Glancing at the bamboo house, Lu Shui knew his time was over.


That feeling of falling followed.

He started disappearing from this era.

After this time, Jiu was never seen again.

It was as if he had never seen Jian Yi again these few times.

The last group photo, without Jian Yi.

Only Ji Xun was holding a sword.

Where is the dog standing?

Lu Shui thought for a while, as if he was standing under the only true god.

At Ba's feet.


Lu Shui fell into the passageway of Midu.

Looking up at the vortex, nothing changed.

"It seems to be counted by the times."

Lu Shui thought to himself.

"I'm also in the metal pages, I don't know what the leftovers look like."

Lu Shui was quite curious about this.

Either way, it's certainly not his normal look.

Because then it's not Midu, but him.

This is impossible.

What fans look like depends entirely on luck.

It's like when Jiu became the only true god and saw that he was a woman, but later became a man.

Fans can be male, and naturally they can also be female.

It can be animals, plants, or even mountains and rivers.


He could not conceive of what he really looked like, or had no look at all.

Every time it comes out, it must have a different appearance.

Otherwise, Jian Yi and the others wouldn't have to ask again and again.

If there is recognition, there is no need to ask again.

Lu Shui walked in the passageway of the Lost City.

This time he walked for a long time, but he didn't see a new vortex.

He knew that no one would call him for a long time this time.

It may be necessary to wait for nature to emerge.

But this requires a long process.

After a long time, Lu Shui finally saw the new vortex.

"I don't know if it's the time when the ancient times ended."


Thunder rang.

Lu Shui directly entered the vortex.

"Three rounds of scorching sun appeared in the sky, are these three beings from the three major forces?"

"It should be, I don't know what they are going to do."

"They have always had higher ambitions, and this time it should be time to act."

"Then what are we going to do?"

"Since the establishment of Dao Sect, it has only been the first sect, but it has no ambitions for the cultivation world.

If a war breaks out and other people are willing to believe in my Dao Sect, then let them join us temporarily.

Our Taoist sect will protect us. "

The voice entered Lu Shui's ears.

When he saw clearly, he found himself standing on the edge of the mountain.

And on the opposite side of the mountain, there is a big word - Daozong.

It was left by Jian Yi at the beginning.

This is Daozong.

Soon, three rounds of scorching sun broke into Lu Shui's eyes.

Incredibly hot.

It is the supreme breath.

"It seems to be a sign of the beginning of the ancient war."

Then Lu Shui observed the sky, trying to find traces of Lu.

But nothing was searched.

That's why he turned around.

He found that there were a dozen or so practitioners standing behind him, and each of them was a Daoist.

The five leaders are even more powerful.

All five of them are sword cultivators.

Daozong's five great sword cultivators?

Five disciples of Jianyi.

Naturally, Lu Shui could tell, after all, he was there the whole time when they were selected.

These five did not disappoint at all.

Everyone has walked out of their own way, but it is not enough to go beyond the Tao and reach the level of Jian Yi.

After the fall of the true god, there was indeed no one who could match the list of gods.

Oh, there is one.

It's just sealed.

Therefore, the era of the true god was really brilliant.

There are all types of powerhouses, and everyone is qualified to pursue the highest.

"Senior?" At this time, these people asked Lu Shui when they saw it.

The appearance of Lu Shui surprised them a little.

How this person appeared, they didn't realize it for a while.

But the other party just appeared like this.

Of course, the main reason was that those five seemed to have an idea about Lu Shui.

The leading sword cultivator looked at Lu Shui and said:

"You are the teacher's friend?

One of the founders of Taoism? "

What this sword cultivator said made others stunned.

They immediately remembered the legend of the sect. It is said that Daozong and Mo Yunzi had a total of seven founders.

But apart from the suzerain Jianyi, they didn't have much impression of others.

I heard that two of them disappeared when they founded the sect.

The missing location is.


Lu Shui looked at the sword repairman, and instead of answering this question, he asked other questions:

"Xianmu and the three of them are going to fight?"

"From the current point of view, yes." The leading sword cultivator said.

"Does Daozong want to intervene?" Lu Shui asked again.

"We can't intervene in the supreme battle, but we are not afraid of anything in the battle in the realm of comprehension," said the leader of the sword cultivator.

Lu Shui looked at him and said softly:

"Have you thought about the consequences?

Perhaps after this battle, Daozong may decline because of this. "

"The Dao sect didn't exist for the sake of eternal prosperity." The leader, Jianxiu, bowed his head and said.

Jian Yi was indeed not for this, he created the strongest sect in order to let the race rise.

