The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 340: You must be the one who dies!

Kaguya, was sealed by the guardian and her son?

As well as the indifferent attitude of this guy at this time, but the anger that could not be concealed at all, made Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He had actually been thinking from the beginning whether this guy might have some connection with Kaguya Otsutsuki, and now it seems that Natsuhiko has guessed it completely!

Not only that, the relationship between this guy and Otsutsuki Kaguya is so bad that it is beyond imagination.

Such a state looked like a deep hatred, which made Xia Yan even more convinced of his original guess.

He has been wondering if Otsutsuki Kaguya attacked someone, so he was afraid that those Otsutsuki would come to the ninja world to find her.

He did get some confirmation of this idea from Otsutsuki Hamura, but Otsutsuki Hamura was simply a Riddler, and he couldn't explain anything clearly.

Even though he said something, there was no preface and only afterwords. Xia Yan could only guess out of thin air.

But now he seems to be sure that his guess was not wrong, and the person who suffered Kaguya Otsutsuki at that time is now in front of him!

"But what happened?"

Xia Yan thought silently, knowing that the guy in front of him probably thought he was Kaguya Otsutsuki.

But he didn't bother to refute this kind of thing, because Xia Yan didn't think it was useful for him and this guy to explain these things.

After all, this guy's crazy state at this time has shown that he completely believes in his own judgment, and he may not even listen to what others say.

When you meet such a person and waste your time with him, you are simply having trouble with yourself.

Xia Yan was really curious about what happened to this guy, and he ended up looking like this.

After much thought, Xia Yan decided to test this guy. Although this guy looked like he was about to take action, he still had some time.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan raised his head slightly and looked arrogant.

Probably because he has played the role of Asakura so much, he is able to control such expressions easily.

He looked at the monk in front of him indifferently, and then spoke calmly.

"I was also curious about who came to my territory, but I didn't expect it to be an old acquaintance. It seems that your 'wedge' performance is very poor."

Natsuhiko was completely imitating the appearance of Kaguya Otsutsuki in his memory. Although he knew that he definitely didn't imitate it, it didn't matter to him.

Now that he already knows that this guy has a deep hatred for Otsutsuki Kaguya, he can use this to disgust people while getting the information he wants.

Sure enough, when Xia Yan said these words, the monk's face became even more ugly.

Such a change in expression made Xia Yan know that he had probably guessed it right, especially when this guy opened his mouth, Xia Yan was 100% sure of these things!

"Hmph, if it weren't for you, a damn traitor, how could I have ended up in this situation?"

The monk gritted his teeth and looked at Xia Yan, the anger in his eyes seemed to have been completely released.

"But luckily this guy passed by there in the first place, giving me at least a chance to catch him and implant the wedge, even though this ant's body is so bad that it's disappointing.

But at least I am still free, and you must have enjoyed your years in the seal! "

"You don't need to worry about this anymore."

Xia Yan also looked at this guy indifferently, as if he didn't take his words to heart at all.

In fact, Xia Yan really didn't think too much. This was the first time he discovered that this so-called Otsutsuki had some intersex attributes, but so what?

Xia Yan already got the information he wanted. No matter what this guy said, in his opinion, it was just fart.

Sure enough, this wedge was exactly what I thought, and the guy in front of me was also what I thought. There was something wrong not with his wedge, but with the person he chose!

As expected, Otsutsuki Kaguya did some very bad things, even things that were subversive, which led to the guy in front of him finding an unlucky guy before he died.

It's just that this unlucky guy's talent and level are so bad that not even Wedge can transform him.

The baby, a strange Otsutsuki, could only stay in this state, wandering around the world half-dead like a ghost.

He is probably waiting for a good enough body to appear, and then trying to resurrect him, right?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan had something in his mind, but he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

Because he knew that the Otsutsuki in front of him would never be the same as the guy before, so proud and arrogant that he gave Xia Yan a huge opportunity.

In the eyes of the guy in front of him, he should be Kaguya Otsutsuki's vessel. In short, he is an enemy of the same level.

In addition, he has a life-and-death hatred. Under such circumstances, the guy in front of him will only try his best and will not show any bullshit demeanor at all.

