The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 514 The second elder discovers that Moxiu has entered the town

Lu Shui sat on the fourth floor of the Sutra Pavilion, looking at the pattern of heaven and earth.

Those who come up, no one dares to disturb him.

Most of those who can come up know Lu Shui, so they won't bother them if they have nothing to do.

But some people don't really understand, they are almost married, why would the young master sit here and read a book?

Is this because of nervousness, reading a book to calm yourself down?

It is very possible.

It may also be that life is about to change, and I am melancholy.

Some acquaintances transmitted voices in the corner.

"After getting married, when you really are not as good as one person, you lose too much freedom. If you want to do anything, you have to worry about your family."

"That's right, that's right, the Taoist companion is fine, but I'm afraid that if he doesn't practice or retreat, it will have a great impact."

"It's even more terrifying to make a fuss. The shackles are all shackles. How can I be trapped in this kind of shackles?"

"Suppress with one punch."

"My Taoist partner seems to be a level higher than me, what should I do?"


"I heard that the young mistress is an ordinary person, and the young master has a second-level cultivation. Isn't that just suppressing the young mistress casually? The young master should not have any influence."

"Envy, envy."

"Don't say that the young lady doesn't know how to measure, if you can marry into the Lu family, the situation we encountered rarely happens.

You don't understand what the patriarch and the patriarch's wife are like? "

"Yes, but it's not good to be married."

"Then it's good to be single?"

"It should be said that single people want to end being single.

Married people, want to go back to being single.

Marriage and singleness are both choices, and no matter which one you choose, you will regret it. "

Clap clap!

Brother is right.

Lu Shui, who was reading a book, glanced around the corner.

The people over there are weird and don't know what they are talking about.

He is not interested in knowing, so let's continue reading.

Speaking of marrying Mu Xue, Mu Xue can restrict him, will this affect the follow-up actions?

But after thinking about it, Lu Shui felt that he was thinking too much.

What's the difference between now and getting married?

They are actually still a couple.

They were husband and wife in the previous life, and they did not get divorced in the end.

Now it's just a walk through the process.

The process must not go, and other people's ideas also need to be taken care of.

Of course, those who oppose it don't need to care.

Those who care about blessings.

Lu Shui read from dawn to darkness, and from darkness to dawn.

He did not leave the Sutra Pavilion.

Been reading.

Qi Xi couldn't even deliver breakfast.

She is a maid, and she is not authorized to go up to the fourth floor alone.

Finally, please send it up.

After reporting to the patriarch's wife, she was eligible to send things up again.

However, I am not qualified to read the books on the fourth floor.

If you don't have enough dedication to the Lu family, or don't have a certain ability that the Lu family wants, you can't go to the fourth floor.

It's not that the maid can't come up to check.

Years are required.

Everyone on the first floor can watch it, and the screening starts on the second floor, and you can basically go to the Lu family after a period of time.

The third floor starts to be difficult.

Most of the four floors require strong cultivation.

The maid attendant, you can follow up.

Qi Xi is the maid of the patriarch's wife, so she may not have read the books on the fourth floor.

The fifth floor is where no one can set foot.

Now only six people can go up the fifth floor.

Lu Shui looked at the fifth floor, and he felt that the only true god should be able to go up.

But she is not human.

So still six people.

In a few days there will be seven people.

Added Mu Xue.

"Six days left."

Lu Shui came to the window and looked at the rising sun.

Another six days will be the big wedding day, and the second time I get married, my heart will be much calmer.

The first time, I was a little nervous.

There were so many people at the wedding, so I felt that I couldn't lose face and should behave well.

Fortunately, I didn't do anything in secondary school.

After all, you are in your twenties.

Thinking like this, Lu Shui took out his mobile phone and planned to send Mu Xue a message to ask if she was nervous.

Then I took out my phone and checked, there was no signal.



The Sutra Pavilion is prone to no signal.

But looking at the time, it was still early, so let's wait until the sky is bright before leaving the Sutra Pavilion.

Above the main hall.

"He just spent the night in the Sutra Pavilion?"

The price on the third elder's face fluctuated.

He asked Lu Shui to read, not to stay overnight.

