The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 243 The supreme swordsmanship is in front of you, do you want to give up?

With the Supreme Sword Dao fully activated, the two figures naturally attracted the attention of others.

The staircase created out of nothing attracted everyone's attention.

That is the embodiment of kendo, and the evolution process of supreme kendo.

"This is different from comprehending the Supreme Sword Way. Stepping on that ladder is equivalent to walking the Supreme Sword Way once. This, this is the Supreme Way." Demon Sword Slayer looked at the ladder with enthusiasm in his eyes, and he wanted to walk. Go that route again.

However, this is impossible.

But he can still watch the evolution of Supreme Sword Dao, which is already a great opportunity.

The sword cultivators outside naturally also realized that the ladder is a road leading to the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

And that person was able to evolve the course of Supreme Sword Dao at will.

This existence is simply terrifying.

And the person who can keep up with the ladder will get good fortune no worse than Supreme Sword Dao.

"What a terrifying person. If this person is a blunderer, would anyone else dare to accept the order?" Li Qianchi felt that he had been shocked again and again in the past few days.

It could also be a person.

In the Supreme Sword Dao, everyone has seen the evolution of the Supreme Sword Dao, for people like them.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The higher the cultivation level, the better the comprehension of these things.

If the cultivation base is not enough, it is enough to broaden one's horizons.

"It's the first time I feel that the way of the sword is like this." Jian Luo watched the evolution of the Supreme Sword, and didn't know how to describe it for a while.

But she could see that her understanding of kendo in the past was really one-sided to the extreme.

However, the cultivation base of the people inside was not high, and they couldn't understand how amazing the scene they saw was.

They couldn't understand how terrifying it was to evolve the Supreme Sword Dao.

The Unsurpassed Sword Dao could have been acquired or comprehended, but now some people have reset the Supreme Sword Dao to zero, and then re-evolved.

Without an absolute understanding of the Supreme Sword Dao, it is impossible to do this kind of thing.

Lu Shui didn't feel anything about it, and he didn't modify the Supreme Sword Dao at will.

It is just to show Jian Qi the evolution of the emergence of Supreme Sword Dao.

Every step, every step, is part of the Supreme Kendo journey, and others are just watching.

But Jian Qi could feel everything.

This is the gap.

So the ladder under Lu Shui's feet is the road leading to the Supreme.

Countless people can't get it.

And for Lu Shui, this was just the beginning of answering Jian Qi's question.

Lu Shui went all the way up, and Jian Qi followed him all the way.

Going up step by step, the ladder appears layer by layer.

They walked very slowly, and Jian Qi had to pause for some time with each step.

But at the back, it seemed to be suddenly enlightened, and the pace was much faster.

He had a feeling, as if he heard a voice, which was telling him the final answer.

And as more and more steps go up, the supreme swordsmanship evolves between heaven and earth, like the sound of the great way, like the road of the great way falling from the sky.

Those who touch can get huge opportunities from it.

The entire Misty Islands seemed to be covered by this road.

No one spoke, no one was surprised.

Because they want to try to understand something from it.

This level of Dao evolution, almost no one in the entire comprehension world has the opportunity to see it.

And when everyone was comprehending, the evolved Supreme Sword Dao suddenly began to converge, and finally turned into a sword standing high in the sky, standing not far from the two people.

This sword looks ordinary, but it is difficult to look directly at it, at the moment when the sword takes shape.

All swords cannot be drawn out of their sheaths.

Even started to tremble.

This is the Supreme Sword.

At this time, the two people on the ladder have also stopped walking, which means that the evolution of Supreme Sword Dao has been completed.

Zhenwu Zhenling opened their eyes, and they felt that their strength had been improved again.

The power of the Shuangsheng Sword will also be raised to a higher level.

Not only them, but others have also been inspired a lot.

But now all eyes are on those two people.

They want to see who in the end can get the supreme sword.

Lu Shui has indeed completed the evolution of Supreme Sword Dao, and it didn't take long, but for swords, it may take a long time.

