The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 475 Is the Great Elder the Sovereign of the Hidden Heaven Sect?

Looking at the contents of the notes, Lu Shui was a little surprised.

He discovered one thing.

The other party said that he was an ordinary person who was 123 years old.

But the other party mentioned the city of mist and the island.

what does that mean?

It means that this person most likely entered the Fog City from the outside, and settled on this island for a certain purpose.

Is this something an ordinary person can do?

Not to mention an ordinary person, even a Daoist, it is impossible to enter the Mist City at will, let alone settle on the island of the Mist City.

This man, page two says, is anything but false.

He has really mastered a power that cannot be guessed by common sense.

It is the power of Tao.

"Who is this person?"

Lu Shui was a little surprised for a while, but judging from the font, it should be a character from ancient times.

There were such people in ancient times?

Or ordinary people.

Lu and none of them are ordinary people.

Furthermore, what is the hope that the other party said?

Why try to see here, or borrow this island?

Lu Shui had a lot of doubts, but he didn't think too much about it. Instead, he turned a page to see what was recorded later.

"I don't have any regrets in my life. If I have to say it, I just want a daughter.

Unfortunately, only the son.

Fortunately, it is not a big problem.

Because of me, my wife has to be an ordinary person with me.

A little ashamed of her beauty.

My son's talent is not bad, he only inherited my negligible talent, so he shouldn't be able to go too far on the road.

Just go with the flow.

It is indeed a pity that there is no cultivation, and there is no mastery of the power of a cultivator to move mountains and seas.

Good boy, how can you not yearn for power?

I can destroy the strongest with a snap of my fingers, but that is not real strength.

It doesn't give me a sense of accomplishment.

The rest should be nothing to care about.

I am about to die of old age, and I will indeed have some nostalgia for the world, but it will draw a full stop to life.

It is also considered complete. "

Lu Shui frowned slightly, feeling that this person was both ordinary and special.

But he didn't think much, but continued to look behind.

Read it first.

"Unfortunately not, but I have a wish after all.

I want to see Midu once.

No matter what kind of fandom it is, it's fine.

Maybe we can know whether there is hope.

I have lived for more than a hundred years and searched for decades, but I have never seen Midu.

I know many secrets and know what fans are.

So I want to meet.

I came here, and I feel that this place is the closest to Midu.

I have used everything I can to protect this island, settle it, and even leave something that can teach living beings.

If any living beings fall here, you can teach them to understand the truth and know the situation.

Learn to survive. "

Lu Shui watched and continued to turn backwards.

"This small wish may not be realized.

But I still have a glimmer of hope.

Leave this note, maybe someone can see it in the future.

Maybe it can be seen by the person I think.

Ha ha.

It's a bit extravagant.

This is the limit of what I can do, and I have to go back.

It's nighttime, it's time for dinner.

Ordinary people are not good at this point. If they don’t eat three meals a day, their stomachs will growl. "

"By the way, this place is very close to the hidden fans, but it's also very far away.

Areas that do not exist cannot be found with common sense.

It's not enough to cultivate to the sky.

After it shows up, maybe try to find it.

I can not find.

Manpower is always limited.

The name will not be left.

An ordinary person who is one hundred and twenty-three years old and will come to the end of his life. "

Lu Shui closed his notebook.

Let him a little surprised.

This person knows Midu, and wants to see Midu.

Are fans so easy to see?

I saw it and didn't know what it was.

And that's a loophole. If there are too many fans, the world will go wrong.

Many people know about the existence of Midu, but in their whole life, few people can see Midu.

It's like a normal person seeing a person from the future.

Basically nonexistent.

Not everyone, like Jian Yi, can summon a fan.

Not once or twice.

It probably happened that the fan was attracted by Sword One and they cut out the first sword of the era.

Only then will Jian Yi be summoned twice successfully.

Of course, it is also possible that Jian Yi and Lu are too special, they are the scorching sun of the times, and they are too conspicuous.

That's why it's easy to form a maze around the surrounding area.

