The final gentleman

Chapter 410 Conflict

The three tumor knights who came to the scene in person were not disgusted with such an underground area, but actually liked it very much.

Because the three of them were born at the bottom, they supported each other and climbed to their current position step by step.

During their climb, they had also used underground competitions like this as a springboard to win money, honors, and attention. If it hadn't been for the championship title awarded by the arena, they might have had to make detours for decades more.

One of them has won the championship five times in a row, and has become a good friend with the owner here. Even now, he occasionally makes appointments to taste some 'good things' together.

At a dinner party some time ago, the boss sent out an invitation to a fight on a whim. Memories of the past came to mind. Since he was unable to participate, he informed the 'recruit camp' of the news, and immediately received a large number of responses.

In order to ensure that this kind of underground competition will not overturn and the face of the Knights will not be lost,

The three of them also carefully selected among the new recruits who responded, selecting the two most suitable and capable people to form a team.

[Tear and Chew-Marcellino], ranking NO.9 in the recruit camp directly under the Knights of the Tumor.

[Blood Mantis-Figuere], ranking NO. 6 of the recruit camp directly under the Knights of the Tumor

Their level has gone far beyond this underground game, not even the expensive slaves borrowed by the nobles, or some former champions disguised as slaves.

However, the tumor knight who brought them here also warned them in advance that they should release their temper appropriately during the competition, and if possible, extend the fighting time and add a certain performance quality.

But tonight's game was a little different.

The situation in the arena exceeded their expectations. Within a few minutes, only 4 of the original 64 contestants were left.

Among them, only six contestants were killed by trainee knights, and four were killed by cannibalism.

The remaining fifty people all passively 'left', and the way they left was quite aesthetic.

One of the tumor knights said: "Who are those two people? Especially the young man in strange clothes. He seems to have the ability to "predict". All attacks directed at him can be evaded in advance, and with the help of evasive The gap gives an almost perfect counterattack.

And his purpose is very clear. All his counterattacks are "throws", and he takes advantage of the opponent's completely hungry state of feeding, and uses the opponent's speed and weight to easily throw it out.

He was at ease... and he had no desire to eat at all, and seemed not to be affected by hunger at all. "

The other bald knight shook his head, "No~ I don't think it's "precognition". It should be an extreme use of the body. Every movement of his body seems to be controlled by a separate brain, with precision and perfection." There is no unnecessary consumption, and through this control of the body, it seems to be able to control the flow of the opponent's power.

The overall feeling is like water.

Call the person in charge to come over and ask where these two people are. "

Soon, a plump and fat boss with devil horns on his forehead arrived in person.

"They are the 'slaves' brought by Lady Olena."

"Olena, is it her? No wonder it's so difficult, and these two don't look like slaves, do they?"

The boss did not hide anything and gave the information directly, "I have sent people to check and it is indeed not a slave. But even I don't have complete information.

I only found the woman wearing a mask here. She should be Ms. Olena's disciple, named Kim Almeida.

He was one of the last people awarded the "Swelling Note". He was not born in the Cancer Palace, but came from the infected outside world. "

"A person from outside was actually awarded the Epidemic Certificate. I think I heard someone say before that the Lord seemed to be present in person... Where is the other young man?"

"This is not very clear. I used all my contacts to check, but I only found out that this person just arrived at the Cancer Palace today and easily passed the baptism and was taken away by Ms. Olena's name.

We guess that this young man and Miss Jin should come from the same organization in the outside world.

In addition, according to the testing of the baptism device, the epidemic status of both of them is still at the "third level" and has not yet reached the final stage. "

"Can human beings from outside achieve this level with just the third level of open source... It's really interesting. Let's take a serious look at what these guys from outside are really capable of?

It is impossible to throw Marcelino and Figuere off the court. If you want to win, you must defeat them head-on. "

The tumor knights who came to watch the game with an attitude of reminiscing also became serious one by one. They no longer sat on the sofa, but all stood up and stood upright at the window of the private room, carefully watching the upcoming fight.

on the field,

Marcelino, who was holding the chain saw dog by the tail with both hands, was very surprised. Although he saw the difference between the two of them in advance, he did not expect that it would turn into this situation.

"Hey! Are you two spending so much effort to clear the place just to prevent us from having enough to eat?"

"That's right, I just want to interrupt your eating." Yi Chen responded after digging out the suitcase and patting the dust on it.

Marcelino, who controlled the living chainsaw, continued to ask: "Have you never thought that if you unite these guys to attack us, the winning rate will be greater?"

"No...this unorganized siege is meaningless.

Not to mention that this group of people cannot get rid of the trouble of hunger, and their own strength is greatly reduced. Rather than being a siege, it is better to say that they are scrambling to become their rations.

All things considered, it's better to clean it up.

Moreover, we also gained something during the cleaning process. My friend also took the opportunity to engage in superficial predation to fill his stomach, so that we could have a fair 2V2 duel. "

Jin showed a satisfied smile on the side. During the blasting process of clearing the fifty contestants, she took out the most delicate part of their backs. The high heat generated by the explosion was just enough to cook the meat slices.

It's like eating fifty portions of grilled tenderloin from different wild boar, and now I'm completely full.

follow closely,

Jin's aura changed instantly, and the murderous intention of Gethsemane's executioner instantly overflowed. At the same time, along with the crack in his back, a total of six nodules grew out and swayed in the air.

This scene not only stunned the trainee knight in front of him, but even the three knights watching the game were stunned for a moment.

"Feathering? No... the maximum limit of this game will not exceed "open source". This is the alienated control of back tumors, which should be based on the knowledge granted by "Swelling".

Hidden back tumor? That's great. "

Feeling the tumor on Jin's back, the tumor on Marcelino's back also tore out a large jagged mouth at this moment, as if he wanted to compete with the opponent.

"Both of them are very good~ Who should I choose?"

Just when he hesitated, the Blood Mantis Figuere, carrying four scythes on his back, came from behind.

When passing by him, he whispered: "Just follow what I said before. You go deal with the young man, and leave this woman to me..."

"Okay~ Who told you to rank ahead of me?"

Marcelino's eyes were completely locked on Yi Chen. The cancer cells between the toes began to divide at a high speed and compressed the flesh until it reached a certain limit.

Step...boom! Two deep concave footprints were left on the ground.

The body rushed forward at an angle of 45°, the chainsaw and both arms were attached to the seam of the pants, and he was about to enter the attack range.

The young man locked in the field of vision suddenly took out something from the suitcase, an item he had never seen before.

It is gray-black in color, hard and has a strong outline. The port of the long strip has a dark hole, and something seems to be ejected from it.

Marcelino had never seen anything like this, but his instinct told him that it was very dangerous, so he decisively put the chainsaw in front of him.


With a gunshot.

Marcelino's forward thrust instantly turned into a retreat, leaving several meters of scratches on the ground before he finally stopped.

Snapped! An unusually heavy metal bullet fell to the ground.

The saw blade used to block bullets was branded with a dent and even had minor cracks.

"What is it! It's so powerful..."

What Marcelino didn't notice was that there was a small eye on the surface of the bullet that fell to the ground, looking at him.

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