The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 339: Are you really not crazy? (8K please subscribe~)

"What's going on in this world?"

Just as Otsutsuki Ishiki left, Black Zetsu also quietly appeared in the outer areas of Konoha.

Looking at Konoha, which had completely changed at this time, and feeling the aura that had almost dissipated but still existed in the air, his expression was extremely ugly.

He really felt that his understanding of the world was too superficial now.

Five years ago, he could feel that terrifying burst of power even in Kirigakure Village.

Such an explosion of power instantly made him understand that such terrifying chakra fluctuations were definitely far beyond the limits of mortals, and might have involved Otsutsuki!

When he thought of this, Hei Jue didn't dare to run out and show up easily, and he didn't even dare to get close to the fighting place.

But even if he didn't dare, he would always be thinking about this place because he would never forget what his mission was.

Therefore, he began to make various preparations. First, he allowed Obito to satisfy his own ideas in Kirigakure Village, and then failed in a deliberately created political game.

That's right, Obito's failure was deliberately caused by him!

There is no such thing as Byakugan in Kirigakure Village. Normally, it is impossible to detect their problems.

Even the actions of the mysterious man before had already invisibly guided those Mist Ninjas to think in the worst direction.

But with Mizukage in their hands, they don't need to worry about being exposed. After all, they haven't overestimated themselves from beginning to end!

Obito was exposed and failed, which forced them to return to the center of the ninja world instead of continuing to wander in the Kingdom of Water as before.

After returning, Black Zetsu also received more shocking news - the fifth generation Hokage of Konoha Village fiercely fought a mysterious man, almost destroying everything around Konoha!

The news came to Hei Zetsu really unexpectedly, because according to his idea, the people fighting this time should be two Otsutsuki.

What is Senju Natsuhiko? He is just a descendant of Asura, and he is still the kind of guy whose bloodline has faded after who knows how many generations.

"Is it possible that this kid has returned to his ancestors?"

It is not strange for the bloodline to return to its ancestors, but shouldn't such bloodlines be the inheritors of Indra and Asura?

With this doubt in mind, Hei Zetsu has been constantly exploring various information. Slowly, he discovered that the outrageousness of Senju Natsuhiko was even beyond imagination!

According to the various versions circulated in the ninja world, this guy is no longer in the category of human beings. The exaggeration is even more terrifying than the Senju Hashirama back then.

If this were the case in the past, he might just smile disdainfully and forget it.

But he had long realized that the place where the previous power exploded was in the direction of Konoha. Such rumors made Black Zetsu have to pay attention and be vigilant.

As for Senju Natsuhiko starting to attack various small countries in the entire ninja world, including the Rain Country, he really didn't take it to heart.

For his mother and those Otsutsuki, this kind of thing can only be regarded as a trivial matter.

It doesn't matter how the ninja world develops, after all, this ninja world is just a garden.

Compared with a garden that can be manipulated at will and cannot escape at all, a bug in the garden suddenly turns into a ferocious beast. This is the most worthy of attention.

"Is it possible that this boy's bloodline is even more powerful, even to the level of Otsutsuki?"

This idea just appeared in Hei Jue's mind. He was stunned for a moment and then laughed disdainfully at his own whims.

But as he thought about it, his heart began to grow cold. After all, he had heard that Senju Natsuhiko had awakened a pair of eyes that looked like the reincarnated eye.

He really couldn't imagine and didn't dare to imagine how much variables such eyes could produce.

Is it possible that this achievement is because of such a pair of eyes that this guy has been improved in all aspects, and even his own blood has grown?

If that's the case, then this kid is a bit too scary, right?

Hei Jue dared not be sure of his thoughts, but he knew very well that in order to be sure of all this, he had to go to the scene where the battle broke out and take a good look!

However, he was wary by nature and did not dare to take risks easily, especially when he noticed that the trees around Konoha were all made of wood. He was really worried that they were all reconnaissance methods.

After all, in the Land of Rain, that boy Nagato used rainwater as a method of investigation. Who knows if there is a similar method in Konoha.

After a long wait, Hei Jue finally couldn't bear it anymore. After constant testing, he finally stepped into this area today.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he felt the chakra aura in the air that had basically dissipated, but was particularly clear to him.

He was basically certain that this was a war between Otsutsuki. How could ordinary humans have such chakra and such power?

