The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 513 The big wedding caused a sensation

floating islands.

The five people in Xianting started the meeting again.

The atmosphere was a little dignified, because Emperor Zun and others had appeared in the sky before, and they had already started to suppress the Lu family.

But who would have known that there would be a fire in the middle.

As a result, the fairy court, Buddhism, gods, and the three forces all fell short.

Fortunately, Emperor Zun and others are still waking up, and God of War has brought back good news.

But good news can sometimes be distressing.

Because after a period of time, there is no accurate characterization, and no one knows how long a period of time is.

Is it a month, or half a year, or a year, or even ten years.

In the realm of comprehension, ten years and a hundred years is a long time.

"I can't determine the time, so how should I prepare?" The person who presided over the matter began to ask for advice.

This problem is very serious, because there is no other news of Xiangyun's appearance.

Time, location, none of it.

So easy to miss.

What does it mean once you miss it?

It means that everything is lost.

How can they afford such a thing?

So they need to be a little more cautious.

Gao Yuan and the others were silent for a long time, and finally the Demon Sword Slayer suddenly said:

"Should we think differently?

For example, why does Xiangyun appear? "

Normally, they were collecting nectar, and the three immortals in the cloud might still be checking around the ancient city of chaos to see if the blood water was useful.

They are all working hard for Regal to wake up.

So although Xiangyun can improve more, but he doesn't know the time and stops rashly, which will have a great impact on them.

This kind of thing naturally needs to be avoided.

Otherwise, why is there a need for discussion?

"Then why does Xiangyun appear?" the senior who presided over the matter asked.

This is difficult to know.

Why did Xiangyun come and how to judge?

In terms of current experience, there is no experience.

When auspicious clouds appear, there is basically no pattern.

It is a rare spectacle once in a millennium.

This is tantamount to not knowing.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, it's not that you don't have clues." Ting Yunxi looked at everyone and continued:

"When was the last time Xiangyun appeared?"

"The second son of the Lu family?" Someone tried to ask.

The others also thought about it, and found that the auspicious cloud appeared only once, right?

"And that auspicious cloud was very exaggerated, and the world has changed.

So the second child is special. We just need to follow the trajectory of the second child, maybe we can calculate the time when the auspicious cloud will appear? "The Devil Sword Slayer said something that no one dared to say.

Can Xiangyun appear continuously because of one person?

It feels impossible.

But the second son is really special.

This head has been opened, and then each thought becomes active.

"So, the birth of the second son is bound to give birth to auspicious clouds?"

"It's been more than a month and two months, so there are still more than seven months?

Will auspicious clouds appear at that time? "Listen Yun Xi asked.

"October pregnant, there should be about eight months left?" Gao Yuan asked.

Others nodded that it should be so.

"With a normal pregnancy, it's time to give birth in nine months.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the second child is special. "Listen to Yun Xi's explanation.

The others nodded, indicating that was the case.

"Then pay attention to when the second son will be born?" The senior who presided over the event asked the other four.

If there are so many months, then they are still calm.

"Actually, have you ever thought about the second son's elder brother?" Gao Yuan said suddenly:

"The second son may be born to know that his elder brother is about to get married, will he give blessings?"

This sentence surprised everyone.

Assume it will.

So when is the land and water wedding?

From the current point of view, there are only seven or eight days.

"That is to say, the possibility or the earliest possibility is the Lushui wedding eight days later?" Ting Yunxi asked.

The others also fell silent.

Not impossible, they need to take these things into account.

"Assuming it is, then what are we going to do?" Someone asked.

For a while they fell silent again.

After a while.

Everyone looked at the senior who presided over the matter.

The senior who presided over the matter couldn't make up his mind for a while, and finally sighed:

"Let's vote. Raise your hand if you are sure that Lu Shui's marriage will be included in Xiangyun's appearance time."

Gao Yuan raised his hand: "I think the possibility is very high."

Ting Yunxi also raised her hand: "It is indeed possible, once you miss it, the consequences will be unbearable."

Demon Sword Slayer followed suit and raised his hand: "It's worth the risk."