"Yes." Under the main hall, the old man withered tree immediately said:

"The young master has been sitting in the Buddhist scripture pavilion, not going anywhere.

I also read in it when it was dark. "

"What book are you reading?" the third elder asked.

The old man withered tree thought for a while and said:

"It should be the pattern of heaven and earth."

The Heaven and Earth Array is very famous in the Lu family, this is a book that only the Lu family can read.

But it's not that strict, and it's okay to take a look once in a while.

No one seems to understand this book.

Hearing this, the three elders remained silent.

Before retiring the engagement, Lu Shui had taken the Heaven and Earth Array.

But that's nothing.

He took the Heaven and Earth Formation at the age of ten, watched it for thirty years, and finally put the Heaven and Earth Formation back.


can't read.

Can Lu Shui understand?

He doesn't think so, but as a member of the Lu family, they have to go through this process.

Everyone wants to be able to do what others cannot.

It just all failed.

Not even the Great Elder could understand this book.

The Lu family has been going back all the way, no one can understand the pattern of heaven and earth.

No one understands why it is an ancestral exercise.

However, Lu Shui kept looking at the pattern of the sky and the earth, which still made his price rise.

So ambitious.

One last sigh:

"Let him alone."

The big wedding is approaching, and there is nothing to be eager for success.

At least he is self-motivated, as long as he doesn't go astray.

It's just that the old man withered tree was just about to leave when he received a new message:

"Third Elder, I got new news that the young master has left the Buddhist scripture pavilion and went to Qiuyun Town."

Third Elder: "."

It might as well continue to spend the night in the Sutra Pavilion.

"Let Zhenwu Zhenling follow." The voice of the third elder was a little low:

"Don't let him be brave."

When a big wedding is approaching, it is one thing to lose face, but the impact of injury is greater.

After hesitating, the voice of the third elder came again:

"Don't let him leave Qiuyun Town."

When getting married, some people will choose to escape.

The Lu family, it's not like they haven't.

This kind of thing needs to be guarded against.

They all have corresponding strategies for the things they will encounter when they get married.

But no one wants to see accidents happen, and holding the wedding normally is the top priority.

The old man withered tree naturally didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately nodded in response.

He understands the importance of the wedding.

But the young master won't run away from marriage, right?

I guess so.

After the old man withered tree left, Qiao Ruqing came to the main hall of the Lu family.

"Brother Lu, long time no see." Qiao Wuqing said softly.

"It seems that brother Qiao will stay for a few more days." The third elder said softly.

There is still a lot of time until the wedding.

"Brother Lu, I'm sorry to bother you. I just happened to be walking around these few days." Qiao said with a ruthless smile.

"Have you gained anything?" The third elder asked curiously.

Naturally, the question was about Liuhuo.

"Some people met the only true God Nine, but what I met was indeed Liuhuo.

Indescribable existence.

From him, he did get an opportunity.

But" Joe said with a ruthless sigh:

"Whether it will succeed in the end is still unknown, and the possibility of failure is higher.

No, we still have to count on people who come later. "

The third elder nodded slightly. It is not easy to be promoted. It is not someone who gives the opportunity to be promoted.

Nothing is that easy.

"Did the Qilinzi come out of the Qiao family?" the third elder tried to ask.

Qiao Wuqing didn't care, obviously something good happened.

Hearing the third elder's question, Qiao shook his head ruthlessly:

"Qi Linzi can't be said, it's just a bit of a headache and an accident.

However, Young Master Lu is getting married, so if he wants to come to the Lu family, he will soon usher in new hopes. "

"I hope, just don't be useless like his father." The third elder had a very iron face.

"Haha." Joe smiled mercilessly and said:

"What if Young Master Lu matures late, or hides his cultivation, maybe it's also possible."


Showing off there since childhood, can he hide it? "The third elder thinks that it is still possible to be a late bloomer.

But he discovered one thing, the Qilinzi of the Qiao family probably hid himself.

Naturally, the Lu family couldn't count on this.

I hope that the lottery will bring out the pride.

On the contrary, he has no requirements for Lu Gu's daughter.

The Lu family has little experience in getting married.

Probably the First Elder and the Second Elder will be involved, so he doesn't need to worry.