Lu Shui had never seen anything like Midu before.

If you have seen it, you will directly apply for a subsidy.

For example, from the endless world, pull a person to replace it and act as a fan.

That is to say, what normal people recognize as a time traveler.

"I don't know if this person saw Midu in the end."

Lu Shui was rather curious. In fact, he also wanted to know who this person was.

Ordinary people, master the truth.

This kind of person is very rare, if the other party sees Midu, he will have a chance to meet this person.

If the other party is bragging, he will curse angrily, and then directly exit the group chat.

If you can't make up, you can't make up.

Little cracks like this don't matter.

Once he quit the group chat, the other party couldn't scold him even if they wanted to.


"But does this person know that Ming's fans are nearby?"

"Or, I was able to be pulled to this place because of this person's hands and feet?"

Not impossible.

But the city where Ming is located is indeed a mystery.

Unable to detect it for the time being.

I can only wait for the destruction of the three stars, and take a look by the way.

As for this notebook.

Lu Shui put it away.

This calligraphy is really powerful, and ordinary people may feel the general trend of mountains and rivers.

Even people who don't know calligraphy at all can feel the momentum.

Lu Shui sighed in his heart, how much would it cost.

After selling this thing, don't you need to go back home to cheat money recently?

Lu Shui felt that someone should sell it to his family in exchange for a large number of spirit stones.

Wait for this notebook to be collected on the fourth floor.

He went back to get it back.

Empty glove white wolf.

It's a great plan.

Others couldn't produce the original copy, but he was no one else, and there was no book in the Sutra Pavilion that he couldn't bring out.

Even if he brought them all out, no one could stop them.

At most, it won't take long for him to be arrested, hand over his books, and go to the Fengshuang River to contemplate.

The problems are not very big.

But this kind of outrageous thing, I have never done such a big thing, I am about to get married, the big plan is gone, or use this plan as a substitute.

happy happy?

Can consider it.

However, the owner of this note is open to discussion.

An ordinary person who can know the mystery and kill the strongest with a flick of his fingers.

No matter how you look at it, it is not normal.

And the other party knows where Ming's fans are.

Then its era is after Ming was Lu Shou's fan capital.

That is, the new era after the ancient era has completely ended.

At that time, Lu died, the three major forces disappeared, and Daozong fell.

All the forces, all the powerful are gone.

How strong was the strongest man at that time?

Anyway, there is no great elder.

Lu Shui didn't think too much about it anymore. Let this matter go ahead. It should have nothing to do with the Age of True Gods or the Last Battle of Ancient Era.

He didn't know anything about the world after Lu's death, and there were no legendary figures appearing at that time.

If this person is really that strong, he will more or less leave his name behind, right?

"Instead, we can ask Zhenwu Zhenling to check to see if there are any ordinary people around 123 years old whose names remain to this day."

After putting away his things, Lu Shui no longer stayed in the yard, but walked to the thatched cottage.

There was green smoke rising over there, as if they were cooking.

When he passed by, he did see the old woman cooking.

"Let's stay and have a meal, young man," the old woman said softly to Lu Shui.

Looking at the vegetables and tableware already on the table, Lu Shui nodded:


"Young man, wait a moment." The old woman laughed.

Perhaps this is the first time in her life that she has a possibility.

It might also be the only time.

After a long time, a fairly rich dish was placed on the table.

Lu Shui sat down, and the old woman sat down too.

The wild wolf was standing on the side. It also had a bowl on the table, but it didn't come up.

"I don't mind." Lu Shui glanced at Ye Lang and said.

Then the wild wolf climbed onto the high chair cautiously and ate more carefully.

It seemed that he was afraid of affecting Lu Shui's side.

It is also a rare experience to sit at the same table with a wolf.

after dinner.

Lu Shui was about to leave.

"The food is delicious." Lu Shui said softly.

"It's good to eat." The old woman smiled, and then said:


Lu Shui nodded slightly, thanked him, and said goodbye, then put on his hat and went to the woods.

