The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 553 The Fall of the Three Supremes

Misty passage.

Lu Shui didn't let Mu Xue stay on it.

After Mu Xue's mother lost her life, if she stayed any longer, Mu Xue would fall into it.

The old man also fell into self-blame because of this.

He felt that his wife's death was all because he hesitated for a moment.

But in fact, the old man didn't let Lei Ting succeed at that moment.

The real reason is that the father-in-law's cultivation base is one level behind, and Mu Xueniang's body is too weak.

This is the cause of the tragedy.


The father-in-law hesitated, and he always felt that it was his fault for hesitating.

Can't get out of it for the rest of my life.

Live in pain all your life.

How could he possibly feel hesitant?

Even for a moment.

Lu Shui sighed inwardly.

Then he looked at Mu Xue beside him.

Allow yourself to be as normal as possible.

"Miss Mu, how about I lend you my shoulder?"

At this time, Lu Shui walked side by side with Mu Xue.

After Mu Xue came out of the vortex, she lowered her head and remained silent.

Lu Shui naturally wanted to say something.

At this moment, Mu Xue looked up at Lu Shui, her eyes were reddish, but luckily she didn't shed any tears.

Then she leaned her head on Lu Shui's shoulder:

"It's not borrowed, it's mine."

Mu Xue's voice was very soft.

"En." Lu Shui nodded.

Hugging Mu Xue lightly.

"You still came here without telling me." Mu Xue blamed.

"Didn't I arrange things? I didn't intend to keep you from coming." Lu Shui said.

He would naturally know that Mu Xue had sensed something, but he was indeed a little worried.

But after all, she is Mu Xue's mother, so it is impossible for him not to let Mu Xue come.

And the mother-in-law also wanted to see Mu Xue.

It is even more impossible for him not to let Mu Xue come, since he needs to do something to make up for the regret.

In this way, regrets cannot be increased.

Fortunately, things didn't get any worse.

"Is my mother beautiful?" Mu Xue looked up at Lu Shui slightly and asked.

"Pretty, and easy to get along with." Lu Shui nodded.

It's really easy to get along with.

Unlike his mother, his thinking is not so active.

Not to let him kneel down and do a favor.

"Is it normal to give birth to such a gentle, kind, virtuous and beautiful daughter like me?" Mu Xue asked again.

Lu Shui suddenly got stuck.

"I admit it's beautiful," Lu Shui said.

"Hmph, I don't want to talk to you anymore." After saying that, Mu Xue broke free from Lu Shui and walked towards the front of the passage.

Lu Shui followed, and when he walked to Mu Xue's side, he took her hand.

Mu Xue naturally did not refuse.

After all, there is no conflict between ignoring people and holding hands.

Not long after walking, Lu Shui found another vortex.

"It's very close to our time, and there are still." He was a little surprised.

I thought it was gone, so I could leave.

Didn't expect there to be another place.

"Can I go in?" Mu Xue was a little curious.

If she can't go in, she won't go in.

After all, it came suddenly.

"I don't know, go and have a look first, just in case." Lu Shui said.

Without saying anything, they were waiting for the vortex to react.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the vortex to have suction.

Lu Shui dragged Mu Xue into the vortex.

Soon, Lu Shui felt familiar.

It's a familiar look.

It's a little bird.

And opposite him, there is also a little bird.

"Miss Mu?" Lu Shui felt that the little bird in front of him was so beautiful.

That must be Mu Xue.

The bird turned its head directly, as if ignoring Lu Shui.

After turning his head, he approached Lu Shui.

Well, it must be Mu Xue.

But they should be able to talk to each other.

They are located above the attic, which looks like a mountain pavilion.

sparsely populated.

"I don't know what advice you two have?" A sudden voice sounded from below.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue knew who it was as soon as they heard it.

Of course it was Mu Xue's father, Lu Shui's father-in-law.


The two birds glanced at each other, then flew together to a convenient view.

Soon they saw four people below.

Three adults, and a little boy who is still a little unsteady in his walk.

He was followed by a beautiful woman.


Lu Shui was a little surprised.

