The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 554 This seat is the Emperor of the Immortal Court

In the eyes of the strong.

The sky seemed to be split open, something powerful was shattering.

is falling.

It seems that the complete power is being shattered and disintegrated.

Sea of ​​Bitterness Buddhism.

The ancient Buddha Xinhuo and the ancient Buddha Miaozun all looked at the sky.

They did not speak, but looked back together.

Finally, I looked towards the top of the Buddha Hall, as if waiting for someone to return.

Soon the light fell.

At this time, a Buddha sat cross-legged in the top position, and golden lotuses began to bloom.

"Dependent origin and extinction, cause and effect cycle.

Open your eyes and the Buddha is there, close your eyes and the Buddha is gone.

There are myriad worlds in my heart, and there is also the shadow of Buddha.

See the heart, see the Buddha. "

The Buddha proclaimed the Buddha's name, and finally the brilliance dissipated.

The ancient Buddha Xinhuo proclaimed the Buddha's name to the ancient Buddha Miaozun, as if he understood the teaching.

They didn't look at each other until the Buddha passed away completely.

"Is there cause and effect entangled?" The ancient Buddha Xinhuo asked the ancient Buddha Miaozun.

"Is there any obsession in my heart?" Ancient Buddha Miaozun asked Ancient Buddha Xinhuo.

The two looked at each other, and finally they all proclaimed the Buddha's name together.

With relief and joy in his eyes.

At this time, Buddha's light began to bloom on them.

Outside the sea of ​​bitterness, many monks left the Buddha Hall of the sea of ​​bitterness on golden lotus.

Everyone watched the Buddha Hall glow, and they clasped their hands together and proclaimed the Buddha's name.

However, some people are still heading towards the Buddha Hall.

Most of them are Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas of the next life.

The Buddha in their hearts is on this Buddha Hall.

Since the Buddha Hall is shining brightly, they must follow.

After the extreme radiance, the Buddha Hall began to collapse, and finally sank into the sea of ​​suffering.

No more trace.

Since then, there will be no more Buddhism in the Sea of ​​Suffering.

But Buddhism is still there.

Finally, high above the sky, there was a Buddha's call.

As if sighing.

Then the Buddha's name spread throughout the sea of ​​suffering, as if saying goodbye, as if following.

On the endless glacier.

A girl steps out of a lake.

She took a step and came to the lake.

Wearing a water blue dress.

Like a young lady next door, with a sunny smile on her face.

When she walked to the lake, a woman in a black dress followed.

Then the boy covered in light also appeared by the lake.

Goddess of Ice Sea, Goddess of Darkness, God of Light.

They came to the lake at the same time and looked up at the sky.

There is no sadness in the eyes, no regret.

"It failed." The Ice Sea Goddess said.

"Yeah, after so many years, it's finally over." The Dark Goddess followed.

"You can rest now," said the God of Light.

At this time, the light fell from the sky, and the figure of Aisi appeared.

"Why bother?

The gods are still there, so that person will not attack you.

You are not yet in their eyes. Aisi said, looking down at the three people in front of her.

"We have always listened to you in the past, let us be willful this time.

We want to continue to be by your side, we have gone through everything in the world.

No regrets.

All I want in this life is to be by your side.

It's been too long, you've been away from us for too long. "The ice sea goddess looked at Ai Si and said.

"Yes, we have been waiting for a long time." The Dark Goddess followed up.

"The light is always there, without me, it can still illuminate everything." The God of Light said.

"Is that so?" Ai Si lowered her eyebrows and finally said:

"Then let's issue an oracle to let the sleeping ones continue to sleep.

God is not in the world, but returns to heaven. "True God Aisi said softly.

"We must abide by your wishes." The Ice Sea Goddess and the others responded immediately.

Then the light appeared.

There are lights appearing in the seven temples of the gods.

It was as if the Lord God had been welcomed back into the sky.

And some dharma gods, gods, and god kings all followed with light.

Those who are willing to leave with Aisi are far more than the Ice Sea Goddess.

Almost all the ancient gods were willing to do so.