And what Jian Qi sees is what others will never be able to see.

It doesn't affect him, and if it does, he won't be able to get to the last rung of the ladder.

"How do you feel?" Lu Shui asked.

His voice naturally spread out.

There was still sword intent in the voice, it was hard to tell who it was.

Even a true martial artist can't tell whether the opponent is their young master or not.

But it can be roughly distinguished as a male.

Hearing this voice, everyone fell silent, waiting for the conversation between them.

Jian Qi was silent for a moment, then said:

"It's a wonderful feeling, as if I have seen the extreme of the sword, it's hard to say."

After a pause, Jian Qi said again:

"However, I failed to find the answer to the sword.

What is a sword?

I feel like I should know the answer, but I don't feel like I do. "

Hearing this question, everyone was taken aback.

What is a sword?

Isn't this problem very simple?

"He's looking for Jianxin?" Demon Sword Slayer was a little surprised, but soon frowned again:

"No, he should have Jianxin, so what is he looking for when he asks this question?"

Of course, what made him even more incomprehensible was that that person seemed to have evolved the supreme swordsmanship in order to answer this question.

If this is the case, it is really unacceptable.

This method is simply all-powerful.

Lu Shui was not surprised by Jian Qi's words, but looked ahead and said:

"Look at something more."

Jian Qi was a little surprised, he had already experienced the Supreme Sword Dao, what else is there?

Not only Jian Qi, but everyone in Supreme Sword Dao didn't understand.

Even the people outside the Misty Islands can't understand what else is there.


A finger snap sounded.

Lu Shui looked ahead and said calmly:


From the moment Lu Shui came in, he already knew the existence of this thing.

If it exudes his breath, this thing can actively present itself.

Of course, he didn't use his breath to attract it, but used the power of heaven and earth to directly fish out this thing.

He is confident that this thing can solve the corresponding questions for Jian Qi.

Then, a picture came out from the Supreme Sword Dao, and this picture instantly spread throughout the entire space.

The outside world also saw it because of the release of Supreme Sword Dao.

Under normal circumstances, if lured by Lu Shui's breath, only he can watch.

But in order for Jian Qi to watch, Lu Shui had to let everyone see.

The Great Elder will definitely not blame him.

Of course, it's useless to be weird, what did Liuhuo do, what does it have to do with Lu Shui?

Yes, this thing has the most direct relationship with the Great Elder.

Soon Lu Shui saw the picture.

In the picture, there is a phantom walking on the stairs, no one can see that person clearly, let alone know who this person is.

Among those present, only Lu Shui knew who it was.

Yes, this is the elder of the Lu family, Lu Wuwei.

Lu Shui watched as the Great Elder walked towards the top of the stairs, where a sword stood tall.

There seemed to be a person standing by the edge of the sword, and he seemed to be looking at the people coming up from below.

Jian Qi was a little surprised to see all this, there was actually someone who had come into contact with Supreme Sword Dao.

And left a picture.

But the Supreme Sword Dao has not been taken away, is it a failure?

Jian Qi didn't know why Lu Shui asked him to watch these, but he still watched them seriously.

Maybe he can really get the answer he wants.

Everyone's eyes were on the phantom, even Lu Shui was watching.

After all, he didn't know what the specific content was.

Not long after, the great elder came to the top of the ladder.

Facing the supreme sword.

Coming to Supreme Sword Dao, the Great Elder didn't make any further movements, but just paid attention for a moment.

But at this time, the seemingly existing but non-existing figure beside Wushang Sword Dao spoke:

"You are the first person to face the Supreme Sword Dao in so many years."

The Great Elder looked at Supreme Sword Dao and remained silent.

Not long after, the figure at the side of Supreme Swordsman spoke again:

"One step forward, you can grasp the supreme sword."

This time the elder was no longer silent, but shook his head:

"This is not my sword, nor my way."

Hearing the elder's words, Jian Qi was stunned for a while, but still watched all this.

Others also didn't understand, is the other party rejecting the Supreme Sword Dao?

