The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 262 Surprised You Doubt Your Life

The Second Elder was still processing her elixir at this time, so he naturally knew that Lu Shui had left her.

As for what Lu Shui did, she didn't plan to see it now.

Wait until you finish dealing with the things in your hands, and then go and see what absurd things he has done.

Blind waste, training is a must.

The third elder doesn't care about other things. The patriarch is in charge of the Lu family's affairs. As the youngest elder, he mainly manages Lu Shui.

In the past, the second elder also took care of similar young masters of the Lu family, such as the third elder.

The Great Elder has also taken care of it, such as the Second Elder.

At that time, they were the youngest elders.

There has never been a fourth elder in the Lu family.

In fact, it is very rare to have three elders at the same time, and the current elder's life is relatively hard, so it is possible to maintain three elders for a long time.

The second elder knew that he would not survive the first elder, so he never thought that he might become the first elder.

This was also the main reason for her surprise when the Great Elder asked her to go to the bottom of the Fengshuang River last time.

Not long after, the Second Elder felt someone coming to her side.

She didn't look up, though, and continued working on her elixir.

"Second Elder." Shangjian Daoist and Xia Sha whispered respectfully not far from the Second Elder.

"Let's talk." The second elder said casually while handling the elixir.

She didn't affect her speed because someone came.

It is not difficult to deal with the elixir, for her, it is just a daily use to pass the time.

From all over the Lu family, probably only Dongfang Liyin needs her to take care of her body, and there is nothing else to do.

Oh, now there is Mu Xue.

Another complication.

Apart from these, nothing major happened outside, and she rarely cared about it.

In recent years, it was the last lesion that allowed her to kill some time.

"The young master has already left the elixir field, he should have gone back." Shangjian Daoist said.

He dared not show any disrespect.

The strength of the second elder is not comparable to them.

"What did he do?" the second elder asked.

She really didn't know what Lu Shui was going to do.

But listening to what he said, no matter how you look at it, you don't think it's just a small disturbance.

"The young master transplanted the companion grass to the Chijinhua, and replaced it with two new elixir plants as the companion grass." This time it was Xia Sha who spoke.

"What elixir did he use?" The Second Elder still knew about this matter, and she thought Lu Shui would do it himself.

Immunity to poison was specially given to him.

I didn't expect these two people to help the whole time.

For Lu Shui, it should be less fun.

"Using Sunny Flower and Linglong Grass." Xia Sha said.

"What's the situation now?" The Second Elder asked calmly.

She didn't look up from the beginning to the end, and it was even more impossible for Xia Sha to keep up with the swordsman to know what the second elder's attitude was.

"When we came here, the sunny flowers had lost the wind, and the Linglong grass fell to the ground and was almost withered." Xia Sha didn't dare to talk nonsense, but just said the normal situation:

"There is no problem with Chijinhua for the time being."

The swordsman hesitated again and again, and then said:

"This is the young master's joke. Now it seems that the sunny flower and the Linglong grass are withering. Can they be transplanted back?"

The previous companion grass cannot be replanted, but the sunny flower and Linglong grass can still be saved.

The second elder didn't speak, but continued to process the elixir in his hand.

Xia Sha followed the swordsman but did not get a reply from the second elder, so she stopped asking, but waited quietly.

It took a long time before the Second Elder finished disposing of all the elixir.

"Go and see the situation." The second elder put the elixir aside, then got up and stepped out, and then disappeared in place.

Xia Sha followed the swordsman and immediately went to the elixir field.

I can't keep up with it, but it's close enough that there won't be much difference in time.

Soon they came to Chijinhua.

The second elder was already standing on the edge of the red gold lace, looking down.

In the eyes of Daoist Shangjian, the Linglong Grass was already dying, and the Qingtianhua also began to fall.

The situation is at stake.

But the second elder was still watching, they didn't dare to say anything more, they could only wait for the second elder to give an order.

The second elder looked at Linglong Grass, and then at Qingtianhua after a while.

Finally, I observed Chijinhua again.

No words.

At this moment, she found that the book she had given to Lu Shui was nearby, so she put it away.

