The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 544 The Death of Mu Xue's Mother

Lu Shui, who heard the voice, immediately cast his gaze.

He saw where the light was.

There is a huge dwelling below.

Not the Lu family.

It's the Oriental family.

"I found it, as expected, the backhand we left behind can guide us in the direction."

Emperor Zun's voice continued to come out:

"If you are the same mother as the person pointed to by the prophesied slate vision, then we may join forces to attack you in the past and kill you."

Lu Shui looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

It's over the Dongfang family.

There are dark red clouds gathering there.

It is the river of time.

But ordinary people can't see this dark red cloud at all.


Lei Ting went to Dongfang's house.


A powerful force erupted from a room in Dongfang's house.

As if fighting against this thunder.

Lu Shui could feel that it was his father's strength.

If he guessed correctly, today is most likely the day he was born.

In other words, when he was born, Emperor Zun and the other three had already found his mother.

Then plan to do it.

Not against him, but against mother.

Regardless of whether the person pointed to by the prophecy slate is the first child or not, let’s talk about the person who gave birth first.

"No wonder they can find the exact coordinates.

It turned out that their strength had already appeared at this point in time. "


The dark red thunder followed, and it was the power of those three.

But not that powerful.

Even so, this power is also very special.

It seemed to reveal a trace of ominousness.

It's not that it's bad in itself, but it tells the person who is blocking that he's letting it go.

"Joke." At the moment of this ominous appearance, a haughty voice appeared from the room, a pair of invincible iron fists slammed into the sky, and a huge figure enveloped the room.

His voice sounded again:

"I am the child of someone Lu, how can I allow you to draw conclusions?

Whether he is auspicious or inauspicious, I, Lu, have the final say. When will others decide?

Since he is my child, I will let him come into this world.

If you want to deal with him, you have to ask me Lu.

Let me give in?

Do you deserve it? "

"It's only a sixth level, but the tone is loud." Emperor Zun and the others have already begun to prepare to attack.

Because the current auspicious clouds are not enough to make meritorious service.

Need their strength to bless.

At this moment, the three supreme powers began to pour in.

It seemed as if he wanted to attack Lu Gu directly.

Lu Shui stood there watching, he had no intention of making a move.


no need.

But he finally saw it.

Big things did happen with my own birth.

Mother's injury was caused by this accident.

Because of the thunder, Niangqin became the target of others.

This is also an opportunity for that ferocious beast to make meritorious deeds on the barren grassland.

Because the mother has withstood the thunderbolt's attack, the ferocious beast can use the power left by the thunderbolt to the extreme.

As a result, the mother has no possibility of having a second child.

Really, good means.

No wonder parents don't mention these things.

While his status was ominous, he also brought harm to his mother.

It had a big impact on him.


At this time, the power of the three emperors followed the river of time and attacked Lu Gu.


Lu Gu didn't respond at all.

The attack penetrated directly through him, failing to cause the slightest damage.

"Why?" Emperor Zun and the other three clearly felt that they should be able to succeed.

Obviously able to echo the power of the past.

"With your strength, it will never be possible to intervene in the past.

give up. " Lu Shui said.

They don't believe it.

But he never spoke.

Then Lu Shui turned his head and looked in another direction, saying:

"In ancient times, you split into two forces?

One for me, what about the other? "

"Another candidate, we felt like she had huge ups and downs in her numerology.

The two couldn't be sure, so they shot together. "The true god Ai Si answered Lu Shui.

"The surname should be Mu." The Buddha also passed on a sentence.

Lu Shui looked in the direction of another light.

So, the goal is actually .

Mu Xue's mother.

Without staying, Lu Shui went directly to the light.

He wanted to see what the general situation was.

As for the three Emperor Zun, he did not interfere with them.

Since they want to try, let them try.

This is a video for them, trying to influence.

is impossible.

Soon Lu Shui crossed the river of time and came to the location of the second light.

It's a remote place.

Not the Mu family.

Dark red thunder is bombarding a house.

There is power present in the house.

"Go away."

There is anger in the figure.


The ominous atmosphere appeared again.

At the same time, the power in the house seemed to pause for a moment.

But soon it moved again.

"No, stop."


A powerful force began to cover the entire house.

The power of the fifth-order peak.

But it didn't take long for everything to calm down.

The dark red thunder dispersed, as if he had done a good job.

Lu Shui fell to the ground and saw the scene in the house.

What he saw was a lying woman holding a baby with a smile on her lips and her forehead resting on the baby's forehead.


Lost the breath of life.

And beside her was a middle-aged man kneeling, his eyes had lost color.


