The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 547 If there is an afterlife, remember to marry me

Lu Shui felt a little heartbroken.

He still remembers the situation when he was married.

Except for Lu Wuwu, he invited everyone else.

Even for Jian Yi, a person who has completely disappeared, he sent invitations.

Although it was collected by Ji Xun.

But he did after all.

But what about these people?

Marriage did not call him.

What a disappointment.

After all, it was a wrong payment.

"When you were a fan, you didn't invite us." Jiu said from the side.

Lu Shui: "."

Is that how it works?

But he couldn't tell them that he would get married in the future, so he invited them.

Co-authored, he became the culprit?

"Actually, it was summoned by Jian Yi." Lu said at this time:

"It's just not summoned."

Lu Shui: "."

He really can't answer the call, and fans can't control it.

Then don't care.

"By the way, who did Lu marry in the end?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

It was Jian Yi who asked.

"Well, it's a long story." Jian Yi pretended to be deep.

At this time, Jiu who was sitting next to Lu raised his hand.

Lu Shui didn't look at it, but nodded slightly:

"Well, then let's eat first."

"Let's talk after eating." Jian Yi agreed.

Jiu looked at the two men coldly and said:

"Are you all ganging up to reject me?"

Only then did Lu Shui look at Jiu, and then asked:

"So. You and Lu got together like this?"

"I'm not a child now." Jiu stood up and gestured for his height.

It is indeed tall, 1.66 meters by visual inspection, and looks like a mature woman in all aspects.

"Tsk tsk." Lu Shui glanced at Lu Shui, curled his lips and said:


"Beast." Jian Yi also dismissed it.

"Alas." Lu Shui and Jian shook their heads together and sighed.

Then eat.


Jiu: "."


"Let's talk about the key points." Jian Yi swallowed the rice and said:

"Jiu's state is not right now, is it?

In fact, an incredible thing happened. "

"Pregnant?" Lu Shui asked.

"You guessed it, I'll go if I mention my name.

This is the name I won. "Jian Yi said.

"What's it called?" Lu Shui asked.

He actually had the answer in his heart, but he still wanted to see what it was called.

But Nine would be pregnant, which is simply unimaginable.

Especially from land.

He doesn't show the mountains and doesn't show the water, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, I didn't expect this kind of person.

Of course, he was also worried that the name Lu Goudan would appear in Jian Yi.

"Qi, Lu Qi." Jian Yi didn't joke around:

"It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl, if they have a second child, it's Ba, Lu Ba.

The third.

Well, it's called Lu Qiba. "

Lu Shui: "."

Let alone a third one.

However, seven and eight.

So the real ancestor of the Lu family is actually.

Lu Shui looked up at Lu Genjiu who was opposite him.

It's just that Lu Shui still has doubts.

The Lu family appeared after Lu Yu, how could there be Lu Ba at that time?

"If Jiu falls, will he die?" Lu Shui asked suddenly.

His guess was that Nine might live a long time.

Of course, if Qi and Ba are really siblings.


Is not the only true God his ancestors?

Fortunately, I haven't played it yet.

Otherwise, it is deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors.

No, it seems to have been beaten somewhere.

Last life?

This kind of useless memory will not be recalled, and the right should be ignored.

"The authority is broken and I am no longer a god, but I can still live a second life." Jiu said very proudly.

"What do you mean?" Lu Shui felt that Jiu didn't say anything specific.

"It is to become an ordinary person and have the lifespan of an ordinary person." Jiu continued to eat and said.

Lu Shui frowned.

That means.

After killing gods.

Once Jian died, Jiu would live for decades at most, and he would die in the end.


There is one land left.

Suddenly, Lu Shui felt uncomfortable.


at night.

Lu Shui, Jian Yi and Lu sat on the chairs in the yard.

It was brought by Lu Shui.

At this time they looked at the sky and the full moon.

"When is God Killing?" Lu Shui asked.

"Probably a few more years, not long." Lu answered.

"The time to kill the god will be determined according to the weakness of the true god.

The day of waiting for Jiusheng will be the last time to start the battle of killing gods.