But they don't know exactly what's going on, so they can only continue to look down.

Lu Shui didn't think much, just watched.

"The Supreme Sword Dao is the pinnacle of the sword, the end of the path, the pinnacle of the Sword Dao, and the supreme road is at your feet." The voice from the Supreme Sword Dao was still calm, but it had a sense of vastness.

The Great Elder looked at Supreme Sword Dao, and then said softly:

"That's the end of you."

Everyone was a little shocked when they heard this sentence. What does this person mean?

Are you so confident?

Jian Qi stared at the figure of the Great Elder, and he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

As if something was beating.

He wanted to grasp this feeling, but couldn't grasp it for a while.

At this time, the Supreme Sword Dao shone brightly, and then the vast voice came out again, as if questioning the people in front of the Supreme Sword Dao:

"The Supreme Sword Dao is right in front of you, within reach, do you want to give up?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone stared at that person, and they really wanted to know how the other party would answer.

Even though they knew that Supreme Sword Dao had not been taken away, they still looked forward to the other party's answer.

Jian Qi wanted to know the answer the most.

He felt that this person's final answer would clear up his doubts.

When everyone was expecting each other's answer, the voice of the Great Elder finally sounded.

At this time, the Great Elder was standing in front of Supreme Sword Dao, and some sword intent slowly appeared on his body:

"Yesterday you were the supreme sword, tomorrow I will be the supreme sword."

The Great Elder turned and left, with an earth-shattering sword intent beside him, and an indescribable confidence:

"I will break the extreme of the sword, open up the end of the way, and customize the new supreme sword way."

At this moment, a sword intent soars to the sky, and a sword light pierces the sky, competing with the heavens and the earth to compare with the ancient times.

Everyone was stunned.

Looking at all this, Jian Qi felt some agitation in his heart. The feeling was very real, gushing out from the depths of his heart. He saw it, and he was going to see the answer.

Lu Shui watched the Great Elder disappear, looked at Jian Qi who was deeply touched, and said calmly:

"Wherever the heart thinks, where the thoughts reach, hold your own sword, and cut down all enemies in the world, this is the sword."


The agitation in Jian Qi's heart surged crazily and erupted completely.

He saw it.

What the heart thinks is the sword, and what the mind reaches is also the sword. Holding the sword in his hand, he can kill all enemies in the world.

This is his sword.

"I, understand."

The moment Jianqi opened his mouth, the Supreme Sword Dao surged, and a sea of ​​sword intent appeared around Jianqi.

The entire Misty Isles are building momentum for him.

Seeing all this, Jian Qi stretched out his hand, he was going to hold the sword that belonged to him.

It's not the supreme kendo, it's his sword.

He will take his sword and go to the Supreme.


The sword light surged, the sword intent flowed horizontally, and the supreme swordsmanship condensed the sword in his hand with the aid of the sword.

At this time, Jian Qi was already standing at the peak of the sword, and he was standing there concentrating on his sword.

No one can disturb him, the Supreme Sword Dao is protecting him.

It seems that this is the scene that Supreme Sword Dao is most willing to see.

"Invincible Sword Heart? He actually has Invincible Sword Heart. Who has such a talent for swordsmanship?" Demon Sword Slayer was a little unbelievable.

He can best understand how rare the invincible sword heart is.

That's not enough talent.

And some people focused on Lu Shui:

"Is this a pervert? He was guiding this person to give birth to Invincible Kenshin from the very beginning."

"Who is that person?"

Everyone is suspecting Liuhuo, but they don't have the most direct evidence.

Jian Luo also had a look of excitement, it was her brother, and his brother finally realized it.

Chu Yu was also happy for Jian Qi, Jian Qi finally grasped that invincible sword.

As for who is helping him, he will know when the time comes.

"Who did you say was the one who rejected the Supreme Sword Dao at the beginning?" Li Qianchi asked.

He Yuye didn't answer.

"Let's send him to the secret book, and bring some supreme goals to the sect." Li Qianchi said again.

