The final gentleman

Chapter 409 Overturning the table

Between the arena,

When the two trainee knights who had been awarded "Turn Armor" entered the arena, the audience fell into silence for a while, and then burst into warm cheers.

There are many regulars among them, but this is the first time they have seen the Tumor Knights participating in such an underground competition. Although only trainee knights entered the venue, it was shocking enough, and the ticket price this time was completely worth it.

As for the nobles sitting in the 'hanging basket private room', they were not happy at all.

Although they prepared carefully, spent a lot of money and connections to buy powerful slaves, and even had well-known strong men disguised as slaves among them, there was still a big gap compared to those who had been recognized by the Knights.

However, they did not leave the scene,

After complaining for a while, they still watched the game with relish. The bet was nothing to them. The only thing they cared about was the issue of face.

But if the Cancer Knight kills all the contestants, everyone will be equal.

Many people have put down their bets and fully appreciate this special battle as spectators.


With the appearance of the two trainee knights, some contestants who were trapped in hunger were temporarily awakened by biological instincts. After all, the body's fear of death is greater than hunger.

However, there is no fear in their eyes. The contestants who can stand here are either strong men selected by the nobles, or special individuals invited by the organizer. They have all completed the open source and the root cause of the disease has been firmly established.

They themselves also want to see what the level of cancer patients who can be selected as Cancer Knights is, and whether their own level is qualified.


Since the trainee knights appear here, there must be formal members of the knights sitting on the viewing platform.

If you can win the final victory, you will definitely gain the favor of the Knights.

Although he is unable to join the Knights due to his 'back tumor', he will definitely be able to obtain other important positions.

Thinking of this, the contestants all became excited, and their eyes were fixed on the two trainee knights - Figuere and Marcelino.

Marcelino, who was carrying a chainsaw on his back, felt a pair of hostile eyes.

"Oh? How come these guys suddenly become more motivated? Do they want to use us as a stepping stone... Figuere, if these guys attack together later, it may be difficult."

Figuere, who was carrying four scythes, twisted his neck slightly and replied softly: "Find a good rhythm and deal with it seriously."

"Well, let's start quickly~ My dog ​​is very hungry."

Marcelino stretched out his hand to caress the biological chainsaw on his back. If you don't look at the saw chain, the biological engine really looks like two flesh and blood hounds without skin.

At this time,

A host with no facial features connected to his back by a hook hangs from the venue.

"Death or appearance is considered an out.

The team that survives at the end will be the winner, win the jackpot of this year’s ‘Hunger and Struggle’ Cave Exhibition, and share 5% of the profits from this gambling game.

There are no personal restrictions, just show your true self and prey on others in a state of absolute hunger!

Now, the game begins~"

The words just fell.


A sharp ax made of flesh and blood spun and flew directly into the host's skull.

Immediately afterwards, a cancer patient with a bulging back and arms full of abscesses flew directly in and took one bite... The host's upper body and the ax stuck in his head were all swallowed into his abdomen.

The ax that was eaten quickly grew out of his back and was held in his hand again.

The host was completely eaten in just two bites, and the 'extreme hunger' in his body was temporarily filled. He looked sideways at the knight not far away, his murderous intent rising sharply.

His swollen and pus-filled arms clenched the ax handle,

Lean back and bend over, step forward and throw... Buzz!

The power of the thrown ax was several times stronger than the one that killed the host just now, and the ground it flew along was cracked.

Just when he was about to hit,

Chainsaw. Marcelino took the initiative to take a step forward without using a weapon or even his hands. He just made a biting motion forward.


The giant ax containing huge power was firmly bitten in the mouth, and the body just took a step back.

Click, click, click. The teeth in his mouth rotated like a chainsaw for chewing. Marcelino directly ate the giant ax as food, and even tasted the 'information' of the food in his mouth.

"Oh~ The epidemic level has reached the third stage, and every cancer cell is also very important! Well, it's very good~ Let this person be an appetizer."

Marcelino held his spiky head, ignored the surrounding contestants who were eyeing him, and walked straight towards the ax-throwing opponent.

When he was halfway there, two people suddenly rushed out.

Just listen to the sound of barking dogs and the sound of electric saws starting.