He was absolutely certain that one of them was Natsuhiko Senju, but who was the guy besides Natsuhiko?

"Could he be the guy who controlled the tailed beast?"

Hei Jue thought silently, and in his opinion, the most likely ones were indeed these two people.

As for the foreign Otsutsuki, he really didn't think it was possible, at least he hadn't thought in this direction for the time being.

But even so, he has been made a little numb, and he has begun to seriously doubt the world.

He really couldn't understand, and he really couldn't understand Senju Natsuhiko's situation. It felt like an ant suddenly turned into an extremely terrifying beast.

And even if this beast is the owner of the garden, he can kill it for you!

Such an extreme and huge gap really makes people feel headache and depressed, and now he feels a huge sense of crisis.

Such a sense of crisis came from Senju Natsuhiko. Even the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki he met before did not bring him such a sense of crisis.

Because the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki is a subordinate of Otsutsuki, and that Otsutsuki is aware of his mother's existence.

Even if he doesn't know too much information, he will still be wary of his mother, at least he won't act rashly in many things.

But this Senju Natsuhiko is different. The so-called ignorance means fearlessness. It is obvious that this Senju Natsuhiko is in such a state.

This guy may not be afraid of his mother at all. After all, he may not know much about Otsutsuki.

The most critical question is, this guy really has the ability to be fearless!

After all, this guy just killed a member of Otsutsuki. What else does he fear from such an ability?

Sighing deeply, Hei Jue did not dare to stay in this place for a long time, and his body silently sank into the ground.

As he sank, he was thinking in his heart. When the top of his head was about to sink into the earth, he also made a decision.

"The plan must be accelerated. Only mother can handle this situation!"


"Is this guy leaving the Country of Fire?"

In the Konoha office, Natsuhiko's eyes were fixed on the crack in space that looked like a black hole in front of him, and on the other side of the black hole was another scene!

It was a forest, and nothing could be seen in this green forest.

But Xia Yan's blue eyes could penetrate the forest and monitor the monk who was walking quickly.

This is the use of Xia Yan's spatial ability. In the past five years, Xia Yan has never stopped training his abilities.

In particular, he also has systematic assistance, and his mastery of various abilities is very high and very proficient.

He discovered that the 'space control' that the Tsangikan gave him was really space control in a broad sense, because he could freely control space to a certain extent!

To put it bluntly, if this technique is used properly, Xia Yan can make this technique have unlimited possibilities.

However, he did not dare to use this technique casually, because such a powerful technique naturally had its terrible limitations.

To be precise, this technique should follow the principle of equivalent exchange. If you want to use this technique on a larger scale and with greater intensity, you will naturally have to pay more and greater chakra.

Normally, the huge level of Natsuhiko's chakra is acceptable for him no matter what technique he uses.

It's a pity that this technique belongs to Xia Yan's pupil technique, and its consumption is more from Xia Yan's pure eyes.

Although Xia Yan's Pure Eye has reached the second stage, he still cannot use this ability without restrictions.

After all, he is not a guy like Otsutsuki. Even if his eyes are not like the Mangekyō Sharingan, the more he uses it, the faster he becomes blind.

However, the consumption and recovery of the eyes are really not proportional.

Xia Yan had actually discovered this problem a long time ago, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The recovery of Jingyan Chakra depends on one's own physique. Although it has some relationship with Chakra, the relationship is really not that big.

Xia Yan's physique is not bad, but the foundation of his physique still comes from blood. At this point, Xia Yan really has nothing to do.

It is currently impossible for him to use his spatial ability without restrictions like Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

Although it was said that that guy's spatial ability was constructed from the Blood Successor Snare, Xia Yan did not believe that there was no limit to that power.

It can only be said that the consumption caused by him using that power is not that important in the face of his physical fitness and recovery ability.

Xia Yan has no comparison in this regard, so he uses it more carefully and cautiously.

But no matter what, Xia Yan can still use these powers to a limited extent.

And he can also use these powers to do many things he wants to do, like now.

What Xia Yan is doing now is to monitor and observe a person by virtue of his ability to control space.

Not long ago, the Nine Tails in his body suddenly told him that he had detected an extremely evil thought!

He has reached an advanced level of nine-tails, and is still in a semi-fused state with several tailed beasts mixed in. His perception is really much stronger than Natsuhiko.

Perhaps because he has reached a high level, he is not as sleepy as before, and he is like a radar in Xia Yan's body!