But at that time, the natural god would definitely not appear rashly.

He is waiting for Lu.

Once Lu starts to advance, the natural god will come out.

At that moment, it was time for me to act. " Jian Yi said.

Lu Shui didn't say anything, whether the Innate God appeared, and whether he began to recover his strength.

Depends on Lu.

Lu started and he started.

No matter what time period.

"Have you figured out how to write my autobiography yet?

It's best to show that I am so arrogant that no one can match me in all ages. " Jian Yi looked at Lu Shui beside him and said.

"I've already thought about it, and I'll let you know when the time comes.

The only meaning of this life is to become a natural god.

I'll put this sentence well and still sum up your feat. " Lu Shui said.

There is only one sentence in Jian Yi's biography.

Lu Shui now knew what that sentence meant.

Jian Yi is going to become the Jie of a born god.

This catastrophe caused the natural god to perish in this era.

In this era, there will be no natural gods in the future.

"Very good." Jian Yi responded and looked at Lu Dao:

"Okay, you are not allowed to practice swords."

Lu glanced at Jianyi and said:

"It's not good to practice swords, and it's easy to die alone."

Sword One: "."

Lu Shui agreed.

The Great Elder is like this.

"Have you finished talking?

Help me gather medicine. "Jiu came out with a book, looked at Lu and the others and said.

Lu Shui was quite curious, does Jiu still need to read?

what book is that

Seeing that Lu Shui was curious, Jiu turned the book over to Lu Shui to read:

"Lu wrote half of the book on pregnancy protection and I wrote half.

Does Long Er want to prepare a book for Mi Er? "

Lu Shui: "."

Mi'er is not yet pregnant.

You don't have to worry about being pregnant.

Nine does need a baby, though.

After all, it is destroying her godhead, and killing gods is activated, which is actually very dangerous for the fetus.

Lu didn't dare to cross the tribulation rashly.

Naturally, danger will come at the same time, and it may also hurt the fetus.

These existences have children, which is also very troublesome.

Lu Shui felt that if he wanted to have a child, he needed to make such a fuss, and it was right.

"Show me one night." In the end, Lu Shui felt that this was an extension of his research.

So take a look.

What if it comes in handy someday?

Then Lu took Jiu to pick the elixir, but Gouzi didn't follow.

Instead, he hid beside Lu Shui.

As long as the sword is there, it will be a disaster for dogs.

the next day.

After Lu Shui finished reading the book, he found that the author of this book was indeed very powerful.

He didn't think of many things.

However, after all, it is only a branch of his research.

Some people should not understand.

However, this book can give him other inspirations.

The book written by True God and Lu is very unusual.

Show the second elder, can the second elder greatly improve his medical skills?

After closing the book, Lu Shui found out where Jian Yi had gone.

At noon, Jian Yi came back.

"I just went to the top of the mountain again, I thought I was about to fall, and I wanted to play against the heaven and the earth.

However, still don't bird me. "Jian Yi sighed.

Lu Shui: "."

Play against Tianjie, Tianjie may kill you.

A thunderstorm is a move of chess.


Lu Shui found out that Ji Xun was here, and came to find Jianyi.

They talk at a distance.

"What do you say they are talking about?" Lu Shui asked Lu Hejiu on the side.

Jiu grabbed Lu Lu's arm, hid behind Lu, and said:

"I'm eavesdropping, you guys help me block it.

I pass on my voice to you. "

Lu Shui and Lu immediately nodded.

Don't be cowardly and don't be afraid.

Soon the voice came over:

"Jian Yi, you're dreaming, I won't play chess with you."

After saying this, Ji Xun flew into the sky.

left again.

"I didn't stay for dinner, I made an extra portion, it seems that it needs to be digested by Jian Yi." Lu said.

Lu Shui felt a little pity that he didn't know what they were talking about.

But why did Ji Xun say he couldn't play chess in the end?

"Jian Yi played chess with Lu before.

He played chess with Lu Bi with credibility, fame, suzerainty, and even the sword in his hand.


All won.


Throw away all of the above. "Jiu saw Lu Shui puzzled and continued to explain:

"Ji Xun is worried that the sword will be lost and returned to her.