One of them's open source framework and his body were sawed into minced meat, and none of the minced meat fell to the ground. They were all turned into chainsaw fuel and devoured.

Although the other man escaped by chance, only half of his body was left. He was too hungry to regenerate, and was eaten by other hungry contestants before he could say a word.

At this time,

The electric saw originally hung on Marcelino's back has been carried in his left and right hands, or it should be more appropriately held with a 'pinch grip' in his hand.

He is more like a dog's tail holding a chainsaw. The design of this dog's tail is very clever.

It can be hard or soft, long or short,

When in the hard and short state, it resembles a sword hilt and can perform saw-tooth slashes at close range.

When it is soft and long, it can be wielded like a whip and cut in unpredictable ways.

A broken tongue that was often bitten by itself was spit out from between the saw-tooth mask. Marcelino said excitedly: "Come on~ I can smell the restlessness in your hearts, come and take off my head." , go and win the attention of Cancer Palace."

This man's words aroused everyone's emotions, and a melee broke out instantly.

On the other side, Jin was about to rush into the melee area to have a feast, but Yi Chen held his shoulders and dragged him back.

"Kim, wait a minute."

"Why wait~ If those two people are allowed to take in enough nutrients and reach a state of complete satiety, it will be even more difficult for us to win."

"Now you rush in and grab food with them. Not to mention whether you can grab it, even if you can grab a lot of food, how much can you eat? With so many contestants, even if they are divided equally, at least ten people can eat it. Eat and drink enough.

If you don't want them to be full, you have to find other means... Are the bombs enough? "

“Where there’s meat, there’s bombs.”

"Help me clean up this 'dinner party' later and bring a special fireworks show to the audience."

"What should you do?"

"It's very simple..." Yi Chen told Jin a simple plan while burying the suitcase in the ground, and then stood up and walked toward the melee crowd.

Unarmed, showing no intent to kill, small in stature (compared to other contestants), and having a human appearance.

When Yi Chen approached the melee area with this 'weak' image, he immediately attracted several hungry eyes, treating him as a special dessert.

In a state of extreme hunger, many cancer abilities cannot be used, and most of them will pounce on food like primitive beasts.

Faced with cancer patients attacking from both sides,

However, Yi Chen only grew eyes from the back of his head to observe them all over.

The movement of each piece of flesh is completely captured by the eyes, and is simultaneously sent to the epileptic brain for detailed processing, to predict the next actions, and even a burst of thoughtful reminders are sent from the epileptic brain.

≮It is detected that the target's thinking is disordered due to hunger, and the possibility of mind implantation will reach more than 90%. Do you want to educate it? ≯


Yi Chen is just an outsider. If he is accidentally exposed while teaching in the cancer palace, he will definitely be killed.

Move sideways,

While dodging the attack at an almost perfect angle, Yi Chen also reached out and grabbed the arms of the two of them, using his strength.

Using the techniques inherited from Teacher Zed, he threw the two people easily.

The direction of the throw happened to correspond to the position of gold.

Jin Ze made a charged-up slap movement.

Put the palm with the red lotus printed on it and breathe hard on the backs of the two of them!

Red Lotus detonates and controls the explosion in a directional manner. It will not cause too much physical damage and is more used for propulsion.


As a burst of red smoke rose, the two cancer patients flew directly out of the field and landed far away from the viewing platform.

A player who leaves the field will be eliminated immediately and will be disqualified from the competition.

Before these two people could fully react, there was another explosion in the arena, and another person flew out of the arena and even smashed the head of an audience member.

Continuous explosions resounded in the field, and there was more and more dust.

Located in the center of the melee area,

Marcelino, who was wielding a chainsaw crazily, was "eating happily" when he suddenly found that the ingredients in front of him were rapidly decreasing, and had even been completely emptied.

It was as if someone had suddenly lifted the table of delicious food that had just been placed on the table.

"what happened?"

He temporarily put down the chainsaw and looked at the craters and large amounts of dust caused by various explosions around him with a puzzled expression.

Soon he found a woman wearing a colorful mask, who even raised her arms to say hello.

Next to the woman squatted a young man dressed strangely, who seemed to be digging the earth to dig out the suitcase he had buried in the ground.

"Huh? How on earth did you do it?"

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