The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 543: Killing the Past Lu Shui across Time and Space

Lu Shui's voice was transmitted.

The three of Emperor Zun looked at Lu Shui, as if confirming.

"It shouldn't be you." Emperor Zun said.

"No." Lu Shui shook his head and said:

"It is indeed me."

"Although we are sleeping, the vision should have just appeared not long ago.

how old are you? "True God Aisi spoke softly.

For them, even if it was Lu Shui, they would not show any surprised expressions.

It seems to be able to accept all possibilities and changes.

"Based on normal calculations, I'm twenty years old this year." Lu Shui said.

Hearing these words, the three of them, who had no emotion at all, subconsciously took an extra look at Lu Shui.

Twenty years old?

Eighth order?

Beyond the Avenue?


And it was not only these people who were surprised, but also those outside.

Daozong Patriarch and others guarded one side.

The scene inside the vortex became more and more obvious, and they could also hear some conversations inside.

Then I heard the fact that Liuhuo was only twenty years old.

This made them feel a little unbelievable.

"Which arrogance is this person?

It's so amazing.

Twenty years old surpasses me. "The ancestor of Daozong felt shocked.

The same is true for other people. At the age of twenty, they can enter the city of fog and face three places they cannot understand.

This is not courage, but strength.

"I've learned a little bit about the fire.

He seems to have appeared half a year ago, and he may really be a twenty-year-old young man.

In the past six months, he has gone from being unknown to being a little famous, then to being famous, and finally becoming famous all over the world.

It only took half a year.

Known as the pride of the ages.

Thinking about it, he was really young.

But who it is, no one knows.

It seems that no one can track down Liu Huo's true identity. "The ancestor of Chonggu said.

He is indeed the most recent investigation.

Surprised him a little.

This kind of person is too strong, it feels like a little rise in half a year.

But his own courage is innate.

For example, sharing Taoism.

It just doesn't happen a little bit.

So people can't understand.

"What do fellow Daoist Lu think of this person?" Another Daoist patriarch looked in Lu Wuwei's direction and asked.

Ning Xia also looked over.

The second elder lowered his eyebrows, these people are really good at boasting.

The two of Jian Yifeng were also curious about how Lu Wuwei would evaluate it.

"He has surpassed me." Lu Wuwei didn't say anything more.

He gave the answer directly.

This answer is both uncomfortable and comforting for others.

Lu Wuwei is finally not the strongest.

But Lu Wuwei, who surpassed him at the age of twenty, was not someone they knew.

It is also quite a sigh.

If it is an enemy, it is someone who even Lu Wuwei can't fight against.

They are more dangerous.

"Twenty years old?" At this time, the voice inside continued:

"The vision should have appeared in these days, not twenty years ago."

Hearing this, others were a little puzzled.

What was the vision the other party was talking about?

There have been a lot of anomalies recently.

Which one are those people referring to?

The First Elder and the Second Elder watched and listened, because the visions were all in Lu's house.

This time, we can know why the three major forces are targeting the Lu family in this way.

In the passage, above the stars.

Lu Shui looked at Ai Si and replied:

"Yes, the vision recorded on the Tablet of Prophecy.

Indeed it was a few months ago.

Not when I was born. "

"Then why do you think this person is you?" Buddha asked Lushui.

"Then why did you leave these three things behind?

You as founders.

How do you determine who the vision is pointing to? "Lu Shui asked back.

"Leaving these things is just to find this person and kill hidden dangers.

As for how to determine who to point to, in our deduction, whoever the vision comes from will point to whom. "Di Zun looked at Lu Shui and said:

"The vision came because of you?"

"No." Lu Shui shook his head and said:

"The vision really wasn't for me, but..."

Lu Shui looked at these people, with a smile on his lips, and said:

"Have you ever thought that visions can come from me?"

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

Not paying attention to them, Lu Shui continued:

"Have you ever thought that the power that belongs to you cannot fully capture me?