Since then, the true God has not appeared.

God does not come out.

At this moment, everything in the sky was directly shattered.

The power disintegrates, and the supreme falls.

A vision appeared in the sky, which lasted for a long time.

In normal city.

The ancient Buddha King Ming looked at the sky and proclaimed a Buddha's name.

He cannot follow Buddha, he has other responsibilities.

After seeing the baby girl crawling on the ground, she finally chose to stay.

This is also Buddha.


Ancient Buddha You Luo looked at the sky, and finally made the same choice as Ancient Buddha Ming Wang.

He was born in Hades and has great responsibilities.

These people cannot be abandoned.

The gate of Nancheng University.

Uncle security rarely walked out of the security room, he looked at the sky and shook his head for the last time.

No words.

Just sighed and walked into his security room.

There is always an end in life, and everyone's pursuit is different.

The realm of the three emperors is too high.

So high that he could no longer touch it.

This is also the best home.

Back in the security room, Uncle Security continued to eat his instant noodles.

Days still have to go on.


Kingdom of the Moon.

Mingyue walked out from inside.

He came to the snow, looked at the sky, and finally felt a little sad.

"Three more have left. There are not many people left in our era."

Finally he disappeared into the snow.

I need to go to Mu's house.

Then go find Lu Xiaoyou.

Go and say thank you.

Or answer some of Lu Xiaoyou's questions, and determine the follow-up actions by the way.


There seemed to be a sigh coming from the land where the Nether Earth was located, and finally there was no more movement.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

Fengshuanghe also let out a vague sigh.

In the end, there was no movement.

In Qiuyun Town, the Toothache Immortal also looked at the sky, and he hadn't experienced many things.

But some people he knew.

Gouzi sighed:

"Di Zun's grandson is gone, and there is no way to find him to return to the venue."

With Lord Dog, it is waiting to yell at Emperor Zun.

It's a pity that Emperor Zun didn't give it this chance.

At this time, Ye Xinxin, who sells medicine, looked towards the sky with a feeling. He knew that the Buddha had fallen.

"Is everything over?" Jian Chuan asked.

Everyone in the fog city was amazed.

Even the Great Elder is the same, these three are really too strong.

It is very difficult to chase their realm.

But he never gave up.

His sword can open a new path for him.

One day, he will also be able to reach that height.

But there is no rush.

"It's over, those three chose to perish." Jiu said.

But she was worried about the power of these three.

If no one absorbs, then

It will be directly absorbed by Qi.

Qi will directly activate the only power of heaven and earth.

Then it will repeat her situation at that time, a high wall was erected before the highest, the world was extreme, and the fans reappeared.

This is something they are trying to avoid, but now it may directly happen.

And at this moment, there seemed to be a sudden change in the world, and endless power was surging towards the capital of mist.

The entire city of fog is tumbling.

"What happened?" the ancestor of Chonggu asked.

He realized that he was really too small, none of these movements could be understood by him, and each of them was extremely dangerous. A Daoist was really too ordinary.

The few people present were average in front of these forces.

And this kind of action was made by the young master of the Lu family.

It's unbelievable.

Jiu, who saw this scene, was relieved.

The authority is being accommodated, so that it will not go to Qi's side, so that bad things will not happen.

"It's really complete now." Jiu had a smile on his face.

The second elder looked at Jiu and remained silent.

Jiu patted the head of the second elder.

in the vortex.

Lu Shui watched the three disappear completely, and stretched out his hand to gather the power belonging to the three.

"Why did Young Master Lu gather this power?" Mu Xue was a little curious.

These things are of no use to Lu Shui.

"Because of that bad girl." Lu Shui explained roughly, and then said:

"So if you don't gather this power, bad girls will become like Nine.

When we regain our strength, she will fall.

Then there is tragedy.

The world will also be hurt. "

Mu Xue took over the authority, and she kept it. In the future, when the only true god needs it, she will give it to him little by little.

So there is no problem.

But she was still surprised:

"So, the bad girl is actually the ancestor?"

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and shrugged:

"Who knows?"

If you don't tell me, no one will know.