A little more time passed.

The Second Elder looked away from Linglong Grass, then turned and left, and said by the way:

"So be it."

Shangjian Daoren and Xia Sha sighed inwardly.

But at this moment, the second elder's voice came over again:

"Look at this place, no matter what happens, don't touch it."

"Yes." The swordsman and Xia Sha nodded in response.

When the second elder disappeared, they looked at each other helplessly.

"Old people tend to be sentimental." Xia Sha said.

Then she shut up immediately because the second elder was older than her.

It is easy to say that he is the second elder when he is old.

"Is there anything here that needs to be checked?" Shangjian Daoist paid more attention to what the second elder said.

Some of them don't understand.

And just when they were about to discuss it, a gust of wind suddenly blew.

It's the wind from Chijinhua's side.

It's just that the wind blows past, making people feel a little confused about the direction.

"Just now there was wind from Chijinhua?" Xia Sha asked.

They immediately looked down, but there was no sign of the wind.

The sunny flower is still about to fall.

Just when the two of them were uncertain, another gust of wind suddenly blew up. This time they saw it, it was the wind appearing around Chijinhua.

But why is there wind around Chijinhua?

There is no such formation here.

But the wind also blows by.

Xia Sha caught up with the swordsman and glanced at each other. Before they could speak this time, suddenly, the wind appeared again, and this time the wind didn't just blow by.

Instead, it kept blowing, and began to blow around all the red gold flowers.

"What's going on?" Xia Sha was a little surprised.

But before the swordsman expressed his doubts, two auras suddenly came into their perception.

Then they immediately looked at the source of the aura.

They are Sunny Flower and Linglong Grass.

"It's the aura from Chijinhua." Shangjian Daoist immediately came to a conclusion.

At the moment when the aura appeared, the figure of Qingtianhua, which was about to fall, suddenly stood up, like spring on a dead tree, dew on a long drought, and then a small hurricane appeared around it.

Much smaller than before, this small wind echoes the surrounding strong wind.

On sunny days, flowers sway in the wind.

"This, what's going on?" Xia Sha couldn't understand at all.

Why did the sunny flower that was about to wither suddenly come alive?

And it is also nourished by spiritual energy.

If it continues to grow like this, it will definitely not be an ordinary sunny flower.

"Look at Linglong Grass." The swordsman said in surprise.

Xia Sha immediately looked at the Linglong Grass. She was shocked to find that the Linglong Grass, which had fallen to the ground, had grown up unsteadily. Although it was not very energetic, it finally stopped withering.

This is nothing.

But what they really couldn't understand was that a light spot suddenly appeared on Linglong Grass, and the light spot was expanding rapidly. When it expanded, Xia Sha's eyes widened impressively, and it was difficult to stop her words:

"How can this be?"

When that spot of light occupied the entire Linglong grass, a small figure appeared on the Linglong grass, seemingly sleeping.

"The Linglong Grass unexpectedly showed signs of maturity at this time, and began to give birth to life.

how so? "The swordsman is also unbelievable.

Originally, they all thought that the Linglong Grass was about to wither and would never be able to mature, but the Linglong Grass actually began to mature at the most unlikely time.

Conceive life.

They can see that the mature ones were brought about by sudden changes.

But this sudden change was caused by their young master's mischief.

"Young master? No, it's impossible." The swordsman couldn't understand.

This was indeed Lu Shui's idea, but they were operating the whole process. If there was any special way, they couldn't possibly not know about it.

But there's nothing weird about it.

But the Linglong Grass started to mature inexplicably, and the sunny flower had a further possibility.

Even Chijinhua became more extraordinary.

"By coincidence?" Xia Sha looked at the swordsman, wanting to get an answer.

But who can tell them the answer?

If it's a coincidence, isn't it a coincidence?

And to achieve such a terrifying effect is simply unbelievable.

But it was so shocking that they couldn't believe that Lu Shui did it.

But anyway, they discovered they were wrong, dead wrong.

Not only did Lu Shui not harm these elixirs, but he gave them a brand new future.

Did the Second Elder see it just now?