And this sect does not hide from the world.

"According to your wishes, let's do it." Lu Shui said.

Then turn around and leave.

Disappeared in place in an instant.

People from Daozong sent Lu Shui away respectfully.

At this time, Lu Shui came to a high place, and he felt that he had not weak strength at this time.

But can't do too much.

Can only look around.

Of course, Lu Shui didn't intend to do anything, he just wanted to see what Lu Shui was doing.

If he wanted to find a power equal to divine power, there must be some traces.

Soon Lu Shui saw the direction of the fog city.

He saw something fluctuating there, and there seemed to be traces of Midu.

"Lu is looking for Midu?"

Lu Shui suddenly understood that there are many fans in the world of comprehension, and the power that Lu wants to find is related to fans.

Then Lu needs to contact Midu.

And the existence of Midu has no roots and no source, and it is easy to be assimilated if it is close.

That's why Lu's figure easily disappeared in the cultivation world, and Gouzi began to lose his memory.

It will only have an impact on seven and eight.

It's like Ming and Yue.

If it weren't for the moon outside, tomorrow would have lost its roots.

no longer exists.

Lu Shui lowered his eyebrows, it seems that Lu has been doing a lot of things these years.

Not only looking for power, but also looking for fans.

"He should be done by now, right?

But can't succeed.

In the end is the need to get something out of the way, to reach the goal. "

Thinking of this, Lu Shui looked back at Daozong.

Probably this is the last peace of the Sword Dao Sect.

Since then, the Taoist sect has long since disappeared from the ancient Taoist sect.

It has since declined.

It is not easy to be one against three.

Not long after, Lu Shui disappeared into the air.

In this era, he couldn't even find anyone he was familiar with.

As soon as the sword fell, Jiu also fell.

Lu disappeared, and Ji Xun hid in the pure land and refused to come out.


Probably wandering in Xianting.

At the last moment, it was indeed in Xianting.


But after a while, Lu Shui returned to the passage surrounded by annihilation.

The river of time continues to move forward.

Lu Shui didn't think much about it either.

The next time it appears will be the end of the ancient era.

That was the era when Lu appeared.

I don't know what the specific situation is.

After walking for a while, Lu Shui saw the vortex. This time the vortex was a bit strange, as if it had a breath.

Lu's breath?

Fans seem to have changed since this time.

"Found by Lu?"

Lu Shui felt that it was possible.

At this time, he directly entered the vortex.

Not sure where it will appear this time.

While breathing, Lu Shui felt like he was standing on the ground.

"Coming?" It was Lu's voice.

Lu Shui turned his head and looked over, only to find that he was in front of the bamboo house.

At this time, Lu hugged the sleeping Xiao Qi.

But Lu Shui can tell at a glance that Lu's realm has reached the edge of detachment, and he can indeed detach himself.

But he did not choose to be detached.

It is very difficult to leave the world and want to come back.

Just when he realized the realm, Lu Shui found that Lu's state was not right.

"Your strength has disappeared a lot?" Lu Shui asked.

"En." Lu nodded, and then walked up the mountain with Qi in his arms:

"I wandered on the edge of heaven and earth, looking for strength and cracks at the same time.

And then I did find that strength.


I can't use it, can't materialize it.

I didn't succeed.

Fortunately, it was not a failure.

Just because I can't do it doesn't mean everyone can't.


I have to make all the preparations and wait for this person to appear. "

Lu Shui looked up at the sky, and found that the outside world was covered by the power of destruction.

The sky is falling apart.

Regal and the others are at war.

"What preparations do I need to make?" Lu Shui asked.

He didn't care about the situation outside, and Lu will deal with it later.

At that time, he will also know what happened outside.

Now he is more concerned about Lu's discovery and arrangement.

"I discovered a power that only I could understand.

Others who want to know that power have to go through me.


If I am always there, other people will not be able to perceive that power and manifest that power.


Lu turned his head to look at Lu Shuidao:

"It's time for me to fall."

After speaking, Lu continued to walk forward, not knowing where to go.

Lu Shui was stunned, but soon followed.

"I found that power, but I also bound that power.

There is only one way to release that power.

That is to erase everything about me from this world.

Erase traces, erase power, even erase offspring. " Lu said.

Lu Shui couldn't believe it.

"You won't do anything to Qi and the others, right?" Although Lu Shui knew that he would definitely not, Lu Shui would definitely do something.

"I will do some small actions, I want to erase their memories of me from my mind.

In this way, there will be no trace of me.

That power is not bound. "Lu carried Qi to a cave.

