The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 548 The name of this sword——Jie

Hearing Ji Xun's voice, Jian Yi just waved goodbye without turning his head.

Lu started to cross the catastrophe, and the natural god appeared.

Finally found him.

It's not that far from here.

Ji Xun just looked at Jian Yi like this, watched Jian Yi go away, and watched Jian Yi disappear from now on.

Lu Shui sighed inwardly, didn't say anything more, and didn't change his position.

Here he can see everything.

The direction of the natural god, and the scene of Lu Dujie later.

The catastrophe on Lu's side is still gathering, and the aura of suppressing everything appears.

However, the formation of the catastrophe will take some time.

This is simply consuming Jian Yi's life.

Not caring about Lu's Heavenly Tribulation, Lu Shui turned his attention to Jian Yi.

Standing there, he saw Jian Yi walking towards the endless sky, and seeing Jian Yi appearing on the chaotic sea.

There is a breath of chaos here, and there is a twisted space.

It's disorder, it's distortion, it's where everything is negative.

And these disordered chaos began to change, and began to be endowed with divinity.

Lu Shui knew that Jiu had fallen.


A crack appeared in the sky.

It looked as if something had cracked.

is the only authority.

Some of these cracked things are reflected in the endless sea.

It belongs to the power of God.

"Finally, this day has come. My authority will return, and I will go to a higher realm."

In the chaotic and twisted center, a figure appeared.


Incomparably powerful, he is returning to the highest level at an extremely fast speed, back to the peak.

However, just when he thought that nothing could stop him, a sword piercing the sky and the earth struck directly.


A sword slashed down, as if cutting off the light.

Not only that, the natural god who was originally recovering his divinity seemed to have stopped the recovery.

But if you look closely, you can see that he is still recovering, but at a slower rate.

"You may be overjoyed. If you want to be promoted to the highest level, you need to be robbed." Jian Yi's figure came across the sky.

There are swords under his feet and all over his body, as if the only sword in the world is the current Jian Yi.

He represents everything about the sword.

As the founder of Kendo, he stands at the top.

"Jian Yi? Are you here to die?" The Heavenly God looked at Jian Yi who came over and his expression sank:

"Should be robbed?

You are wrong, I don't need to accept the robbery, I should return to my realm.

There is no enmity between you and me, why come to stop me?

Besides, you can't stop me. "

"Haha." Jian Yi laughed loudly:

"You said one thing wrong, you need to go through the tribulation to be promoted to the top."

When the Tianshengshen was puzzled, Jian Yi swung his sword again, slashing at the returned power of the Tianshengshen.


The intent of the sword soars to the sky, and the power of the sword dominates all directions.

Eighty percent of the power and brilliance collapsed.

Seeing all this, Jian Yi continued to speak:

"My sword one is your Supreme Tribulation."

The wind is howling, and the waves are anti-rolling.

Born with a gloomy face, his strength began to gather:

"Jian Yi, you are too flattering yourself, even if I haven't recovered my power.

You are not qualified to fight with me. "

"Lu needs to move twice more when he defeats me. How many moves do you think you need to kill me?" Jian Yi pointed to the vast catastrophe in the distance and said:

"Do you think you can kill me before Lu Jinsheng succeeds?


I am your robbery. "

Lu's Heavenly Tribulation had already begun to fall, and the incomparably powerful coercion made the Heavenly God somewhat astonished.

He can't be one step too late, otherwise

The consequences are unimaginable.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Heavenly God began to attack the sword.

As long as the sword is killed as soon as possible, he can return to the peak as quickly as possible.

At that time, even if Lu Jinsheng succeeds, it will be useless.

As long as he returns to the peak first.

"Jian Yi, you are courting death yourself."

A breath of chaos began to appear, and all order began to disintegrate.

All the attacks flocked to Jian Yi who was standing in mid-air.

Facing the attack, Jian Yi didn't have the slightest fear, the sword was in his hand, but the sword was also in the sky and the earth.

His sword, the sword that can represent everything here.


cut off.