A piercing sound came out.

"For a moment, I hesitated for a moment, ahhh~"

The voice was full of despair and remorse.

Lu Shui watched all this and saw that the strength in the old man began to run wild.

It was as if he wanted to directly wipe himself out.

Only at the last moment, a crisp voice suddenly came out:

"Wow, wow~"

baby, crying.

It was at this moment that the original violent power calmed down.

Only the sound of crying followed.

Desperate with pain.

It seemed that from this moment on, he fell into the abyss.

Lu Shui kept silent and retreated.

He has seen this picture.

The second half of the slate was previously prophesied.

He just saw this picture.

But he didn't expect that the picture was to represent this.

So Mu Xue lost her mother from the moment she was born.

There was nothing before, but now he sees.

But nothing can be done.

Because it is impossible for him to reverse the time to before Mu Xue was born.

Fortunately, Mu Xue didn't follow.

Mu Xue, who was sleeping with Ya Lin, looked in the direction of the misty capital with a feeling.

There were tears in her eyes.

There is an inexplicable sadness in my heart.

"What did Lu Shui see?

Why am I so sad? "

Mu Xue didn't know why, but felt sad and wanted to cry.

But she didn't know what was going on, this influence came from Lu Shui.

It was Lu Shui who saw something that caused her to behave like this.

The numerology of their husband and wife is connected together.


Something must have happened to make this happen.

But she could feel that there was nothing wrong with Lu Shui.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Did Yalin make you feel uncomfortable?

don't cry.

Yalin must be obedient and not make her sister angry. "Yalin noticed Mu Xue's tears.

He wiped Mu Xue's tears with his hands.

Mu Xue wiped away her tears, smiled and said to Yalin:

"No, Arlene is very good.

The sister is not angry. "

"Then sister, don't cry." Yalin said.

"Well, don't cry." Mu Xue said softly.

Mu Xue helped Yalin cover the quilt and coaxed Yalin to sleep.

Then, she looked at the ceiling, as if her eyes had penetrated.

"Master Lu, what did you see?"



"What's going on inside?"

In the misty capital, the ancestor of Daozong asked.

Those people just said that they want to cross time and space and kill Lu Shui in the past.

How powerful is this?

Simply horrible.

Even if they failed, they did disappear.

Went to the past?

At this time, the second elder and the others looked at Jiu.

I wonder if this is possible?

"Don't worry, Liu Huo said, it's impossible.

That is impossible.

But" Jiu paused, and continued:

"They did go back in time and saw scenes from the past."

"When Lu Shui was born?" The second elder remembered something:

"So the abnormality at that time was actually caused by these three existences?"

She went there at that time, not only her, but even alarmed the Great Elder.

But they didn't know the very beginning.

All I know is that Lu Gu and Li Yin were hit hard.

An external force appeared and was cut off by the Great Elder with a sword.

But then it was the end.

What happened specifically, the bystanders never knew.

Only Lu Gu knows best.


Lu Gu remained silent.

The second elder came to his senses.

It turned out that these people wanted to kill Lu Shui across time and space, but were intercepted by Lu Gu.



"Actually, it's not that they are now killing Lu Shui across time and space, but that they in the past used tricks to deceive the future Li Yin." Jiu sighed and said:

"And then some people become victims.

Probably this is the development of all creatures.

Otherwise, there will be no heaven-sent marriage. "

These people felt a little at a loss, completely unable to understand the battle of these people.

This is no ordinary fight at all.

how to spell?

It turns out that the confrontation of strength is the most common.

The battle of these people has involved time and space.

"Did you win?" Ji Xun asked.

Even she cannot know the supreme battle.

She didn't get promoted.

"Winning is winning, but in the future, there will always be some changes." Jiu looked at Tianji and said:

"A new change is coming."

At this time, everyone looked at the sky above the fog city.

Sure enough, a stream of water appeared in the sky.

From the mist, out of nothing.


There seemed to be three rays of light hidden in the water, which were extremely powerful.

Can't look directly.

"What is this?" The second elder just took a look, and his eyes felt a little tingling.

"The River of Time." Jiu continued:

"The river of time is a bit special at this time, back away, don't get close."

The Great Elder didn't hesitate, and directly made a move, telling everyone to back off.

Everyone looked at the river of time, a little lost.

They feel it.

This is by no means something they can grasp.

Couldn't even discover the existence of this thing.

The original world is so vast.

They have never experienced it.

I thought that I had come to the end of the road, and my understanding of the cultivation world had reached its limit.


They are wrong.

It turns out that they are so ordinary in front of the world.