Refuse to play chess with the sword. "

Lu Shui lowered his eyebrows, and then said:

"Does Jian Yi use his name as a chess master as collateral?"

Lu Shui has seen all kinds of mortgages, but it seems that he has never heard of this.

"Like, no." Lu said.

Jiu: "."

Shouldn't you feel sorry for Ji Xun's infatuation?


Suddenly Lu Shui noticed a huge fireball in the sky.

Falling like the sun.

"here we go again."

Lu Shui sensed it and was about to leave again.

"Go to hell, Jianyi." It was Ji Xun's voice.

Don't think about it anymore, it was Ji Xun who was so angry that he couldn't do anything.

Lu Shui sighed, why is he the one who gets hurt every time?


A powerful force struck, and he was directly kicked out of the group chat.


He emerged from the vortex and returned to the space of the Lost City.

"The next time it reappears, it should be the time of the fall, right?"

Thinking of this, Lu Shui left his strength in the fog city.

If it was really the day Jian Yi fell, he would need to do something.

And, it's time to deliver on the promise.

Lu's promise to Ji Xun.

This promise naturally needs Lu Shui's help to fulfill it, and Lu Shui has long since fallen and died.

"I hope I can."

Thinking like this, Lu Shui stepped towards the next vortex.


A vortex appears.

Very close.

This time there was no sound.


Suction occurs.

Lushui disappeared in the vortex.

When he appeared again, he was still in front of the bamboo house.

People are still those people.

Jian Yi, who was dressed in white, Lu, who looked more ordinary, and Jiu, who didn't have a big belly.


a woman.

Lu Shui had never seen her.

"Huh! Looks like it's really Long'er." Jian Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

"How are you sure?" Lu Shui asked.

"Because I'm more beautiful than Tide, but you don't look at me but Tide, it must be because you saw a stranger." Jiu explained on the side.

Lu Shui: "."

Sword One: "."

Of course it's because of the eyes.

But he didn't bother to explain.

Lu Shui didn't say much, it's normal for Jiu to be so confident.

"Yes, is it time?" Lu Shui asked.

At this time, Jiu was very weak, and cracks appeared in his power.

A new power has been conceived.

Just short of the last birth.

"Well, just today.

So if the summoning fails, I will die with regret. " Jian Yi said.

Lu Shui nodded slightly, then looked at the tide on one side:

"Is she going to participate in the God Killing Battle today?"

"How did Long Er know?" Jiu asked.

"During the god killing meeting, I found her name," Lu Shui said.

Naturally, he couldn't say that he knew it a long time ago and would be kicked out.

But sometimes it should be possible to say that a condition needs to be met.

Try this later.

"Long'er, did you attend the God Killing Conference?"

Jiu asked in shock.

Then his expression changed.

As if to say, Long Er looks thick eyebrows and big eyes, I did not expect this kind of person.

Lu Shui: "."

Where does he go, can he decide for himself?

"Tide is indeed going to participate in the battle of killing gods, but she is only a clone, and needs to help Jiu deliver the baby." Lu Zai said on the side.

"It's hard for my Tao to win them, so it's okay to split a clone.

And "Tide looked at Jiu expectantly and said:

"Being able to help Jiu deliver the baby is the happiest thing for me."

Lu Shui didn't say anything, he had never seen this person before.

It can be said that there is no understanding at all.

It is hard to say whether it will be dead or alive in the end.

Then Jianyi took Lu Shui and waved goodbye to Lu Hejiu.

"You don't need to cook my meal tonight." Jian Yi said.

"Okay." Lu nodded slightly.

"Woof." Gouzi barked twice.

"Don't think I don't understand, even if I don't have time, I still have time to stew you." Jian Yi looked at Gouzi and said.

Gouzi was taken aback and jumped directly to Lu's side.

Jianyi set off and left.

Lu Shui watched Lu Hejiu's figure blur and then disappear.

They came to the sea.

"What did Gouzi just say?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

The farewell just now was Jian Yi and theirs.


"It said go all the way, I think he is cursing me to death." Jian Yi said disdainfully.