Three of the five people have already agreed, so the follow-up is meaningless.

However, it is still necessary to continue to express one's position, and to listen to other people's opinions.

"You can really try it. It's better to lose a day than to miss an opportunity. Missing it now is fatal." The fourth person raised his hand.

Before presiding over the matter, don't look at everyone and say:

"Then it's settled. On the day of Lu Shui's wedding, stop all actions.

Rest assured to wait for the arrival of auspicious clouds. "

"What if you don't come?" someone asked.

"Then take it as a face for the young master of the Lu family, Lu Shui, celebrate his wedding, and stop for a day." The senior who presided over the matter said.

"It might make them feel that we are going to attack the Lu family that day." Gao Yuan said.

It is indeed possible.

Although it is impossible for them to attack the Lu family on that day, it is good for them to think so.

"Then let them take precautions. It's a good thing to deter the Lu family and consume their fighting spirit." The senior who presided over the matter said softly:

"However, stopping for one day will have a huge impact. This matter requires the consent of Taiyi Xianjun and others."

"You can distribute the news to Buddhism and the gods. Although we have common enemies, we are still enemies.

So if we take one step slower, it means they take one step faster. This is a huge danger for us.

It is safest only if they are pulled together.

Although once successful, it may drive them to succeed.

But this is not a bad thing for us, at least the three parties advance and retreat together and still maintain a balance.

If one party is behind or one party is ahead, the balance will be broken. Before the second child comes out, we will consume it.

The second child has already won without coming out. "Someone said.

Everyone agrees on this. Now the tripartite forces are grasshoppers on the same rope, and the balance is not suitable to be broken.

If one party takes the lead, the other two parties must join forces.

"I will propose to Immortal Lord Taiyi and the others that it is difficult for us to get involved with that level of contact.

Then perfect the follow-up. "The senior who presided over the matter said.

The endless sea is full of glaciers.

There is a lake in the center of the glacier. At this time, the lake is surging, and a girl slowly rises from the lake.

The ice sea goddess stood firmly on the lake.

Not long after, a ray of light fell, and the God of Light came.

Then the darkness fell, and the goddess of darkness stepped out of the darkness.

They were called here, and something must have happened.

"One thing came from the fairy court." The Ice Sea Goddess looked at the Goddess of Darkness and the God of Light, and said:

"They have guessed when the auspicious clouds will appear, but they are not so sure."

"What time is it?" the God of Light asked.

They have actually guessed, but the answer they got is a bit far away from now.

The Goddess of Darkness also listened to see when the other party felt that there would be auspicious clouds.

"Eight days later." Ice Sea Goddess looked at the rather surprised God of Light and Goddess of Darkness, and continued:

"Eight days later, it will be Lu Shui's wedding day.

It was also the day when the second brother of the Lu family got married.

They speculated that the second son would give blessings, and heaven and earth would present auspicious clouds. "

The God of Light and the Goddess of Darkness froze for a moment.

At first they thought it was absurd, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to make sense.

They never thought about it.

Different levels have different horizons.

They would never have thought that they would bless their brother.

But human beings have kinship, and value kinship.

"But the second son should not be an ordinary person, and the possibility of blessing his brother is not high." The God of Light opened his mouth to express his doubts.

"Well, the possibility is indeed not high, but the possibility exists." The Ice Sea Goddess replied, and there was no need to say anything more.

None of them know where the real day is, so if it is possible, it needs to be taken seriously.

It's okay to make a small mistake, and if you miss Xiangyun, you may never have a chance to win the second child.

"That" Goddess of Darkness looked at Goddess of Ice Sea and said:

"Are you ready?"

"Get ready, if the weather is calm that day." The ice sea goddess lowered her eyebrows.

"Let's create momentum for Young Master Lu's wedding." The God of Light said.

Then the three reached a consensus.

The light departs, the darkness recedes.

The ice sea goddess looked at the sky and sank into the lake.

The Buddha Hall of the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

The ancient Buddha Xinhuo sat in the Buddhist hall, looking at the ancient Buddha Miaozun.

"It's not impossible to say that." Miaozun Ancient Buddha said.

