The final gentleman

Chapter 102 Mutation

"Little Grape, you are on the left and I am on the right!"

Disperse the field of view and quickly scan the pathogenic core between the dog's body.

Just when doing a visual search,

Between the wounds on the dog's body that had been cut and torn open by the saw teeth, a white human arm actually stretched out, and then a picture of a young boy in pain, with sparse hair and covered in mucus popped up.

"Brother! I feel so much pain~I feel so uncomfortable! I want to come out, I want to get out of here."

Similarly, a skinny arm crawled out of the other half of the dog's body, while an old man's face squeezed out from between the organs.

"Young man... kill me quickly, please."


Such a scene failed to touch Yi Chen at all. He had seen countless such situations in his lifetime. Under the hypocritical mask, there were big mouths that wanted to eat you up.

Swinging the axe,

First cut off the body of the dog with the little boy growing out of it, and chop it multiple times until it causes [massive bleeding].

The laceration wounds cut on the surface of the dog's body are connected to each other as a whole, forming a super large blood-stained wound, and bleeding together.

Snapped! Like popping a balloon filled with red paint.

The massive bloodletting directly caused half of the dog's body to explode and spread out in the shape of red mist. The smallest unit of measurement turned into meat residue.

Unfortunately, due to bad luck, 50% of the bets were lost.

The core of the pathogen is hidden on the old man's side.

When he turned around, the other half of the dog's body had already merged with the old man crawling out of his half was the original hound, and the other half was the old man's body, supporting the ground together.

Such a human-like biological structure made Yi Chen feel extremely sick.

"It should be easy to find the "pathogen core" of ordinary patients. This dog must have been modified by the village chief and deliberately hidden.

No need to delay any longer, get rid of your illness quickly. "

Considering that Jin is dealing with a severely ill patient alone and is on someone else's home court... Even though there is no interference from any external factors at the moment, he is still worried.

Huh ~ take a deep breath

Yi Chen's center of gravity was lowered again, almost at the same level as Gouzi.

Support the ground with your left hand,

Holding the Moon of Massacre in his right hand,

The plant mask on the face has been completely stained red.

Even the "gentleman's skin" was affected by the thoughts of killing. Coupled with the blood mist that had just been stained, the gentleman's clothes showed a faint red halo.

Such a posture combined with the will to kill overflowing from the whole body actually caused the sick hound to take a step back due to biological instinct.

Sudden! boom!

A violent explosion occurred in a village street not far away. The dog could feel that his owner was being hurt, and the "protective mechanism" implanted in his brain was fully activated.

No longer afraid of the humans in front of me,

At the same time, an even more terrifying change occurred in the dog.


The human-like heads protruding from the dog's body opened their mouths and retched in pain.

From their wide-open mouths, muscle arms without skin coverage actually grew out, which were supported on the ground one after another as additional appendages.

The village chief's dog now looked more like a human-faced spider.

Multiple arms cooperate with the original limbs to rush forward together!

The speed that burst out at this moment was beyond imagination, and at the same time, the twist of the wrist was used to constantly change the forward position, making it difficult to capture.


When Yi Chen saw this scene, his expression was rather strange.

The crawling hound reminded him of his time sparring with Teacher Zed.

Zed often adopts the 'crawling' mode of action. According to him, crawling is closer to the roots of biology, allowing the body to be parallel to the earth, and is more conducive to physical feeling and inspection.

The teachings from Teacher Zed echoed in my mind at this moment:

“You don’t have to stop at superficial cuts, you must show off all your ‘inner beauty’! No matter what kind of physical structure, no matter how big or small, fat or thin, they must have the common characteristics of being flesh and blood creatures.

Turn killing into an appreciation of art and an exploration of the origin of the body... Cut open their bodies and enjoy them! 』

this moment,

Yi Chen instantly transformed into a primitive beast, entered the "paradise state", and rushed towards the hound.

Before the two are about to collide,

The hound opened its mouth again, and the appendages on its body also stretched forward, trying to grab Yi Chen's body so that the dog's head could bite him into pieces.

Faced with this situation, Yi Chen only made one action:

[Left arm extended forward]

Just one left hand was stretched out towards the bloody mouth of the hound, just when it was about to be bitten and chewed to pieces.


Steam overflowed from the top of Yi Chen's head, and the "book emblem" on the back of his head was completely lit up, activating the pathological characteristics related to [intelligence] to the greatest extent.

You can even clearly see the restless green roots under Yi Chen's skin.

