The final gentleman

Chapter 541 Team formation

When trying everything and even sacrificing your body cannot bring victory,

When the last hope that suddenly comes turns into greater despair,

Dugar finally realized that he was just one of the thousands of rat folk with slightly superior strength. Without the help of Abyss, he would have failed in the path long ago.

He can't compare with that city lord at all. He has always been a loser.

Intense thoughts continued to collide in the brain, and the unstable consciousness that had been eroded by the abyss collapsed at this moment.

Abandoned by the abyss, the Green Prime Minister Dugar was left with only a cracked rat skull that fell to the ground. Although the head still exuded vitality, the pupils were dilated and lifeless.

William looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but think back to his 'classmates' in the orphanage.

Some children who do not have enough psychological endurance will become like this after experiencing a series of blows. Although they have not suffered any external damage and their bodies are still functioning well, they are already dead.

"Little Grape, you can handle the rest by yourself... Jin and I will go out and talk."

The small black ball on the shoulder rubbed its little hand, it had been waiting for a long time.

A three-and-a-half-turn spin in the air landed firmly on the surface of the mouse's head, and then waved a slender arm with only three fingers, "You two go and reminisce about the past. I want to make use of all the resources here."

"William, let's go~ This place really stinks!"

"Hold on."

Following William's wave, Thirteen quickly ran over.

"Jin, this is the candle puppet I bought from Lantern City, named Thirteen."

"Oh~ So it's a candle puppet? I've heard that many treasure hunters who go to the [Land of Darkness] will bring a candle puppet like this. I thought it was just an ordinary machine, but I didn't expect it to look so similar. Where are the people.”

Thirteen seemed to feel something from these words, retreated slightly and lowered his head without saying a word.

William simply explained, “The reason Thirteen is very human is because he received my “education” and gained the ability to think and learn independently.

I brought Thirteen here this time precisely because there is a suspected new type of abyss not far from Rat City, which is also the ultimate goal of my journey. "

"Is there actually an abyss here? Why haven't I heard of it? And William, your destination actually chooses the abyss. Could it be... ahem~ It stinks, let's talk about it after we get out."

Jin could no longer bear the stench here. The micro-explosion between his calves combined with his physical strength made him reach a height of more than 500 meters and escape from the cave with a seemingly simple jump on his knees.

Although William is physically strong enough, it is too difficult to reach such a height in one jump.

Looking at the recoil imprint left on the ground after Jin jumped, it turned into a circular lotus shape, and he couldn't help but sigh,

“Jin’s [pathway] seems to have made her control of the body more delicate... I didn’t expect to meet her here in advance. I was originally planning to complete the path and then find her.

However, it’s better to meet in advance. It depends on whether she is willing to go to the abyss. If Jin is here, some things will be much easier. "

William took a deep breath, and star lines appeared between his ankles.

As he stepped forward, a staircase made of stars would automatically form in the air, carrying him out of the cave easily.

"Thirteen, come up together."

Thirteen, who already knew how to observe words and emotions, seemed to have seen something in the previous conversation. He smiled and waved his hand, "No need, teacher. My current body can fully support me to climb out of here. I can wait for a minute at most."


As William stepped out of the cave, he returned to the ground.

The "plague rain" that watered Rat City all day long has diminished, and even has a tendency to stop.

A large number of ratmen gathered at the destroyed plague bed, including the white rat Keith who led the way. In addition, there are many open source rat people like hotel owners, who are more or less stained by the abyss.

When he saw the tumor knight appearing with the young man but failed to see Dugar,

Contaminated by the abyss, the Rat Man immediately escaped from the city as quickly as possible and ran towards the [Darknest Mine].

"William, do you want to chase them? There are six of them in total. I can catch them all in about 2 minutes and 23 seconds." Jin said while counting his fingers.

"No need, we can just follow their traces and find the location of the abyss."


While the two were having a simple exchange, the rat people around them who had not been infected by the abyss, or who had not been given the opportunity by the abyss, knelt down one after another.

