The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 549 Lu Shui left a shadow in ancient times

Lu Shui looked at the landing.

Lu later disappeared from the realm of comprehension, and went to find the power equal to the divine power.

It didn't work out in the end, but it didn't fail either.

And looking for this kind of power is to repair the cracks.

"Is it because of me?" Lu Shui asked.

Yes, he is this crack.


Especially the maze where he is now is connected to the distant past and the distant future.

If not repaired, it will continue to extend.

until the world falls apart.

This process will go on for a long, long time, actually.

For many people, it feels harmless.

This is true even for cultivators.

From the beginning to the end, there will be endless time.

The world is not that fragile.

But the rift did indeed bring disaster to the world.

"After Jiu became the only true god, the world has suffered." Lu looked at Lu Shui and shook his head and said:

"A lot of things turned into injuries because of Jiu.

Nine has fallen, and these injuries will always be there.

Even lose the bondage.

The future always comes into play. "

"But the time will be extremely long, do you really need to find it?" Lu Shui asked.

This search is the beginning of Lu Yu's fall.

He found it, but without success.

The subsequent fall is most likely for success.

He is waiting.

Wait for someone who can succeed.

"Indeed." Lu nodded and said:

"It will take endless hours to make enough impact.


Lu sighed and said:

"The world's problems arise because of Jiu, and naturally we need to solve them.

Nine loves the world.

I just need to help her mend the world.

Furthermore, no matter how long the delay is, the person who finally bears this responsibility

It will not be anyone else. "

Lu turned his head to look at Qi who was playing with Gouzi.

Lu Shui understood.

Qi is the only true god in the world, and the last true god in this world.

Possesses the same power as Jiu, but her power is far inferior to Jiu.

Can't do much.

Available over time.

Even if she is not strong enough, she still wants to bring salvation to the world.

When the world needs her, she will be there.

This is why she will run wherever there is a problem.

After all, she is the only true god in the world.

The world is crying and suffering.

The future her can feel it.

If Lu Ruo didn't deal with this matter, he didn't look for a power equal to divine power.

Then Qi is the one who bears everything in the end.

Lu Shui didn't say anything more about this matter. From Lu's tone, he suddenly felt that Lu would not always grow up with the only true god.

Jian Yi was right.

Lu actually wanted to perish too.


Jian Yi has fallen, and Jiu has also fallen. For him, there is no pursuit in this world.

Xiaoqi is one.

But Xiaoqi's younger siblings are about to be born.

If he can shoulder the big responsibility.

Then Lu.

No worries.

So he only needs to do one thing, and that is to mend the regret left by Jiu.

Nine loves the world and loves landing on them.

Therefore, Lu, who felt Jiu's love, planned to make up for Jiu's regret.

Find that power that you didn't know existed.

"Do you want to wait for Jiu to complete the second life?" Lu Shui asked.

"Yeah." Nodding slightly:

"There should be some arrangements left by then."

Lu Shui didn't know what Lu would arrange, but just when he was about to speak.

Suddenly, a figure came from a distance.

Lu Shui looked over.

It turned out to be a rather handsome man.

Eighty percent similar to Ming.

Bright moon?

Lu Shui instantly understood who it was.

"I'm going to play with Qi for a while." Lu Shui said.

He didn't disturb the conversation between the two.

Mingyue saw Lu Shui with some doubts in her eyes.

But when he looked at Qi, he didn't have any doubts.

It just feels strange.

Because of hair color.

Lu Shui felt that Mingyue might have known about Jiu and Lu for a long time.

It was the first time I saw Qi, so it was strange.

Seeing Mingyue walking towards Lu's location, Lu Shui felt that he had seen this scene before?


Mentioned in Yue's Notes.

Not paying attention, he came to Gouzi and the only true god.

"You, you, hit the dog." The only true god immediately pushed the dog to Lu Shui.

"Aww." Gouzi looked at the little master, heartbroken.

"It's quite cute." Lu Shui patted the head of the only true god and said.

It's just bad hair.

And later on, she became a lot more arrogant.

Still a cute three-year-old.

When I grow up, my temper becomes bigger and bigger.

There are no cute attributes.