Mu Xue: "."

so bad.

But Mu Xue didn't care, whether her ancestors didn't have any influence on her.

At most, it will affect Lu Shui, so it's not easy to beat people up.

Lu Shui is like this, he likes to beat people up.

Especially those who affect him.

As long as you are not an elder, you will be finished.

After everything was dealt with, the two went outside.

"By the way, the marriage was arranged by father and father, the purpose is to fight against the unknown source.

Then why come to divorce? " Mu Xue asked curiously.

"This." Lu Shui thought for a while and said:

"Maybe the third elder is stronger?

Or maybe Dad has other plans?

If it doesn't work, you can ask your mother.

She must know. "

"So you're here to retire, right?" Mu Xue's expression suddenly became serious.

Lu Shui looked at Lu Shui and said seriously:

"Miss Mu, we are talking about business."

"Oh, I'm making trouble out of no reason." Mu Xue nodded to express her understanding.

Lu Shui: "."

It's good that you understand, congratulations.

But before going out, Lu Shui put a black robe on himself, and gave Mu Xue one by the way.

Mu Xue held the black robe and looked at Lushui and said:

"Master Lu, do you still want to hide?"

"I can't help it, I'm going to fight with my parents, safety is the top priority.

Miss Mu doesn't want to be a widow, does she? " Lu Shui said and put it on for Mu Xue.

"But when I came in, it was a goddess in purple." Mu Xue said.

"Just don't let them know who is going out. Afterwards, I will go out and say that I am Emperor Zun, and you can be the emperor's concubine." Lu Shui said.

As he spoke, he added some special effects to the black robe, showing streamers.

"Emperor?" Mu Xue raised her brows and corrected:

"It's the empress."

Lu Shui: "."

It's just pretending, so why be serious?

Soon the two of them walked outside in black robes, and they carried a more or less powerful aura.

In this way, no one dared to question him.

He just goes out and declares himself.

Soon Lu Shui led Mu Xue out of the vortex.

The city of mist surged directly, turning into stairs to allow Lu Shui to move into the air better.

The moment they saw the two coming out, the others were stunned.

Powerful and terrifying.

In the top of the fairy, I am the only one who respects me, above the emperor.

This is the aura they feel.

The crowd was stunned.

The legendary emperor?

But why do you feel that you can't see your face clearly?

Not wearing an imperial robe, but a black robe?

But even the black robe is still extraordinary, as if everything in the world is draped on the other party.

This is, fire?

At this time, Lu Shui looked around and found that there were quite a lot of people.

The First Elder and the Second Elder are both there.

But it doesn't matter.

No one can see through him.

Then he looked down at everyone from a high position, and a voice came out:

"I am the emperor, and I will rule the world.

I'll see you again someday. "

Mu Xue followed behind without saying a word. She felt that these people looked at Lu Shui in the wrong way, three points surprised, seven points stunned.

It seems like some don't understand what's going on.

As an empress, she will not introduce herself.

Lu Shui also felt that something was wrong, these people were not as cooperative as he was when he was a firefighter.

never mind.

gone back.

Whatever they do.

Thinking like this, he pulled Mu Xue directly into the gate of endless space.

At this time, the others were still in a daze, as if they couldn't understand the situation just now.

In the end, everyone looked at Lu Wuwei.

Lu Wuwei coughed dryly twice, and a gentle voice came out:

"Let everyone laugh.

It's over here, you can go back. "

The second elder didn't want to stay for a moment, the eyes of each of them seemed to be questioning, Liu Huo was not what they thought.


It's so embarrassing.

Why are you so strong and so shameful?

With that in mind, he turned and left.

Jiu looked relaxed, it's okay, no one knows that they belong to the same family.

Ning Xia looked at Lu Wuwei and Lu Youting with a smile.

The young master of the Lu family is really promising, he can do anything.

Then others left one after another, although it seemed that some

Some surprises.

However, there is no doubt about the power of Liuhuo.

At this time, the vortex below also began to disappear.

They knew that everything was over and there was no need to stay any longer.

