disciple who is practicing the basics every day.


Lu Shui sat in Qingshui Terrace for a long time, he no longer comprehended the sword here, but looked at the patterns of heaven and earth.

He watched for a long time.

From dawn to dusk.

From dark to dawn again.

When the next day came, Lu Shui found that his cultivation had successfully broken through to 4.4.

Putting down the book in his hand, Lu Shui felt that with his cultivation base, he would be able to successfully enter the fifth level in a few months.

Need to wait until next month.

After the fifth level, it is very important to him.

At that time, he could know better how much his strength had been cut, and how long it would take to step into the sixth level.

He hopes to advance faster, half a year is his only chance.

He didn't want to fail in such a major life event as retiring an engagement.

Then get married and life will be complete.

Oh, no, there is one more thing that is still missing, and it is also the most important one, which can be achieved if you want to.

Now you should worry about the need to recuperate for a period of time afterwards, and that time may be a little sad.

But life service should be top-notch.

Afterwards, Lu Shui didn't think too much about it. In less than half a year, it would easily pass. He needed to hurry up, and the time would be gone in the blink of an eye.

"It's a pity that ordinary opportunities can't help me." Lu Shui shook his head and sighed.

Any epiphany, any opportunity to break through the bottleneck easily, or the opportunity to comprehend the Dao, are of no use to him at all.

With increased strength and invincibility at the same level, these chances are even more useless.

What is the difference between skills, techniques, and waste paper?

Pills and spirits are even more useless, and it will take a while to digest them after eating them. He just sits here and advances as soon as the time is up.

What could be faster and easier than this?

However, superposition is possible, and while taking drugs while running the Promising Method, it can indeed be faster by about a day.

But it’s troublesome to operate. Wouldn’t it be nice to have time to retreat and watch the practice of inaction?

It is suitable to strengthen physical skills with the method of inaction.

More importantly, why is he angry with Mu Xue when he retreats every day?

Nothing can be done.

And Mu Xue was in Lu's house, how could he have retreated?

Not after marriage, but before marriage?

"Well, I always feel empty without seeing Mu Xue at home."

When I came back, it was okay that I hadn't seen Mu Xue, and it was also okay when Mu Xue didn't come to Lu's house.

It's different when you come here.

For example, after a long vacation, I always want to meet some favorite opposite sex that I often saw before.

After that, Lu Shui started reading again.

It was dark again.

A ray of light suddenly appeared on the Qingshui Terrace where no one cared about it.

Lu Shui closed the book and looked over.

"After so long, someone finally came up."

Lu Shui didn't want to be the first, he wanted others to try.

Soon the figure completely appeared on the water.

"Sword up?"

Lu Shui was not very surprised, but he didn't know that Jianqi had arrived at the Misty Islands.

Jian Qi is the person he has seen most suitable for Jian among the younger generation.

It's just that there is still some chance, he hasn't grasped that invincible sword yet.

But exactly when it will be held, this is like the Tao.

Maybe now, maybe tomorrow, maybe never hold.

The moment Jian Qi appeared, he naturally saw Lu Shui sitting on Qingshui Terrace.

He is not surprised.

Then Jian rose to the edge of Lu Shui, and he also sat down.

"Don't fellow Taoist Dongfang continue to go up?" Jian Qi asked.

He didn't believe that Lu Shui would be trapped here.

"Wait for someone to go up first." Lu Shui said.

As for whether people from other places went up, Lu Shui didn't know for the time being.

But if the Supreme Sword Dao is touched, he can know it.

Regarding what Lu Shui said, Jian Qi just nodded, he can be sure that Lu Shui has no desire for the Supreme Sword Dao, otherwise no one else has anything to do with it.

Just like Daozang in Kunpeng's body, the power of the sun god.

The other party has no desire to get it at all.

"I got something from a carnivorous flower, maybe fellow Taoist Dongfang can see it." Jian Qi said.

He couldn't look at that thing, and naturally Chu Yu and his sister couldn't either.

But this guy next to him should be fine.

But he was a little curious about the flower on Lu Shui's shoulder, it should be a carnivorous flower.

It's just why the mouth is drooling all the time?

After that, Jian Qi didn't think too much about it anymore. As an unrivaled arrogance, it's only natural that there are some strange things.

Hearing what Jian Qi said, Lu Shui was a little surprised.

Jian Qi said that he could see it, which meant that he couldn't see it.

"What is it?" Lu Shui asked.

"A stone slab, but there is a power on it that I can't understand. When I touch it, my eyes will be stabbed." Jian Qi said with lingering fear:

"If it wasn't for Chu Yu's coincidence, it might hurt me for a long time."


Lu Shui actually had a guess, but it felt unlikely.

"Fellow Taoist Dongfang, do you want to give it a try?" Jian Qi asked.

Lu Shui nodded, but said nothing.

Jian Qi didn't say anything more, but closed his eyes, and then took out the stone slab.

He can't look at it, he has enough awareness of his own strength.

Lu Shui glanced at the things in his hand.

This thing was wrapped in a piece of cloth, but Lu Shui could feel that there was a force behind the cloth.

Unusual power at all.