They sincerely thanked the two for killing Dugar. Even if the Rat City may no longer exist, at least they no longer have to live a life of being confined to the city, being required to be forcibly divided, and potentially being used as experimental materials at any time.

It was as if the two people in front of them gave them real freedom.

"Kim, where are you going?"

"The whole city stinks, let's go outside and talk."

Jin took out a piece of meat from his waist, kneaded it into a ball between his palms, and then made a motion of throwing a baseball.

Whoosh! The meat ball flew out of the city at a speed faster than a bullet.

After finishing the throw, Jin immediately followed with a lunge. Just when she deliberately slowed down and prepared to wait for William to catch up, she found that William was following closely behind her.

"William, your body has become stronger again, and not a little bit... you have obviously not completed the path yet. It seems that you have received a lot of special training during this time."

"I encountered a lot of interesting things after leaving the cancer palace, and my body changed a lot."

Behind the two of them, Thirteen followed closely at a slow pace, completely inconsistent with the shape of her old-fashioned candle puppet.

Soon we came to the place where the meat ball landed,

The flesh ball that fell to the ground has transformed into a European-style villa. The outer wall of the flesh has completely hardened and turned black, and there are a large number of red lotus plants growing around it.

Not only the appearance, but also the internal structure of the villa is perfectly shaped. Even all kinds of furniture have been developed, and there are even beautifully shaped fat oil lamps and candles to provide light.

"Wow~ Jin, how did you do this?"

"It's very simple. You just need to inject the pictures in your head into the meat ball... After completing the path, my control of the meat quality has been greatly improved, and many things have become very convenient."

Jin felt as familiar as home and even made two steaming cups of air-dried pork slices tea.

After sitting on the soft pork belly sofa, Jin pressed the hidden switches on both sides of the helmet with his thumbs, click! The fully enclosed helmet was removed.

A delicate and impeccable face was also revealed, especially the red lotus birthmark at the corner of the eye, which was very conspicuous.

Perhaps due to the influence of the path, Jin's hair was dyed the same color as Guren.

Even Shisan, who was standing at the door pretending to be a workman, was surprised by this appearance.

"Kim, your mask?"

"Are you talking about mom? Because when you join the Knights, you are required to combine back tumors, own illnesses, etc. to make knight armor.

After a long period of deliberation, I smashed my mother's mask back into ashes and then added it to the forging of this costume. Now my mother is always attached to me and will never be alone. "

"When did you complete the pathway?"

Jin put his finger on his chin and rolled his eyes rapidly, "You haven't been gone for long, right? Because I won the championship by defeating the recruits at the underground venue with you, I accidentally got the opportunity to meet the Lord and even 'go to bed' with him.

On the Lord's bed, I accidentally glimpsed the [Door], so I took the opportunity to go on a journey. It was completed in just one month, during which I also received the guidance and approval of the Lord. "

"Lord's guidance?"

"Yes~ Lord, she is a kind-hearted person, I don't know why many people are afraid of her.

Okay, tell me your story. William, you must have experienced a lot during this period, especially the circus. You need to tell me carefully, and how you found yourself in the abyss. "

The conversation couldn't stop at all, and even Shisan fell asleep many times during the process.

Every time she woke up in the middle of the night, she would see the two people having a long conversation, and an expression that she had rarely or even never seen on the teacher's face. It was obviously a smile, but she felt that this smile was different and she didn't know what to say. How to describe.

"Abyss! William, your way is actually in the abyss! Can I go with you?"

"Are you sure you want to come?"

"I have nothing to do, so I took leave this time to look for opportunities to see if I can get props that suit me.

Since William is going to the abyss, I just happened to follow you there to hunt for treasure. Maybe I can get something unexpected... Since the breakthrough, it turns out that the sword can't keep up with me, and I have made it into a pendant as a souvenir. "

Jin took out a blood jade from his waist, with a hateful baby image engraved on it.

"Okay, let's go together!"

"Yeah! That's great~ I'm bored to death staying in the Cancer Palace all the time. It would be more fun to stay with you, William."

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