Then he found his dad was there too.

And the father seemed to stop the old man.

What's happening here?

"Down to Lu Gu, the head of the Lu family, this time I came to see fellow Taoist, because I want to know something." Lu Gu looked at Mu Ze and said politely.

"The head of the Lu family?" Mu Ze looked at Lu Gu and frowned slightly:

"The Mu family should have nothing to do with the Lu family."

"Not really, but because of some personal reasons, I just found a fellow daoist.

I heard that Fellow Daoist won a thousand gold a few months ago.

It's just that the process is a little weird. " Lu Gu looked at Mu Ze and asked.

Hearing this sentence, Mu Ze became vigilant:

"What do you mean fellow daoist?"

"Fellow Daoist has wiped almost all the traces, but the breath of Thunder is hard to erase.

In that place, I felt the breath of thunder and the ominous legacy. "Looking at Mu Ze vigilantly, Lu Gu continued:

"Fellow Daoists don't need to worry, the reason why we can feel it is entirely because

I also encountered the same thing as Daoist. "

Mu Ze was stunned for a moment, then looked at the children playing at the side.

"It's him?" Mu Ze asked.

"It's the dog." Lu Gu nodded and continued:

"According to our understanding, your situation may be somewhat different from ours, and Gui Qianjin should be born with that kind of aura.

Staying in your mansion is not necessarily safe.

Whether Lei Ting is artificial or the Mu family, the strength of the Mu family is too weak.

Can't protect her.

It will be found someday. "

"What does Patriarch Lu mean?" Mu Ze asked.

"It's very simple, leave it to our Lu family." Lu Gu looked at Mu Ze and said seriously:

"If your Mu family can't do it, it doesn't mean our Lu family can't do it either.

Maybe you don't know, but my Lu family is not afraid of anyone in the cultivation world.

So, fellow practitioners.

Do you have an idea to marry my Lu family? "

Hearing this sentence, Lu Shui was stunned, so it was like this?

It was the father who personally found the old man and asked for a marriage.

It was also the first time for Mu Xue to know such a thing.

"Isn't Patriarch Lu afraid?" Mu Ze asked.

"Afraid?" Lu Gu smiled when he heard this sentence.

He asked his son to come over, touched his head and said:

"It's not me who should be afraid, but those who descended unknown.

If you say it is unknown, you must be afraid of it.

Then I, Lu, will gather unknown people and make them perish. "

At this moment, there was a chill in Lu Gu's eyes.

Mu Ze was a little surprised, he found that the man in front of him had a strong courage.

"The marriage between the Mu family and the Lu family will naturally not suffer.

My Lu family can give you a betrothal gift that your Mu family can never imagine. " Lu Gu said.

Mu Ze didn't care about the dowry, but just nodded:

"I agree to make a marriage contract, and I hope Patriarch Lu will not back down halfway."

"You know what happened today, and I know." Lu Gu stretched out his hand.

Without the slightest hesitation, Mu Ze stretched out his hand and clapped his hands.


A marriage contract is made.

Now Lu Shui completely understood that he was able to get engaged to Mu Xue because his father was looking for other unknown things.

Finally found the Mu family.

Then it happened to be a woman, so she made a marriage contract.

Let the other party join the Lu family.

If there is an enemy, let the two unknowns destroy the enemy.

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui, she felt that she would have to pay a huge price to marry Lu Shui.

"Master Lu, it's not easy to marry me, you have to be nice to me." Mu Xue said to Lu Shui.

"Yeah." Lu Shui nodded in understanding.

"Then let me peck you a few times when you were a child. You look silly and need a beating." Mu Xue said.

"Don't move around, in case you get kicked out." Lu Shui said.

After a long time, their discussion ended.

The old man left.

"Master Patriarch, it's fine if you say little Xue'er from the Mu family is called unknown, she is indeed talented.

But the son felt a little reluctant. "Dongfang Liyin said.

"Maybe it was a mistake." Lu Gu said.

Lu Shui: "."

That's right, that's right, Mu Xue is wrong.

Thinking of this, Lu Shui sighed again.

At this time, Lu Shui felt that the time was coming.