Autumn Cloud Town.

more remote residential areas.

Qiao Gan sat in the yard and watched Lin Huanhuan eating buns.

Today they rest.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Lin Huanhuan handed the bun to Qiao Gan.

Qiao Gan took the steamed stuffed bun, but didn't intend to eat it.

He is full.

"It's fine after you finish eating." Qiao Gan said.

"Speaking of which, Qiao Ye's name is written on the invitation card, can we deny it?" The little fat girl looked at Qiao Ye while eating her steamed stuffed bun:

"Qiao Ye was invited, and it has nothing to do with us."

"You should only read the invitation when you go in," Qiao Gan said.

Whether he is Qiao Ye or Qiao Gan, the person checking the invitation usually doesn't know either.

But if it is true martial arts and true spirit.

Then we get to know each other.

It seems that whether you recognize him or not, it doesn't make much difference whether it's Qiao Gan or Qiao Ye.

As long as you take out the invitation card to go to the banquet, you must give a gift.

"It feels like we are at a loss." Lin Huanhuan thought for a while and said:

"We didn't receive any money when we got married."

"That's an engagement." Qiao Gan looked at Lin Huanhuan, and then added:

"We can have another wedding later."

"Really?" Lin Huanhuan looked at Qiao Qian with surprise on his face:

"Can that be beautiful?"

"Really." Qiao Qian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"It's okay if you get thinner."

Originally, Qiao Gan thought it was a bit high-profile and eye-catching.


To become beautiful and get married is probably everyone's idea.

He can't keep imposing his thoughts on Huanhuan.

"But if it doesn't look beautiful, it's okay.

It's fine if you don't dislike me. Lin Huanhuan looked at Qiao Gan with a smile on his face.

Qiao Gan looked at Lin Huanhuan and nodded slightly.

He looked down at his empty arm, he thought he had encountered the most tragic thing in the world.

But in the end, he narrowly escaped from the dead and got something that he could never get in the past.

For example, this person in front of you.

"But it will cost a lot of money. In order to pay the bills, we have to eat less buns." Lin Huanhuan felt that it was too expensive.

But I didn't care much.

When I ran away from marriage, I was hungry all the time, and it was nothing.

"Then eat more now." Qiao Gan handed the bun to the little fat girl.

The little fat girl was not polite, and took the bun directly.

After eating, it's time to go out for a walk.

It's just that Lin Huanhuan had just received the steamed stuffed bun when there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the yard.

And there was a knock on the door.


Both Lin Huanhuan and Qiao Gan were a little surprised.

Who will come at this time?

Chu Yu and the others said that they would not arrive until tomorrow, and that someone was slowing him down.

Probably Fairy Jianluo.

I heard they lived together.

The couple felt that these two people were a good match.

The two families probably thought so too, otherwise why would they live together?

Living together is the easiest way to get close.

At least that's the case with the two of them.

Out of doubt, the two of them looked towards the gate of the yard, and then they were startled.

Lin Huanhuan, who was eating buns, immediately stood up.

Qiao Gan also got up.

Some surprises.

There were three people standing outside the door.

One is his mother, one is his aunt, and the other is his sister.

"After searching for a while, it turns out that they live here." Qiao Yu looked at Qiao Gan and Lin Huanhuan and said gently:

"Didn't bother you?"

They knew Qiao Gan's address, and they found it by themselves this time.

No advance notice.

Lin Huanhuan immediately put the bun behind her back and shook her head immediately.

Qiao Gan said in a low voice:


Lin Huanhuan came to Qiao Gan's side and yelled too.

Although she was kicked out of Qiao's house, she planned to be her parents after all.

This cannot be changed.



"Young Master Lu, if you don't reply to my messages all night, do you think the first wife who is about to marry is not important?"

"Master Lu"

"Master Lu"

Looking at the phone, Lu Shui felt what was wrong with his mind, that he had been in the Sutra Pavilion for so long.

I don't know how many notes Mu Xue took in one night.

Then he messaged back.

"Miss Mu, there is no signal in the Buddhist scripture pavilion."

"Your Miss Mu is currently offline, please wait for her to come online."