Thus capturing that ray of possibility is a vision. "

"The directions specified in the prophecy are different, and there are various possibilities, so how can you be sure it's not that person?" Ai Si asked.

"Because she's not that special." Lu Shui said softly:

"Perhaps for you, she has a special background and is born with visions.

But to me, she really is just an ordinary girl.

There is no possibility of overthrowing the three major forces.

Her appearance is quite special, the vision is protecting her, and it is also protecting the world. "

The three of Emperor Zun were silent for a moment.

The Buddha spoke first:

"The benefactor's surname is Lu?"


Lu Shui was not surprised by this question.

But the people outside were suddenly stunned.

Surname Lu?

At this time, Daozong Patriarch and others looked at the Great Elder and the others.

It was unbelievable for a while.

They wanted to find the answer from the faces of the Lu family.

No change, are you surprised?

The heartbeats of Daozong, Jian Yifeng and the people in Chonggu increased a lot.

They looked at the vortex, waiting for Liuhuo's answer.

Although they didn't understand what they said before.

But what the last name is, you can still understand it directly.

So, is it from the Lu family?

Those who didn't know were listening intently.

Soon they heard the voice of Liuhuo.

Just a few simple words:

"Yes, my surname is Lu.

You can call me Lu Shui. "


At this moment, in the minds of Daozong and others, it was like a bolt from the blue.

The Lu family, Lu Shui?

They didn't know much about this man before.

But the last time Lu Shui got married, Lu Wuwei invited them.

On the day of the big wedding, there are countless visions of heaven and earth

That's it, that's it.

All the visions are congratulating the man on his wedding.

The Heavenly Tribulation asks for leave, the auspicious clouds are bright, and the world blesses you.

It turned out that it was all because of being the strongest in the world, the number one arrogant in eternity, and getting married.

Twenty years old is invincible.

Daozong Patriarch was both lucky and sad.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to participate in such a wedding.

I was lucky to be able to go to Zhen Sansheng back then.

Others never had that opportunity again.

What's uncomfortable is that he actually praised Lu's family just now.

Looking at the other party like this, you already know it, right?

I was just laughed at.

Jian Yifeng's people were also extremely shocked.

The Lu family, Lu Shui, if they remember correctly, should be called a waste young man by outsiders.

I see.

The Lu family has been hiding each other, causing everyone to have an illusion.

The time came half a year ago.

The main trend of the Shaozong of the Yintian Sect was born out of nowhere.

This meant that the Lu family had sensed a crisis, and let this eternity's No. 1 genius go to the realm of comprehension.

The Lu family is really scary.

The soul of the ancestor of Chonggu was scared away.

It turned out that Lu Shui was so terrifying.

He remembered that someone in Chonggu Valley provoked Lu Shui. At that time, he thought it was terrible to attract Lu Wuwei.

Only now did I realize that it was the Lu family who were benevolent, and it wasn't the most terrifying existence that came.

The other two of Daozong were also bitter.

They should have thought of that.

Isn't the young master of the Yintian Sect the young master of the Lu family?

It's just that no one wants to think about it.

For a while, they could only look at Lu Wuwei bitterly and said:

"The Lu family hides it really deep, and we only discovered it at this time.

The Lu family is really amazing. "

"I hope you guys, don't spread the word." Lu Wuwei said calmly.

"Is your heart happy?" Jiu patted the elder's head and said with a smile.

The Great Elder turned a deaf ear.

Of course, not everyone can hear what Jiu said.

At this time, no one spoke anymore.

Instead, look at the vortex.

Once the conversation is over, that's when they face the pressure.

At that time, there will definitely be a powerful force erupting inside.

They need to guard here.


No one can escape outside.

Emperor Zun and the others heard Lu Shui's words.

They looked at Lu Shui and remained silent.

I didn't disbelieve, nor was I surprised.

As if thinking about Lu Shui's words.

Finally Regal spoke:

"So, should we be robbed?"