"Is it the day of the big wedding?" The ancient Buddha Xinhuo looked outside the Buddhist hall, proclaimed a Buddha's name, and continued:

"Then stop teaching the Dharma on that day and listen to the Dharma of the heaven and the earth.

They are like this, and we cannot be alone. "

"If the Buddha wakes up, everything will be settled." Miaozun ancient Buddha said softly.

Miao Zun ancient Buddha proclaimed the Buddha's name, and said nothing more.

In this way, Buddhism began to spread the Buddha's voice.

This will affect all Buddhist disciples.

Not just Buddhism.

The fairy court and the gods all heard the same voice.

That is to stop all actions on December 15th.

The influence of the three major forces in the cultivation world is not that great, but many people can come into contact with the three major forces.

Because Buddhism is teaching the Dharma, and the gods are delivering miracles.

And Xianting is even more approachable, that is, to send things to the cultivation world.

Many cultivators have now received news that on December 15th, Xianting suspended asking questions.

This makes everyone a little confused, what is going on?

If it's just Xianting, maybe it's nothing.

The high probability is to get the answer to the question.

But when they heard about Buddhism, the gods also stopped.

That means something special happened that day.

"What day is December fifteenth?"

"I don't know, but it's a big deal for the three ancient powers to close their businesses."

"What if they have a meeting?"


No one will understand what happened that day.

Because Lu Shui got married, in the cultivation world, it was just an ordinary thing.

How could it affect the three ancient forces?

After leaving the Fengshuang River, Lu Shui returned to his yard.

This time he looked at the pattern of heaven and earth quietly.

Darkness sees dawn.

When the sun came out, Lu Shui put down the book, looked at the east, and said softly:

"There are seven days left, and I feel like my wedding day is just around the corner."

These few days are not suitable for meeting Mu Xue.

Let her wait with peace of mind, and I can wait with peace of mind.

But Mu Xue would send photos every day, and sometimes it was Dongfang's scumbag's phone.

There are also paintings of oriental slag paintings.

Seeing how crooked Dongfang Zhazha had drawn Mu Xue, he wanted to go straight over and tear it up.

But to Lu Shui's surprise, there was also the only true god in Dongfang Zhaza's portrait.

So Lu Shui told Mu Xue the name of the only true god.

Mu Xue said she would try it.

"There should be a lot of people coming in these seven days, Qiuyun Town will be very lively.

However, it will not affect the realm of comprehension. "

In this way, there is nothing for him to care about.

During this period, he also had to watch the cultivation world, not to let something happen.

I hope that Lu Lai will be more sensible and don't make trouble for his brother.


In the second hour after he was born, he covered his face and went to beat him.

As long as Lu Lai doesn't make any trouble, no matter how big an incident is in the cultivation world, it will hardly affect his marriage.

At dawn, Lu Shui was eating snacks and reading a book.

Zhenwu silently came to the yard and waited quietly.

After Lu Shui finished eating his snacks, he closed the pattern of heaven and earth.

"A major event happened?" Lu Shui turned to look at Zhenwu.

Nothing, Zhenwu will not come to him.

Especially when you are about to get married, everything will be postponed.

Lu Shui felt that it was most likely that there were too many spirit stones cheated last time, and the clan was about to question him.

However, no.

"The young master's three major forces have behaved strangely." Zhenwu said immediately.

"Weird?" This surprised Lu Shui.

What weird moves can Xianting and the others do?

"According to Le Feng, the three major forces suddenly did the same thing yesterday.

They will rest on December 15th. "

Lu Shui was a little surprised, rest?

Isn't December 15th the day of his wedding?

"They gave up gathering nectar Yuze that day?" Lu Shui asked.

"Yes." Zhenwu nodded:

"Immortal Court no longer asks questions, and no longer sees people from the cultivation world.

On that day, the Buddhist sect stopped teaching the Dharma, and the gods closed the temple for one day. "

Zhenwu was a little worried and said:

"Master, the timing is too coincidental, do they have other actions?"

It is impossible for Lefeng and the others to perceive this kind of specificity.

At least one day can't find anything, it will take a long time.