This cut represents all the swords here.

Represents the sword in Jianyi's heart.

Represents the supreme swordsmanship.

this sword

Heaven and earth are unique.


Powerful forces collided together, the waves rolled, the sea water dried up, and the space shattered.

The powerful force faintly exceeds the avenue.

Lu Shui watched all this, and he discovered one thing, at this moment, Jian Yi can enter the highest level at any time.

But it will take a long time for him to overcome the catastrophe.

"So strong."

Lu Shui spoke involuntarily.

Jian Yi is really strong.


Lu Shui turned to look at Lu Zuo.

At this time, Lu's Heavenly Tribulation has been fully formed.

Colossal images fell from all directions of him, like the four poles of heaven and earth, as if to suppress him.

And there are waterfalls appearing high in the sky, and all the calamities and punishments between heaven and earth are contained in the waterfalls.

This is Lu's catastrophe.

The four poles are suppressed, and the catastrophe waterfall emerges to wash away the land.

At this moment Lu moved.

He didn't use any spells, but rushed directly to Gaotian Waterfall.

He ignored the suppression of the four poles, but attacked the four poles with physical strength.

The normal way to cross the catastrophe is to go through the catastrophe waterfall under the suppression of the four poles.

But Lu didn't wait, he couldn't afford to wait.


He wants to crush the quadrupole directly.

Crush everything with physical strength.


At this moment, following Lu's actions, the world seemed to feel the impact.

The powerful impact seemed to spread to the whole world.

At this moment, everyone felt the terrifying coercion, the extremely terrifying aura, suppressing everything, bowing their heads, and bowing down.


As Lu struggled to lift off, cracks appeared in the four poles.


Injuries also began to appear on Lu's body.

But it didn't stop and continued to hit.







The colossus crumbled to pieces.

The four poles are ruined, and the world collapses.

Lu met the catastrophe waterfall.

But the waterfall couldn't stop Lu's pace at all, and he rushed up against the catastrophe waterfall.

The catastrophe disintegrated, and the world roared.

Thunder shook.

At this moment, Lu came to the top of the waterfall and faced Jieyun directly.

He stretched out a hand, intending to crush Jieyun on the spot.

The supreme aura began to appear on him, and he had many injuries on his body.

But he didn't care.

Lu Shui watched all this, watching Lu trying to cross the tribulation.

He knew that as long as Lu shortened the time enough, he would be able to rush over before Jian Yi died.

At this time, Jian Yi's attack also dissipated.

He already had blood on him.

Hit hard.

The natural god is also very desperate.

"Haha, Lu is about to complete his tribulation, and I still have the strength to strike.

So you say, can you survive my calamity? "Jian Yi stood in mid-air and spoke proudly.

Natural God is strong, but he is not weak at all.

Give him time, although he can't catch up with Lu, but he can still catch up with the natural god.

It's a pity that both he and Lu are behind others.

But so what?

Others want to be their robbery?

Then it becomes the opponent's robbery.

"Jian Yi." The Heavenly God saw Lu's progress, and he felt the urgency:

"I feel that your realm has been opened.

In this era, no one can stop your footsteps, as long as you are willing, the highest heaven is at your fingertips.

Why do you want to die?

You and I can coexist. "


You are so ugly.

I saw your heart, ugly and dark, even worse than a dog. "At this moment, the sword waved the sword in his hand again and again.

At this time, the power of the natural god is returning rapidly.

Jian Yi knew that he had to interrupt this return.

Otherwise, everything will fall short.

This time Jian Yi's sword is not as bright as before, but the light is restrained.

But at the same time, cracks began to appear around the sword, and the space seemed unable to bear the sword.

This is no longer an ordinary sword, but a sword that gathers all kendos in the world.

Jian Yi's figure was also becoming thinner, and he turned everything into a sword in his hand.

"This sword is your calamity. You can't escape from this calamity."

At this moment, the sky and the earth shook because of the sword in the sword's hand, the sea water was completely dried up and evaporated by the sword, and the road could be cut off by it.

