Lu Shui looked at the sky, and after his voice fell, a light fell slowly.

Then it fell in front of Lu Shui.

"Verifying identity."

"Authentication successful."

"Where's your scanning light?" Lu Shui asked while looking at the verification system.

Nothing, verify what?

He's here to prove it.

"This system has just been upgraded to a new level, automatic face recognition." The verification system replied.

Lu Shui: "."

A good intelligent system, why should it develop in the direction of mental retardation?

But he didn't care about these, but put away the black robe, saying:

"Use ordinary identity verification to verify me."

After a pause, Lu Shui ordered:

"Remember, it's a normal verification method, don't impose any external factors."


The system is so difficult.

"The system is blocking external factors."

"Successfully shielded."

"If you find outsiders, you need to verify before you can enter."

"Start verifying your identity."

At this moment, Lu Shui saw light falling on him.

But after a while, the light was retracted.

"Verification passed."

"Thank you for your cooperation."

"Please come in."

Lu Shui was a little surprised, he looked at the system and asked:

"Why can I pass the verification?"

The system did not reply immediately:

"The system is loading the database."

"Loading successful."

At this moment, the verification system seems to be much smarter:

"The system is only verified according to the data requirements, and your identity is ranked first in the verification process.

Any place that is verified by this system can be entered. "

Lu Shui was silent for a moment.

Turns out his identity is enough to get into anywhere?

"Can I pass the verification at the end of the sea?" Lu Shui still asked.

"Yes." The system replied.

Lu Shui frowned.

The Great Elder does not need any identity to enter the verification, and it is impossible for the verification system to stop him.

However, he remembered that his father could also enter at the end of the sea, and he also picked up the metal pages.

The Lu family is special?

"That's not right, mother also picked it up and passed the verification."

Lu Shui was puzzled.

I don't understand this.

"Is there any relevant answer in the database?" Lu Shui asked.

"The verification system has insufficient authority to know all the contents of the database." The verification system replied.

Lu Shui didn't ask any more questions.

In the database, there are nine related programs.

And Jiu's program has very high authority, so you should still bring the only true god there.

This involves the Wind and Frost River.

Quite troublesome.

He had to wait until after marriage, otherwise it would be like causing trouble to the elders, and he didn't have that much time as the wedding was coming soon.

It seems that it can only be delayed for a while.

Shaking his head, Lu Shui planned to leave.

Just after taking two steps, Lu Shui suddenly thought of something, and said curiously:

"How did the system of this island come about?"

The system at the end of the sea was left by Jiu.

This system should also belong to Jiu.

But according to the notes, this system should be related to that ordinary person.

"Analyzing query."

"Analysis succeeded."

"The system was migrated here, no specific information."

The system responds quickly.

Lu Shui didn't ask any more questions, but walked away.

He figured it out, what the note said was true.

The verification system is indeed not the masterpiece of that person, but he moved the verification system from other places here.

This ability is also against the sky.

Ordinary people who can do it?

The Great Elder can't do it.

He has to study it himself to do it. An ordinary person can do this in only one hundred and twenty-three years of life.

This man is amazing.

One hundred and twenty-three in the last life, Lu Shui felt that he was also very ordinary.

The three elders can't do it, right?

Not to mention mobile verification systems.

The blessing of the power of heaven and earth cannot be so exaggerated, that person has directly comprehended the Dao of heaven and earth, and the numerology of all things.

How could such a person not be famous forever?

Lu Shui felt that he had to ask Zhenwu to investigate immediately.

Well, I can't get in touch with Zhenwu now, so I'd better take a stroll here to see if I can make any new discoveries.

Said the landing water left the island directly.

The optical tool of the system showed up and waved goodbye.

finally left.

The system is so touching.



Under the Nether Sea Territory.

The Kraken army fought all over the sea.

"This is my Haiti, you dare to come and grab it."

"Obviously I came first, you are too much."


The force is hitting, they are beating life and death.