See what else is here.

If not, go out and have a look.

In the end, finding nothing, I tried to go back.

Let's see if Ming and Yue talk about anything.

Has memory improved.

Lu Shui left the old woman's residence, which may have disturbed their peaceful life, but it didn't disturb much.

I planned to wish the old woman a long life, but she is in her nineties.

Embarrassed to open the curse.

According to the notes, there should be nothing else here.

This island was set here by the other party, if Jiaoren's light sphere is a verification system.

Then the verification system may also be moved by the other party.


That's something.

The Mu family channel finally connects here, and it should be made by the other party.

Think about it carefully, the other party is really powerful.

He may not even be able to do it now.

After walking for a while, Lu Shui came to the top of the mountain, which is the highest mountain on the island.

Might be able to see something useful here.

Not long after, Lu Shui came to the top of the mountain, the strong wind blew, and the black robe moved with the wind.

As far as the eye can see are endless forests, and there are rivers running through the forests.

Occasionally, some small hills appear.

There are sandy beaches and birds in the distance.

Only there is nothing special about it.

There is something special in the sky, it should be the verification system.

"It appears that there really isn't much more to discover here."

Lu Shui sighed inwardly.

Gotta go outside and see.

Find a few days to see if the channel can last for a few days.

It was just that when Lu Shui was about to leave, a gust of wind suddenly blew.

The moment Lu Shui felt the wind, he looked back.

At this moment, he saw a figure approaching slowly, approaching step by step, with a powerful sword intent looming.

big, elder?


Can't beat it.

He had to find a way to escape from here, otherwise he would be exposed.

But isn't the Great Elder resisting Emperor Zun's attack?

How come you have time to come here?

The Great Elder was attracted because of the connection of the Mingyue Passage, which brought an impact to the Fog City?

There is such a possibility.

Lu Shui knew that the Great Elder had been in that strange state and was always connected to the Mist Capital.

There is a big accident here, and he will come over when he is free.

And the power is incomplete, it should only be part of the power of the Great Elder.


Even if it is a part, it can't be beaten.

Now even with the power of heaven and earth, he dared to attack the third elder, maybe he couldn't be more fierce.

The Second Elder and the First Elder did not dare to provoke them at all.


The Second Elder is so good, he definitely wouldn't hit him.

But to hide his identity, the Second Elder would not be lenient in a fight.

Speaking of it, the second elder is better, answering every question, and cute.

If the younger sister was like the second elder, he wouldn't beat her up.

When the Second Elder was young, he was definitely loved by the clan.

That is a veritable jewel in the palm.

I guess so.

After all, he didn't know what the second elder was like when he was young, and he didn't know about the elders when they were young.

There may also be a period of secondary school, such as him.


Soon Lu Shui didn't think about it any more, and the Great Elder came over.

He didn't back down, but kept as calm as possible.

Once you have the intention to retreat, it is easy to be passive.

At this time, the wind stopped blowing, and the Great Elder stood by the edge of the land and water, looking at the island.

It seems to be enjoying the scenery.

Lu Shui was also standing, if it was someone else, he wouldn't feel guilty.

But this is the oldest elder in the family.

Different from other ancient predecessors.

Others couldn't educate him, but the Great Elder told him to face the wall and think about his mistakes, so he had to go.

"Your Excellency, being able to come here is a bit extraordinary." The calm voice of the Great Elder came out.

Lu Shui bowed his head and said respectfully:

"Fortunately, compared with the predecessors, it looks ordinary."

"In the city of fog, ordinary people dare not touch it, but your Excellency can walk in the fog at will.

To be lucky is to be humble. "The Great Elder turned his head and glanced at Lu Shui, and continued to speak in a calm voice:

"Your Excellency is in the world of comprehension, and your reputation should be at its peak, right?"

The Great Elder doesn't have a real figure here, but it seems to have an outline.

Lu Shui felt a little panicked after being glanced at just now.