This sword is the strongest sword of Jianyi.

It is also the most powerful sword in the world at present.

Summarizes the entire kendo.

Inclusive of heaven and earth.

This sword is called Jie.

"Jian Yi, dare you."

Tianshengshen looked at Jianyi's sword and was furious.

He is about to succeed.

Soon, before Lu's promotion, he will return to the peak one step faster.

But Jianyi's sword came.

Interrupted his return to the top.

"Heavenly Tribulation has thousands of forms, but I don't know if there is a sword form.

If there is, it must not be as good as me.

Born a god, feel the despair of the supreme robbery. "

The sword falls.

The sky and the earth roared.

The avenue is broken.

Capabilities collapse.


sword one.

Just a little bit, just a little bit.

You ruined countless years of my plans.

Jian Yi, you should die, you should die.

You ruined my future.

You ruined me. "

The endless power began to expand, and everything in the world seemed to be evaporating.

The sea has become dry land.

Lu Shui watched all this, watched the sword light disintegrate, and watched the power dissipate.

I saw the sword falling from the sky.

And the one holding the sword.

has disappeared.

He became the supreme kalpa.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with gods with a mortal body, the only meaning of this life is to become a natural god.

This is Jian Yi.

Lu Shui watched all this, and Ji Xun also watched all this, with tears dripping from her eyes.

She finally saw the process of Jian Yi's fall.

And she will die completely at this moment.

In the future, do they really have one?

Whether there is or not.

Her heart is already satisfied.

Jian Yi likes her.

is willing to marry her.

Finally, Ji Xun turned to look at Lu Shui and opened his mouth.

No sound came out.

Then it shattered on the spot.

turned into light.

Disappeared in the fandom passage.

Lu Shui lowered his eyebrows, and finally he understood what Ji Xun wanted to say.

Probably: goodbye.

Lu Shui sighed inwardly, at this moment he saw the sword begin to fall.

Just not much left.

A hand full of blood held Jian Yi's sword.

A stalwart figure took Jian Yi's position and stood in mid-air.

I came here as fast as possible, Lu.


It's still too late.

Lu looked at the natural god in front of him, but said nothing.

"Wait for a while if you have the ability." Tianshengshen looked at Lu and said.

However, what answered him was a giant hand that appeared between heaven and earth.


This huge palm slapped the Innate God away, breaking the return of power.

It was Lu who made the move.

He stepped out and stepped directly on the face of the natural god.


At this moment, the natural god was directly trampled into the soil.

Jian Yi's sword was lifted by Lu, and then he inserted it.


A powerful force swept the body of the natural god, everything was disintegrating, and the power was shattering.

Bodies begin to dissipate, lives begin to shatter.


The great pain caused the Heavenly God to scream.

The sound continued, Lu didn't tell him to stop, but Lu didn't linger either.

He raised his foot again.


At this moment, the body of the natural god shattered into mist on the spot and disappeared.

"Why are you so strong?

I am not reconciled, without Jian Yi, I am the one who wins. "

The painful voice of the Inborn God appeared in the air.

His life was disintegrated and he was about to disappear.

But countless years later, he will still appear.

"Jian Yi is your Jie, but I hope that I am your Jie." Lu's voice came out, and then he moved his hands and began to write a word in the air.

It's his name, Lu.

"Suppress you forever in my name.

You who died today will not be able to wake up in the future.

If I live, you die. "

At this moment, Lu's name was placed on the God of Heaven.

As long as Lu lives, he will never have a natural god.

Even if he dies, it is impossible for the natural god to appear.

"No, it's impossible."

In the end, the born god died in despair.

The seal fell to the ground.

This is the future empty sea area.

After finishing everything, Lu came to Lu Shui.

When he saw him, Lu Shui handed the "Jian Yi Biography" to Lu.

It wasn't long after Lu took over the book.

A light is coming this way.

It was Ji Xun with many injuries on his body.

She didn't see Jian Yi.

All he saw was the sword in Lu's hand.

There was no opening, and none of the three made a sound.