"It's so big, why do you have to fight your own people nearby?"

"Then why don't you back down?"

"It's close to the queen, I heard someone is attacking, I'm so weak, how can I defend?

I have already taken a fancy to the new mobile phone, and I will ask them to send it if I say anything. "

"I'm also optimistic about a computer, you can't beat me."

"Don't you know that there is no signal in the sea?" The sudden voice reached the ears of the two sea monsters.

Then the two glared at the person next to them.

They said in unison: "You want to take care of it?"

"..., I mean, I've taken a fancy to this place, stay away."

"Is it melee? Little girl, don't think that because you are cute, we will show mercy."

"Yes, let's pinch our faces a few times, and we will be merciful."


At this time, a slap was slapped out.


The sea area surged, and the two sea monsters were directly slapped away.

Only some screams came back.

The Second Elder landed on the ground. As soon as she landed on the sea floor, the sea water here rose up automatically, leaving an open space for her to move about.

As a human being, I'm not used to living in water.

Even if you live in the sea, don't touch the sea water.

"You seem to like the sea very much." The second elder looked at the excited Jiu and asked.

They came this time to join the Siren army to build an altar.

Then go in and ask Lu Shui questions.

The second elder felt that Lu Shui probably didn't know what relationship Jiu had with the Lu family, but there were so many problems in the world, it was impossible for Lu Shui to know all of them.

If he didn't want to lose his reputation, he should use numerology to answer.

But think about it, people like Lu Shui have never been worrying since childhood, can they really do reliable things?

What if the answer is that you don't know?


Not impossible.

But it's all here, so it doesn't hurt to try.

"Yes, I really like staying at the bottom of the sea." Jiu sat in the air and said:

"My God's Domain has always been in the sea, quiet and cool.

Siren is what I created in the sea.

They are very noisy.

Then I ran outside and didn't return to God's Domain.

Then one or two of them ran out and never came back.

I went to look for the rest, and those who went out to look for it didn't come back.

In the end, everyone ran out, and none of them came back.

Hiding around here. "

The second elder was a little surprised:

"Why did they run out and fail to come back?"

It feels like Jiu did it on purpose, throw it away if it is too noisy, and throw it away a little bit.

It's not that Jiu can't do this kind of thing.


"Don't think about it. At that time, I was the only true god of heaven and earth, who was innocent and kind. At that time, I hadn't been led astray." Jiu beat the head of the second elder and continued:

"Even if I was led crookedly, I would...I didn't seem to do anything.

How can you say that you were led crookedly?

But I definitely won't secretly throw them away because I think they are noisy.

At that time, when I left God's Domain, God's Domain would hide automatically.

If one goes out, one cannot come back, and then they all go out.

We can only move collectively. "

Second Elder: "."

No wonder they beat their own people, these people are heartless.

Sirens are really simple creatures.

"Just now you said that the sea monster was created by you?" The second elder suddenly returned to this question.

"Can't you?" Jiu looked at the second elder and asked:

"I am the only true God in the world, what's wrong with borrowing something from this world to create some races?

The undead tribe you led before actually appeared because of me.

Surprised? "

The second elder was stunned.

For a moment, she felt Jiu's mighty power, and she was indeed not a normal person.

This is indeed the only true God in heaven and earth.


Why can't I feel it?

"Because I have a high affinity." Jiu pouted and said:

"Little Xiaoting, you know what?

You are blaspheming the true God.

You will be punished by God, but for the sake of being so cute, I won't punish you.

Let me brush your hair. "

Right, that is it.

The Second Elder has never been able to feel Jiu's divine power.

It felt like the kid next door, and it wasn't that bad for her.

In addition to love to play riddles.

This is very frustrating.

"That's right." Nine's voice came over:

"Xiao Xiaowei and Lu Shui met in the Mist City.

Lu Shui knew that it was Xiao Xiaowei who was on the other side.

Then Xiaowei told Lu Shui that he was the suzerain of the Hidden Heaven Sect. "

"Huh?" The second elder was a little confused:

"What is this doing?"

