The final gentleman

Chapter 27 The First Gentleman

When Yi Chen was affected by the 'peeling' from deep within the mansion, Chamberson deliberately stopped and waited, but did not provide any assistance.

A few minutes passed,

When Yi Chen recovered, he commented softly.

"It would be better if I could rely on my own will to resist [Whisper of God Skin] next time.

Next, we still need to walk for half an hour,

Before meeting the first gentleman,

I have some personal questions for you. "


"What else did you experience during the process of eradicating the "Monitors" at the bottom of the lake? Did you see a special scene far beyond the assessment area? "

Yi Chen had no intention of hiding anything.

He described in detail his experience of being mentally invaded by the giant eye and having his consciousness packed up and sent to the abyss laboratory.

Especially the epic music that echoes in my mind,

The back and clothing that symbolize the final state of the fish,

And the golden frame floating above your head,

Just when Yi Chen was about to say the ancient name on the frame,


Chamberson, who was walking in front, turned around very quickly and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Don't call out such ancient and originary names.

Not only will you be affected by serious and fundamental diseases,

It may even reveal the specific location of Zion and Shenpi’s official residence.

Since you have not yet fully joined the organization and it is your first offense, this matter will not be pursued.

Those who can survive such a situation are indeed qualified to meet the [First Gentleman]. "

"Mr. Chamberson, what are the individual fishes in the abyss?"

"Ancient existences related to [Origin]...are far beyond your reach. Even I only know the tip of the iceberg.

As for more information, wait until you reach a sufficient height to find it on your own.

Don't go too far.

Tell me about your time at Seven Days Cemetery. "


When he learned that Yi Chen was just an external employee who was born as an ordinary person without any training,

Chamberson was also quite surprised.

An ordinary person, who was just an ordinary person, actually killed a [preliminary patient] with only enhanced senses... Such cases are almost rare in all areas under the jurisdiction of the organization.

Not to mention, Yi Chen still accepted the "disease characteristics" afterwards.

"No wonder Albert would take the initiative to recommend you~ I believe [The First Gentleman] will also be very pleased to have such special fresh blood like you join the organization."

In the chat room,

The two of them had descended a hundred meters along the spiral staircase.

Chamberson took out his unique high-level seal and unlocked the iron gate at the bottom of the ladder.


Since I had been walking in small spaces such as wall gaps and spiral staircases, my brain felt claustrophobic.

As the iron gate opens,

The sense of space is magnified dozens of times, and warm candlelight is welcomed, sweeping away the sense of claustrophobia.


Yi Chen did not feel any relaxed, and even became more depressed and uneasy.

The so-called [deep in the official residence]

It is actually a medieval church buried deep underground.

The atrium is high, the side aisles on both sides are low, and long rows of columns lead visitors to the altar.

It's just that this church built underground does not have any window structure.

It seems that he has no intention of accepting the divine light descending from heaven,

I also don’t intend to have any form of communication with ‘above’,

Instead of windows, there are square niches cut out in the walls, with candles placed inside.

Create light artificially,

Show some belief and determination of the organization.

Next, comes the most bizarre 'design' and 'individual' that makes Yi Chen extremely uneasy

【Above the altar】

Hanging is a 'human being' whose life and death are unknown,

The reason why it is marked with quotation marks is that although his physical structure and proportions are the same as those of humans, he is nearly six meters tall.

A middle-aged face appears among the messy white hair.

Responsible for covering the body is an old, ripped, slightly patched black suit,

≮Additional organizations≯

There are also '6' extra foreign tissues stitched on his body, only 4 of which are visible externally.

1. An old arm installed on the right shoulder blade,

2. A sea-blue eye embedded in the back of the head,

3. An ear that fits on the back of your right hand,

4. A spinal column covered with epidermis, connected to the lumbar vertebrae, and extending out like a tail,

The following are not visible:

5. A piece of white skin with weird tattoos stitched to the chest,

6. A human-shaped heart is completely implanted in the right side of the chest and functions normally.

The above six external organizations are all taken from the predecessor [First Gentleman], carrying the characteristics and will of their predecessors.