Although he often complains now, Xia Yan often kicks him out at night because of human reproduction work.

However, his dependence and intimacy with Xia Yan have not weakened at all. Now that his strength has increased, he has begun to actively ask Xia Yan to take on the role of radar.

With his extremely abnormal perception, Xia Yan really saved a lot of energy, and he could also discover many things that he could not discover at ordinary times.

Just like this time, Xia Yan really didn't notice it at all, but Xiao Jiuwei clearly felt it all.

Xia Yan couldn't help but pay attention to this news. Extreme malice is really rare, but such malice is definitely not simple.

And when Xia Yan followed Xiao Jiuwei's words and found the goal, he indeed found that this goal seemed really not simple.

Especially when Xia Yan observed this guy through his pure eyes, he clearly found that there was a huge problem with the chakra in this guy's body.

That kind of powerful and vast chakra almost instantly convinced Xia Yan that this kind of chakra came from Otsutsuki!

However, this guy's body was in dilapidated condition, as if he had been subjected to inhuman torture.

In other words, this guy's body was tortured into this state by his own chakra!

Xia Yan really couldn't understand this. He had never seen a ninja turned into such a person by his own chakra.

In addition to this, Xia Yan also noticed that this guy's body seemed to be full of traces of decay.

It's as if time has mercilessly eroded him, but such a person is still alive and well, which makes Xia Yan really incredible.

"Especially this guy's tattoos, they seem a bit weird and excessive!"

With the help of Jingyan, Xia Yan easily noticed that this guy seemed to come from the weird tattoos on his body.

Especially his hands, which are the main source of his chakra!

This wonderful and weird situation really made Xia Yan frown, especially because this guy felt too dangerous to Xia Yan.

"Is this guy an Otsutsuki? Why does he always give me a sense of right and wrong?"

Xia Yan touched his chin. He was also very confused now, but it was nothing strange to have doubts.

The ninja world is so big, and Xia Yan has long been accustomed to many things that he cannot understand, especially when it comes to aliens, which is like entering his blind spot of knowledge.

Otsutsuki Ura Shi died very simply, and Xia Yan had no chance at all, and it was impossible to get information from him.

And Otsutsuki Hamura is now invisible again, and Otsutsuki Kaguya Natsuhiko cannot be seen, so there is really very little he can know.

But now with the appearance of this guy, it gave Xia Yan some new ideas.

He doesn't care whether this guy is Otsutsuki, but he can find this guy and solve his problem from the source!

"Especially since this guy is leaving the Country of Fire now, this brings me great convenience..."


"Starting soon? Is this too anxious?"

In the Land of Rain, Nagato looked at Obito and Black Zetsu in front of him with a puzzled expression. He did not expect that he would actually get such news.

The plan they want to carry out is naturally the tailed beast capture plan.

Obito had already said about starting in advance, and Nagato also quietly informed Natsu Yan about this matter, in order to make Natsu Yan prepare in advance.

But he didn't expect that the guy in front of him who called himself Uchiha Madara seemed to be much more anxious than he thought.

How long did it take before he once again made a new request, and this time it seemed more radical? He had already directly requested that the mission be ready to begin?

Nagato really didn't know what kind of stimulation this guy got. Even if he was anxious about some things, he had to have a limit.

Even if Nagato and the guy in front of him are not of the same mind, he still has to put forward his own opinions on some things.

Of course, what he was thinking about most now was how to tell Xia Yan this information.

After this guy who called himself Uchiha Madara came to the Land of Rain, Nagato didn't have that much free space.

Although he can still rely on the ANBU intelligence system established by Konoha in the Rain Country to pass on some necessary information.

However, this approach is really not as direct and stable as telling Xia Yan face to face.

But since he wants to continue to stay in this organization, he can only do this.

"I admit it's a bit anxious, but it's necessary."

Obito looked at Nagato, and finally he gave his answer in an understatement.

In fact, he said it but didn't say it, because he himself didn't know much about why Hei Jue started the mission in advance.

But he believed in Hei Jue. After all, in his opinion, Hei Jue had really helped him too much.

This guy can be considered a person who can be trusted temporarily, before his plans and ideas are completely exposed!

Black Zetsu has indeed given Obito too much help. In his opinion, without Black Zetsu, he would not be able to achieve what he is doing now in the Kingdom of Water.