"Xiao Xiao did it on purpose." Jiu said:

"But Xiaowei is too tender, he shouldn't have chosen Lu Shui to talk about it when he was wearing a black robe.

He should be called to the back mountain, tell him the secret, and then pass on the throne to Lu Shui.

Then ask Lu Shui what he thinks of Liu Huo.

This is wonderful. "

Second Elder: "."

Is this really a kind and true God?

Saying that I am innocent and kind is not convincing at all.

However, the fake young suzerain found out that he was the real young suzerain, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

"I don't have any ideas, just don't let this vest go viral in the future." Jiu Kai thought for a while and said:

"According to my speculation, he must think so."

The second elder didn't speak any more, nor did he think any more.

Because Jiu can see her thoughts and can say them directly.

Fortunately, her thoughts are relatively pure, otherwise she must be very uncomfortable if she keeps being read.


Jiu knocked on the second elder again, and said:

"Don't think of the true god so badly."

"Didn't Lu Shui go to Mu's house?" The second elder suddenly asked curiously:

"How did he get to the Mist Capital?"

As for Lu Shui's safety, she wasn't too worried.

After knowing that Lu Shui likes to make trouble, the only advantage is that he doesn't have to worry too much about whether he is in danger.

Or maybe it was because Jiu gave her confidence that Lu Shui is special and powerful.

"This is very complicated. He is looking for Midu, but with his current strength, he can't find Midu." Jiu said.

"What will happen if you find it?" the second elder asked.

"The world will probably tend towards a more complete state.

Everything has become normal, and perhaps this is the result that many people want. " Jiu smiled and said:

"I loved seeing that scene too.

At that time, it was probably the day when I left Xiao Xiaoting.

Will Xiao Xiaoting be reluctant to bear me? "

The second elder looked back at Jiu, then asked:

"Will you tell me everything?"

"You're not cute anymore, it's a sad atmosphere now." Jiu poked the second elder's cheek and said.

Then she said:

"Yes, I'll tell you, and then you'll exclaim all this.

That was nothing short of a miracle.

No, worse than a miracle.

Amazing handwriting. "

Second Elder: "."

If you don't say it, can you not boast?

"Are Li Yin and the others alright?" the Second Elder asked.

She came here for a while, looking for a place all the way, and finally decided to grab one directly.

A lot of time wasted.

So she needs to know if Li Yin is okay.

With her strength, she naturally didn't notice the problem, but Jiu's strength far surpassed her.

And what Jiu sees is not only the present, but also the future.

"Don't worry, there is no problem, she is still happily busy with the wedding.

The wedding is ahead of schedule, and some are busy.

But Xiao Xiaogu didn't keep her too busy.

All without any problems. " Jiu opened his mouth to comfort him.

The second elder did not speak.

The wedding was brought forward again, which is really surprising.

After Lu Gu and his wife had a child, they became more capable of doing what people do.

It can also be regarded as bringing achievements to the family.

Suddenly she was a little curious:

"Is there enough time?

Only a month and a half. "

Lu Shui's project is too big.

"Enough, more than a month at most." At this time, Jiu's tone was a bit off:

"So he delayed the task I gave him again.

So far, he has not brought the only true God to meet me at the end of the sea.

They didn’t take me, the only true God in the world, into their eyes at all. "

The second elder began to look at the pictures and build the altar.

Nine was not afraid of anyone.

Although Lu Shui and Mu Xue are always said to be special, Jiu treats them like ordinary children.



Mu family.

Almost two days have passed.

Zudi still didn't respond.

Mu Yuan looked at the entrance, it was still covered by fog, it was completely out of his reach.

"Is there still no change?" Mu Jiang came over and asked.

It was getting dark again, and if it continued, they didn't know what would happen.


Mu Yuan has tried it, and he will have problems when he gets close to the fog.

"Wait a little longer." Mu Yuan said softly:

"Muze is fine right now.