Lu came to Ji Xun's side and handed the sword and book to Ji Xun.

Ji Xun took the sword and the book, and finally opened the space door.

Back to the Pure Land.

It should come out very rarely after that.

As soon as the sword died, her heart also died.

After Ji Xun disappeared, Lu's body began to glow, and everything in the world began to gather around him.

It was as if all the broken things in the world were condensed in his hands.

Lu Shui was a little surprised, he felt that things related to Jianyi were being gathered by Lu.

And it was already prepared.

Sure enough, Lu didn't want Jian Yi to disappear at all.


Lu's strength is not enough.

In the end, everything converged into a stream, and the city of fog was opened by Lu.

Everything is rushing towards the source of the fog city.

"The Mist City is a bit special, containing all possibilities." Lu simply explained.

Lu wanted Jian Yi to come back to life in the fog city?

I don't know if it will work or not, but it is a hope after all.

Lu Shui did not comment.

I didn't even intend to find out.


Lu Shui and Lu returned to the bamboo house.

Tide also ran out with a child in his arms:

"Look, it's a little princess, her hair color is very beautiful."

Lu Shui looked over and found that it was a baby girl with colorful hair who possessed the power of a true god.

"The broken part of the power was snatched by those three, and the core power was inherited?" Lu Shui thought to himself.

The only power is not very powerful, but it is the only one in the world.

It has the same level of power as the only true God.

It's just weak.

This is also the way to make the unique authority easier to break.

Make it easier for them to get promoted.

Lu Shui looked at the baby girl and found that she had opened her eyes.

Then saw him.



burst into tears.

Lu Shui: "."

Sure enough, it should still be beaten.

"It seems that Xiaoqi doesn't want to see you." Lu said.

"It's okay, I don't want to see her either." Lu Shui said.

Don't think that he just waits for the ancestor, as long as no one finds out, he will still beat him up.

Quan Dang didn't know it was the ancestor.

When the only true god was crying, Lu Shui could feel it.

It's time to leave again.

He looked at Lu.

Lu also noticed it.

At this time, Lu was even stronger.

Nature can perceive more.

"Leave?" Lu asked.

"En." Lu Shui nodded.

"Woof." Gouzi also barked at Lu Shui twice.

Lu Shui didn't speak.

It's probably the same as the saying "Go all the way."

It seems that the dog is not in a high mood.


No one dares to stew it anymore.

Thinking like this, Lu Shui felt like he was starting to fall into the endless abyss.

The fandom here is over, and I don't know when the next time will be.

Without Jianyi, I don't know how fans will appear.

And will anyone remember that his name is Long Er?

Nine lived a second life, but was also dying.

She only has a few decades to live.

Once it spanned decades this time, there was no chance to even say goodbye.

Not long after, Lu Shui fell into the foggy passage.

There is no Ji Xun here.

Ji Xun has completely disappeared, and she also disappeared by herself.

After waiting for countless years, I finally got what I wanted to know and what I wanted to see.

She has wished.

As for the future

Do they have a future?

Lu Shui didn't know, but so far, he hadn't seen their future.

There is no future for them.

"The vortex is starting to get smaller."

Lu Shui looked up at the whirlpool.

He found that the vortex had changed at this time.

The era has come to an end, and a new era has begun, so the vortex has changed.

The era of the true god disappeared, followed by the era of the three emperors.

This era will last for a very long time, much longer than Jian Yi's era.

After endless years, the three Emperor Zun want to start a new era, use their respective powers to sublimate to the extreme, and take control of the power of the world.

Walk on behalf of the sky.

It's just that the opening of this era has failed.

The three did not decide the winner.

Lu Shui took a step forward and continued to move forward, he wanted to see where the fans behind would appear.

Soon he saw the vortex.

"It's so close, it shouldn't be too far away.

It seems fans are very active in this era. "

Lu Shui heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the vortex.

Will someone summon him again this time?

"Long'er, come out quickly, something big is about to happen."

A sudden sound came from the vortex.