He Yuye glanced at Li Qianchi, then took out her phone:

"Hello? Where are you?

Come over here, the shit eater said he wanted to die.

Let's help.

Oh, he needs a sponsor recently, you guys come over and get him a sponsor. "



A finger snap sounded suddenly.

It was only at this time that Li Qianchi and the others discovered that the snapping of fingers came from the Supreme Sword Art.

It was played by the person who guided the sword cultivator to give birth to the invincible sword heart.

And the moment everyone turned their eyes to the past, everything disappeared.

It seemed that the snapping of the fingers just now was to close the supreme kendo.

And the people inside the Supreme Sword Dao also returned to the island in an instant.

Zhenwu Zhenling has now returned to the island.

In the end, they still failed to find the figure of the young master.

I can only ask after the things here are over.

Of course, they also have objects of suspicion, but it's better to wait until they are sure.

Qiao Gan heaved a sigh of relief, it was finally over, and probably their comprehension here should also be over.

When he goes back this time, he shouldn't have to come out again.

Too much danger out there.

Especially there are always people who are self-righteous and don't know how to be humble and low-key. When you meet such people, you will be implicated if you are not careful.


Lu Shui returned to Tianyun Terrace again, and Jian Qi had already found the answer he wanted.

However, the Supreme Sword Dao has always stood there, and no one has obtained it.

Lu Shui stretched out his hand, and a small sword appeared in his hand.

This is the core of Supreme Sword Dao.

As long as this thing can be integrated into the body, then the path of swordsmanship will be smooth sailing, and the strength of swordsmanship will be stronger than ordinary people.

But to integrate into the Supreme Sword Dao also requires extraordinary talent.

The more advanced a sword cultivator is, the more he longs for the supreme swordsmanship.

At present, no one can reach the level of supreme swordsmanship, um, except for the great elder.

Lu Shui looked at the Supreme Kendo core, and thought it was better to keep it here, someone would come to take it away in the future.

He doesn't need this thing.

It is impossible for Jian Qi to ask for this thing.

As for the others, they don't even have the qualifications to come up, let alone get the Supreme Sword Dao.

Thinking in this way, Lu Shui planned to return Supreme Sword Dao to its normal state, waiting for someone to activate it next time.

It's just that when Lu Shui was about to send back Supreme Sword Dao, something bit him suddenly.


A flower directly swallowed the Supreme Sword Dao in one gulp, and then stared at Lu Shui drooling, while it was still chewing the Supreme Sword Dao in its mouth.


Lu Shui felt that the carnivorous flower had swallowed the supreme kendo.


Is this looking for death?

As soon as Lu Shui's thoughts arose, the carnivorous flower snapped and snapped.

Don't talk about drooling, you can't even twitch.

If it weren't for the kendo seed, it would have disappeared in just a moment if Lu Shui hadn't made a move.

Finally, Lu Shui sighed, and planted the carnivorous flower on the grass. This is not an ordinary grass, and it will help the carnivorous flower to digest the Supreme Sword Dao.

Coupled with his presence, death is impossible.

It's just that it may be troublesome to raise them in the future. Of course, Mu Xue is the one who raises the flowers, so it's not him who is the troublemaker.

Then Lu Shui took out a chair and sat on it to read a book.

Fortunately, he has a lot of storage magic chairs, and I don't know if Zhenwu has put away the previous chairs.

As soon as this thought flashed by, Lu Shui began to watch the pattern of heaven and earth.

It is always right to accumulate more heaven and earth array patterns.

Lu Shui was reading a book, the flesh-eating flowers were still folded on the ground, and Jian Qi was still feeling the invincible sword he was holding.

Time flickered to the next day.

Lu Shui closed the book, it was almost time, and he should go back.

Mu Xue should wait impatiently.

The carnivorous flower has almost recovered.

Lu Shui lowered his head and looked, at this time, the flesh-eating flower was no longer dying, but was looking at his feet drooling.

Although there is some sword intent on his body, it is not a big problem.