Nothing will happen. "

"Mu Xue is going to get married, and Mu Ze and Tang Yi are required to send those returned invitations. If it keeps dragging on, I don't know if we will be able to make it in time.

And whether something will happen is another matter. "Mu Jiang sighed.

There's really nothing they can do about this.

After all, they are too weak.

But in the world of comprehension, it is indeed not easy to achieve such an achievement.

It's just that they can't go to the top like the Lu family.

The Lu family is small, but they can have such a height.

Simply amazing.

"The fog seems to be receding." Mu Yuan, who was always paying attention to the situation, finally saw the change.

This made them a little excited.

Finally trying to figure things out?

In short, the first priority is people's well-being.

The secret of the Origin Stone is too deep, and they are not strong enough to get in touch with it.

Forcible contact may only bring death.

Originally, they didn't feel that deep, but the moment the fog appeared, they knew that this was something they could touch.

The mist feels lost when you touch it, as if you are about to be pulled into an unknown area.

"Should it be over?" Mu Jiang stood on the spot and waited.

The end means the result, what will happen in the end, just like the lottery.

Hope everything is ok.

Flower Valley

Many people have come back from Baihua Valley these days.

There are hundreds of flowers everywhere, and countless fairies.

They came back not for anything else, but for the only male disciple in Baihua Valley.

"Junior Brother really brought his girlfriend back?"

The Baihuagu fairy who just came back couldn't believe it.

After raising such a big brother, he is going to marry a wife and have children.

They worried for a long time, and once thought that the younger brother liked boys.

After all, the younger brother is so beautiful.

Now you can rest assured.

"It's true, several seniors have left customs, and it is said that they want to ask about the wedding date."

"It's a door-to-door proposal."

"By the way, who is the woman? Is she worthy of Shang Chuyu?"

"Guess? The other party is a famous fairy in the cultivation world, beautiful and talented.

Hatsune is coming. "

"That's why we should hurry up to propose marriage and settle the marriage, otherwise it would be bad for the other party to go back on their word."

"Yes, yes, just wait for the seniors to leave the customs."

In a courtyard in Baihua Valley.

Jian fell on the chair, and she put her hands on her thighs, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Some eyes stared at her, feeling like sitting on pins and needles, like a light on her back.

"Is Fairy Jianluo used to it these days?" Fairy Wanjian asked while sitting on the side.

"Xi, get used to it." Fairy Jianluo answered softly with her head lowered.

Many people ask these questions these days.

"Fairy Jianluo, is Chuyu chasing you?" Fairy Wanli put her hands on her chin and looked at Jianluo.

Really more and more satisfied.

The closed moon is ashamed of the flowers, and the orchid is heart-loving.

Well-behaved and sensible.

Simply perfect.

Hatsune's eyesight is awesome.

"This, this, I can't tell." Jian Luo replied with a blushing face.

This kind of question asks more.

When I first came here, every senior sister welcomed me.

Exclaimed that Hatsue had found such a beautiful fairy.

Then the nightmare begins.

I kept asking how I met Chu Yu, who chased whom, and what Jian Yifeng thought.

It's okay, don't worry about these things when the owner of the valley comes out to propose marriage in person.

What is the child's name?

If it is a boy, will it be difficult to marry in the future?

Jian Luo didn't dare to answer the question anymore, he just sat there and spoke ambiguous words.

But none of the senior sisters treated her badly.

But it was too good to make her more uncomfortable.

for two hundred dollars

"This time Chu Yu brought you back to meet your parents, but the old master is still in retreat, but he will come out soon, and he should be able to come out today.

For such a big event, even if her old man crosses the catastrophe, it will be delayed. "Fairy Wanjian said solemnly.

I'm afraid that Jianluo will feel that the family doesn't take this matter seriously.

"No, there's no need to do this, yes, it's for business." Jian Luo tried to explain.

"About the wedding?

This is also a bit troublesome, but not a big problem.