≮Suspension method≯

Chains from the top of the church,

wrapped around his limbs,

Nailed into the skin of his back,

Penetrating the back of his neck laterally,

The whole figure hangs above the altar in the shape of a cross.

The iron chains touching his body seemed to be given some kind of activity. The cold steel became warm, and flesh-colored skin even grew on the surface.

This is the contemporary [First Gentleman], the seventh owner of the Shenpi Mansion - Alexis King Claude.

"This is the first gentleman..."

When seeing this scene,

Yi Chen became confused and even nervous about the award he was about to receive.

When he followed Bai Xiao to the steps in front of the altar,

The first gentleman's eyes slowly opened,

for a time,

The skin all over Yi Chen's body began to squirm.

"Since the jury has given you a very high evaluation, then take the final step and accept my skin."


Only then did Yi Chen understand,

The highest grade "Gentleman's Skin" among the assessment rewards was actually taken directly from the owner of the Shenpi Mansion.

Although I don’t know the purpose of [skin],

But it will definitely be of great help to your subsequent development.

Huh... take a deep breath

Yi Chen didn't hesitate too much,

Try to ensure the standard of gait and elegance of behavior,

Just as he stepped onto the steps,

Bang bang bang bang~iron chain activity

This was the hanging first gentleman. Claude settled on the altar, bent down and stared at the short young man in front of him,

"Get in touch with me."

Stretch out your hands at the same time,

Palms touching,

At this moment,

Yi Chen could no longer control the 'sexual changes' of his skin, which became completely uncontrollable and flowed like liquid.


There is also an indescribable skin that flows toward itself like liquid.

It's like a "skin swap".

This feeling of liquid flowing,

It reminded him of a memory that should have been deleted, a black sea full of ink, and the flow of the waves would sweep away some of the things in his body.


During the process of "transferring skin", First Gentleman Claude actually felt a death pull from Yi Chen's body... and even slowly formed a small black vortex to actively absorb his skin.


The old arm attached to Claude's back suddenly swung out! Forcibly interrupt the contact between the two.


Yi Chen, who was immersed in a state of acceptance, had no idea what was happening in the outside world.

When he opens his eyes again,

I already have an extra piece of "Gentleman's Leather" in size 10cm x 10cm.

He could clearly feel that this skin was alive.

at the same moment,

Standing under the steps, White Owl Chamberson also showed a rare expression of surprise.

"Such a big one?" 』

He had seen some extremely outstanding newcomers before who could meet the First Gentleman, but he had never seen anyone get such a big piece of skin.

Bang bang bang bang ~ the chain moves,

The First Gentleman returns to suspension.

At the same time, a black box appeared on top of the altar.

"Put away your [skin] and go through the acceptance ceremony... I'm also very curious about what kind of gentleman you will be identified as."


Yi Chen quickly approached the altar, put the leather in his hand into the box, and held it in his arms.

Before leaving,

The first gentleman also added a special sentence, and this sentence was more for Bai Xiao to hear.

"Through the skin-to-skin contact just now, I found that your physique is very ordinary, and you have not experienced any basic are more like an "outsider".

Chamberson, this young man needs to keep up with the follow-up basic training and needs to spend twice as much time as others.

If necessary, you can apply to the hospital for long-term retreat study.

Anyway, I leave this matter to you.

Talents must be cultivated well, and we don’t have much time. "


The words ended.

On the First Gentleman's chest, the white skin attached to it reflects an incomprehensible ancient pattern.

[Space squeeze]

In a blink of an eye,

Yi Chen and Chamberson have returned to the side hall for assessment and review.

It was as if the meeting with the [First Gentleman] just happened in a dream,

Feel the black box in your hands and the gentleman's skin full of vitality inside,

The excitement, joy and satisfaction of harvesting the top trophies surged wildly,

"Going to the bottom of the indeed the right choice."

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