It was Nine's voice.

Not even a spell.

Lu Shui shook his head and sighed.


He felt the suction and disappeared in place.

Went to the vortex.


In front of the bamboo house, Jiu said to the sword at the incense table:

"Why hasn't Long'er come out yet, can't it be that he can't come out?

Ji Xun, why don't you wave it a few times? "

"No, you asked me to send the sword all the way, just to summon Long'er?" Ji Xun said looking at Jiu.

At this time, Jiu felt a little belly.

It seems to be giving birth to life.

"Ba Kuaisheng, ask Long Er to come and have a look." Jiu said.

"If it's a boy this time, will I still have it?" Ji Xun asked curiously.

"No more, the third name is not acceptable." Jiu directly refused.


At this time, a thunderbolt fell from the sky.


Lu Shui appeared in front of the bamboo house.

Still a familiar place.

But the only ones I saw were Ji Xun and Jiu, and Lu who was still cooking.

The dog didn't see it.

Didn't see the tide either.

"Long Er, is that you?" Jiu asked immediately.

Lu Shui: "."

He was suddenly curious whether these people had summoned other fans.

Then ask the same.

If not, are they going to take action to send fans back?

Even if I think about it, I can't send it back.

Then he saw that something was wrong with Nine's stomach.

"My son is about to be born." Jiu said proudly.

Lu Shui: "."

This is Lu Ba?

The ancestor who founded the Lu family.

"Slow down your movements." Ji Xun said from the side.


Suddenly a voice sounded from behind.

Lu Shui turned his head to look, and found that it was a grown-up dog carrying a girl with colorful hair.

It's like riding a horse.

the one true god.

simple and naive.

But the moment he saw Lu Shui, the only true god seemed to be frightened, and looked at Lu Shui with watery eyes.

Then with a wow, it flew into Jiu's arms:


Lu Shui: "."

Lu Shui didn't understand, why did he cry every time he saw him?

He looks fierce?

Soon he had an answer.

The only true god is able to see the fans, so the rootless fans are like huge cracks in the world.

Nature is scary.

It's like an ordinary person sees a bottomless hole, and if they fall into it, they will disappear forever.

Roughly so.

However, Lu Shui still stretched out his finger, and flicked it on the forehead of the only true god who was afraid.


The only true god was directly sent flying by Lu Shui.

"Wow~ Mommy, daddy."

Jiu was stunned as she watched her daughter fly away.

Then she got angry.

"Long Er, don't move, let me chop you up.

How dare you hit my daughter. "


Lu Shui thought it was just a flick.

Can't afford it.

"Don't move, you are an ordinary person now, and it's easy to move your tires."

Ji Xun directly stopped Jiu.

At this time, the only true god was carried down by Lu.

She hid in Lu's arms and never came out again.

"Hmph, stupid human beings who dare to blaspheme the true god, you will be finished when Qi grows up." Jiu looked at Lu Shui fiercely and said.

Lu Shui: "."

When Qi grew up, Lu Shui felt that he was invincible.

"How old is she?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

The only true god in the future is actually this small.

But more talkative, more lively.

Now it's pretty cute.

Just the hair.

Mu Xue always felt that she was a bad girl.

Think about it, it should be a bad girl.

"Three years old." Lu said, then handed Qi Jiu over and said:

"What's for dinner tonight?"

Lu is like this every time.

Lu Shui felt that once he came, Lu had to ask again.

"Anything is fine except braised pork." Lu Shui replied.

Didn't expect to order it again.

Gouzi stood beside Lu Shui and barked twice: "Wow."

Lu Shui understood a little bit, Gouzi felt that he looked down on him.

Yes, I just look down on it.

the next day.

Lu took Qi to the mountain peak, where there were some trimmed grass.

Qi was placed on the grass, and the dog accompanied Qi.

Lu Shui and Lu stood on the edge of the mountain.

"In a few years, I plan to find a power." Lu said:

"After the fall of Nine, many problems appeared in this world.

If it is not repaired, it will die sooner or later. "


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