Only a few of them know about the matter here, and others cannot know who Liu Huo is.

Whether there will be a pass on the name of Liuhuo in the future is another matter.

In half a year, Liuhuo's reputation reached its peak.

But it is likely to be short-lived.

Because Liuhuo no longer has any opponents, he no longer needs to appear in the realm of comprehension.

In the future, perhaps few people will mention Liuhuo.

It was mentioned, and it was also the beginning of a legend, but it ended too quickly.

Only a few people here understand that Liuhuo's legend is short-lived because he is already invincible.

There is no rival here.



Lu Shui brought Mu Xue back to Mu's house.

"Master Lu, don't you feel a little strange just now?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

"It's okay, it has nothing to do with us anyway, so there's no need to think about it." Lu Shui put away the black robe directly.

Mu Xue's was also put away by him.

"Master Lu, I feel that you are running away." Mu Xue said.

Lu Shui looked up at Mu Xue and said:

"Miss Mu, if I face them, will they be able to bear it?

I'm doing it for their own good. "

Mu Xue snorted coldly.

Then said:

"I don't know how many days have passed. I have to find Aunt Tang and the others. Young Master Lu can go on his own."

After seeing that Mu Xue was fine, Lu Shui disappeared in place.

He needs to go to his ancestral land to find his father-in-law.

Tell him what's been done, and how long it's been since.

Not long after, Lu Shui appeared in the ancestral land of the Mu family.

Appear directly on the edge of the Origin Stone.

Mu Ze, who was standing there, couldn't react for a while.

But soon, he breathed a sigh of relief:

"Master Lu, is it over?"

He more or less sensed the changes in the sky outside.

So, worrying all the time.

It is not known whether Lu Shui will return smoothly.

The moment he saw Lu Shui, he knew that Lu Shui had won.

Probably took care of everything.

"Well, it's all over.

Everything has been consummated.

By the way, how many days have passed? " Lu Shui asked.

In the maze, it is impossible to know the passage of time.

Can only ask.

"Ten days." Mu Ze said.

Lu Shui nodded.

Ten days, a few days more than before.

However, this fan is really special, and it is normal to have a few more days.

But not too much, and it's okay.

As for a few more days, there is no big problem, because in the end Mu Xue rushed into the Lost City.

They have met.

It doesn't matter those days.

At most, the father-in-law has a hard time explaining to his parents.

"Have my parents ever looked for me?" Lu Shui asked again.

"I looked for it once, but after I was busy, I never looked for it again.

But Mu Xue disappeared two days ago.

They didn't show that there was a problem, they just said they were out.

Does Young Master Lu know what's going on? " Mu Ze asked.

He felt a little strange.

"It's okay, she's back." Lu Shui said.

It didn't explain that Mu Xue was special.

But after thinking about it, Lu Shui asked Mu Xue the question just now:

"My father-in-law, I have a little question I want to ask."

"Master Lu, what do you want to ask?" Mu Ze asked.

He didn't think he could answer Lu Shui anything.

"Did my father contact you when I came to Mu's house to divorce?" Lu Shui asked.

Hearing this question, Mu Ze was stunned.

Then he looked at Lu Shui, hesitating whether to say it or not.

"Come on, I already know about you, isn't it?" Lu Shui wanted to say something unclear, but hesitated and said:

"Isn't there some consensus? Did my father contact you? Isn't it in the consensus?"

"At that time your father did contact me." After a moment of silence, Mu Ze said:

"But nothing specific."

Lu Shui nodded, expressing his understanding.

Then we talked about the origin stone:

"Ming is gone and they should be restored as one.

But about five years of ancestor worship.

They will come to you later to discuss it.

Don't worry, if he agrees, he won't break his promise.

Mingyue is more or less related to the Mu family.

He doesn't need you to die for them.

Even if you find someone to work hard, you dare not find you.

What happens next depends on your own development, Ming's departure will not affect your normal development.

It will not bring you any danger.

As for the person staring at Mu Xue.

It has completely disintegrated.

Everything has been taken care of.

You can let go. "

Lu Shui looked at his father-in-law and said.