"Master Lu, do you think I'm going to peck you twice now, is it too late?" Mu Xue asked from the side.

"Let's go, don't think about what you have." Lu Shui directly pulled Mu Xue back into the foggy passage.


When they returned to the Midu Passage, Lu Shui noticed a roar coming from the sky.

look up.

The vortex was found to be disappearing.

That is, it's all over.

"Looks like it's gone.

This gap was filled by us. " Lu Shui said.

"Then we're going back?" Mu Xue asked.

As she spoke, she looked back.

It seems a little reluctant.

"Let's go, we will have a child in the future, and we always hope that he is happy." Lu Shui said.

"It's just a little sad." Mu Xue lowered her head, letting Lu Shui pull her outside.

The capital of fog.

Jiu heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile:

"It's finally back on track.

Now the biggest damage is gone.

Everything is complete. "

The second elder immediately looked at Jiu.

Everything has been consummated, which means that Nine will disappear.

"Xiao Xiaoting, you can't bear to part with me." Jiu Fei went to the second elder, patted the second elder's head and said with a smile:

"When I go back, I will let you know everything, important things in ancient times, things about the changes in the world, and things about Li Yin's daughter.

Plus why Lu Shui is so powerful.

I can tell you all these doubts.

Which naturally includes the origin of the Lu family.

You can know.

And Qi.

I can tell you anything.

I have long since fallen, so there is no need to miss or be sad.

At that time, you might not be able to feel sad anymore. "

Nine smiled.

After all, she is a fallen person.

It's not alive now, it's just that it has been in power for a while.

It's just that during this period of time, more things happened.

The second elder didn't say anything.

"So they're coming out soon?" Ning Xia asked.

"Hurry up, but there are still those three who need to be dealt with, and some things can no longer be skipped." Jiu shook his head and said.

The others didn't say much, and it was their honor to be able to witness this kind of thing.

Outsiders don't even have such qualifications.

at the same time.

In the vortex, the river of time began to dissipate.

"Okay, what should be said and what should be let you know, we have already done it.

How you choose is up to you.

We've lived long enough.

So nothing to worry about.

Death is nothing.

You probably understand this too.

It's a long road, and there will always be downfalls.

The scenery along the way is good enough. "The emperor in the past and future came out with a voice.

At this time, the figures of the three of them began to disappear.

"I wish you all good luck, I feel Jiu's breath, I'm going to say goodbye to her." True God Aisi said.

"Yes." Buddha said the same.

Then the three of them turned into three rays of light and flew out of the vortex.

The light burst out of the vortex.

It made the few people outside a little flustered.

These three came out, and once they shot at them, they couldn't bear it.

"Don't worry, they are here to find me." Jiu said.

This time, each one felt a little more at ease.

Soon San Daoguang stayed in front of Jiu and turned into the three emperors.

"Jiu, I haven't seen you for many years, you who know everything, do you know why we are here?" Emperor Zun said.

"Because you made your last struggle before the world was destroyed, and then the master glanced at you, so you are qualified to stand here.

Am I right? Jiu looked at the three in amazement and said proudly:

"who I am?

The only true God in heaven and earth.

Omniscient. "

"I always feel that you are not normal, it seems that you are not so serious." Moxiu Xuechen felt that something was wrong.

Something is not like that.

"You are defeated." Emperor Zun said.

"I'm still alive, but you may die soon." Moxiu Xuechen didn't budge.

The man who made him back down is gone.

Regal: "."

"In the end, I couldn't catch up to your realm, and I couldn't understand how the unique power is condensed." The true god Ai Si felt a little pity.

Not only did they fail to catch Nine.

It also failed to promote the new era.

It is even more impossible to know how Nine can condense the unique power.

This is the power that can kick other supreme beings down.

Let them ponder, and there is no way to know the specific process.

Theories cannot be established.

"Actually, it's not that difficult, but I just won't tell you." Jiu said proudly.

Three people: "."

"We've hit the limit and it looks like we're leaving.

We have seen more terrifying existences and know our own insignificance.

The realm has been completely relieved. Ace said goodbye.

