The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 263 What Should I Do After Graduating from University

"I'll pick up Miss Mu after Jian Yifeng's work is done." Lu Shui said to Mu Xue at the station.

They have now arrived at Mu's house, and the Mu's station has been rebuilt.

"Master Lu, be careful all the way." Mu Xue said softly to Lu Shui.

"Yes." Lu Shui answered and got on the train. He wanted to continue to Jian Yifeng.

The distance is not close, it may take the next day to arrive.

It took more than a day to come to Mu's house, and another day to go to Jian Yifeng.

It's a lot of work to drive all the time.

Mu Xue watched Lu Shui get on the train, and then watched the train leave the station.

After Lu Shui left, she also turned around and walked out of the station, saying by the way:

"Let's go back."

Ding Liang naturally followed behind Mu Xue.

The young lady has changed. She used to have a calm expression on her face.

Now as long as Young Master Lu is around, the lady will have a faint smile on her face.

She could clearly see that her young lady liked Young Master Lu.

This is a good thing.

After all, Miss is going to marry Young Master Lu, they are husband and wife.

It's much better in Lu's house than in Mu's house.

The Lu family is really relaxed.


Not long after, Mu Xue came to Aunt Tang's residence.

Aunt Tang originally wanted to pick her up, but Mu Xue refused. After all, she had to see Lu Shui off at the station.

It's not good for Aunt Tang to come.

"Didn't Master Lu come with you?" Aunt Tang asked curiously.

Mu Xue shook her head and explained:

"He's going to Jian Yifeng, and he'll come over later."

"You like Young Master Lu?" Aunt Tang tried to ask as if looking at Mu Xue.

Mu Xue froze for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed.

She wanted to shake her head subconsciously, but she didn't.

She likes Lu Shui.

Seeing Mu Xue like this, Aunt Tang changed the topic:

"Let's go, first go and see the cloth prepared for you."

Mu Xue nodded, did not speak, but followed Aunt Tang to look at the fabric.

This time she wants to smile at Lu Shui.


Lu Shui sat on the train and read a book.

He feels that he can be promoted to 4.5 tomorrow, and if it goes well, he will be close to 4.6 when he returns to the Lu family.

Tier 5 is close at hand.

So, do you want to go through a catastrophe to celebrate?

This is not urgent.

"When did the incident at Jian Yifeng start?" Lu Shui asked.

"Theoretically it is today, but there is no time limit, and they don't plan to let everyone get together before copying the supreme sword." Zhenwu said.

Lu Shui nodded. It is impossible for Jian Yifeng's people to completely copy the supreme swordsmanship.

But as long as enough people are found, some prototypes should be possible.

Of course, the most important of these is Jianqi.

It would be even better if there was that carnivorous flower.

However, the carnivorous flower has no spiritual intelligence, so it depends on luck whether one can get the sense of kendo from it.

Seeing that Lu Shui didn't speak, Zhenwu said again:

"Yesterday Lefeng sent a message saying that someone in the mountains heard the Buddha's voice.

It is not clear which mountain it is. "

"Do you know the specific situation?" Lu Shui asked.

"Some people said that they saw a big Buddha standing high in the sky, as if the door of the Buddha Kingdom had opened, but Lefeng didn't think it was credible." Zhenwu said.

Lu Shui nodded.

It is not uncommon for the Buddha to stand high in the sky.

Moreover, in ancient times, the fairy courts were dilapidated and reduced to ruins, the Buddhist kingdom collapsed into nothingness, and the temples were shattered and there were no gods left.

Therefore, the gate of the Buddha Kingdom cannot be trusted.

"Let's take a look again, what about Xianting and the gods?" Lu Shui asked.

"The Temple of Light has become active, and the Temple of the Sun has heard that candidates for the Sun God have appeared. Fuxiu is also preparing for these two days, but the details are not clear." Zhenwu said.

Lu Shui didn't speak for a while.

There was no news for the first two days, but after two nights, they all became active together.

Is it an appointment?

"Continue to pay attention." All Lu Shui can do now is to pay attention. He is not in the same area, and it is not absolutely necessary. He does not intend to look for them one by one.

Not to mention that it's still not sure what these people are doing.

Can only look again.

After nothing else, Lu Shui began to look at the pattern of heaven and earth.