The vastness of the world is beyond their imagination and comprehension.

Everything is infinitely changing.


The river of time entered the vortex, as if to find someone.

At this time, there is still power appearing in the vortex.

The Great Elder and the others did not dare to hesitate.

Continue to guard the Quartet.

It was indeed much quieter at this time.

But no one knows what will happen next.

Need to wait for the end.

Wait until the fire comes out.

Lu Shui retreated from the River of Time.

He stood silent in the broken starry sky.

There was no extra action, just waiting with lowered eyebrows, waiting for the three to appear.

Didn't have long to wait.

The River of Time began to reappear.

The three Emperor Zun appeared in the starry sky.

They lowered their eyebrows and did not speak.

Because, the last resort failed.

They really cannot interfere with the past.

It's a pity.

"It seems to be here."

Lu Shui looked up at the sky and saw the River of Time.

At this time, the river of time does not belong to this era.

It can be said to be the reverse flow of the river of time.

After they entered the river of time, this river locked its position.

As for why it came back against the current, it was because Lu Shui allowed it.

Helped the other party.

Otherwise, it is impossible to succeed at all.

"What is this?" Emperor Zun was a little surprised:

"I feel the power that belongs to me, but I don't know that I have left this behind."

"I feel it too, but it's very strange, it seems to be older than us." The true god Ais was a little unbelievable.

"The poor monk also has this feeling, as if from the future." The Buddha had many insights into the future.

He cultivates Buddha fruit, there are past Buddhas, present Buddhas and future Buddhas.

The Buddha fruit is unique and has an afterlife.

Lu Shui walked towards the inside with strides, at this time the river of time flying from the sky rushed towards the three of Emperor Zun.

"I'm going to enter the maze, and when I come out, it's probably time for us to make an end.

For the rest of the time, you can feel the future. "

When Lu Shui's voice fell, he had already passed the three emperors and went to the endless depths.

That is the direction of Midu.

The three Emperor Zun didn't stop Lu Shui, nor did they make any other moves.

They looked at the sky, watching the river of time cover them.

Soon they came to the river of time.

It is a brand new space.

As soon as they entered, they felt an extremely familiar aura, which was the same as theirs.

Soon they heard a voice:

"It's finally here, and it really is that person who made the move and let us come back.

But there is not much time.

Haha, three idiots, have you offended someone you shouldn't have?

I am very happy to tell you that the three of you are dead. "

Regal frowned, it was his voice.

"Us in the future?" Emperor Zun asked.

"It is indeed us in the future, but how is this possible?" the true god Ai Si asked.

Buddha did not speak.

At this time, they saw ahead, three people exactly like them came out of the water.

All three of them are stronger, and their aura is even more terrifying.

But still in the highest category.

Maybe he is trying to get closer to Jiu, but compared to Lu

There is no comparison.

At this time, the Buddha among the three spoke:

"Not the future, you can call us your past."

Hearing this sentence, the three of Emperor Zun were shocked.

How is this going?

The powerful true god Ais looked at the weak three and said:

"To be precise, you have no future."

"You must have met that person, the person who predicted the slate. You may not be convinced, but today I will tell you how terrifying this person is.

It's so scary that we are nothing but ignorant ants in front of him. "The powerful Emperor looked at the weak three and said.

Lu Shui walked step by step towards the Lost City where Ming was.

What to do after all.

I don't know if this living Midu can bring him surprises.

The ending may not be able to be changed, but.

It is good to have some regrets that can be made up for.

"I don't know how active this fan city can be."

Thinking this way, Lu Shui came to the front of the mist.

After entering, it is the mysterious capital where Ming is located, and that is where the island is located.

The place where Ming is trapped is an island, which is the city of Mystery, the entrance to the past.

Both a non-existent area and a non-existent place.

After pausing for a moment, Lu Shui took a step forward and directly entered the mist.

At this moment, he felt that everything around him was being constructed, like a disordered place, because his existence began to become orderly.

Soon everything started to show up.

Blue sky and white clouds.

There was a breeze.

like a separate world.

At this time, he was standing high in the sky, with the endless sea area under his feet, and an island in front of the sea area.

There is no fog behind either.

There is no direction to come.

It seems that this is an ordinary world.

But Lu Shui knew that fans were trying to assimilate him.

When he is assimilated, the blue sky and white clouds will disappear and become mist again.

However, assimilation has no effect on land and water.

After seeing the island, he walked over step by step.

I want to see Mingming.

But not long after he appeared, there was a figure coming towards him.

It was a man, very handsome.