In case the Great Elder made a move, he couldn't hide it.

There is no danger.

But being caught by the elders in the family always feels scary.


He is a majestic young master of the Lu family, why are there so many people afraid of him?

The third elder didn't dare to provoke him, and the first elder had to be careful.

Dad and mother, that's not easy to mess with.

The young master of the Lu family felt a little aggrieved.

"Nobody." Lu Shui respectfully said:

"Junior Dongfang Eleven."

The reputation of Liuhuo is too great, so I dare not use it.

Dongfang Haoyue's parents knew it and couldn't use it.

Senior Dongfang Shilihongsu knew it and couldn't use it.

Because they know, the Great Elder may know.

Using it is tantamount to telling the Great Elder that I am that useless young man of your family.

Didn't find it?

Now you find out.

"." The Great Elder looked at Lu Shui and said nothing for a while.

After waiting for a while, he slowly opened his mouth:

"My seat, the lord of the Yintian Sect, does not need a name or a code name."

Lu Shui nodded, Lu Family Elder Lu...


Lu Shui was stunned for a moment.


Hidden sky sect suzerain?

Is the Great Elder playing a fake identity like him?

But soon, he started thinking.

The suzerain of Hidden Sky Sect is in the capital of mist, and the great elder is also often in the capital of fog.

Seems to be right.

Furthermore, he was given the Secret Book of Hidden Heaven by the Great Elder, and Li Qianchi and the others said that he was picked up by the suzerain.


There is also that piece of jade pendant, which is the suzerain's token.

This thing is justified on him.

If the great elder only knew the suzerain, how could the jade pendant be on him?

Only when the great elder is the suzerain, will he give the jade pendant to him and let him be the young suzerain.


Why did the Great Elder give me the jade pendant, knowing that I was pretending to be the Young Sect Master of the Yintian Sect?

No, it's impossible.

At that time, I pretended to be just once at random.

It is impossible for the Great Elder to know about this, so why give it to me?

"Because I retired and showed a rebellious side, the Great Elder thinks that I am suitable to be a rebellious boy and engage in assassination activities?"

Lu Shui had some guesses in his heart.

"So, I've been pretending to be myself?"


He took the seat before passing the position to him?

Lu Shui felt that he had done something stupid.


Why is the Great Elder Society the Sovereign of the Hidden Sky Sect?

There is no reason.

The Great Elder has thick eyebrows and big eyes, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like he will start the Hidden Sky Sect and engage in the assassin industry.

When did he need to sneak in his sword?

Never heard of such a thing in the previous life.

It has been heard that even if he is killed, he will not pretend to be the suzerain of the Tianzong.

When you see the jade pendant, you will definitely lose it.

Therefore, the hidden order was placed in his storage bag by the great elder.

That's fine. .

‘The Great Elder asked me to go to the secret book, didn’t he want people to discover my identity as the young suzerain, and give me a surprise? '

'Surprise, I'm sitting still, how do I get rid of this thing? '

At this moment, Lu Shui felt that the world was full of malice towards him.

Except for the second elder, everyone in the family was full of malice towards him.

This reminded him of the scene where he announced his name in the ancient city of disasters. The elder was in a daze, right?

If they knew it was their own cub, how many times would they have to eat melons and look at him.

This matter must not be exposed.

Fortunately, Liu Huo's name was not reported just now.

No, I won't report Liu Huo's name in the future.


It has nothing to do with Lu Shui and me.

"I've heard about your senior's name for a long time, but seeing you today, your reputation is well-deserved." Lu Shui said respectfully.

He stabilized his mind and did not cause any problems with his speech because of the news.

Only in this way can you not reveal your secrets, otherwise it will be embarrassing.

But it's okay, as long as the Great Elder doesn't know that he is a fire.

Haha, who is Liu Huo?

Anyone is fine, anyway, it's not me, Lu Shui.

"Your Excellency is not bad." The elder no longer looked at Lu Shui, but looked at Gao Kong and said:

"Verification systems appear on islands.