The second elder sat on the seat and continued to process the elixir. She naturally knew about the changes in Chijinhua.

"Lu Shui didn't touch the whole process, who can believe that it was his handwriting?"

"Just treat it as a coincidence."

"However, when Lu Shui was picking fruits, he really knew how to pick them. He picked them at will, but none of them could affect his body, and none of them were related to his cultivation.

There is not one that cannot be eaten as an ordinary fruit. "

"Even if it's a coincidence."

"But there are too many coincidences together, it is no longer as simple as a coincidence."

The Second Elder whispered to himself, and then didn't pay attention to this matter any more, continuing to process her elixir.

At this time, a gust of wind blew up, and the wind blew the ends of the second elder's hair, and the breeze stopped after a while.

All is at peace.


Mu Xue sat in the yard, and she didn't know when Lu Shui would come back.

It's been all day.

"Why do you feel that Lu Shui was often punished when he was not married?" Mu Xue was a little helpless.

I've heard of it before, but never experienced it myself.

Now that I have realized it, I will be punished by the third elder at every turn.

Still can't say no.

"Go and see if Lu Shui is back." Mu Xue thought in her heart.

She decided to pretend to pass by Lu Shui's yard, and then see if Lu Shui was there.

Just pretend to go to see flowers.

If you're not here, just go and see the flowers.

Just when Mu Xue was about to get up and go out, her cell phone rang suddenly.

Mu Xue was a little surprised, and then saw that it was Aunt Tang.

Mu Xue was not surprised by Aunt Tang's call, and occasionally Aunt Tang would call her.

When I received it for the first time, I was really surprised.

"Aunt Tang?" Mu Xue answered the phone.

"It's me, are you at Lu's house now?" Aunt Tang's voice came from the opposite side.

Aunt Tang's voice did not have the embarrassment and bewilderment of calling for the first time.

Mu Xue responded, and then another voice came from the opposite side:

"You have to come back in these two days, it's nothing else, it has to do with your red outfit.

Need to measure the specific size, is to spend some time. "

Relatively speaking, the red dress is a big project, and Mu Xue won't do it herself, so she can only help with Aunt Tang and other elders in the clan.

"Tomorrow?" Mu Xue asked.

Naturally, she would not have the slightest hesitation in this matter.

If it is implemented early, she will feel at ease.

I should have measured it in my previous life, but I was still young and didn't understand anything.

I don't care too much.

For example, Lu Shui's persistent smile.

How could she care about this at that time.

She felt that it was just another place to practice.

Who knew that Lu Shui was so kind to her and loved her so much.

After setting the time, Mu Xue hung up the phone.

"I have to go back tomorrow and talk to Lu Shui." Mu Xue thought to herself.

It would be even better if Lu Shui could send her back.

It's just that Lu Shui is being punished, so he doesn't know if it's okay.

Of course, this did not prevent her from going to Lu Shui.


Lu Shui has already returned to the yard.

Just when he came back, Zhenwu came to find him.

"Master, I have something to tell you." Zhen Wu said.

Lu Shui didn't feel that it was related to Xianting.

Le Feng and the others are still tossing about in the Demon Cultivation Realm.

And none of the people in Xianting felt that there was any big move.

Of course, these people cause trouble too frequently, and he can't take care of it, because he is very busy with Mu Xue recently.

Sure enough, women are the stumbling blocks that hinder him from showing his strength.

It's just that this stone is a bit fierce.

"What's the matter?" Lu Shui asked.

"Jian Yifeng sent an invitation letter, and the third elder asked the young master to accept the invitation and leave for Jian Yifeng tomorrow." Zhenwu said.

"Go to Jian Yifeng?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

Why let him go to Jian Yifeng?

And why did Jian Yifeng suddenly send an invitation?

Apart from him, the good-for-nothing young master, there is no one in the Lu family, and he is not worthy of Jian Yifeng's invitation letter, right?

Jian Yifeng is a top power, and he doesn't care much about the Lu family.

Except for some top presence.

"It's also possible that it's because of the effect of the insect valley." Lu Shui thought to himself.