But this is what Xia Yan needs. In terms of essential strength, Xia Yan is definitely not Otsutsuki's opponent, but the problem is that the guy in front of him is in a bad situation.

This gave Xia Yan a chance. Of course, Xia Yan couldn't just believe this. After all, Otsutsuki was so weird. Who knew if there were any killer moves.

If this guy is forced into a hurry and is willing to pay some irreversible price to completely resurrect himself, then the situation of this battle will become even more unpredictable.

But so what?

Since Xia Yan knows that these will be his enemies in the future, encountering them sooner or later is basically the same concept.

Five years ago, Xia Yan had mastered the ability to injure Otsutsuki. Now, not only has his Jingyan reached the second stage, but he also has six Taoist Jade!

The seeking jade that was damaged due to the battle has also recovered, and Xia Yan now has more resources than he can imagine.

These resources are also capital that he can challenge, and even take the initiative to find some trouble for Otsutsuki!

What's more, Xia Yan also needs such a battle. He needs high-intensity battles to improve himself, especially when he has hardly made a move in five years.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's eyes began to become dangerous. At the same time, the chakra in his body began to boil, and a destructive aura began to spread in the forest.

"Oh, are you ready to take action?"

Seeing Xia Yan's actions, the monk man couldn't help but reveal a sinister smile, but there was also a sense of vigilance in this smile.

"Just in time, I wanted to see what you are capable of now, who could only do sneak attacks a thousand years ago!"

"You're nervous."

Xia Yan looked at the guy in front of him calmly and shook his head gently.

“Nervousness is fatal, and perhaps you already feel your end.

But I'm curious, what should I call you now. "

"You can call me Ci Xian now, but after that..."

The chakra in monk Ci Xian's body also burst out completely. For a moment, everything around them turned into flying sand and rocks. He clenched his fists and looked extremely silent.

"You may have a chance to call me by my name - Ichiki!"


Whether it was Ci Xian or Otsutsuki Ishiki, these names were extremely unfamiliar to Xia Yan.

But no matter how strange he is, it will not affect Xia Yan's will to fight. Thinking of this, Xia Yan takes the lead!

Although with their level of strength, it is definitely not a good choice to take the lead, but Xia Yan always puts himself in a lower position.

Although he believed that he could deal with these guys, he couldn't forget the essential gap between them even though he was confident that they were actually on the same dimension.

The blue in his eyes flashed crazily, and in an instant, the space around Xia Yan and Ci Xian changed.

Ci Xian's expression changed slightly, and the chakra on his body suddenly erupted. In Xia Yan's eyes, the weird tattoo on his body began to emit even greater chakra.

Along with the surge of chakra, a black stick suddenly appeared in his hand, and at the same time, those strange black lines appeared on his face.

"Chakra has become more powerful. This so-called wedge is the same as Orochimaru's curse seal. Does it still have various states?"

Xia Yan immediately saw the strangeness of Ci Xian's state at this time. As a ninja, he still needs to continue to collect information.

Without the collection and analysis of intelligence, it is impossible for a ninja to leapfrog and kill the enemy. This is no exception in the ninja world.

But at this moment, Ci Xian roared loudly, and rich blue chakra surged out of his body.

The space around him was also slightly distorted, and the blue chakra gathered in his hand. With a wave of the black stick in his hand, it attacked Xia Yan overwhelmingly.

"Oh, I actually broke free from the pressure of space."

Xia Yan tilted his head slightly in surprise, but there was no nervousness in his expression.

He raised his right hand, his index and middle fingers standing upright and together, and suddenly the majestic chakra rose into the sky.

Red eye shadow also quietly appeared on his face. It was obvious that he had entered the fairy mode now!


Along with the appearance of this suffocating chakra, a wooden wall suddenly appeared in front of Xia Yan the next moment.

These wooden walls, which were somewhat black in color, blocked the chakra that was attacking him, giving them no chance of touching Xia Yan!

"Hmph, do you think you can trap me with a simple use of space ability? You are really going back as you live. Did your sons seal you for too long and degrade you?"

Ci Xian snorted coldly, his tone seemed a bit disdainful, but when he sensed Xia Yan's chakra, he became more vigilant.