Looking at the cave, Lu Shui felt familiar for a while.

This place is.

Wind and Frost River.

In the cave.

What Lu Shui saw was indeed his own Fengshuang River, but it was strange that there was no river here.

It's like a bottomless underground world.

Lu hugged Qi and took a step down.

Lu Shui followed.

And when the land water fell, he found that the river water began to appear here, which was the water of the Fengshuang River.

It is transformed by land power.

His strength is filling here.

Filling up right here soon.

At the same time, Lu Shui saw the God's Domain below, although it was slightly different from what he had seen before.

But it is indeed a divine domain.

And in God's Domain stood a woman.


"Are things ready?" Lu asked when he came to God's Domain.

"Well, everything is ready." Chao Chao nodded immediately.

Lu Shui looked at the original God's Domain, and found that the layout here was similar to what he had seen.

At this moment, Lu took out the pendant and hung it around Qi's neck.

"She will forget her name in the future, so I can only use this to remind her.

But she will remember her god position, the only true god. " Lu said, and put Qi on the bed in the first room.

Lu Shui watched and felt the atmosphere of Midu.

Lu has already found Midu, so he can also summon Midu.

"From now on, please stay here." Lu looked at the tide and said.

Tidal immediately nodded:

"I'll be optimistic about Xiao Qi."

"Entering the water will activate the power I left behind, and no one will be able to detect the situation inside.

Also prevents worst-case changes. " Lu said.

"I will, it's not absolutely necessary, and I won't let Xiao Qi notice my existence.

But don't you need to take care of Ba? "Tide asked.

Lu shook his head and said softly:

"He's different, he has autonomy.

Don't need to care about anything.

As long as he is willing, he can start his own era.

This era is coming to an end. "

Then Lu Shui saw the tide enter the river, and finally disappeared.

It seems to be isolated from the outside world.

Is it to protect Qi?

"What's the worst situation?" Lu Shui asked curiously after leaving God's Domain.

"Jiu has fallen, the only authority has been divided, and Xiaoqi has obtained the core." Lu walked out of Fengshuanghe and continued:

"Under normal circumstances, there is nothing wrong with it, but if those three keep fighting, it is easy for someone to fall. Once they fall, if they don't absorb the authority immediately.

The power that belongs to the only part will actively return to the core, which is Qi's body.

When Xiaoqi's power exceeds half, the other powers will return automatically.

Then the unique power will reappear.

Heaven and Earth will once again face Jiu's situation at that time.

This is the worst situation, unless someone stands on the top and is not squeezed by the top.

Xianmu and the others couldn't do that. "

Lu Shui was a little surprised, it turned out to be like this.

Therefore, Lu would not kill those three at all. Once he killed those three, Qi would be the only true god.

Master the only authority in the world.

If Lu didn't fall, it would be fine, but Lu was going to fall.

No one can suppress the situation anymore.

Therefore, those three cannot be killed, and Qi also needs to hide in the domain of the gods.

Not long after, they came to the bamboo house.


A finger snapped.

The entire bamboo house collapsed in an instant.

"Jiu and I built the bamboo house, so we won't stay here, let them start from scratch." Lu said.

At this time, they slowly fell from the sky.

fall to the ground.

Lu added protection for the baby to prevent accidents from happening.

Then put a pendant on Ba.

And then deprived Ba and Dongfang Linger's memory.

"Give them a choice. After all, they are fathers and have enough knowledge."

Lu sighed.

Then waved the deprived memory into the land of the beginning.

Lu Shui looked at that place, a little astonished.

The hidden memory of the land of the beginning?

This is

The ordinary man?

Lu Shui was stunned, and only then did he react.

Lu Ba's talent is extremely powerful, and that ordinary person has always said that he is very talented.

It turned out to be like this.

It turned out that that ordinary person was really the ancestor of their Lu family.

It turned out that he fell because of this.

It is his own choice.

No wonder he knows a lot, no wonder he can use the verification system at will.

No wonder he was able to enter the Mist City on foot.

No wonder he can kill Dao with a snap of his fingers.

This is Lu Genjiu's son.

It is the ancestor of their Lu family.

"It's settled, so it's time to put an end to this era.

The world has been shattered by them.

Time to recuperate. "Lu's voice sounded.

Lu Shui knew that the last moment had come.

The moment when Lu fell.

The moment of the end of ancient times.

The moment when the three major forces disappeared in the river of history.

It was also the beginning of the decline of Taoism.


The last day of the month is also the last full moon in this book.

So give some monthly tickets and keep it in the top 100.

Almost fell.

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