Except for the second elder.

The second elder is lovely and kind.

Never hit him.

The only true god put his index finger against his cheek, and said with a naive smile:

"Mother said so too."

Also climbed up the pole.

After a long time, Lu Shui saw that Lu and Mingyue had finished communicating.

Mingyue left.

He will meet Jian Yi later, and Jian Yi will teach him what it means to be dead.


Seeing Lu coming over, the only true god flew up and hugged Lu.

Very happy look.

"Look, the bug I caught." The only true god caught a cicada.

Lu boasted.

Now the only true god is happier.

Just at this moment, Ji Xun suddenly ran up in a panic.

"Jiu, it looks like she's about to give birth."

Lu immediately said:

"Find the tide."

Then he handed over the only true god to Lu Shui, and disappeared in place.

Ji Xun also disappeared.

Went to where the Kraken was.

Lu Shui walked down the mountain with the only true god.

"Don't move around or cry, or I'll beat you." Lu Shui said.

After speaking, he glanced at the only true god.

He found her hands covering her mouth.

Eyes watery.

Finally, Lu Shui made Gouzi bigger and put her on Gouzi's back.

"You, you don't want to hit Xiaoqi anymore?" The only true god looked at Lu Shui with some concern.

"No more." Lu Shui replied.

"Then, can Xiaoqi hit you?" the only true god asked timidly.

Lu Shui: "."

Insatiable, right?

some time.

Lu Shui brought the only true god and the others to the front of the house.

At this time, Lu was already waiting outside.

Ji Xun went in with Tide.

Presumably in delivery.

Lu Shui felt that he came at the right time, no, it should be because Jiu's calculation was accurate.

He was just summoned yesterday, and he is about to give birth today.

Lu Ba.

Lu Shui was still very concerned.

Because Lu Ba may be his ancestor.

Unless Jiu gave birth to a girl.

When Lu saw Lu Shui and the others coming back, he naturally hugged Qi.

Qi doesn't understand:

"Daddy, do I have younger siblings?"

"Well, it will be there soon." Lu said.

"From now on, Xiao Qi will be my older sister, and Xiao Qi will cook for him." Qi suddenly became excited.

"Okay." Lu nodded in response.

Lu Shui waited quietly.

The dog is lying on the side.

Neither spoke.

That night.

"Wow ~ wow ~"

A sudden cry came from the room.

Lu breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Shui also heaved a sigh of relief. He was also very nervous about the suspected ancestor's birth.

At this time, Ji Xun ran out, his face a little excited:

"Men, men."

Lu Shui was quite curious, why don't you take it out and have a look?

"The little guy is a bit weak, and he is by Jiu's side now." Ji Xun said again.

Lu Shui understood that the only true god is a true god when he is born.

Strong vitality, very special.

But the brother of the One True God is different.

He doesn't seem to have inherited anything.

Soon Lu Shui discovered something, is it safe not to report to Jiu?

Um, it doesn't seem to be necessary.

Lu must be able to detect Jiu's breath.

That's nothing to pay for.


With Ji Xun, the tide is here.

It's impossible for anything to happen.

Not to mention the number one person in the world, Lu.

After some time.

Lu Shui only saw Lu Ba.

A particularly ugly-looking little boy, with his eyes closed, seemed to be struggling to open them.

It's completely different from when Qi was born, this is really how a human child is born.

Qi also looked at Ba in surprise.

"Daddy and brother are so dark, and their hair is not good-looking." Qi said aside.

Lu Shui reached out and touched Paoba.

Ouch, don't cry.

It was indeed his ancestor.

Qi is a fake ancestor, not to mention touching him, she just cried when she saw him.

"It seems that Ba is waiting to see you." Lu Congjiu came over and said.

Jiu is not that weak, the foundation of the true god is good.

"Well, I'm waiting to see him too." Lu Shui replied.

After all, ancestors.

Another person who made him kneel, and he had to kneel.

What kind of world is this.

But he is not afraid.

Because the ancestor died.

Now he is the one who makes Ba kneel, so Ba has to kneel.

But is Lu's son so talented?

Or because of an accidental fall?

Lu Shui didn't know.