But this kind of thing needs to be reported as soon as possible.

Because other people don't know, but Lefeng knows that that day is a big day.

The day when Huo got married, the mainstream of the Shaozong of the Yintian Sect.

Of course it's not easy.

It is understandable that something abnormal happened in the entire cultivation world.

But the point is that no one knows that Ruohuo got married that day.

Lu Shui thought for a moment, then said:

"Let's pay attention first, there should be no problem." Lu Shui said.

The Lu family will definitely pay attention to the three major forces. This sudden situation seems to tell the Lu family that they are going to make trouble.

But the real troublemakers don't say a word.

Just like the sudden siege of Lu's house at that time, they didn't make any movement.

Sudden attack will have a miraculous effect. Does this make the Lu family care?

Or that day, they had other purposes.

"There should be quite a few people coming during this time, don't let them get lost." Lu Shui said softly.

Zhenwu naturally did not dare to allow any accidents in this matter, everyone must go all out for the young master's wedding.

Once an accident occurs, the consequences are very serious.

"By the way, young master, the third elder said that if the young master is too free, he can go to the Cangjing Pavilion to read." Zhenwu said.

Lu Shui: "."

I'm busy, okay?

Then Zhenwu withdrew, and there was no other news.

With the big wedding approaching, everything needs to be put aside.

There are only a few things that Lu Shui needs to care about now.

The direction of the three major forces, the situation in the fog city, and whether the natural god will climb out.

The follow-up to the only true god.

Mingyue's matter may be more complicated, plus Lu Lai's matter.

But many things are connected, so they can be dealt with together.

And these things can't be done now, they have to be delayed until after he gets married.

So, nothing to worry about now.

Even if there is a secret realm from ancient times, even if it records how Jian Yi died.

Nor can he be allowed to leave the Lu family.

Thinking about it, it's really a bit idle.

"With Mu Xue not here, there is no place to beat Dongfang Zha, and the only true god can't beat him either.

Lu Lai was not born either. "

In addition to reading is reading.

And reading books and going to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion seems to have no effect.

Then Lu Shui got up.

Then go to the Sutra Pavilion to read books.




Qiao Yu sat in the yard, looking at the gate from time to time.

At this time, her injury has improved.

Qiao Qian also sat quietly across from her, and beside her was Qiao Yu's older sister, Qiao Yun.

Qiao Yun was very surprised. In the past, she felt that Qiao Gan was completely useless, and when she took him out, she always hid and kept promises.


Who would have thought that he was pretending.

In fact, he is the most terrifying arrogance of the Qiao family these years.

But he insisted on hiding it and being insulted by others. The engagement seemed to be a loss, but he actually agreed to it.

Tolerate to the end, confront the ancestors.

It's unbelievable.

"Mother, it should be fine, you don't have to worry." Qiao Qian comforted.

Qiao Qian asked Jiu, and Jiu gave the answer that it was best for her brother.

is the most suitable path.

Staying in Qiao's house is not as good as expelling Qiao's house.

She has nothing to say, Jiu will not lie to her, so grandpa and the others are right?

Then she asked Lin Huanhuan again.

The answer she got was that her brother really liked the little fat girl.


So didn't her brother just compromise and agree to the wedding?

What kind of vision?

This is what she questioned, and Jiu said this:

"Don't underestimate the little fat girl, she is impeccable in every way, except for her love of steamed stuffed buns.

Your brother is very lucky, and his vision is not bad.

The little chubby girl has been working hard since the beginning, she will amaze everyone, but now she only amazes your brother.

For you, little chubby girl is the best sister-in-law, bar none. "

Qiao Qian was a little surprised when she heard Jiu's words, but she just couldn't figure it out.

Maybe I'll figure it out later.

It's just that every time I think about it, I always look like a little chubby girl eating buns and running away from marriage.

Just a little angry.

But she never said anything to her face either.

And today is the day when her father went to find her grandfather, saying that the day when Young Master Lu will get married is about to come, and she wants to go there earlier.

As long as you agree, tomorrow will pass.

In this way, he can stay in Qiuyun Town for a few more days.