"Yes, Jian Yifeng sent an invitation letter, mainly to invite people who will enter the supreme way of the sword.

Jian Yifeng knew about the young master's trip to the Misty Islands, so he sent an invitation letter. " Zhenwu explained.

Lu Shui nodded. At that time, Chonggu committed suicide, and the young master of the Lu family was in the Supreme Sword Dao. Many people saw it, and there was no way to do it.

Taking a hundred steps back, even if Jian Yifeng doesn't know, as long as he knows that he has been to the Misty Islands, he will probably send out an invitation.

"What's the purpose?" Lu Shui asked.

There must be a reason for the invitation, otherwise, if you invite others, you will have to agree?

Jian Yifeng wouldn't be so arrogant.

Unless Xiujian repaired his brain.

"I heard that it is for the Supreme Sword Dao, and they want people who have been exposed to the Supreme Sword Dao to try to give their insights.

And then copy the supreme sword.

For their unknown ancestors, forge swords.

Said that as long as there is help, Jian Yifeng will never treat anyone who provides help. " Zhenwu opened his mouth to explain.

Lu Shui was helpless, he needed help?

What Jian Yifeng can give him, the Lu family will never lack.

Even the way of swordsmanship is the same, the world's best way of swordsmanship is in the Lu family.

The old Supreme Sword Dao is also in the Lu family.

Er, was abducted by Dongfang Zhaza.

Gotta go and get back.

"Going to leave tomorrow?" Lu Shui asked.

"That's what the third elder ordered." Zhenwu responded.

Although he didn't know what the third elder thought, Lu Shui couldn't refuse. He felt that the third elder in this life asked him to go out every day.

Is this to let him go to all the places within half a year?

After half a year, he will have a family, and it is impossible for him to go out casually.

Moreover, at that time his main task was to get Mu Xue pregnant, and no one would let him go out.

Afterwards, Lu Shui let Zhenwu leave. As soon as Zhenwu retreated to the gate of the yard, Mu Xue walked over.

"Young Mistress." Zhen Wu immediately stepped aside, making it easier for Mu Xue to enter.

Mu Xue nodded, and walked towards Lushui's yard.

As soon as he entered, he saw Lu Shui sitting in the pavilion.

"You didn't disturb Master Lu, did you?" Mu Xue's voice was very soft.

Yes, you bother me to become stronger. Lu Shui answered in his heart.

But he didn't intend to say it, he got up and looked at Mu Xue, curiously said:

"Miss Mu is here to take care of the flowers again?"

Theoretically, Mu Xue should be busy during the day, even if it's an excuse, it's not very useful.

Mu Xue shook her head and said:

"It's to tell Young Master Lu that I need to go back to Mu's house tomorrow.

Probably a few days.

Aunt Tang asked me to go back and prepare something. "

Mu Xue didn't say to measure the size to make a red wedding dress.

Girls must be a little shy.

"Go back tomorrow?" Lu Shui was a little surprised:

"in a hurry?"

"Are you in a hurry, isn't it suitable?" Mu Xue asked.

She saw that Lu Shui looked a little embarrassed.

"Just now Zhenwu came to tell me that the third elder asked me to go to Jianyi Peak tomorrow, so I probably can only send Miss Mu back to Mu's house, and then I can pick up Miss Mu after I finish my work." Lu Shui explained.

Mu Xue was not at all unhappy when he heard this, on the contrary, he was a little happy. Lu Shui's meaning was obvious, he planned to go back with him, and then come back together.

But he has something to do, so he can't wait at Mu's house.

"Master Lu is going to Jian Yifeng?" Mu Xue asked.

Lu Shui nodded and explained casually:

"It's because of the Misty Islands, for some big shots."

Mu Xue didn't pay much attention to Jian Yifeng's purpose, but said curiously:

"I heard that there are many fairies who practice swords in Jian Yifeng, and they usually put their emotions into the sword, and their personalities are a bit extreme and dangerous.

When Master Lu goes, be more careful. "

"Miss Mu really knows a lot."

Lu Shui discovered this sentence, which Mu Xue had never said in her previous life.

Write down.