Jiu waved his hand and said:

"Bye now."

Then the three lights gradually appeared in the world.

In the end, only the sound of the Buddha's trumpet was heard.

Everything returned to calm.

"They fell like this?" the ancestor of Chonggu asked.

Others are also a little surprised, isn't it a little random?

It doesn't feel real.

"No, they're fine, just saying goodbye.

The three of them are fine.

But the answer is coming soon. " Jiu said.

"Will they perish?" the Second Elder asked.

"The loss of the three of them is very troublesome, but it may be okay now.

I'll have to see it with my own eyes, too. " Jiu said.

These three have some unique powers.

Once they fall together, it means no one absorbs them.


could be dangerous.

In particular, Liuhuo and the others are not in the highest position yet.

It's even more dangerous.

So now everything is consummated, and it is difficult to maintain consummation in the future.

Mingben was waiting by the lake for Lu Shui and the others to come out.

But I haven't seen Lu Shui and the others come out yet.

Ming found that his figure began to dissipate.

Islands are also slowly disappearing.

Seeing it all, he knew it was a success.

The puzzles are finally filled.

After countless years of waiting, this day finally arrived.

Wait until free.

"It seems that we can't see Xiaoyou Lu coming out here.

I can only find him later. "Ming silently said to himself.

Soon he disappeared in place.

I'm going to the moon, so I can be completely free.


Ming completely disappeared in place.

He left Midu.

This is the first time he has left in countless years, and he has been guarding for countless years.

Finally completed the mission.

Not long after Zaiming disappeared, Lu Shui and Mu Xue walked out of the vortex and out of the great lake.

"It seems that he has already left." Lu Shui looked around, but did not find Ming's trace.

"Is that person behind the Origin Stone?" Mu Xue asked.

"En." Lu Shui nodded and said:

"My father-in-law should be worried about the five-year ancestor worship.

Now there is no way to worship ancestors.

But there are backup plans.

It can also save the Mu family from worrying about it. "

Lu Shui didn't say much about these things. The old man talked to Yue Tong, and they should be able to deal with it.

Not a big problem.

Mu Xue doesn't need to know anything.

"Let's go, let's deal with the last thing." Lu Shui left the Lost City.

He was going to meet those three and see what choices they would make.

At present, Lu Shui can sense it.

His cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth order.

You can advance to the ninth level in an instant.

Already have all the capabilities.

But the ninth level will restore more power, which is not easy for this world to bear.

So there is no need for him not to want to be promoted to the ninth rank.

Too much pressure on the world.

Of course, it is even more impossible to return all the power.

It is really difficult to have children.

Everything has been done, and it must not fail at this time.

So suppress until he has a child.

I can't hold back anymore, and it won't be too late to get promoted.

In other words, it doesn't matter whether he is promoted or not now, and if he wants to return to the peak, a thought is actually enough.

Mu Xue didn't speak, just followed Lu Shui.


Lu Shui and Mu Xue appeared in the endless starry sky.

This is the passage leading to the outside, and it is also where the three of Emperor Zun are located.

At this moment, Lu Shui saw three people standing in front of him.

It was the three of Emperor Zun.

"Feel it?" Lu Shui asked.

The three nodded slightly:

"Definitely felt it.

Your presence is too much.

To be able to see existence like you.

Sometimes it is also a kind of luck, just facing an opponent like you.

It seemed hopeless. "

"Then why didn't you run?" Lu Shui asked.

"Why did you run away?" True God Aisi looked at Lu Shui and said softly:

"We have never been afraid of failure, let alone death.

Just accept it.

But we have a small request.

Let it be your last wish. "

"What is it?" Lu Shui asked.

He was not surprised.

These are people who will do what they want to do, and they are not afraid to fail.


How can it be important to move forward.

Even going forward may die.

But they just want to do it, and if they do it, they may succeed.

Failure is the price of failure.

So, enough.

If they were afraid of failure, then they should have handed over their power and retreated to a corner.

Instead of appearing here.

From the very beginning, the fight between the three of them meant that two of them would die.

But is anyone backing off?