Suddenly a powerful breath passed over.

Many ways.

"Looks like it's started." Jian Yi said.

"How long will this battle last?" Lu Shui asked.

Jian Yi held the sword in his hand, thought for a while and said:

"It will take a few days.

These days we will write autobiography. "

autobiography in one sentence

Lu Shui was quite helpless.

At this time, Jian Yi gave Lu Shui a book and a pen.

After receiving the book and the pen, Lu Shui moved the pen, and the handwriting also imitated the book.

Jian Yi watched from the side, now that there is no Lu Du, the brotherhood does not need to be abolished.

But soon Lu Shui stopped writing.

"It's finished." Lu Shui handed the book to Jian Yi.

Jian Yi read the book without saying a word, but kept staring at that sentence.

Finally laughed:

"Sure enough, he is my good brother, deeply rooted in my heart."

There is only one sentence in it: With a mortal body, you can stand shoulder to shoulder with a god.

This is the kalpa of the born god, the kalpa of death.

After a few days.

The battle in the sky began to cease, and four forces began to attack higher places.

"Don't you see Ji Xun?" Lu Shui asked.

"Is she not free now?" Jian looked curiously into the distance and asked:

"I don't know if she lost or won."

"I lost." Lu Shui said directly.

This sentence is no longer something that fans can say.

But the power of Lu Shui began to interfere with the surroundings.

Connect all influences to Jianyi.

He is experimenting.

Fortunately, there was no failure.

Sure enough.

Jian Yi squinted at Lu Shui, and he noticed the changes in his surroundings.

"Let me explain one thing in advance." Lu Shui looked at Jian Yi and continued:

"When I got married, I invited you.

It's just that our times are different.

You can't be there. "

"I feel that what you said can disintegrate the surrounding space, and I bear everything alone." Jian Yi looked at Lu Shui and frowned and said:

"Are you really a dragon?"

"You gave me this name, but I don't call it that." Lu Shui said.

"Then what's your name?" Jian Yi asked.

"Lu Shui." Lu Shui replied, and finally he added:

"My family has an ancestor's precept that you are not allowed to practice swords."

"Huh?" Jian Yi looked at Lu Shui in surprise for a moment:

"Why do I feel that the more you talk, the more I suffer?"

"Because under normal circumstances, I can't say it, but I can say everything after you bear it.

As long as it is not known by others.

And you" At this point, Lu Shui didn't continue.

Jian Yi realized it himself:

"And I'm going to die with that effect, so there's no effect, is there?"

Lu Shui nodded.

Yes, that was the only way he could think of.

Actually it can.

Because he never changed anything.

Once the sword is dead, even the influence of memory will not exist.

"Then have you ever thought that maybe I could have lived, but you told me this, so I had to die?" Jian Yi looked at Lu Shui coldly and said:

"Have you plotted for me to be the big brother for a long time?"

Lu Shui: "."

What is there to do big brother?

However, it is impossible for Jian Yi to be harmed by him.

Because Midu is always Midu, and nothing will change because of his arrival.

If so, he's already been kicked.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for fans to tell Jian Yi about this.

And his ability can open a special point, this point can say something to the person who is about to die.

Whether these words finally existed or not cannot be traced back.


It will disappear with the death of these people.

It must also be not long before death.

The battle of killing gods was decided.

Jian Yi will fall today.

Of course, his powers bind these memories, thus removing the effects.


Not sure what to expect.

The stakes are high.

It's like making a joke of the world.

But only he can do this, not even Mu Xue.

"Speaking of this kind of thing is dangerous, right? Why do you want to do this?" Jian Yi asked curiously.

"Someone wants to see you. This is the promise left by Lu, and I will fulfill it." Lu Shui said.


There was a roar in the sky and the earth, Jian Yi looked out and said softly:

"Nine is about to fall, and Big Data is starting to make announcements.

Looks like I'm running out of time. "

Then he looked at Lu Shui:

"Who wants to see me?"

Lu Shui stretched out his hand to extend his strength into the space:

"Give me a moment and I'm trying to pull her over."