"If I don't wait, will Miss Mu be angry?"

"Dear Young Master Lu, if you don't wait, you will receive a photo."

"What picture?"

"Dear Young Master Lu, you will receive a picture of Miss Mu crying."

"Then what if I wait?"

"Dear Young Master Lu, if you wait, you will also receive a photo."

"What picture?"

"Master Lu, please go to Qiuyun Town to receive the photos."

Lu Shui came to Qiuyun Town.

At this time his cell phone rang.

After looking at it, it was indeed a photo, a view from the back.

The back of a man.

Lu Shui is quite familiar, because this is his back.

Then he looked back.

What I saw was of course Mu Xue in casual clothes.

Lu Shui put away his phone and looked at Mu Xue with a smile on his face.

Mu Xue also walked up to Lu Shui step by step, she pouted.

It looked like I was angry and came to coax me.

Just coax it.


Lu Shui flicked Mu Xue's forehead lightly.

Then said:

"What does Miss Mu want to eat?"

"You can't stay for too long, Yalin and the others are coming here." Mu Xue rubbed her forehead against Lu Shui's body.

At this time, the real martial arts spirit who followed Lu Shui lost the young master for a while.

They looked at each other.

"Do you want to report it?" Zhenling asked Zhenwu.

"Shouldn't it be necessary? The young master may have gone to find the young mistress." Zhenwu thought about it and felt that the possibility was very high.

It is impossible for the young master to escape marriage.

After all, it is easy to be beaten by the young lady.

Speaking of which, the young mistress doesn't look like a person who can do it.

Soft and weak.

"Then look for it again."

Then the two began to look around Qiuyun town.

Hope to see the young master alone.

If it's two people, it's too late for them to hide.

"Dentist Fairy, can I ask you something?"

The dental shop in Qiuyun Town, the Toothache Immortal specially came to find it.

In order to ask Fairy Xianjin some questions.

Fairy Xianjin put the cat on her lap and stroked the cat's fur.

At this time, the black and white cat had a look of enjoyment.

You can't enjoy it.

Here comes the dog, who would die if he were on the ground.

All hold me, human, hold me, touch me.

I will show my loveliest side.

"A toothache problem?" Fairy Xianjin looked at the toothache fairy and asked.

Under normal circumstances, the toothache fairy would only ask this kind of question.

Of course, she will only answer this kind of question.

"Does Fairy know about Lu Shui's little brother's wedding?" Toothache Immortal asked.

"Master Lu's wedding? I know, you want to go?

To be honest, it is very difficult for those like us who came to Qiuyun Town from outside to live in seclusion to attend the Lu family's wedding. "Fairy Xianjin said.

After a pause, Fairy Xianjin continued:

"If you are familiar with the strong men attached to the Lu family, you can go in."

Of course she can go in if she wants to, after all, she has been in Qiuyun Town for so many years.

We all know each other.


Going in with an invitation and not going in are two different things.

So she doesn't go.

"The fairy misunderstood, we don't care how to get in, but want to know, do we need to give gifts when we go in?

What kind of gift should be given? "The Toothache Immortal said.

"Woof! I mean the same thing. Although I am a domestic dog, Lord Dog loves me. I won't go with my dog's paws empty.

This would embarrass the dog. "Gouzi jumped onto the chair, holding his head high.

"What do you mean?" Fairy Xianjin asked in surprise:

"Can you go in?

Did he mix in with the owner of Gou Aotian?

Their review is also very strict, you meet? "

"No." Toothache Immortal took out the invitation card and said:

"We have invitations."

Fairy Xianjin was a little surprised.

"Can I see it?"

The Toothache Fairy agreed.

Fairy Xianjin then took the invitation and looked at it.

It turned out that Young Master Lu had invited him.

And this is a real invitation.

It is not so easy to fake invitations from the Lu family, and it is easy to distinguish the true from the false.

Of course, you have to know how to tell the difference.

Fairy Xianjin then closed the invitation, she looked at Fairy Toothache and said seriously:

"I'll help you prepare the presents, but in exchange, you take me in."

"I have another one here, and I have to prepare it for me." Gouzi immediately took out the invitation card and said.