With Mu Xue around, he didn't dare to take out this book to read.

After a few days, I can finally see the pattern of heaven and earth again.


Jian Yifeng.

"Xiangyu, why didn't sister Xiaoxiao come with me? Do you have to go alone?" Dongfang Chacha asked curiously on the road.

Dongfang Chacha and Dongfang Xiaoxiao came to Jian Yifeng.

Dongfang Chacha is the card face, and Dongfang Xiaoxiao is an important person.

Because Dongfang Xiaoxiao has entered the supreme swordsmanship.

And it went up two floors.

Already great.

"Because Miss Chacha is too powerful." Xiangyu said.

Hearing what Xiangyu said, Dongfang Chacha was very happy.

This shows that she is one step closer to becoming stronger.

Once she gets stronger, she can do whatever she wants.

Don't listen to what anyone says.

Then she was right.

What Xiangtao said was wrong.


Suddenly there was an explosion.

Xiangyu immediately protected Chacha behind her, and she looked ahead with some concern.

This is Jian Yifeng, and there are still people who dare to make trouble here, so it's not safe no matter how you look at it.

Chacha was also staring at the front, but she reached out and grabbed the bean sprouts by her hair, and then hid them in her sleeves.

The bean sprouts are so brittle that they disappear when you drop them.

boom! !

The aftermath of this explosion directly spread over.

But it dissipated not far in front of the taro.

Um, a little weak.

Xiangyu frowned, if she didn't perceive wrongly, it was just two third-orders fighting, and they didn't seem to be strong.

"Xiangtao, isn't it strong?" Dongfang Chacha asked curiously.

"Miss Chacha, the realm of comprehension is not safe at all, although the other party's strength has only been shown to be at the third level, but they must not be underestimated.

Slightness may come at a cost. "Xiangtao said seriously.

"En." Dongfang Chacha nodded seriously.

Just like my cousin, she doesn't look as good as her.

Fight, just, just...

Crash, can't imagine.

There is also Lu Shui's cousin, who is obviously much weaker than her, but every time he sneaks up on her, causing her to be beaten all the time.

So Dongfang Chacha thinks what Xiangyu said makes sense.

Taro is right.

And at this moment, a sword light flashed.

A powerful sword intent came from the sky, as if to cut through all obstacles.

Feeling the sword, Xiangyu frowned, and another person came, and this person was different from the previous one.

"The cultivation base of around 3.7 is about the same as mine, but for some reason, I always feel that I am not the opponent's opponent at all." Xiangyu was surprised.

Such a powerful sword intent.

She protected Dongfang Chacha and began to retreat. If this person attacked them, she could only let Miss Chacha escape first.

"There are two more people here." A sudden voice sounded from the side.

Dongfang Chacha and Xiangyu immediately turned to check.

The people who came were a man and a woman.

The second level of the woman held a long knife in her hand, and the third level of the man was empty-handed.

"Don't be nervous, we are here to deal with some small conflicts." Chu Yu said.

Yes, it was Chu Yu and Jian Luo who came over.

And it is naturally the strongest sword that prevents the conflict.

There are too many people, and the neighborhood is a bit chaotic.

Inside Jian Yifeng, no one dared to mess around.

After confirming the identities of Jianluo and the others, Xiangyu breathed a sigh of relief, and then silently stood aside.

"Are you all from Jian Yifeng?" Dongfang Chacha asked curiously.

Of course, she will remain vigilant.

Taro taught.

Now she still has to obey.

"She is, I am not.

I belong to Baihuagu, and Jianluo belongs to Jian Yifeng. "Hatsuyu briefly introduced himself.

"Dongfang Chacha?" Jian Luo looked at Dongfang Chacha and asked.

"You know me?" Dongfang Chacha was a little surprised.

In fact, she knew Jianluo. Jianluo was a famous proud girl of heaven, whom many people envied, as well as that Daoist Yu Nie.

This kind of celebrity knows her, Dongfang Chacha thinks she can mention it to sister Xiaoxiao.

Jian Luo nodded. In fact, Dongfang Chacha was very prominent when she was in Tianchi River.

Of course she knows.

They are all women, so she shouldn't pay much attention to her eyes.

But she felt that she was stronger, stronger in all aspects, then Jian Luo glanced at Dongfang Chacha's chest.

This is much stronger.