How did you get in here? "

Lu Shui looked towards the sky, but he could see the verification system.

How did he get in?

At the beginning, he used the power of heaven and earth, but later the other party had to open the door when he saw him.

"Some tricks were used." Lu Shui said softly.

He didn't accept the verification seriously.

You can try it later.

"Is that so?" The Great Elder's voice was quite calm, without any ups and downs.

Lu Shui looked at the Great Elder and hesitated for a while, and decided to try to ask the Great Elder about the situation in the Mist City.

You know, the Great Elder has been here for a long time.

There should be some understanding here.

If the Great Elder is willing to answer, it will be of great benefit to him.

"Why did the seniors come here?

Because has something changed here? " Lu Shui asked.

"There are areas that don't exist, or areas that aren't known.

Perceived to exist, but unable to find.

The perception of this trip is abnormally obvious, as if it exists.

Came here but still didn't find anything. "The Great Elder looked at Lu Shuidao's gentle voice:

"Your Excellency is here for that area?"

"Yes, with the help of some passages, I came here, the closest to that area.

Unfortunately nothing was found. " Lu Shui said.

"Your Excellency, do you know where that is?" the Great Elder asked.

"Midu." Lu Shui replied.

He has no intention of hiding.

What if the Great Elder is willing to help him find it?

But the Great Elder probably doesn't know what Midu is, it took him a long time to understand what Midu is.

"So it's the Lost City." The Great Elder was quite emotional.

This surprised Lu Shui:

"Senior knows about Midu?"

Few people in today's world know about fans.

This can only be understood by entering the city of fog.

The Great Elder could indeed enter the Mist City, but no one told him.

Anyone who can tell him should not be in the Fog Capital.

It's just that Lu Shui was surprised by the answer of the great elder very soon.

At this moment, the Great Elder slowly opened his mouth and said:

"I've seen it."

Lu Shui looked surprised, have you seen it?

"Where is it?" he asked.

Somewhat unbelievable.

Fans can see it if they can say it?

The Great Elder looked at Lu Shui, and finally answered the question:

"my home."

at home?

This answer made Lu Shui a little unbelievable.

Where is the fandom at home?

It can't be that the Great Elder has been staying there all the time, right?

Not impossible.

How do I get in here?

But why does their Lu family have a fandom?

It doesn't matter if there is the only true god, and there is also Midu, and he doesn't believe that it has nothing to do with Lu.

The only true god was by Lu's side in ancient times, and the fans could exist permanently, basically all were sealed by Lu.

So the Lu family must have a certain relationship with Lu.

Lu Shui didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, he knew where the Great Elder's home was, so he assumed that he was aware of current affairs, and didn't ask more questions than he should have asked.

But being able to meet the Great Elder is considered lucky.

Knowing that fans exist in other places.

But it should be a fan capital with little influence.

After all, if it hasn't brought any changes to the Lu family, then it's not a big problem.

I don't know what Ming's fans are affecting.

"Do you currently have a way to find the unknown area?" the Great Elder asked.

Lu Shui shook his head:

"Not yet."

After that there will be.

But there is really no possibility of finding it now.

Even the Great Elder could not be found. He is currently not strong enough, so he should not be able to.

But with the power of heaven and earth, he still has an advantage.

Check it out later.


At this time a gust of wind blew.

Lu Shui knew that the Great Elder had left, so there should be no need to stay.

However, the Great Elder is really friendly and has the demeanor of a strong man, so he doesn't bother to attack him.

If he makes a move, he will be miserable.

After the great elder left completely, Lu Shui stepped out of the island in one step.

He wanted to see the verification system.

Mainly because the Great Elder just reminded him.

He has never experienced normal verification, and he doesn't know what the situation is.

It should not feel right.

Whether it will work or not, he is not sure.

However, the verification system cannot be allowed to open the back door, otherwise nothing will be verified.

Soon Lushui came to the edge of the island.

The light of the system has never fallen.

"Come down, verify your identity."

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