Mu Ze lowered his head and said softly:

"Is it all done?

That's fine. "

Lu Shui didn't say anything more, does the old man hate Mu Xue?

It doesn't feel like it, but there is no sign that he loves Mu Xue.

But he has some responsibilities.

In his last life, he directly prevented Mu Xue from coming back, and he was not welcome when he came back.

Worship ancestors?

That is even more disagree.

Lu Shui is useless.

He even razed the Mu family, but it didn't change the old man's mind.

Maybe he has his own ideas.

Or another kind of protection.

In this life, she probably won't reconcile with Mu Xue.

Mu Xue would not blame her father.

It is also impossible to actively approach, after all, there are people who are very good with the old man.

This person is of course Lu Shui himself.

It is possible for the old man in this life to reconcile with Mu Xue when his life comes to an end.

Forget it now.

There is still a long time.

Lu Shui stepped away from the ancestral land, but before leaving, he asked Mu Ze curiously:

"Old man, which of your three daughters do you love the most?"

Mu Ze was stunned for a moment, but did not answer.

Lu Shui didn't care, and continued to walk away:

"I'm going to find Miss Mu, my father-in-law can continue to work."

Lu Shui left without embarrassing his father-in-law.

He stood in the sun, feeling the not-so-warm light.

"All things are done, all is consummated.

Our numerology is also fully integrated into it.


There was a smile on the corner of Lu Shui's mouth:

"After countless years, I have finally achieved this step, and it has come to the most important moment.

Definitely won't fail again. "

He did everything, tested everything.

Just found this most likely thing.

Definitely will not fail again.

He calculated everything for this moment.

Of course, many things were beyond his expectations, such as Lu, Jianyi, and the origin of the Lu family.

Thinking of these, Lu Shui thought of the Innate God.

"It seems that I have to take some time to go to the Kongming Sea." Lu Shui thought to himself.

Then he planned to find Mu Xue.

Just before taking two steps, the phone rang.

After so many days, there is still electricity?

"Mother?" Lu Shui looked at the caller ID and felt uncomfortable.

Mother is fine, why are you looking for him?

But it's not scary to be so far away.

Line connected.

"Hello, son." Dongfang Liyin's voice came from the opposite side.

Lu Shui immediately said:

"Mom, are you looking for me?"

"Do I have a second son?" asked the other side.

Lu Shui: "."

Don't you still have a daughter in your belly?

It is indeed a daughter.

Lu Shui already knew her origin.

"I heard you've been busy recently? Are you done?" Dongfang Liyin asked.

"Recently I am studying Go, and I have already studied it.

My chess skill is very strong.

Mother wants to play chess with me? " Lu Shui asked.

"Do you think Mother will lose?" Dongfang Liyin asked.

Lu Shui: "."

How did he hear the smell of threat?

"What's the matter, mother?" Lu Shui thought it better to change the topic.

Play chess with mother?

Are you crazy?

At that time, let me ask you, do you want your mother to kneel down and beg you to let me go?

It would be better if he knelt down and begged his mother to let him give up the chess.

"You have been away from home for many days, come back in two days.

Mother has something to ask you.

quite important. "Dongfang Liyin said.

"Can't you ask directly?" Lu Shui asked.

He has time to react.

"Mother asked you to come back, do you want to invite me?" Dongfang Liyin's voice came directly.

Lu Shui: "."

In the end he could only accept it.

These two days just happened to be with Mu Xue.

Then go back.

But what can my mother do with him?

After thinking about it carefully, I can't think of anything.

Then there is nothing to worry about.

All the way back to Mu Xue's yard, I found that I didn't see Mu Xue and the others.

Instead, I saw a real martial arts spirit.


Seeing Lu Shui, Zhenwu Zhenling breathed a sigh of relief.

It's great that the young master is fine.

Although I know nothing will happen.

But it's okay to be happy after all.

"By the way, young master, I heard something recently that the natural god disappeared." Zhenwu said immediately.

Lu Shui: "Huh?"


The last day of the double monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass.

Try to finish it tomorrow.

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