Of course, the realm of comprehension still speaks for itself.

Her cultivation base is also much stronger than Dongfang Chacha, especially the growth rate has been very fast recently.

Then Jian Luo looked at Dongfang Chacha's cultivation.

Seeing this, the whole person was dumbfounded.

"Third, third level?" Jian Luo couldn't believe it.

Then he said:

"You, third rank?"

Hearing what Jian Luo said, Chu Yu also noticed that Dongfang Chacha had actually reached the third rank.

But Tier 3, is there anything strange about it?

Although he is more of a homebody, he hangs out with Jian Qi Jian Luo and the others more often recently, and naturally he will hear some of the more amazing Chosen One.

But among these, there is no such person as Dongfang Chacha.

Oriental Tea nodded:

"Tier three has been around for a long time."

Xiangyu frowned, unexpectedly meeting someone who knew her young lady as soon as she arrived.

Under normal circumstances, as long as no one knows Miss Chacha's age, Tier 3 cultivation is nothing.

But it shouldn't be a big problem.

Miss Chacha is indeed not what it used to be.

But she just didn't understand why Miss Chacha was being beaten up by Young Master Lu all the time.

Hearing what Dongfang Chacha said, Jian Luo fell silent.

Was compared to the past.

If she remembers correctly, Dongfang Chacha should be around eighteen years old, right?

About her age.

Daozong Yu Nie has also been compared to the third rank at this age.

In the entire comprehension world, the strongest person of the same age should be this one.

"Before I knew it, Tianjiao's position had already changed hands." Jian Luo felt a little emotional.

Of course, I'm just feeling a little bit, um, a little shocked.

Chu Yu didn't care much about cultivation, he looked into Dongfang Chacha's eyes and said curiously:

"Are your eyes hiding powerful power?"

"How do you know?" Dongfang Chacha was a little surprised.

Even the taro on one side was a bit of a surprise.

She tensed up.

It's okay to know about the cultivation base, but once the eyes are recognized, it will be dangerous.

She knew that Miss Chacha's eyes were rare treasures in the world.

A treasure enough to be coveted by big men.

Hatsue tried to guess:

"What color are your eyes?

Blue or gold?

I think it should be golden. "

"How do you know?" Dongfang Chacha was surprised again.

"Miss Chacha." Xiangyu called from the side.

It's dangerous.

But she didn't understand how the man in front of her knew the color of her eyes.

Hearing what Dongfang Chacha said, Chu Yu immediately said:

"The true eyes of the evil king, right?"

"Eh? A cousin of mine said the same thing." Dongfang Chacha was stunned for a moment.

Xiangyu was speechless.

She actually checked this eye specially.

It can only be said that Young Master Lu was just joking. In other words, this person actually thinks that Miss Chacha is a middle school girl?

Fortunately, she was nervous for a long time.

But vigilance dare not let go.

"What kind of eyes are these?" Jian Luo asked curiously.

"I'll talk to you about science after that." After speaking, Chu Yu said curiously:

"Who is your cousin? Can you introduce me to him?

I think I must have a common language with him. "

"Don't meet evildoers at that time, you can't even raise your head, it's embarrassing." Jian Luo said on the side.

Chu Yu is directly immune to Jian Luo's words.

What kind of girl has he never seen?

However, he feels that his talent is not bad, and he is currently the most powerful among his peers in Baihua Valley.

Jian Luo glanced at Chu Yu, and then sent a voice transmission to Chu Yu:

"Dongfang Chacha is about eighteen years old."

What happened to eighteen years old?


eighteen years old?

"Damn it." Chu Yu almost yelled directly, and then looked at Jianluo's sound transmission:

"You didn't lie to me, did you? The little girl in front of you is a monster?"

Jian Luo didn't answer, believe it or not.

Those who write novels are sick.

"Even if Dongfang Chacha is an evildoer, it doesn't mean that her cousin is also an evildoer. I think there is still a common language." Chu Yu thought carefully and came to a conclusion.

After all, brothers and sisters are not equal in talent.

For example, the sword rises and the sword falls.

Although Jian Luo is powerful, it is much inferior to Jian Qi.

At this time, Dongfang Chacha suddenly raised his hand and said:

"Have you finished communicating?"

Hatsue: "..."

The evildoer is too scary, they all know it through sound transmission.