"The power of nature, I didn't expect you to have gained something over the years. It seems that the Ten-Tails has provided you with a lot of benefits.

Even if they are separated and very little power remains in your body, it still affects you and makes people gain its power. "

"Do you know that this natural power was given to me by the Ten-Tails, not something I obtained by myself?"

Xia Yan chuckled, and then his chakra momentum that exceeded his own limits soared into the sky, and he had no intention of stopping.

"Yin Yang Escape·The Great Fire is extinguished!"

The blue chakra contained Yin and Yang Escape, turning into violent flames and sweeping out, and the forest in the main movie kept heating up in this terrifying heat wave.

The scope of this flame was unimaginable, and the scorching flame instantly dyed the entire lush forest a fiery red.

Ci Xian's expression changed slightly. This flame contained both Yin-Yang Escape and Immortal Techniques, none of which he could bear.

Not only Ci Xian's body, even if Otsutsuki Ishiki himself came here, he would have to dodge such an attack!

But he is a powerful guy after all. Even when faced with such thorny and troublesome problems, he still remains calm enough.

The chakra in his body surged crazily, and the next moment, several black holes appeared around him.

With the help and distortion of these black holes, none of Xia Yan's flames touched this guy's body.

Also using space, this guy showed reactions and qualities that even Xia Yan was a little surprised about.

Moreover, this kind of space is almost equivalent to isolation. Even if Xia Yan wants to break through, it will be difficult.

Because Xia Yan believed that this guy would definitely take all precautions to prevent Xia Yan's surprise attack.

"However, I am not the same person as before. Although manipulating space will bring me trouble, it also brings me opportunities!"

Thinking mentally, Xia Yan stretched out his fingers the next moment, and the blue light in his fingertips was as brilliant as the smoothness in his eyes.

At this moment, the space began to become disordered and distorted, as if it was isolated from the world, making people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The blue light became brighter and brighter, and the disorderly space became solid at this moment.

After a few breaths, the brilliance in Xia Yan's hand was concentrated into a single point.

At this moment, the space around them seemed to have completely returned to calm, and only Xia Yan's fingertips seemed to have water waves flowing.

Ci Xian naturally felt that something was wrong, but he still remained relatively calm.

Even though the eyes of the guy in front of him are really weird, as a person with Otsutsuki's memory, he knows how malleable and evolvable Otsutsuki's Byakugan is.

He felt that this guy's eyes should be a mutation or evolution of Kaguya Otsutsuki's eyes.

He didn't know exactly what abilities such eyes had, but even if they had any abilities, Ci Xian still had enough confidence.

After all, there are more extreme methods that Otsutsuki can use, and once he uses such methods, he can truly be freed.

Xia Yan didn't know what Ci Xian was thinking. When his power gathered to the extreme, he took action decisively!

When encountering the power of space, the best way is to use the power of space to counterattack, and that's what Xia Yan is doing now.

"Pure Eye·Piercing Power Slash!"


Invisible power cut through the sky, and the blue chakra was compressed to the extreme.

As Xia Yan's fingertips moved, they stabbed towards Ci Xian like a blade!

This power submerged into the space, as if it had never existed, and everything was so peaceful.

However, when it came to the space defense arranged by Ci Xian, it was like a huge boulder smashing into the lake!

Endless ripples began to appear, and the black space cracks appeared again incredibly quickly.

As the cracks spread, the black mirror-like space wormhole began to fall off, and then returned to normal space.

All of this was so incredible, but it actually happened in front of both of them.

And as the wormholes continue to be damaged and the real space is constantly 'repaired', Ci Xian's expression becomes more and more serious.

When the power hidden in the space penetrated the defense and truly reached Ci Xian, his face became extremely distorted at this moment!

A hole appeared inexplicably in his chest, and black liquid continued to flow out of the hole.

The chakra in his body began to rush towards the hole quickly, but it was unable to repair the wound infected by space.

The traces of fragmentation continued to spread from the hole, and quickly spread towards his body with the hole as the center.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more critical, Ci Xian suddenly gritted his teeth. At this moment, a stronger chakra suddenly burst out of his body!


He roared, and then in his suffocating chakra explosion, his body was ejected backwards like a cannonball.