The Supreme Sword Dao has almost been digested, and this place exists for people to digest the Supreme Sword Dao.

Everything in Tianyuntai is for this.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist, for clarifying the confusion." Jian Qi came to Lu Shui's side and said gratefully.

He has completely grasped that invincible sword.

The future road is not necessarily easy, but the future road is farther than everyone else.

"Then leave." Lu Shui said.


A snap of the fingers sounded, and countless beams of light flashed out in the entire Supreme Sword Dao space.

When Lu Shui stood at the highest point, he had the ability to control the switch here.

At this moment, everyone was sent out.

It's not that Lu Shui insisted on sending it out for them when he was idle and bored, but because he took meat flowers out, and the others couldn't stay in there for long.

So everyone has to go out together.

If those people still want to comprehend in it, then find a way to get in.

There should be an entrance.

But the end of Supreme Sword Dao is the best chance to leave the Misty Islands.

Because the mist will be affected by the supreme sword and become weak, it is easiest to get out.

If you want to go out later, you will be left to your fate.

After everyone else left, Lu Shui and Jian Qi also disappeared in place.

The lively Supreme Sword Dao space instantly became deserted.

When Jian Qi reappeared, he was in the position of entering the supreme sword path.

Chu Yu and Jian Luo are both here.

Seeing Jian Chuoyu and Jianluo wanted to ask the questions they wanted to ask.

But there were people all around, and they didn't dare to speak out.

"It actually came out, I'm about to realize it."

"It's a pity that those people reached the top level of Supreme Sword Dao too early."

"By the way, who got the Supreme Sword Dao?"

"Let's burn it."

"Well, I think so too."

A lot of people feel a little regretful, but there's nothing to complain about because they've had enough.

Really a lot.

Then some people dispersed and left.

Chu Yu and the others are naturally far away from everyone.

After waiting for no one around, Chu Yu asked the sword:

"Hold the invincible sword?"

The sword nods.

Jian Luo jumped up excitedly, her brother finally grasped the invincible sword, how many people in the world can compare with her brother?

Hatsune could be killed with a single blow.

After waiting for her for twenty years, she could kill Chu Yu with a single blow.

It was impossible for Chu Yu to care about Jian Luo's thoughts, but continued to ask:

"Oriental thigh?"

Jian Qi still nodded:

"For the rest, let's talk about it later. If you don't go out now, it will be difficult to go out in the future."

He also has a general understanding of the situation here.

Chu Yu and Jian Luo naturally nodded.

Only the little monkey whose sword fell on his shoulder looked puzzled.

But it doesn't matter if it understands or not.


"Let's go, let's go out, we can't stay here any longer." Le Feng took Nie Hao to plan to leave here.

You must know that you can leave now, if you don't leave, God knows if you can leave.

Of course, finding the young suzerain is not a problem.

Nie Hao also nodded, having been intimidated several times by the supreme swordsmanship just now.

They didn't enter the Supreme Sword Dao, but they could still feel it in the Misty Islands.

Not only Le Feng and others, Su Ran also left immediately.

And thinking in the channel meeting, looking at the broken record Yushi proclaimed a Buddha's name.

"It's time to leave."

After that, he didn't think about it any more, and didn't stay any longer, but turned and left.

His mission here has been completed.

Or it's over.


Lu Shui also appeared in the previous position at this time.

Just when they first appeared, they saw five people sitting and eating fruit watching them.

These people are the five cultivators without fragments.

And being watched by these five people, everyone was a little embarrassed.

Only a small group of people wondered why these five didn't go up.

For example, Dongfang Xiaoxiao from the Dongfang family.

But she would not rush to ask strangers questions.

Let's go home first.

This time she got a lot.

Others immediately said:

"Ah, let's leave first, now seems to be the best opportunity to leave, don't miss it."

"Yeah, leave quickly, you won't be able to leave if it's too late."

"Let's go one step ahead."

Then not long after, everyone left.

"Is this a guilty conscience?" one of the five said.

"Probably, but they are right, let's leave the Misty Islands as soon as possible."

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