However, he hadn't noticed it, so it might be useless news.

This is nothing to care about, what he cares about now is tomorrow.

To send Mu Xue back tomorrow, it should be some time delay.

And I don't know how long I will stay in Jian Yifeng, it's hard to say whether Mu Xue will be kept waiting for a long time.

"Have you eaten, Young Master Lu? If not, I can make some for Young Master Lu." Mu Xue said.

Hearing this sentence, Lu Shui immediately said:

"Does Miss Mu provide food? If not, I don't think I will eat."

Mu Xue: "..."

It was a surprise last time.

Why do I keep remembering this.


The next day, Lu Shui and Mu Xue came to find Lu Gu and Dongfang Liyin, mainly to say goodbye.

Naturally, Dongfang Liyin gave some instructions, and arranged Xia Lushui and Mu Xue's clothes by the way.

Lu Shui didn't say a word, he glanced at his father and found that his father was ready to teach him anytime.

He has learned to be smart, so he won't give his father a chance.

As for what his mother said, he just nodded "Yes".

Mu Xue responded very seriously.

After Lu Shui and Mu Xue left, Dongfang Liyin said to her husband:

"Is my son playing tricks on me again?"

"You found out?" Lu Gu said.

Dongfang Liyin: "..."



Qiao Gan hid in his residence and had no plans to go out.

His residence has not changed, although it has become a waste, but the residence is not a good place for cultivation like Zongmen, so he will not be driven away.

Of course, he might be happier if he was driven away.

Because that would make his sense of existence completely disappear.

Living here now, it is inevitable that someone will think of him.

Just in case it will cause him trouble.

Qiao Gan stayed in the room today, and no one would disturb him in the past.

There is no need for him to go out and do errands.

Sometimes it's embarrassing for the family to let the trash go out.

What surprised Qiao Gan was that there was a knock on the door today.


Qiao Gan frowned, who would come to him?

"It's mother." While Qiao Gan was still guessing, a voice from outside came in, it was a woman's voice.

There was a trace of shame in Qiao Gan's eyes, and he immediately said:


The door opened, and what Qiao Gan saw was a woman with a pale face.

It was her mother, Qiao Yu.

"Mother, why are you here?" Qiao Gan looked at his mother and said with a smile.

"If you don't come to see mother, mother can only come to see you." After saying that, Qiao Yu walked into Qiao Gan's room. She looked around and found that Qiao Gan's room was a bit dark, so she didn't go. Concerned about these, while sitting on the side said:

"Is Gan'er afraid of something recently?"

"No, mother is worrying too much, why would I be afraid, and they dare to speak ill of me behind my back." Qiao Gan said a little "bravely".

Qiao Yu didn't bother about this, but said:

"Mother is here today to tell you something."

Qiao Gan was a little surprised, he couldn't be sure what his mother would say.

But he still said with a smile:

"Mother, tell me."

Qiao Yu took a deep look at Qiao Gan, and said:

"Your father found a marriage for you."

Hearing this sentence, Qiao Gan was stunned, and this time he was really stunned.

Marriage, marriage?

This is something he never thought of.

But soon he remembered Lu Shui.

"That's right, even Young Master Lu can't escape this kind of thing. There are some things that need to be accepted and borne." Qiao Gan said to himself silently.

"For the cultivation world, the other party is considered a big family." Qiao Yu added.

Hearing this, Qiao Gan lowered his head.

This meant that the person who married him either had a problem, or was just as useless as him.

Because everyone's family background is equal, he is a waste, and the other party cannot be a proud girl.

They are just objects of marriage.

Seeing Qiao Gan's silence, Qiao Yu sighed inwardly, and then said:

"In this way, you will have a much better time at Qiao's house."

Qiao Gan understands, and he also understands that if he is not a waste, then this marriage will not be his turn.

Qiao Gan lowered his head, grabbed his empty sleeves, choked up and said:

"I, listen to mother."

He just wanted to keep a low profile, to keep himself alive.

Lu Shui is so strong, so terrifying, and keeps a low profile, what is he?

If Lu Shui doesn't show his holiness, he will never stand out.

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