Lu Shui was not surprised by the calmness of these three. As a strong man who killed gods in ancient times, none of them was ordinary.

Neither is simple.

"Have you ever thought that if there is no prophecy on the slate, you don't necessarily need to respond to the disaster?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

If there is no prophecy tablet, then he will not necessarily be an enemy of these people.

Hearing Lu Shui's words, the three of them didn't sigh or regret.

Emperor Zun's voice carried a smile:

"Without action, there is no victory.

isn't it?

What we want is not to survive.

How should it be robbed?

Don't you think that we are greedy for life and afraid of death? Just to survive? "

"True God chooses to fall, Jian Yi chooses to fall.

Lu also chose to fall. "The true god Ais looked at Lu Shui and continued:

"We are people of an era.

They are all better than us.

Since it is impossible to surpass them while they are alive.

How can we not be as good as them on the way forward?

Did they fear death?

Never been afraid.

Have they stalled?

Would rather die than stop.

Our cultivation is indeed not as good as theirs.

But we are no worse than them.

It doesn't matter whether it is a tablet of prophecy, a book of the future, or the book of Revelation.

We are just preparing for the path we want to go.

Success goes one step further.

If it fails, it should be robbed.

Why regret it? "

The Buddha also clasped his hands together, and a voice came out:


After listening to these words, Lu Shui didn't say anything more.

There is no need, their positions are different.

This is the contradiction that exists in the world, who is right and who is wrong?

why care?

"Then the three of you." Lu Shui took a step, and his strength surged accordingly:

"Should be robbed."


Power burst out in the endless starry sky.

The three Emperor Zun did not hold back, their authority and their power began to tear apart the starry sky and destroy everything.

And there is only one person they need to destroy most.

That is Lu Shui.

Immortal power, arrogant to the world.

The power of Buddha illuminates the earth.

The power of God to punish the world.

Lu Shui looked at these forces, and the power of heaven and earth rushed forward.

At this moment, the entire starry sky is surrounded by forces from all directions, like invisible giants, starting to compete in the sky.


Power hit.

A silent roar followed, the power disintegrated, and the starry sky shattered.

Suppress everything.

"Human beings are really strong, but you came too early." Ai Si's divine power surged, and she directly chased Lu Shui.

Lu Shui took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and fought against the three supreme powers alone.


The powerful force made his body feel the pressure.

"Just treat it as my respect for you and give you a chance."

The light exploded on Lu Shui.

He is like a shining star.

Start fighting back.

And the three Emperor Zun also turned into stars and besieged Lu Shui.


The power tears everything apart, and the avenues dry up around them.

The fortune telling of heaven and earth swayed accordingly.

The power began to extend, directly breaking through the city of fog.



The city of fog began to roll.

The terrifying force seemed to explode the entire fog city.


A sword light came from high above.

Suppress the Fog Capital directly.

Then several forces appeared, guarding various parts of the fog city.

The sea of ​​blood began to roll.

"Not enough, not enough." Moxiu Xuechen said immediately.

It's too terrifying, the attacks of these four people almost want to tear everything apart.

"Let me give you a hand."

At this moment, a voice came from the sky.

Three fairy mountains began to appear above the Mist Capital.

At this moment, the three fairy mountains are guarding the three sides, releasing most of the pressure for them.

"Tianji?" Moxiu Xuechen looked at the three fairy mountains and knew who was coming.

With Tianji, it will be much easier for them.

But what will happen next, no one dares to guess.


At this moment, four rays of light shot up into the sky.

The terrifying breath began to spread from the four rays of light.

It was as if a terrifying power was coming from the endless starry sky.

It is the real strong who are fighting.

At this moment, the entire comprehension world was aware of it.

Many people looked towards the sky, and that feeling of palpitation appeared in their hearts instantly.

But they don't know what happened.

"Do you feel it?"

"Yes, in the endless starry sky, it seems that some strong men are fighting."

"I have a strange feeling that once their power reaches us, it will be the end."