Jian Yifeng is indeed powerful, but our Baihua Valley is not bad either. "Fairy Wanli also patted her chest to promise.

Jian Luo took a look and found that it was very thick.

She thought hers was troublesome enough, but she didn't expect this senior sister to be even more troublesome.

But soon she reacted.

"No, that's not the case." Jian Luo immediately waved his hand to explain.

His face was red to the ears.

I don't know how to explain it for a while.

"Master has left the customs, it's time to pass." Fairy Wanyue came to the yard and looked at the crowd and said:

"Where's Hatsuha?"

"I'm on the phone. It seems that I want to say that the mission failed and I plan to go back." Jian Luo pointed to the corner room and said.

Chu Yu told her last night that if this continues, the marriage will be forced to be settled.

Fake girlfriends are about to become real girlfriends.

This wave has lost a lot.

Who knew that the mouths of the senior sisters were so outrageous.

Once passed on from ten to ten to a hundred, and then passed on, there will be children.

must leave.

Wanyue looked to the side of Wanli and said:

"Catch Chu Yu out."


Chu Yu was directly dragged out by Wan Li.

"Master is calling you, hurry up." Wanli said softly with a smile.

"Senior Sister, you broke into my room again." Chu Yu shouted.

No privacy at all.

"Don't worry, when the sword falls through the door, I will definitely knock on the door and not break in." Wan Li squinted her eyes with a smile.

She loves Sword Fall so much.

When can we get married.

Then Chu Yu Jianluo was taken away by Wan Yue.

Wan Li looked at Wan Jian:

"When will Chuyu marry Jianluo back home?"

"It will definitely." Wan Jian looked at the direction Chu Yu and the others left and said:

"I didn't feel it before, but now I realize that the girl Jianluo is too kind.

That blushing look is pleasing to the eye.

Perfect match with Hatsune.

Well, call some sailors to amplify the wind.

The main reason is that everyone in the comprehension world knew about it, but Jian Luo didn't feel disgusted. "

"Is it too bad?" Wan Li was a little worried:

"Just in case someone finds out where the sword fell."

"That makes sense." Wan Jian nodded:

"Control the scope and don't let too many people know.

Just pass it to Jian Yifeng.

However, Jian Yifeng seems to be spreading the word recently. "

"What should I do?" Lu Jianluo whispered to Chu Yu:

"Your senior sister and the others said that our story has spread to every corner of the cultivation world."

"Don't worry, she lied to you, the two hundred yuan arrived in the account, you just forget about it after buying something.

Moreover, there are no cultivators in Nancheng, and there are no rumors.

Rumors are gone after ten or eight years.

do not take it personally. "Hatsuyu said expressionlessly.

"You are a crazy person who doesn't care, but I don't.

This affects my life. "Jian Luo stared at Chu Yu and said.

Hatsue started to turn the sword's head straight:

"Walk and watch the road.

If it doesn't work, I'll give you another hundred, and I don't even want to explain to you.

You study in Nancheng and live with me, and I don't see you worrying about your life being affected.

My life was affected.

There is no reason for you to eat and drink. "

"I understand why you are single." Jian Luo said.

"Because I'm so beautiful, women will feel inferior when they see me?" Chu Yu asked.

"I'm sick." Jian Luo turned his head aside, then turned back and added:

"Pretty is what describes women."

"I'm talking about when I'm wearing women's clothing, is there a problem?

To be honest, compared with me, you have a relatively big advantage in brainless convenience. " Chu Yu said.

Hearing these words, Jian Luo blushed again.

Those who write novels will only stay at home, and in another twenty years, she will be able to kill him with a single knife.

It's really stupid to have so many opportunities, but only use them to write novels.

I don't know when I will regret it and die.

Jian Luo turned his head and ignored Chu Yu.

"It's coming, don't whisper, there are many strong people here, and some people will put their eyes and ears on them." Fairy Wanyue reminded in front.

Jian Luo lowered his head, his ears were red.


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