Dongfang Chacha just felt that these two people were looking at each other, and they should be communicating.

When you go out, you must be polite, don't cause trouble to others, and don't affect others.

She always remembers.

After getting Chu Yu's confirmation, Dongfang Chacha immediately said:

"Then when they come one day later, I'll tell you."

She naturally knew that cousin Lu Shui was coming.

Cousin told her.

Chu Yu and Jian Luo were a little surprised, they didn't expect the other party's cousin to come too.

But it's nothing to see you then.

Have a good chat, in case I can get some inspiration.

Yes, Hatsue has recently gotten stuck again. Although there was some inspiration in the material, it didn't last long.

Otherwise, he would stroll here with Jian Luo Jianqi?

Go back early and code all night.

And in ten days or so, school will start, and he still has to study.

how busy.

In the graduation season, he had to go to freshman again after finishing school.


At noon the next day, Lu Shui was still on the train.

But there is only one last stop away from Jianyi Peak.

Lu Shui looked out the window and closed the book.

Now the train is driving in the sky, and there are powerful beasts in the jungle below. If there is any sound or movement on the ground, it is easy to alarm the beasts.

So we can only take the empty road.

"It's 4.5, and it will be 4.6 in a few days, and there are still more than ten days before the fifth step."

Lu Shui was looking forward to the fifth level, because only at the fifth level would he know how long it would take to advance to the sixth level.

The situation in the previous life cannot be used as a reference.

Only when you reach the realm can you know what will happen next.

"Fortunately, we don't have to wait too long." Lu Shui said to himself silently.

Lu Shui looked out for a while, and found a huge mountain peak in the distance, standing there like a sharp sword.

"Sword Yifeng?"

Seeing the mountain peak, Lu Shui had a small question in his heart.

Is Jian Yifeng related to Jian Yi?

"Do you know the origin of Jian Yifeng?" Lu Shui said suddenly.

He was naturally asking about Zhenwu and Zhenling behind him.

Zhenwu said:

"According to the records, Jian Yifeng is a sect established by a casual cultivator.

It is said that a long time ago, a casual cultivator sat on Jianyi Peak and realized the way of swordsmanship, and finally established a sect here.

As for why it was named Jian Yifeng.

It is said to tell the later generations that there is no peak in the way of swordsmanship, if there is, it is at their peak in swordsmanship. "

"It's a very popular story with an inspiring meaning, but it has nothing to do with Jian Yi." Lu Shui said to himself.

But he didn't think much of it, as the train was landing.

It's time for him to get out of the car.

Then the train stopped and Jian Yifeng arrived.

Lu Shui stepped out of the train, and there were quite a few people getting off here.

Most of them accepted Jian Yifeng's invitation. This time, Jian Yifeng invited quite a few people. Those who have been to the Misty Islands may be among the invitations.

When Lu Shui got off the train, Jing Hai and Dao Zong Yu Nie also came out not far away.

Jinghai was a little surprised when he saw Lu Shui, and then said softly:

"The young master of the Lu family is also here."

Daozong Yu Nie naturally knew what shocking the sea meant.

When they left the Misty Islands, they went to investigate the Lower Worm Valley, and the results were a little hard for them to accept.

As the top power, Chonggu was half destroyed by someone's sword, and he didn't even dare to have any complaints.

But the other top sects did not respond at all.

Regardless of Daozong, Jian Yifeng or Qiaoyunzong, they acted as if they had nothing to do with them.

Other forces are more or less unexpected and commotion.

This directly shows one thing, the strength of the Lu family is only known to some of the top people.

And this is definitely not the first time.

Jing Hai is increasingly unable to understand the Lu family.

Of course, given him ten guts now, he wouldn't dare to provoke the young master of the Lu family.

Although the conflict between juniors, the problem will not be too big.

But peace is still the most important thing.

After that, they went to Jian Yifeng to see what Jian Yifeng wanted to do.


Lu Shui came to the foot of Jian Yifeng Mountain. He looked up and found that there was no one flying with a sword here.

Many people in Jian Yifeng can fly with the sword at the third level, it's a pity if they don't come out to show off.

When Dongfang Zhazai knew how to fly with his sword, he had to take them with him to fly with his sword.

To be honest, Lu Shui has never experienced the second-order Yujian flight.