Xianjun Taiyi looked at the sky, and he had a guess.

"Has Liuhuo found Emperor Zun and the others?"

"It should be, I don't know what will happen in the end? This is the last battle.

If Emperor Zun is defeated," God of War said with a low eyebrow.

"How long have we been following Emperor Zun?" Xianjun Ziwei asked.

"Many years." Taiyi Xianjun said softly:

"When I was not yet a fairy, Emperor Zun found me.

until now.

So if Emperor Zun loses.

I would like to continue to follow him. "

God of War and Immortal Ziwei both looked at the sky.

Their answer was the same as that of Immortal Taiyi.

They became members of Xianting, not because of anything else.

It's just because the lord of the fairy court is Emperor Zun.

That's all.

The core fire ancient Buddha in the Buddhist gate is also looking at the sky.

At this time, there were waves in the Buddha Hall.

It seems that if you are not careful, you will be swallowed by the waves.

This is a sea of ​​bitterness.

There is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering.

"If my Buddha is defeated, will you turn back?" Miaozun ancient Buddha asked softly.

Xinhuo clasped his hands together and said:

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, if there is no Buddha on the shore.

Then let me continue to go to my Buddha. "

Miao Zun ancient Buddha proclaimed a Buddha's name.

I will not say more.

Their choices are the same.

Outside the Buddhist hall, the sea of ​​bitterness is rolling, and there is an ancient Buddha sitting in meditation in the Buddhist hall.

The heart is at peace.

Nothing around them can affect them.

As if everything they could bear.

at the same time.

Above the endless sea, there are vast glaciers.

There is a calm lake among the glaciers.

A young girl stood on the lake. She looked at the sky and felt the impact of power.

She knew that the final battle broke out.

The rays of light appear on the edge of the lake.

Darkness gathers around the lake.

God of Light and Goddess of Darkness.

None of them spoke, nor did they need to speak.

Just quietly looking at the sky, waiting for the final ending to appear.

How they will be is no longer important.

After all, they are on their way.

It's either success or failure.

In any case, they are ready.

"I can see the true God again."

After a long time, the ice sea goddess spoke.

"Yes, it's been many years." The God of Light followed.

"It makes people miss the old days." The Dark Goddess is a young girl.

She seems to think of the past very often.

Then they stopped talking.

south city.

"Just now I seem to have seen Uncle Security go out, maybe it has something to do with the changes in the sky." Chu Yu looked at the sky and said.

Jian Luo didn't know what was going on, but she knew that something terrible might have happened in the endless sky.

"Do you think it might be Liuhuo?" Jian Luo asked.

"Remove the possibility." Chu Yu said.

No need to think about it, this matter must have something to do with the thigh.

I just don't know how big the relationship is.

And they don't know anything.

Can only feel the breath.

If this affects it, it will be a disaster.

But these little people, it's useless to worry.

At best try to escape.

They still have means of escape.


Mu family.

Dongfang Chacha looked at the sky and said:

"Is it going to thunder?"

"Shouldn't it be?" Yayue didn't feel like thunder.


There was a roar in the sky.

"Look, it's really thunder." Dongfang Chacha said to Yayue.

At this time, both the water cloud beast and the fire cloud beast shrank on Yalin's body.

in panic.

"We're fighting, I don't know if we're strong enough now." Mu Xue wasn't very worried.

Lu Shui's strength is different from ordinary people.

The Supreme cannot inflict fatal damage on him.

And she just thought about it.

I remembered many things.

Lu Shui should have someone behind him.

And she figured out one thing.

Lu Lai's history.

It really made her feel emotional.

It will really succeed, and some look forward to the birth of Lu Laishi.

Hope nothing goes wrong.

"Let's go, it's getting dark, you can draw a night scene." Mu Xue said.

"Sister, let Sister Chacha draw me this time." Yalin raised her hand.

"Okay, okay." Dongfang Chacha was very excited.

Mu Xue didn't say anything either.