It is not known at present.

"It looks like we're leaving again." Lu Shui felt it again.

I need to leave.

At this time Jiu suddenly shouted that he was hungry.

Lu went to prepare.

Chao Chao and Ji Xun are observing Lu Ba.

It seems a little busy.

Then Lu Shui felt the feeling of falling into an endless abyss.

It's over again.


All scenes start to fade away.

Lu Shui returned to the fog city.

"The ancestor was born, but it still makes people a little confused.

Why did the ancestors start to create the Lu family after the ancient times ended? "

Something must have happened in between.

There is still one.

It is the pattern of heaven and earth.

From this point of view, the power that Lu finally found should be the pattern of heaven and earth.

But in the end is or not.

He wasn't sure either.

Hope to get an answer later.

Looking at the vortex that had not changed, Lu Shui continued to walk forward.

Maybe the vortex will change again when the ancient times are over.

This time Lu Shui walked some distance.

Fortunately, I saw the vortex again.

It seems that this fan is currently very active, but the more active it is, the more damage it will cause.

Under the vortex, Lu Shui looked up, waiting to enter.


It was the voice of a dog.

After the sound came out, Lu Shui directly entered the vortex.

When he appeared again, he found that the people around him had changed significantly.

Spiritual dog.

There is no Lu who cooks.

Holding Qi's Jiu.

Ji Xun was sitting and reading a book.

There is no problem with these.

The problem was a young man nearby and a beautiful woman holding a baby.

Qi was poking the baby.

Who are these two?

"My son is twenty-five years old.

Beside him is his wife, Dongfang Linger.

The little baby is of course my grandson. " Jiu opened his mouth to explain.

Lu Shui was dumbfounded.

The grandchildren are all out.

And this young man turned out to be Lu Ba.

Lu Shui couldn't believe it.

This is the ancestor.

Then Lu Shui took a closer look.

Then he was shocked.

"Seventh-level entry?"

How can it be?

It is not impossible for Lu's son to enter the Tao at the seventh level.

Instead, the other party entered the Tao at the age of twenty-five at the seventh level.

Is there really anyone in this world who can enter the Tao in such a short time?

Not even Lu?

Not even Jian Yi.

At this moment, Lu Shui remembered that before, when he was 20 years old and rank 5, Jian Yi was also very confused.

He can understand Jian Yi's mood very well now.

It's really outrageous.

This talent is beyond the charts. Is there anyone in the world who can match his talent?

The ancestors are so scary?


How did the ancestors fall?

"Senior summoned by Gouzi?" Lu Ba looked at Lu Shui in surprise.

"Xiao Ba, let me tell you." Qi Fei came behind Lu Ba and said in a small voice:

"He's a bad guy who can beat people."

Lu Shui: "."

Is this clever?

It's really not cute.

After saying hello, Lu Shui talked with Lu Zai.

"We decided to travel far," Lu said.

"Travel?" Lu Shui was curious.

"Ba's talent is a bit amazing, it's enough to grow up to now.

But he does not belong to this era.

I will seal them up.

Because once I start looking for that power, it's bound to have an effect on them. " Lu said.

"How long will it be sealed?" Lu Shui asked.

"When I find that kind of power, or this era will end." Lu Kaikou continued.

Lu Shui was stunned.

Lu did not succeed, but he did not fail either.

But when he found it, the era had just ended.


This time is actually a farewell?

"They know?" Lu Shui asked.

"Xiao Qi doesn't quite understand, Ba is a little angry." Lu said.

"Is Jiu willing?" Lu Shui asked.

Don't say anything else.

Once they are sealed, it means that they will never see Jiu again.

It's only been a few decades.

"Jo left something behind.

When I come back, they can still meet. " Lu said.

Lu Shui knew that the procedure of the Fog City was left behind.

Later, he did send the only true god there.

But what Lu didn't know was that this time he left, the development was different from what he expected.

Because he himself will perish in this era.

"The main reason for calling you out is to leave behind a magical presence," Lu said.

What the hell?

Lu Shui didn't understand.

"Get ready, come here.

Oh, there is also Longer's horn here, put it on quickly. " Nine shouted over there.