He can't fly with the sword at the second level, he can't fly with the sword in this life, and he can't fly with the sword in the last life.

Lu Shui shook his head and stopped thinking about it, Dongfang is just scum.

As long as it's not Mu Xue's second-level Yujian flying, otherwise, if there is a quarrel in the future, it will have to be said.

Then Jian Yifeng's people stopped Lu Shui.

"Fellow Daoist, do you have an invitation letter?" A monk asked.

Lu Shui looked at the monk. He was a young man with a second-level cultivation and looked very ordinary.

Lu Shui didn't speak, but stretched his hand to the side.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Zhenwu put the invitation letter on Lu Shui's hand.

After receiving the invitation letter, Lu Shui handed the invitation letter to the ordinary Jian Yifeng disciple, saying:

"this one?"

"The Lu family?" The ordinary disciple asked curiously after receiving the invitation letter.

"Is there something wrong?" Lu Shui asked.

The ordinary disciple immediately shook his head and said:

"No, please come inside."

"Don't we need to check whether we have entered the Supreme Sword?" Lu Shui asked.

Although Jian Yifeng invited many people, not everyone can enter Jian Yifeng.

Only those who have some insight into the Supreme Sword Dao can enter.

And those who can't get in are not in vain.

Outside, there will be seniors from Jian Yifeng who will come out to explain the way of cultivation and clear up people's doubts.

For many people, this is also a kind of opportunity.

"Fellow Daoist's invitation letter is rather special, you can enter Jian Yifeng casually if you don't need it." The ordinary disciple said.

Lu Shui nodded and didn't say much.

"Do you want to go directly to Sword Intent Pond, fellow daoist? If so, I can lead the way for fellow daoist." said the ordinary disciple.

Lu Shui nodded:

"Thank you."

Then the ordinary disciple led Lu Shui inside.

"Fellow Daoist is from the Lu family?" The ordinary disciples on the road asked curiously.

"Lu family, Lu Shui." Lu Shui said.

"Because I've been in Jianyi Peak and haven't been out before, so I don't know much about the outside world, so I lost my composure before. I hope you don't mind." The ordinary disciple said apologetically.

Lu Shui didn't care about this, but asked:

"Are you practicing sword at Jian Yifeng?"

"No, I'm not suitable for sword training." The ordinary disciple said with some embarrassment:

"I'm just a little monk doing odd jobs in Jianyi Peak."

Lu Shui and the others have already walked into the path, and occasionally one or two people pass by here.

But it doesn't look like Jian Yifeng's person.

After passing by two people, Lu Shui spoke again:

"What is your dao name in Jianyi Peak?"

"Nanchuan, this is the dao name I took for myself when I first entered Jianyi Peak." Nanchuan said.

When talking about the Dao name, he was a little embarrassed.

Because I am just an ordinary disciple.

"Is it difficult to practice swords?" Lu Shui and the others had already walked out of the path and came to the lake. This is the main road and there are many people.

"It's hard, anyway, I can't wield a sword, so I can only do odd jobs in the end." Nan Chuan said.

"Are you envious?" Lu Shui asked.

"Envy, sword cultivation should be a very happy thing." Nan Chuan said with a smile.

Lu Shui didn't speak any more. Not long after, they saw an area full of swords, and there was a strong sword intent here.

"The Sword Intent Pool is here. Fellow Daoists can try it there. If you can enter, you can get a gift from Jian Yifeng. I heard it is very rich." Nan Chuan said looking at the Sword Intent Pool in front of him.

Lu Shui stopped after seeing the Sword Intent Pond, he was a little curious and said:

"I heard that this place is prepared for a great man to forge a sword. You said that even if the sword is forged, would that great man be willing to hold the sword?"

"It will definitely." Nan Chuan said excitedly and adoringly:

"Our seniors from Jian Yifeng will definitely shine."

"Really?" Lu Shui said, and walked straight ahead.

After Lu Shui left, Zhenwu Zhenling naturally followed.

Nan Chuan didn't move forward anymore, as long as he was sent here, it was enough.

However, Nanchuan took a second look at Lu Shui:

"The young master of the Lu family looks a little ordinary."

Afterwards, Nan Chuan stopped paying attention and went outside. He still had to keep busy.

These few days can be said to be their busiest days in so many years.

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