The final gentleman

Chapter 103 Death

Open source below,

Severely ill people, sick people, and primary infected bodies all have one characteristic - [weakness], that is, the pathogens that erode their bodies and minds cannot be completely combined.

You only need to break the core of the pathogen to complete the kill.

This is generally accepted and clearly stated in pathology classes without any exceptions.

Even if Mr. Li has a gentlemanly background and is seriously ill with the rare disease "Lunar Disease", he still cannot erase this weakness and can only hide it deeper.


Jin showed strength beyond the same level, reaching the limit of human beings, and even came up with 'tactics' that she rarely used.

At the cost of giving up the pig's head and his entire left arm, he gave the village chief a fatal blow.

The village chief's weakness - [Heart of Steel] shattered as the red lotus in his body exploded, and it was only a light touch away from being completely shattered.

As a result, the village chief lost all mobility and his breath became thin.

In fact, even Jin herself did not expect that her original purpose was to blow up the opponent directly... After all, facing such a powerful enemy, if she thought of holding back, she might be the one who died.

I didn't expect the village chief to be so tough.

He took advantage of the opportunity between life and death to "weaponize" the dying village chief.

The weapons produced in this way are naturally more active.

When Yi Chen saw this scene, he naturally slowed down and did not disturb Jin's 'fument arrangements'. Anyone looking at this situation would think that the battle was over.


The appearance of a new umbilical cord changes the situation instantly.

Little Putao was all excited and immediately reminded him: "What kind of strange thing is that? It doesn't look like the village chief's own property?" William, tell your friends to be careful, it feels completely different! 』

Yi Chen also immediately shouted to be careful and rushed towards Jin's position again.


Jin didn't know why, but he froze in place... The alienated village chief was directly put into the swollen bag, and his breath disappeared completely.


Yi Chen, who was three meters away, suddenly stopped.

Neurotransmitters between the brain begin to be secreted in large quantities and transmitted at an accelerated pace.

Crazy produces nerve substances related to emotions, and even some weird black spots slowly overflow deep in the cerebellar cortex, gradually occupying the entire brain.

Although I didn't get along with Jin for a long time, and he had a very weird personality, and there were many things that I didn't like about him.

But Yi Chen was willing to accept such a companion with serious flaws, perhaps because Yi Chen himself had similar 'flaws'.

The color of Yi Chen's eyes also dimmed, and there were even black speck-like substances appearing between the lenses, almost dyeing the entire eyeball black.


Yi Chen, who was standing still, suddenly turned his head 90° to the side and then quickly bounced back to the original position. The process made a crisp sound in the cervical vertebrae... There was even a feeling that the cervical vertebrae had been twisted.

Every joint in the body, including the finger joints, bounced and twitched.

It feels quite strange, and can even be described as weird.

However, the village chief, who was in a 'hanging posture', didn't care about Yi Chen's strange state. His toes slipped on the ground and he quickly approached in a strange floating state.

The village chief wanted to use this powerful new force to capture Yi Chen and show his power.

In this way, he may be able to receive additional gifts and even become a core member of the church.

When the village chief was about to approach,

Buzz! A black shadow flashed.

The village chief couldn't even see clearly what was going on, and just instinctively dodged back.


At a speed invisible to the naked eye, Yi Chen cut horizontally across the village chief's body, which had just grown new flesh. Only a layer of flesh and skin remained, and he almost cut it into two pieces.


The village chief, Caldi, smelled a real sense of death at this moment, which even overwhelmed the breath of new life he had just received. He was so frightened that he retreated continuously and lost his will to fight.

Just when Yi Chen was about to pursue,

The little grape that existed in his body suddenly felt something,

It wasn't that he felt what was happening to Yi Chen, but that he felt a "peeping feeling" approaching quickly from behind... exactly the same as the peeping feeling that came from the forest before.

A third party who has been secretly observing them intervenes!

Little Grape wanted to warn,

But after quickly reviewing the situation in front of it, it chose to bury itself inside Yi Chen's body, shrinking into a finger-sized black ball of flesh, which stuck to the surface of a certain flesh wall and entered a "sleep state", and its breath disappeared.

outside world,

Yi Chen just took a step in the direction of the village chief's escape... Whoops!

An arm covered in black robes penetrated from the back, and then passed out from the left chest... In the palm of the hand, a beating heart covered with green roots was firmly grasped.

Pull back your arms and pull out your heart along with it.

Snapped! Yi Chen's eyes darkened and he fell to the ground, blood flowing out along the opening of his chest.

The person who came was none other than Theodore, the assistant bishop. The reason why he intervened in advance was because the result had been obtained.

Jin's performance was too good;

Whether it is absolute control over the body,

Or an innate fighting talent,

And the state of reaching the "limit of man" is enough to make Jin the final sacrifice of the birth ceremony. Since the village chief has successfully pocketed the target, there is no need to continue testing.

As for Yi Chen,

Theodore examined the heart covered with plant stripes in his hand with a look of disdain.

"The flesh mixed with plant impurities will only taint the birth ceremony... However, since the flesh is related to plants, the nutrient concentration is very high, which will help speed up the construction of our holy land.

Let his body be processed and used for the expansion of the high wall. "

"Yes..." The village chief nodded in response.

The hanging village chief slowly fell to the ground, and the umbilical cord was retracted into his body.

The village chief, who had become the same as before, looked extremely weak and swayed a little when he walked.

But the injuries on his body have been filled and repaired with 'young' flesh and blood, and the gaps in the steel heart are also covered with newly grown flesh and blood... This is the external force from the umbilical cord.

The village chief pulled hard, and wow! The swollen bag on his right shoulder was torn off by the roots and handed into Theodore's hands.


The village chief lifted up Yi Chen who was stabbed in the chest with one hand, put away his ax and suitcase at the same time, and headed towards the [Meat Factory] between villages.

In the silent, waveless black sea,

A young man was floating on the sea without any vehicle.

The most fundamental "thinking" cannot be formed in this sea area, and all brain functions cannot be used. It can only rely on instinct and listen to the call from afar.

From time to time, ships of different sizes will pass by him.

Or throw down the hemp rope,

Or sprinkle it on fishing nets,

Or throw out driftwood,

But the young man instinctively resisted boarding the ship and drifted alone like this.

Until a badly damaged wooden boat approached, and a rotten arm with white bones stretched out in front of him.

The young man took the initiative to grab this arm,

When he boarded the canoe, the rotting 'rescuer' in front of him was himself...or maybe he had always been a young man, and he just climbed into the canoe, his own black canoe.


The lighthouse beam immediately fell towards the ship, and the young man's body quickly evaporated under the light.

In the end, only a white bone frame and brain tissue wrapped in the skull, stained black by sea water, were left.

The beam penetrates further into the skull,

The black matter between the brains is gradually dispersed,

Silent thoughts were reopened,

The sea no longer exists,

The picture in front of me began to return to reality.


There was a sound of iron chains colliding in my ears. To be precise, the sound came from above, and was accompanied by a tingling sensation at the base of my calf.

eyes open,

What came into view was a large number of deformed corpses hanging upside down, mostly humanoids and animals... and Yi Chen himself was one of them.

His clothes were stripped off, and the base of his calf was pierced by an iron hook and hung upside down.

The light of candles burning in different corners lights up this meat processing room.

A pig-headed butcher is quickly processing the carcasses here.

Take the corpse, put it on the table, cut it into pieces, pour out the ingredients,

It takes no more than five seconds to process a corpse, and muscle memory has been formed... After five more corpses, Yi Chen will be on the table.

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