Yes, that's what Obito thought, and his thoughts were bluntly created by Black Zetsu.

It is true that Black Zetsu did help Obito gain an upper hand in that cruel political struggle, and they joined forces to throw the entire Kirigakure Village into darkness.

But he had no idea that his exposure was actually arranged by Hei Jue!

This method is not difficult for Hei Zetsu at all. If he can't even deal with a 'novice' like Obito after living for thousands of years, then his life will really be in vain.

As expected, Obito didn't resist at all. He was really eaten to death by Black Zetsu.

He almost completely believed in everything Hei Jue said, so when faced with some of Hei Jue's requests, he had no intention of objecting.

That's right, starting the mission early is what Black Zetsu wants, not what Obito wants!

But Obito still chose to believe in Black Zetsu, although he was also confused as to why Black Zetsu would do this.

However, Obito did not choose to object. After all, in his opinion, this matter was not a big deal to him.

He has also grown a lot in the past five years, especially in the past five years, Heijian has given him special training in Yin-Yang Escape. He can now use Yin-Yang Escape.

Even though he is not very proficient in mastering it, with this technique, he believes that as long as he does not encounter the guy who controls the Nine-Tails in the ninja world, he will not be afraid of anyone else!

Even if he encounters that guy, he won't necessarily be afraid. The power of Yin Yang Dun is not something that ordinary people can imagine.

Therefore, even if he takes action now, he is not worried about what problems may arise. With his own ability, he believes that he can definitely solve many problems!

"Even if I meet Namikaze Minato and Senju Natsuhiko, I will never lose. I'm even looking forward to meeting you."

With this idea in mind, Obito decisively agreed with Black Zetsu's words, and he also longed to create a new world as soon as possible.

He had long given up hope in this hopeless world, and he felt that it would be painful to stay here for even one more day.

Instead of doing this, it is better to take action as soon as possible and achieve your goal as soon as possible!

"Is that so? Although I still disagree, the ninja world does need to change."

Nagato saw that he didn't ask too many questions, so he simply nodded and agreed.

He has not forgotten what the role he needs to play now is like.

Therefore, cooperating well with this performance and the role I need to play is the most important thing for me this time.

"Very good. Although there are many things that I can't explain, but you know that we are doing the right thing."

Obito was very satisfied with Nagato's attitude. He nodded seriously and then spoke slowly.

“Our goal has always been to overthrow this cruel and desperate world, and this is something we will never change from beginning to end.

For the sake of peace and the sake of the ninja world, we must all work hard.

When we create our own world, you will find how wonderful it will be! "

"Yeah, I can believe it."

Nagato nodded calmly, his samsara eyes glowing slightly, and then he nodded with an extremely serious look.

"I have been looking forward to defeating the damn Konoha Hokage who has the power to destroy the world.

I have always been looking forward to the world full of peace with Yahiko.

Such a beautiful world, such a peaceful world, is the world we pursue! "

Nagato paused slightly here. He seemed to be very pious, but in his heart he was extremely disdainful.

He has already seen such a world. Although it is only a simple prototype, even a prototype has brought peace and prosperity to the Country of Rain.

It also brought him the friends he missed in his dreams. The living ones were not the kind of false dreams constructed by relying on illusions!

With all this, why should he expect something false like that?

Nagato is not stupid. He has been sober since Yahiko was resurrected. He knows what he wants and what he is pursuing.

Under such circumstances, how could he still pay attention to this guy Obito...


Natsuhiko was not sure about Obito's early action. Perhaps Nagato had given the information to the ANBU, but Natsuhiko's current focus was not here.

For several days, Xia Yan's eyes have been fixed on the guy suspected of being Otsutsuki. He has been waiting for this guy to leave the border of the Land of Fire!

In fact, Natsu Yan now also has some guesses about this guy. He has not forgotten the wedge that he learned from Otsutsuki Ura Shiki many years ago.

He guessed and suspected that it was a strange technique with unknown characteristics that was set up to resurrect Otsutsuki.

Now that he sees this guy, Xia Yan seems to have more guesses and ideas.

This guy's body is in such bad condition, but the majestic chakra in his body is constantly circulating.

If it was helping him, that would be fine, but this chakra was now further damaging his body functions.

Such a situation that goes against common sense makes Xia Yan have to become suspicious. After all, only chakra that does not belong to him can cause such a result!