If they wanted to live, they would have given up long ago.

Now it's just a failure together.

"Let us say goodbye to those people," said the Buddha.

Those people refer to those who follow them.

"From now on, we will choose to fall by ourselves, and you don't need to do it yourself." Emperor Zun then said.

"Okay." Lu Shui agreed.

As for the other three major forces.

As long as you don't show your head, you can survive.

"Thank you." The three thanked the landing waterway.

Then the supreme power poured out.

The breath begins to die out.

At this moment, everyone saw that there seemed to be three huge stars falling above the sky and the earth.

In the city of fog, everyone looked towards the sky, and they could see something breaking.

There are forces that are dying.

"This is?" Daozong patriarch felt that the power was extremely terrifying.

"The three of them, Xian Mu, chose to perish by themselves." Jiu said, looking at the sky.

"There are three more." Moxiu Xuechen sighed.

There are fewer and fewer people in that era.

Even the three who were extremely sublimated are gone.

How many are left now?


Bright moon?


Luo Sansheng?

None of these people were seen.

That means Tianji must still be alive.

Jian Chuan looked at the sky and felt that the sky was collapsing.

Is this the scene of that level of decline? Seriously.

Is it really possible to enter that realm?

He knew that he would definitely not be able to, and the only possibility was Lu Wuwei.

The ancestor of Chonggu was sweating profusely. Was this terrifying existence forced to death by Lu Shui?

In the future, it is better to keep a low profile in the insect valley.

If he offended the Lu family, he ran away on the spot.

Never mind.

The Great Elder looked at all this and said nothing.

The second elder naturally watched too.

Soon it will all be over.

The place where Taiyi Xianjun and others are located.

They looked at the sky and knew the result in an instant.

Regal lost.

Xianting lost.

Just when Taiyi Xianjun and others were sad.

Suddenly a light fell in front of them.

The breath of Emperor Zun began to appear.

"Emperor?" Immortal Taiyi was a little surprised.

"It's time to say goodbye." The figure of Emperor Zun appeared, he looked at Taiyi Xianjun and others, and said softly:

"It's been countless years, and it's time to put an end to it.

After that, you can only rely on yourselves.

Never mind.

Whether it is strong or not has an end after all.

Later people can continue to move forward.

If this path fails, there will be a price to pay.

This price, I can't escape, and I can't escape. "

Emperor Zun's voice sounded, and at this moment his figure began to disappear:

"It's not because of me that Xianting has come to this day.

I just created Xianting, and it is you who make Xianting flourish.

Without me today, Xianting will not change much.

In the future, there will always be a capable person who can lead you.

You still have a long way to go.

Try Harder. "

At this moment Regal began to disappear.

Taiyi Xianjun and the others did not speak, but looked at Emperor Zun and sent him off respectfully.

The three looked at each other and smiled slightly.

Immortal Court without Emperor Zun is not the Immortal Court they want.


At the same time, the five people on the floating island also felt it.

"The emperor has fallen, and it is our turn.

Do you regret it? "The senior who presided over the matter spoke

"There's nothing to regret.

Just feel relaxed. "Gao Yuan said.

"Yeah, it's over.

Now it's our turn.

Fortunately, I have no worries. "The Demon Sword Slayer followed suit.

"This life is over like this." Listening to Yun Xi felt it was a pity.

But she also chose to accept this ending.


"It seems that we all have the same idea." The last person said.

Afterwards, strength began to emerge from the five people.

As if to kill myself.

It was only at this time that suddenly there was a force to suppress it.

As if to calm their breath.

"This is?" The senior who presided over the matter looked at the sky:

"Taiyi Xianjun?"

"You don't need to do this." Immortal Taiyi said.

"You are what you were ordered to do, let us bear everything for you, and that is the truth.

Those of us are going to continue to follow Emperor Zun.

You are not qualified enough.

Everything is borne by us. "Ziwei Xianjun's voice followed.

"Run for your life." The voice of God of War came out.

Then knock them back.

At the last moment, they heard the voice of Immortal Taiyi:

"Thank you for everything you have done for Xianting, we will see you indefinitely."

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