The final gentleman

Chapter 26 Assessment and Review

【Shenpi Mansion】

One of the most iconic and important buildings of the G\u0026D organization.

It is the origin of the organization, and it is also the key to the organization's development to this day and the cultivation of outstanding gentlemen.

All newcomers who pass the external assessment and come to Zion will come here and be awarded a [skin] corresponding to their assessment level - a necessary item to become a 'gentleman'.

The gate of the mansion is a typical Gothic gate.

It is composed of multiple layers of arches and pilasters, and is recessed layer by layer to create a sense of depth and traction, thereby emphasizing the [entrance].

The size of the gate is even more exaggerated.

Reaching a full 10 meters in height, this huge design seems to be welcoming not a human being at all, but a certain god.


The gloomy and heavy iron door opened inwards.

The door was opened by two clergymen who were resident in the official residence.

They wore special coats that fit the style of the official residence, such as robes and coats made by sewing some kind of depilated animal skin.

These skin patches are all pentagonal in shape.

There are obvious stitching marks at the edges.

Similar "stitches" can also be found on their bodies, such as lips, eyelids, necks, and even parts covered by clothing...

It's as if the skins of these clergymen are also stitched together.

Stepping into the official residence,

A huge staircase covered with flesh-colored carpets comes into view.

The stairs gradually become wider and can carry visiting guests to the left and right corridors on the second floor.

There are six portraits hanging on both sides of the hall, corresponding to the former owners of the mansion.

They all have a common title [First Gentleman].

Only they are qualified to rule this official residence.

Yi Chen and others did not step onto the stairs, but were led to the side room on the first floor.

More like a conference room,

A long marble table occupies half of the area.

The gentleman examiner responsible for supervising the assessment in Green Lake Town is sitting on the inside of the stone table.

The assessors were asked to line up neatly, giving them the feeling of being interviewed.

Yi Chen, who was walking at the end, noticed,

The white-haired examiner sitting in seat C has a white-feathered owl standing on his shoulder... the same one that saved him in the lake.

“I am the main person in charge of this assessment, [George Chamberson].

I am very pleased that seventeen people passed the difficult Green Lake Town assessment, and some of them even performed elegant behaviors that exceeded our expectations during the assessment.

Next, your overall performance during the assessment period will be scored.

Full score [100],

With a score of 40 or above, you can obtain Zion residency qualifications.

If you score 60 points or more, you can get an ordinary "Gentleman's Skin".

If you score 80 points or above, you will get a "gentleman's skin" that still retains the atmosphere of the old world.

If the score reaches 95 points or above, you will have the opportunity to meet the contemporary [First Gentleman], who will personally judge and give you a skin. "

Some of the gentlemen present who knew the assessment standards in advance did not consider the last sentence at all.

The organization's grading is extremely strict;

Especially this year's examiner is an old man known as "White Owl". If he can reach 80 points, he is already very good, and he will also receive high-quality treatment in Zion in the future.

Following the order of entry, the examiner began to comment on each examinee.

Yi Chen naturally fell in last place.

Because the assessment in Green Lake Town is relatively difficult, most people get passing marks or above.

Those that reached 80 points include:

The three members of Edmund's team,

A swordsman with multiple bandages on his body,

And a young man with a very low sense of presence, but who didn't know when he changed into a colorful suit and a colorful mask.

A box of simple stone boxes with the G\u0026D logo were given to them.

Edmund couldn't hide his joy and kept bumping his two companions with his shoulders.


It was Yi Chen's turn to be the last one to enter.

The blond Edmund also restrained his joy, suppressed his excitement, and concentrated on the examiners' next evaluation and scoring.

this time,

The examiner Chamberson personally spoke:

"Provisional assessor from Easton Cemetery - William Behrens.

Your final score in this assessment is [96]. "

As soon as these words came out,

There was silence,

All the assessors, including Edmund, widened their eyes, and the guy in the colorful suit and mask also turned his head and looked at it with some interest.

Many of them come from families, training bases, or some small and medium-sized organizations directly under G\u0026D.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to get a score of 95 and meet the "First Gentleman", and it is almost impossible to happen.

For several years, no one has been able to touch this mark.

Teacher Chamberson continued:

“Since the score exceeds the first gear, I will briefly explain why.

When William first entered the town, he chose an investigation route that was completely different from yours.

Take the initiative to contact a [patient] who has completed the 'early stage of illness',

Living alone in a very dangerous hotel,

In order to find the real root cause behind the town, after making correct and astute judgments,

Choose to assist this patient with a certain level of consciousness, establish a temporary relationship of interest, and obtain their assistance and information.

In the end, he risked his own death and went to the depths of the lake to eliminate the [source]. "


Chamberson's brief introduction to his experience shocked the examiners even more.

They all know very well,

It is almost impossible for individuals who have not accepted the "gentleman's skin" to officially become a gentleman to eradicate regional disease. As long as he could survive in Green Lake Town, it would be good to find out some key information and hand it over to the organization.

This young man actually went deep into a completely unknown lake alone to kill the deepest source.

96 points,


"Elegant and compassionate, brave and spiritual... Zion has not welcomed such a young man for a long time. I believe that the "First Gentleman" is also looking forward to meeting you. "

When listening to Chamberson’s evaluation,

Even Yi Chen himself was quite surprised.

Because he was not sure whether his behavior of assisting patients would be regarded as "wrong conduct" by the organization.

Now it seems that the organization itself is not rigid, and contact with patients under appropriate circumstances to obtain better results is a manifestation of 'spirituality'.

"The evaluation period has ended. The candidates who have obtained the "Gentleman's Skin" go to the temple area to prepare for the 'acceptance ceremony'. "

When everyone left the scene one after another,

Edmund patted Yi Chen's shoulder lightly, "William, please take care of us more in the future... I hope you can leave a good impression on the First Gentleman."


After everyone leaves the venue,

Bai Xiao Chamberson waved to Yi Chen,

"I will personally take you to [the depths of the official residence], where the first gentleman is.

Don't act rude and subjective on the way there, just follow me.

If you feel any discomfort on your skin, try to tolerate it as much as possible. "

This last sentence made Yi Chen a little alert,

Moreover, as the "First Gentleman", that is, the owner of the Shenpi Mansion, he is actually located deep in the mansion... There must be ulterior secrets here.


Chamberson turned the sconce on the side wall.

A long and narrow secret passage that only allows personal passage is displayed.

"Follow me... don't try to memorize the route inside. The route to [the depths of the mansion] is one-time, one-way, and requires the permission of the First Gentleman."


Walking through the cracks in the walls of the official residence, I walked for more than ten minutes under the light of kerosene lamps.

The narrow secret passage in the wall turned into a spiral downward eerie staircase.

The moment Yi Chen stepped onto the stairs,

A strange whisper sounded in my ears,

Although I didn’t understand the meaning, it caused layers of itching on the skin all over my body, which slowly evolved into a feeling of peeling off...

It's as if the skin has been endowed with self-awareness and wants to become independent from the body.

"Hello! 』

A sudden reminder from Little Putao's consciousness brought him back to reality, and the whisper was eliminated.

"Just now……"

"The ancient existence hidden in this official residence is trying to [skin] you. Be careful~ don't let your spirit have any gaps. I will also help you." 』

"good. 』

Yi Chen could feel that Xiao Tao was in an unprecedented serious state at this time.

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