Instead, always pay attention to the numerology of Lu Shui, and think about what state Lu Shui was in his previous life when he had time.


I don't know why, but it always feels like something is going to happen later.

The power traveled in all directions, and the figures belonging to Lu Shui had long since disappeared in the starry sky.

The stars shattered under their power, and the starry sky was torn apart by them.

An endless storm swept across the starry sky.

Everything is evaporating.

Everything is drying up.

It was as if the world was going to collapse and everything would die.

And with the confrontation of their strength.

It seemed that blood began to overflow, spilling onto the starry sky.

But the blood was not wasted, it directly turned into the power of the avenue, and was involved in the battle again.

The starry sky channel is disintegrating, and the vast stars are all shattered.

It seems that the power is about to sweep out.

Destroy the world.

The battle didn't last long.

When the starry sky disintegrated and everything shattered.

The power of the four directions subsided.

Lu Shui retreated.

He was pushed back.



is won.

win by a narrow margin.

At this time, the figures of the three had also appeared.

They didn't have any injuries on their bodies, but their breath was much weaker.

But there was no fear on their faces.

They are just a little pity.

"Unexpectedly, in order to defeat you, relying on power and the way, it will not work at all.

What is needed is real strength. "Di Zun looked at Lu Shui and sighed a little.

They are recovering in the wrong direction.

Otherwise, this battle.

They can win.

"Maybe luck is on my side." Lu Shui looked at the three of them and said.

He didn't kill the three of them.


Hard to kill.

With his current strength, he couldn't kill these three.

But as long as you can get past it, you can.

When it comes out again.

Maybe everything can be suppressed.

It's just that the other party doesn't seem to give up.

"The current us are indeed not your opponents now, but we still have one last resort." Emperor Zun said.

Their three-on-one never felt anything.

It was the three of them who should be robbed.

So go all out.

"The last resort?" Lu Shui was quite puzzled.

No matter how hard the opponent tries, it is impossible to defeat him.

"There is indeed a last resort." The Buddha clasped his hands together and said softly:

"Does the benefactor know how these things come from in the future?"

"Someone told me that it borrowed the power of time.

With the joint efforts of the three of you, you can find the most possible scene from the endless possibilities. " Lu Shui said.

The power of time is eternal.

It was later taken by Emperor Zun.

Borrowing the power of time, they found the place with the biggest turning point in numerology.

The conclusions drawn are of this era.

It's amazing.

In the previous life, if my mother had been in good health, I don't know if this kind of phenomenon will appear.

Probably something similar?


"Yes, time power.

If we use the power of time to kill you who have not yet been born.

What do you think? "Di Zun asked suddenly.

Lu Shui froze for a moment, then shook his head and said:


The past is the past and cannot be changed.

Neither you nor I can do this step. "

Unless the whole world is turned upside down.


No way.

Because the numerology changes.

If you can't deal with it before and after, you will collapse and destroy directly.

So the past results cannot be changed.

The numerology that should exist must exist, and the numerology that should disappear must disappear.

Even Midu couldn't make any noticeable changes.

"How will you know if you don't try?" Emperor Zun's voice came out.

At this time, water flowed around the three of them.

It is the river of time.

At the same time, the three of them turned into the power of the avenue and poured into the river of time.

Lu Shui frowned, since the other party wants to try, let them try.

But he also stepped into the river of time.

He also wanted to see how far these people would go.

When Lu Shui entered the River of Time, he found that the River of Time was going endlessly.

It seems to have fixed coordinates.

"No, how do they have coordinates?


Unless their power exists at that time.

At this moment, Lu Shui saw two beams of power appearing in front of the River of Time.

They went to two different places.

The time coordinates are also different.

"you dare?"

Suddenly, Lu Shui heard a low growl.

It was his father's voice.


The author of the group release said, order it yourself.

Below I connect directly.

By the way, ask for a monthly pass.

It's about to expire.

Oh, I heard that Valentine's Day is coming soon, let me remind you.

come on.

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