The only ones who can be compared with the other party are probably the red-haired demon cultivator Xuechen, and Chu Yu, who writes novels.

However, there is no need to compare.

Because Ming is not purely male.

He is one with the moon, there is no distinction between male and female.

So it will be prettier.

Soon Ming stood in front of Lu Shui, with excitement in his eyes, and said:

"Little friend Lu?"

He didn't quite believe it.

But Lu Shui finally came in.

"It's me." Lu Shui nodded.

"You" Ming hesitated, but still asked:

"Defeated Xianmu and the others?"

"Defeated." Lu Shui nodded slightly, and then said:

"When I go out from here, there will probably be no Supreme here."

Ming didn't say much, the world of comprehension is like this.

When you come, you have everything.

When I went, there was nothing.

He led the way ahead, taking Lu Shui to the center of the city.

"You said that the fans here are all alive. Is it possible that they were active a few years ago?" Lu Shui asked.

If he wants to do something, he has to be close to that point in time.

To know more details.

"Yes." Ming said with certainty:

"This fan is alive, it has always been active, in recent years, in recent days, there may be its figure.

But it depends on the probability. "

Lu Shui nodded, so there is hope.

He is usually lucky.

That should be able to do something.

But start from scratch.

I don't know how many things I will know, but I will definitely see Lu Hejian and the others again.


They landed on the island.

If you just look at the island, it's hard to believe that this is the city of fans.

"Lu didn't tell me what would happen if I entered the fan, so if you really entered.

Better be careful. "Ming brought Lu Shui to the center.

There is a lake here.

There is a vortex in the lake, and the vortex seems to be connected to endless space.

This is the entrance to the Lost City.

It's a little different from other places.

"By the way, I don't know what's going on with the exit, I can't control it.

So you better be prepared. "Ming explained again.

"Okay." Lu Shui nodded.

He's been through it all.

Of course there is no problem.

As for what will happen when he goes in, he doesn't know.

After all, how many points there are in Midu is a mystery.

How long it will take him is uncertain.

But normally, six or seven days is enough.

The last time the two Midus, no matter how many hours, it was six days.

Most likely this time too.

"I'm going in." Lu Shui said softly.

This riddle can solve all his doubts.

It can also solve everything.

Including his and Mu Xue's children.

But now Mu Xue must be aware of it, if it is really the time when her mother passed away.

It must startle her.

I don't know if Mu Xue's entry at that time will have any impact.

It seems that you have to be prepared on the road.

As for the emperor three

He didn't know what they would do after they learned something.

To fight to the death, or to flee?


The result will not change.

They should be robbed.

Lu Shui is their robbery.

Inescapable calamity.

"Please be careful all the way, if you don't see me when you come out, it may be that the fans have disappeared.

I'm back with Moon.

At that time, I will come to you. " Ming said.

"Okay." Lu Shui nodded in response.

After speaking, he walked into the big lake.

He came to the center of the vortex, and finally disappeared into the depths of the vortex.

Ming watched Lu Shui disappear, and didn't say anything, but sat where he was, waiting for Lu Shui to come out.

He also didn't know what would happen after the fans entered.

Lu didn't say it, maybe Lu didn't know either.


Ming took a look outside Fandu.

None of Xianmu and the three of them stopped Lu Xiaoyou, which meant that Lu Xiaoyou was already strong enough to surpass the scope of cognition.

It should be fine.

Jiu felt the vortex, and finally heaved a sigh of relief:

"The fire has entered, you can rest for a while."

"Don't fight inside?" the ancestor of Chonggu asked curiously.

The stream of water just now was absolutely extraordinary, and it should be for the blessing of those three people.

In theory, a more powerful battle would break out.

But the true god said that he could rest.

"Yes, there is a temporary truce inside." Jiu nodded and said:

"Ais and the others are discussing countermeasures, or...

How to mock the other party to die. "

The second elder was a little puzzled, what happened inside?

She still knows about Lu Shui.

Maybe it's entering the maze.

What about the other three?

The power is still there, and it is very strong.

Why did you let Lu Shui in directly?

It doesn't feel right.

Is there a problem with the river of time that appeared before?

"Don't think too much, you will know in the future, and I will tell you." Jiu patted the second elder's head and said with a smile.

I have to wait until the day Jiu dies.

For a while, I felt that it was better to keep it a secret.

The power of the vortex is always there, but no power comes out of the vortex.

Not even breath at the moment.

This way they are much more relaxed.

But no one dared to leave at will, because no one knew whether there would be new changes inside.

They saw forces swimming in the vortex, as if someone was communicating.

Just don't know what to communicate.

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