Without words, Lu Shui reached out and took the thing.

When he removed the cloth, what he saw was a stone slab, a familiar stone slab, with the same familiar material.

"Is this the slate from that meeting? Is it what the gods wanted?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

He didn't expect this kind of thing to be swallowed by a carnivorous flower in the end.

How did that flower do it?

However, eating this meat-eating flower is really asking for trouble.

"Is it because the slate was brought outside by other things?" Lu Shui had doubts in his heart.

There's absolutely no way to verify this.

After such a long time, who can tell what happened in the middle?

After all, Lu Shui didn't know whether the stone slab was left in it in the end.

Soon Lu Shui saw the name on the top of the slate: invitation list.

Seeing this, Lu Shui became interested enough in this stone slab.

He really wanted to know who participated in the killing of gods back then.

Then Lu Shui looked down.

The content below is indeed shrouded in power, but in the face of Lu Shui's power of heaven and earth, it is naturally not a problem.

"Xianting, Xianmu."

This is the first person, and the one who appears on the record.

"Underworld, Luo Sansheng."

It is also the person who recorded the above.

Lu Shui doesn't know who the Xianting Xianmu is, but there are only a handful of Xianting who are qualified to participate in ancient times.

And there is usually only one person representing Xianting.

However, Mingtu Luo Sansheng Lu Shui didn't know him, and hadn't heard of it at all.

Netherland is an exiled land, normally invisible.

In his previous life, he had no interest in Netherland either, so he went there a few times occasionally to find some material.

Then Lu Shui continued to look down.

He found that he saw a familiar name again:

"Daozong, Jianyi?"

The master of Supreme Sword Dao was also invited, but Lu Shui didn't know if he had participated.

However, it can be known from this that Jian Yi is also a character from ancient times.

Lu Shui looked down.

"Mo Xiu, Xue Chen."

"Buddhism, Nanwu."

"God's favor, Ace."

"Xianshan, Tianji."

"Undead, Gu Li."

"Kraken, tide."

"Sky Spirit Clan, Ji Xun."

"Moon Clan, Bright Moon"


After reading it, Lu Shui was a little puzzled by the last one.

Fans refer to people? Or is it the region?

Seeing these two words, what Lu Shui thought of was the city of mist.

But if it is a region, why is there no name?

But if it's a person's name, something is wrong.

Lu Shui couldn't get an answer, but this fan was undoubtedly the most special one among these people.

"There were twelve people on the invitation list, and five went in the end."

"These five people have gone to Immortal Court and Netherland."

"Then there are only three candidates left. Judging from the reactions of the Buddhist sect and the gods, the Buddhist sect has gone, and the god's family Ai Si may have gone too. This is the only one that fits the gods.

The main reason is not the gods, it should be that there was no power of gods at that time. "

"But the other party is a god, I don't know what type of god it is."

There are many things here, and Lu Shui couldn't figure it out for a while.

But it's no wonder the gods want to destroy these.

"Then who is the last one? Undead?"

"Probably not, but the extermination of the undead is indeed related to the fall of the true god, and there is a high possibility that other people will intervene."

Of course, it doesn't really matter who the last one is.

Most importantly, who initiated the invitation.

This man is the most curious.

But it is impossible for Lu Shui to know who the other party is, and there is nothing pointing to the other party at present.

Finally, Lu Shui put away the slate, and said by the way:

"I want the slate, you can make a request to me."

Jian Qi didn't refuse, he knew the specialness of the slate, but the more special it was, the more dangerous it was in his hands.

Even if he doesn't know the above content, he still knows that the things involved in this stone slab are definitely beyond his imagination, and getting rid of it as soon as possible is relatively speaking as an early escape from the crisis.

"I have a question about cultivation, and I want to ask my fellow Taoist." Jian Qi asked.

Lu Shui didn't speak, but looked at Jianqi, implying that Jianqi would ask.

Jian Qi stood up, he turned his head to look at Lu Shui first, and said:

"Friend Dongfang thinks, what is a sword?"

Hearing this question, Lu Shui knew that Jianqi had already touched the invincible sword.

It's just that now he can't hold it.

Lu Shui didn't answer this question directly. Just because he can understand the answer to the question doesn't mean he can explain the answer clearly.

"Let's go up and have a look at Supreme Swordsmanship first." Lu Shui got up and said.

The sword nodded, and then the figures of the two of them disappeared in place.

When Lu Shui appeared again, he finally saw the sky.

Yes, his current location is the top floor, Tianyun Terrace.

The top is different from the bottom. There is only a piece of green grass here.

The breeze blows.

The grass is swaying with the wind, and the clouds in the sky are floating.

A rustling sound came from the grass.

"There is no hint on this level." Jian Qi said.

Yes, this layer has no clues except grass.

No stele, no chess board, nothing.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the Supreme Sword Art." Lu Shui said calmly.

Then he tapped lightly into the sky.

Then a sword appeared above the sky, as if the silent sword had been activated.

Jian Qi looked at the sword and didn't speak.

He can clearly perceive that it is the Supreme Sword Dao, as if as long as he touches it, he can know what the Supreme Sword Dao is.