Fairy Xianjin is not surprised, and this dog is not simple either.

There is no animal in Qiuyun Town who dares to be arrogant in front of this dog.

No spirit beasts or divine beasts are useless.

"Thank you Fairy." The Toothache Fairy responded immediately.

They really have nothing.

Although it's okay to go like this, there will always be a number of faux pas.

Qiuyun Town Railway Station.

Moxiu now walked out with Moxiu Ji'an.

"Master, is it a loss of your status to come so early?" Moxiu Ji'an asked.

"Come early, so you can know if there are any important people coming.

Then there will be awe. " Moxiu looked at Moxiu Ji'an now and said:

"If you get into trouble, if you can run away, don't call yourself a teacher."

Mo Xiujian: "."

The patriarch Lu is also my big boss, and I am a respectable person in the Lu family.

Moxiu Jian felt that Patriarch Lu remembered him.

But when he does business, he talks about following his heart.

Usually doesn't mess with people.

Talk about annoying people.

Moxiu Jian looked at the master beside him.

The master is the expert.

Moxiu Moxie: "."

"I went to set up a stall for the teacher, so don't come to look for the teacher during this time."

Afterwards, Mo Xiu immediately disappeared in place.

Mo Xiujian: "."

I didn't care, but went to see what high-quality guests were there.

At this time, you can go to collect information and see if there are any strong people coming.

Then go sell information.

Can earn a lot.

And just when Moxiu and they came to Qiuyun Town.

The second elder who was processing the elixir in the spiritual field of Houshan suddenly stopped, and she finished the remaining steps.

Then he stood up, then walked to the spring, and washed his hands.

"Go out and have a look." The second elder said silently to himself.

"Xiao Xiaoting, what did you find?" Jiu was also helping with the elixir, but she was not as troublesome as the second elder.

She just needs to touch it twice.

It can make the elixir grow very well.

This is God's blessing, and it is impossible for the Second Elder to do so.

"I smelled the breath of the demon cultivator.

And should have seen it before. "The second elder said softly.

"I've seen it before?" Jiu realized instantly, and then grabbed a stick in the air, and she grabbed a wooden stick in her hand:

"It seems that Xiao Xiaozheng is going to go back to his old job. This time I will hit the left leg, and you will hit the right leg."

Jiu is eager to try.

Second Elder: "."

"It's too early to make a conclusion. Let's go and see why that demon cultivator came to Qiuyun Town." The second elder put his hands in his pockets before walking out.

Then disappeared in place.

Moxiu came to Qiuyun Town Park at the moment.

Only here can set up a stall, so he can only come here.

For the rules, he will definitely abide by them, otherwise

The Lu family can't afford it.

It's even more annoying than he thought before.

Soon he was setting things up.

Not long after it was set up, he saw a little girl in a white coat standing in front of the booth, looking at the things he placed.

I watched for a long time.

"Little girl, do you know the goods?" Moxiu asked now.

"If you don't know the goods, let someone who knows the goods come?" The second elder looked at Moxiu and asked now.


The one who came out was naturally the Second Elder.

As for this sentence, it was taught by Jiu.

Jiu said that his next sentence was to let those who know the goods come if they don't know the goods.

With Jiu by his side, the Second Elder felt like he was hanging out.

Although it doesn't work sometimes.

But most of them get spoilers.

Moxiu Moxie: "."

He looked carefully at the little girl, but saw nothing.

what happened?

But soon he thought of Lu Shui. Could this be the terrifying existence of the Lu family?

What did you get into?

"You didn't cause any trouble." The second elder's voice followed.

Mo Xiu was shocked when he heard this sentence.

He looked at the second elder in disbelief. Can this person penetrate his consciousness and read his thoughts?

"Don't think too much, I can't read your thoughts, that's what God did." The second elder continued.

The reason why she knew it was because Jiu was spoiling it.

"He doesn't believe you anymore, he is saying in his heart, you still say that you can't see through, it really is the terrifying existence of the Lu family.

The Lu family loves to bully people.

He thought so. " Jiu said.

Second Elder: "."


Thank you for the support of the lord of the immortal reincarnation, Jiageng has some difficulties, so let's delay it first.

It's really hard to code.

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