"If my idea is right, then this guy is the one being cast by wedge, and this kind of chakra does not belong to him, so it will naturally cause damage to him.

But the caster obviously didn't intend to let him die, otherwise he would have died long ago if his body was so broken.

However, if it was really Tsutsumi's technique that revived Otsutsuki, why is this guy's body like this?

His bloodline seems to have not changed at all, and the strength is also ridiculously low. What is going on? "

Xia Yan had been observing for so many days and naturally collected enough information. He really couldn't understand this guy's situation.

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that there were only two answers.

One is that the wedge is not as powerful as he imagined. After all, he does not have complete information about this technique, and many things can only be supplemented by his guesses.

Therefore, even if he guessed wrong, it would not be a strange thing.

The other one may seem a little outrageous, that is, there is something wrong with the wedge technique, or there is something wrong with the monk's body!

Every technique has the possibility of failure. After all, the success of the technique depends on many external conditions.

If the guy who was wedged was not up to standard from the beginning, or his body was not suitable for being wedged.

Then the probability and possibility of something going wrong with his body is very high. The reason why this guy didn't die was because the power in the wedge saved him.

Even if this power has been hurting his body, it is not impossible that this power is destroying him while repairing him.

In such a tragic cycle, this guy is extremely miserable, and can even be said to be a typical example of life worse than death.

"But if that's the case, during such a process of destruction and repair, this guy's body doesn't actually grow at all. How bad is this guy's talent?"

Xia Yan was also frightened by what he thought of. If it was really so bad, it would be natural for it to develop like this.

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan was too lazy to think about this guy's situation anymore, although collecting information was an inevitable thing for a ninja.

But now Xia Yan is more inclined to let this guy tell some information. After all, he has already decided to meet this guy for a while.

As an Otsutsuki in such a situation, Natsuhiko couldn't help but really doubt whether this guy was the guy who was defeated by Otsutsuki Kaguya!

"So understanding the actual situation clearly is definitely the most important thing."

Xia Yan muttered silently, and then he slowly stood up.

The blue in his eyes kept flashing, and the next moment a dark space crack suddenly appeared in front of him.

A shadow clone was randomly separated, and Xia Yan's body collapsed directly into the crack. The next second he appeared in a forest!

The guy dressed as a monk has left the border of the Kingdom of Fire, and he has entered the control of the Kingdom of River.

The River Country is the buffer country between Konoha and Sunagakure. Although Konoha also has some interests in it, Konoha has long focused on developing obedient small countries.

They haven't taken action in River Kingdom yet, so this place is not considered Konoha's sphere of influence. Natsuhiko has absolutely no psychological burden in taking action here!


What surprised Xia Yan was that he had just arrived at this place, and he was at least a few kilometers away from the monk.

But he had already felt an extremely terrifying aura locking on him. The chakra was so strong that it was suffocating. He had no doubt that the person locking him was the guy suspected of being Otsutsuki!

"So keen?"

Xia Yan was really surprised, but now that he was discovered, he didn't bother to hide.

The blue in his eyes flickered slightly, and then Xia Yan slowly walked towards the monk.

He would not use the power of space rashly. After all, he had already guessed that the guy was Otsutsuki.

Really compared to the ability to play with space, Xia Yan doesn't think he can outplay them.

Although this guy Otsutsuki Ura Shiki is a real talent, he relies on his Rinnegan and cooperates with Huangizumi Hirasaka, which makes Natsuhiko helpless to the extreme.

He didn't want to be attacked by a sneak attack just after he stepped out of the door of space. That would be terrible.

He didn't walk very fast, and it took him about five minutes to reach the monk.

At this time, the monk was standing next to a tree. He looked extremely calm and extremely arrogant. He quietly looked at Xia Yan walking towards him, and finally he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"It seems I was discovered, but I'm curious how you discovered me."

"Is it hard to find you?"

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then he slowly asked.

"You've come to my territory. It would be really weird if I didn't do something."

"You're still the same as before, Kaguya."

The monk's expression became even more cold and indifferent, and the chakra in his body surged crazily at this moment.

"No matter how you are now, never forget that you have always been my protector!


Having said this, the monk paused slightly, and then he showed a sarcastic smile.

"Sealed by his two sons, relying on chakra from unknown sources, he couldn't even recover his own body.

You dare to run in front of me like this, are you really not crazy..."


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