In an instant,

Hundreds of root vines grow out of the left hand, building a huge plant palm based on the palm structure, larger than a hound's mouth and even larger than a dog's head.

Pinch the dog's mouth and force it shut!

Not only that, the left hand of the plant holding the dog's mouth continued to grow spiked roots, which penetrated the entire dog's mouth up and down, making it impossible to open it.

The dog whose mouth was sealed still wanted to break free.

The ax on the other side has been swung,

Cutting into the diseased and rotten flesh between the neck and cutting into the cervical vertebrae bones... Whoa! The entire dog's head and the arms that tried to stop him were cut off and thrown into the air.

The decapitated hound had not had time to twitch a few times,

Yi Chen's left hand, which he used to seal his mouth, had retracted to normal size. He reached into the hound's severed neck and dug into the body.


There was only a sound of objects being crushed, and the twitching stopped.

The cure is completed!

As Yi Chen pulled out his left hand from Gouzi's body, he held a slightly crushed canine head cyst between his gloves.

Such "disease core" must be stored, and it will definitely be sold at a good price when returned to Zion.

Yi Chen had no intention of resting and immediately raised his eyes to look at another combat area.

The roads and streets were filled with large and small explosion holes, and many accidentally injured livestock were blown out of shape.

The village chief's black trench coat had been blown up, and his diseased flesh was fully exposed.

Only then did Yi Chen finally see clearly that the linen bag carried on the village chief's right shoulder was not a foreign object at all, but a [black tumor] grown from the flesh.

Because it hangs behind the shoulder, it is large and open, making it look like you are carrying a linen bag.

During the battle, the village chief also tried to put Jin in many times, but was unable to capture Jin who had extreme speed.

The time is just right,

When Yi Chen looked over, it was the final moment of the battle.

The chainsaw had been completely destroyed by the village chief's brute force. The pig's head hung on a nearby house and the saw blades were scattered all over the ground.


Using the abdominal wound she had previously cut, Jin managed to insert her entire right arm into the village chief's body.

This was also Jin Cong's plan since the battle, and he was finally able to break through the village chief's steel-like body at this moment.

The right hand that was inserted into the village chief's abdomen was holding a "compressed meat cube".

Red lotus blossoms bloom on the surface of the diced meat.

"Ultimate Explosion"

Boom! Light instantly enveloped the two of them, and a terrifying mushroom cloud rose from the explosion point.

Wait until the smoke dissipates,

Jin's right hand was blown up along with the village chief's torso.

Uh-huh! Before the war, an "injection" made from imitation flesh was quickly inserted into the broken part of the right arm, and the arm began to regenerate slowly.

As the arm slowly recovers,

Jin walked briskly and came to the village chief whose torso had been blasted with a huge hole, and whose bones were shattered and unable to move.

Even the "disease core" hidden in the body of the village chief - a heart with a steel outer layer, the surface is covered with cracks, and streams of essence symbolizing the origin of life flow out of it, and it is dying.

"It's just so-so~ except that the body is very hard and strong, there is nothing special about it. It just so happens that I specialize in the body, and I can completely control my speed.

Let me think about it, what kind of weapon would be better for you?

Heavy hammer? It seems that it is not very convenient to carry.

Giant axe? It seems to overlap with William's weapons, which is not suitable.

Full coverage gloves? It seems to be a very good choice... If you have a little patience, you will soon become my exclusive weapon.

After we complete the investigation and return to Zion, we will proceed with processing and transformation. "

After saying that, Jin also blew a kiss to the village chief.

When she put her hands on the dying village chief's body and prepared to perform physical modification,

A strange feeling suddenly came over me,

Close to the village chief's abdomen, there was actually a completely different sense of vitality, a vitality that was very young, like a newborn baby.

The next second,

A weird umbilical cord suddenly came out and strangled his neck!

It’s not a golden neck,

Instead, he strangled the village chief's neck and hung his body, which weighed more than 400 kilograms, in the air in a "hanging posture."

"Kim! Watch out!"

Yi Chen's warning came immediately, but Jin was surprised and froze on the spot.

Maybe he was attracted by the strange sight in front of him,

Perhaps you heard some incredible whispers and were corroded on the spiritual level,

Maybe she had her own ideas and just wanted to take a closer look at what was going on.

The village chief who was supposed to be dead suddenly opened his eyes,

The swollen bag on his shoulder was suddenly pulled down, and Jin, who was standing still, was instantly put into it...

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