Lu Shui looked over and found that a group of people had already stood up.

And in front of them was a metal page with a breath of divine power on it.

When Lu Shui passed by.

It was found that these people were waiting for the spell to take pictures.

At this time, Lu Ba and his wife were in the middle, Qi Piao was in front of them, and Dongfang Linger was holding the baby.

Ji Xun and Chao Chao stood by Dongfang Linger.

Jiu stood beside Ba, Lu stood beside Jiu, and Lu Shui stood beside Lu.



Magic started.

Lu Shui was stunned.

Especially seeing the metal pages fall.

It turns out that the metal pages are actually photos left by Lu and the others?

He has two of them.

God's Domain has six cards.

The only true god has one stomach.

He never knew what it was, but it never occurred to him that it would be this.

It was simply beyond his expectations.

the next day.

"Father, I can survive alone without sleeping." Lu Ba continued:

"And I can take good care of Miss Qi."

"There is no place for you in this era, let's wait for the next era." Lu said.

Then he tapped Lu Ba's forehead lightly.

The power will wrap Lu Ba.

Together with Dongfang Linger and their son.

"Wow~ Mother, don't you want Xiao Qi anymore?" Qi cried.

"That's right, don't want Xiao Qi anymore." Jiu replied directly.

Qi was stunned, and now Qi cried even more sadly.

"Okay, okay, when your father finishes his work, he will come back to accompany Xiaoqi.

It's time to comb Xiaoqi's hair. " Jiu said.

"Really?" Qi asked.

"Really." Jiu nodded.

Then Qi obediently lay in Jiu's arms and fell asleep.

When Qi fell asleep, Lu's power covered her.

Finally, Lu looked at Gouzi to the side.

Gouzi took two steps back: "Wow woof woof."

"Our travels are also part of my search for strength.

If you follow us, you can only follow us for decades.

At that time, I will disappear from the cultivation world.

You will wander alone in the cultivation world.

Not only that, it is not normal for me to leave this time, you are very close to me, and your memory about me may gradually disappear.

You will forget where you came from, where you belong.

From now on, you will not be able to accompany Xiao Qi and Xiao Ba.

Have you figured it out? "Lu looked at the dog and asked.

The dog seemed to be hesitating, but finally it nodded heavily.

Anyway, it will follow Lu until the last moment.

No matter how big the price is, it can afford it.

"If you forget in the future, you only need to remember one thing.

That is to be a little arrogant.

Behind you, there will always be a strong backer.

You have the armor given by Lu, except for those three you can't afford to provoke, there is no one you can't afford.

But those three will remember Lu no matter what.

I dare not do anything to you.

So Gouzi, you have to remember that no one in this world can do anything to you. " Jiu said on the side.

"Woof." Gouzi barked twice.

express understanding.

Finally, Lu Shui watched Lu's power cover the entire mountain.

As if isolated from the world.

And Qi and the others were all sleeping in the bamboo hut.

Lu Genjiu came to Lu Shui.

To say goodbye.

Lu Shui just nodded and said goodbye.

He didn't follow but sent a few steps, then stopped.

He waved his hand and watched Lu and the others disappear out of sight.

This is the last farewell with Jiu.

They didn't let Qi and Ba watch Jiu die.

As long as you don't see it, maybe you will never be considered dead.

And in a few decades, a confused and lonely dog ​​may appear in the cultivation world.

I don't know where I came from, I don't know where I'm going.

It walks alone in the cultivation world, slowly forgetting its most precious memories.

It could obviously accompany Qi and the others into a deep sleep, but it insisted on following Lu Hejiu, watching the mistress who had been covering him die, and the master who raised him disappear completely.

Even started to forget about them.

"What did Lu do to make the dog forget him?"

Lu Shui sighed.


He sensed that he was about to leave.

The next time it should be closer to the end of this era.

After all, no one would call him anymore, Jiu died, Lu disappeared, and Gouzi began to lose his memory.

After that, does anyone still remember Long Er and Mi Er?

Remember that no one will call.

Summoning is also impossible to summon.


The location was sealed by Lu Feng.

Jian was brought back to the Pure Land by Ji Xun.


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