"Let's go." Lu Shui walked ahead and said softly.

Jian Qi didn't speak, but followed behind Lu Shui.

The Supreme Sword Dao was activated, and the entire Misty Islands were covered by the Supreme Sword Dao.

And the people on the island can perceive the supreme sword way more closely, which is a rare opportunity for most people.

"I don't know if my brother touched the Supreme Sword Way." Jian Luo sensed the Supreme Sword Way and said.

Chu Yu didn't speak on the side, judging by the time, it was impossible.

Fire is most likely.

But Liuhuo is a big boss, if he had really taken a fancy to Supreme Swordsmanship, he might have succeeded a long time ago, and he wouldn't wait until this time.

Therefore, it is still possible to have a sword in theory.

As for the others, it should be difficult.

After all, it's not about the cultivation base here, the understanding of the sword, Jian Qi is definitely better than everyone, even some of Jian Yifeng's seniors are not as good.

Jian Qi's understanding of the sword is only one step away.

Although he hasn't stepped into the way of the sword yet, but with his cultivation base, he will definitely be able to step into the way of the sword with ease.

Zhenwu Zhenling is also very curious whether their young master has touched the Supreme Sword Dao, which is theoretically impossible.

Their young master wanted the Supreme Sword Dao, and he had already obtained it, so he wouldn't keep it until now.

And at this moment, countless lights suddenly extended from Supreme Sword Dao, and these lights went to all the islands, covering everyone directly.

True martial arts and true spirits were naturally shrouded in this light.

"It seems to be directly entering the supreme swordsmanship." Zhenwu said.

True Spirit also nodded:

"I also have this feeling."

"Everyone can comprehend the supreme way of the sword?" Jinghai couldn't believe it.

Not only Zhenwu Zhenling and others, but also the others did not understand what was going to happen.

But it might not be such a bad thing for them.

"Is this the Supreme Sword Dao being shared?"

"What if it's the way of the Supreme Sword?"

Many people have their own ideas, but just can't know what's going on.

However, we are waiting for further development.

However, when they had this idea just now, they were directly pulled into a special space.

The island is gone, the sky is gone, the attic is gone.

They are on a staircase.

This is a very wide staircase, everyone is on the stairs, some are in front and some are behind, it is not even.

It's also hard to see the end.

And everyone was covered by golden light, making it impossible to see their faces clearly.

After realizing this, most people began to observe their surroundings.

Then they found an open space not far away, and there were two people standing in that open space.

The moment they saw these two people, they understood that they were the ones who touched the supreme sword.

But these two people are like two little golden men, they can't see their faces clearly at all.

Even because of the halo, even men and women cannot be distinguished.

Even the real martial arts and spirits can't know who these two people are.

If it's their young master, why are there two of them?

If it wasn't their young master, then where did their young master go?

The outside world has naturally seen the changes in the Misty Islands, but they cannot see the specific changes.

They just know that someone has really touched the supreme sword.

As for this candidate, they are very unified.

That is the mainstream fire of the Shaozong of the Yintian Sect.

"I feel that the reputation of Yintianzong has risen more recently than in the past hundred years." Li Qianchi felt a headache.

It's been so long since Liuhuo has been sent to the secret book, but he couldn't stop him from becoming famous with Yintianzong.

He Yuye also sighed, the fire has indeed exceeded the expectations of countless people.

Because Liuhuo is so good, it is difficult for Yintianzong to get rid of Liuhuo.

It's really not from the Yintian Sect, it's all from the Yintian Sect.

It would be fine if the other party really wanted to become the young master of the Hidden Sky Sect.

Contact them, we have something to discuss.

But the other party dismissed it at all, and Yin Tianzong had nothing to do with the other party.

However, it is also possible that the other party was given a secret lesson.

In short, the excrement eaters cheated and cheated again.

"It seems that there is a picture flowing out of it, but the Supreme Sword Dao has not been fully activated, so it cannot be transmitted normally." Li Qianchi said again.

He Yuye looked at her coldly.

At this time, Lu Shui and Jian Qi were already standing in the open space. This was not the Tianyun Terrace, but the interior of Supreme Sword Dao.

Lu Shui didn't speak, but stepped out one step at a time. When he stepped out, a ladder formed under his feet.

The Supreme Sword Dao began to evolve in the world.

Seeing this scene, Jian Qi was stunned, especially when he saw the ladder, he couldn't even imagine it, it was a ladder he couldn't understand.

Going up is equivalent to seeing a field that has never been seen before.

But he didn't hesitate, but followed Lu Shui's pace and stepped up the stairs.

At this moment, the Supreme Sword Dao appeared between the heaven and the earth, from nothing to existence, from one to two, from two to three, from three to everything in the world.

Supreme Kendo evolved from scratch.

"This, how is it possible?" Demon Sword Slayer looked excitedly at the Misty Islands, as if he had seen the most bizarre thing in his life.

Evolving the Supreme Sword Dao is not comprehending the Supreme Sword Dao at all.

Instead, it directly evolves the formation of the Supreme Sword Dao.

But who can evolve the supreme kendo?

This is impossible.

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