His body was extremely hard, and almost all the trees and boulders in his path were smashed into pieces.

Even a small mountain peak not far away could not withstand the impact of his body. In the violent roar, most of the small mountain mountain collapsed due to his impact!

Thick smoke was billowing, and Xia Yan stood there frowning and looking into the distance.

The chakra burst out from this guy just now really shocked him. Not only that, he also found that this guy's appearance had changed again.

"Did you grow a horn?"

Xia Yan silently thought to himself that Ci Xian had already transformed twice in front of him.

For the first time, he only had black marks all over his body, and his chakra was greatly improved.

Xia Yan can still easily deal with this state, just like his previous performance.

Even if he didn't use it with all his strength, his Pure Eye and Power-piercing Slash almost penetrated this guy's heart!

But now his chakra intensity has reached beyond Xia Yan who turned on the sage mode. Such an improvement Xia Yan can only describe as terrifying.

And along with the changes in his chakra intensity at this time, his own appearance also changed dramatically.

The most conspicuous manifestation is the appearance of a horn on his forehead, which already looks a bit like Otsutsuki.

The most important thing is that in Xia Yan's clear eyes, he seems to have been able to see a shadow lingering behind this guy!

That guy was so arrogant and cold, and that terrifying chakra was so suffocating and terrifying.

"Is that phantom the Otsutsuki Ishiki mentioned by Ci Xian? It's really chilling."

Xia Yan thought silently, and his eyes flickered slightly the next moment.

"But with such a powerful force, this guy's body will become more and more broken. If this continues, this guy will be dead!"

Xia Yan could naturally see how Ci Xian's body was now, and bluntly said that Ci Xian's body was completely broken at this time.

The reason is very simple, that is, Otsutsuki's strength is too strong, while Ci Xian's talent and physical fitness are too weak.

Just imagine, the volume of a reservoir can only hold so much water, but it is forced to store a water source as large as the sea.

It's pretty clear what his fate will be, and his fate will only be broken by this huge force!

Even though the chakra belonging to Otsutsuki Ishiki was saving his broken body at this time, such rescue could only be a drop in the bucket.

Unless the containment power continues to explode, this guy's fate will be destruction - even if the power doesn't explode, this guy may not be able to hold on over time.

Otsutsuki's power is unimaginable, and Xia Yan understands this very well, especially when he is also moving in the direction of Otsutsuki.

"If I force this carrier to death now, the fate of Otsutsuki Ishiki may not be easy."

Xia Yan was thinking silently, and his eyes were becoming more and more dangerous now.

Xia Yan didn't know if it was reliable to force Otsutsuki to death, but that didn't stop him from giving it a try.

This is a very valuable thing for him. After all, he can have a good understanding of how this so-called 'wedge' operates.

What's more, he originally planned to go all out in this battle, and forcing Otsutsuki into a desperate situation was also part of his battle.

If Xia Yan could really force this guy to death, although Xia Yan would be a little regretful, in the end this could be considered a safe battle.

"But we must be careful. I really don't believe that such an enemy would be forced into a desperate situation without any back-ups."

Xia Yan is still as cautious as ever. This kind of guy has never appeared in the original work, but this does not mean that this guy is really not there.

There is a high probability that he has not appeared in the Naruto world that Xia Yan has seen. He is very likely to appear in subsequent stories.

Even Natsuhiko has to think carefully about whether this guy who is from the same era as Kaguya Otsutsuki and who also bears huge hatred will be a super BOSS or something like that.

If such a person is not careful, he will definitely overturn himself. Such a person will definitely have enough back-up skills to deal with all kinds of troubles.

Xia Yan naturally had to be well prepared, but he absolutely believed in one thing.

That is, even if this Otsutsuki Ishiki really has a back-up plan to revive himself, he will definitely not live long!

After all, even if this guy wants to be resurrected, he will be resurrected using the current body of Ci Xian as a carrier.

And this body is already so damaged that to truly resurrect it can be said to be to completely annihilate it.

At that time, how much time can he continue to survive?

Even if it is not completely destroyed, the body of this lawn mower is equipped with a rocket engine. What will happen if it is ignited?

"So, as long as I handle it carefully enough, you will definitely be the one who dies in the end!"


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