At this moment, the power belonging to Lu Shui came to the Midu Passage, and then appeared on the Midu Island along the Midu Passage.

Ming watched a thin line lead to the sky.

At this time, this line bypassed the river of time and rushed out of the vortex.

Finally, it landed in front of Ji Xun.

Seeing this thin line, Ji Xun was stunned.

Everyone in the Mist City saw this line.

They don't know what it is.

But the purpose of the line is obviously Ji Xun.

"What is this?" the second elder asked.

Others want to ask too.

Ji Xun didn't understand, but...

She knew she had to touch it.

"It's Midu." Jiu looked at Ji Xun and said:

"This is your last wish."

Hearing this sentence, Ji Xun was stunned, then looked at Jiu, and finally said:

"I'm leaving, this time I'm earlier than you."

Jiu smiled and said:

"Bye now."

After this time, it is impossible for Ji Xun to come back.

This is a one-way ticket.

Ji Xun nodded, then looked at the second elder and said:

"Let me pinch."

The second elder would naturally not refuse.

"It's really cute." Ji Xun pinched the second elder's face, and finally said:

"Farewell, little one."

The second elder nodded:


Ji Xun didn't say anything more, just touched the line, and finally disappeared.

The lines naturally disappear instantly.

"Don't be sad, when I disappear next time, we can be sad together." Jiu patted the head of the second elder, smiling and comforting.

Second Elder: "."


Lines began to appear around Lushui.

Then he stepped back to isolate the surrounding space from the world.

prevent impact on the world.

"Okay, here she is."

Lu Shui said.

He has stepped aside.

Jian Yi looked at the lines, and then saw a woman appear.

Isn't this Ji Xun who just quarreled with him not long ago?


Remnant soul?

"Yo, dead?" Jian Yi asked.

Ji Xun came back to her senses when she heard the voice, she didn't even know what happened just now.

Waking up is here.

What I saw was Jian Yi.

It is the attire before sending out.

The moment he saw this person, Ji Xun's eyes became moist.

Dou Da's teardrops fell involuntarily.

Jian Yi didn't say anything, just looked at Ji Xun and wept.

They appear to be opposite each other, but

Can't touch each other.

Ji Xun seemed to come, but in fact he didn't.

She came into this world without the right identity.

Being able to talk is already too special for Longer.

"Jian Yi." Ji Xun controlled his emotions and called out.

"I'm listening." Jian Yi said.

"Do you regret it?" Ji Xun stared at Jian Yi, as if worried that once he looked away, Jian Yi would disappear.

"Regret?" Jian Yi smiled and said:

"What is there to regret?

This is what I want to do.

Besides, who made Lu better than me?

If it was changed, it would be Lu who came here. "

"I didn't ask this." Ji Xun shook his head, looked at Jian Yi and said seriously:

"I'm asking, you didn't marry me until you died, do you regret it?"

Hearing this question, Jian Yi laughed again:

"I'm going to ask you this. In the last few years, I want to play chess with you. As long as I win you, I plan to take out the invitation card and marry you.

But you won't go down.

You who know the truth, do you regret it? "

Hearing this, Ji Xun's eyes were filled with anger:

"Jian Yi, you bastard, don't tell me directly.

I don't know, if I knew, I would definitely play chess with you. "

"Then what? Didn't you rise to the top?" Jian Yi asked.

"Who wants to rise to the top." Ji Xun turned his head.

But soon turned his head back and looked at Jian Yi.


The sky and the earth roared, Jian Yi looked over, and the will of the sky and the earth seemed to be suppressed.

It's Lu, and the tribulation has begun.

"I don't have time, I have to go." Jian Yi said.

"Wait a minute." Ji Xun immediately stopped Jian Yi, and said affectionately in his eyes:

"Remember, wait for me."

Hearing this, Jian Yi showed an obvious smile, and then said:

"Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you.

Forever. "

After speaking, Jian turned around and left, only took two steps, then turned to look at Ji Xun, and said:

"If there is an afterlife, remember to marry me."

"You said it, don't go back on it." Ji Xun looked at the distant sword and shouted:

"You have to remember, if there is an afterlife, you must come and marry me."

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