In the future, it will be difficult to meet.

"Yes, there should be no problem, don't worry too much." Qiao Yun followed suit:

"Besides, if you don't agree today, you will definitely go in two days.

The relationship between the ancestors and the Lu family is not bad at all.

Go ahead, of course. "

Qiao Yu nodded and didn't say anything more.

Her son, who was high-spirited when he was a child, became proud of his talent when he grew up.

After some setbacks, everyone thought he was devastated.

But no one thought that he would surpass everyone all the way from bright to dark.

It's a pity that not many people in the Qiao family knew about it, and they still thought Qiao Gan was a waste and was expelled from the family.

Maybe one day those people will know.

But after being evicted from their home, it was difficult for them to see her son again.

The reason why I was able to meet him this time was entirely because of Young Master Lu's wedding.

Just don't know how far ahead.

After waiting for a while, Qiao Cheng walked in.

Seeing Qiao Cheng come in, Qiao Yu and the others stood up.

"Father, what did grandpa say?" Qiao Qian asked immediately.

In fact, they had many questions in their minds, and wanted to ask Qiao Gan, but no one knew what he had gone through.

How can you hide like this if you haven't experienced the inhuman past?

Qiao Cheng looked at Qiao Yu and the others, and said softly:

"Get ready, set off tonight, and arrive at Lu's house tomorrow."

Hearing these words, Qiao Qian was relieved and could finally go to Lu's house.

Qiao Yu also smiled.

I'm actually curious as to where those two people live.

south city.

"Wear a dress, when do you want to wear it?"

Chu Yu sat on the sofa and said helplessly:

"We still have to drive to Jian Yifeng, and then to Lu's house.

You're so inked, you won't be able to get to Lu's house until the day after tomorrow. "

"Okay." Jian Luo opened the door and said.

Chu Yu looked over and saw that Jian Luo was wearing relatively simple Zongmen clothing.

But what makes Hatsue feel abnormal is that

"You don't look like a brainless person today." Chu Yu was a little surprised:

"You don't need to make a move on this trip, do you?"

"What if?" Jian Luo asked.

Every time I go there is always something.

Chu Yu thought for a moment, then came to Jian Luo's side, pointed to the balcony and said:

"That is to say, you didn't wear the balcony one in order to wrap it up?"

Jian Luo blushed holding Chu Yu and snorted coldly:


"Aren't you bored?" Chu Yu was very curious.

"That's better than staring with your eyes. One day you'll be blind." Jian Luo said.

Chu Yu didn't care about what Jian Luo said, he just made sense:

"You wear pajamas every day, cleaning here and there, thin and dangling, have you seen me?

You are so confident, can this be as good as my novel? "

Jian Luo blushed, unable to say a word, then turned his head and ignored Chu Yu.

Those who write novels should be damned.

She just waited for a while, but she didn't hear the talk of writing a novel.

Turning around, she actually ran to her room and was looking through her closet.

Jian Luo immediately ran in.

But without waiting for her to question, Chu Yu directly threw a set of clothes over.

"Wear this, it's more casual, it can reduce the ups and downs, and it's easy to use.

It doesn't look random either.

I quickly changed it, and it was tight to the waist, and it was not brainless, which felt weird. " Saying that, Chu Yu walked out.

Jian Luo didn't move or close the door.

"Do you want me to help you choose?"


The door is closed.

"By the way, add a loose coat, and there will be no problem."

As a reminder, Chu Yu took out her phone and continued to code.

God knows how long it will take for Jianluo to come out.

It's just that Jianluo opened the door and came out soon, and changed his clothes and pants.

Chu Yu raised her head and took a look, she was generous and her expression was normal.

Still such a sword fall looks comfortable.

"Beautiful, perfect, like a fish and a wild goose, like a moon and a flower.

It feels very comfortable at a glance. "

Jian Luo opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Chu Yu spoke again:

"Don't talk, keep this beauty."



Ask for a monthly pass.

I wanted to write more, to catch up on yesterday's, but the keyboard was broken, and when I pressed my little finger on the laptop keyboard, it hurt halfway through... It was too difficult.

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