The final gentleman

Chapter 542 Spying

With the death of acting city lord Dugar,

A large number of the freed rat people chose to pack their bags and embark on their journey. Regardless of life or death, they just hope to go outside and have a look. They have had enough of staying in this corrupt and cold city.

But there are also some who choose to stay in the city, gathering at the remains of the plague bed, and drinking as much as possible of the plague liquid flowing on the ground, hoping to complete the open source.

What's more, they actually found the big hole in the center of the wreckage and crawled into the depths of the cave filled with corpses.

When this group of greedy ratmen had just climbed into the depths of the cave, ready to eat the remains of the plague giant and suck the green rot between the corpses,


A sense of gaze comes from the darkness,

The rat heads raised their heads one after another, as if they saw countless green eyes staring at them in the darkness.

"Jiji~ Isn't Lord Dugar dead yet?"

Breaking into the plague bed without permission is an extra level of crime. This group of rat people were all frightened out of their wits and planned to escape from the cave as quickly as possible.

Just when they turned around and fled, their eyes suddenly turned pitch black.

It wasn't that someone turned off the lights, but that their eyeballs were peeled off in an instant... The eyeballs in the entire underground cave, whether living or dead, all converged in a certain direction on their own.

Relying on instinct, this group of eyeless rat men still crawled out, but each one was completely frightened and fled out of the city like crazy.

Wow wow~

At this time, the plague rain that had gradually stopped suddenly intensified, and even streaks of green lightning were drawn in the sky.

All signs seem to indicate that Green Prime Minister Dugar is not dead, and has even become more powerful.

Whether they were the rat people gathering food in the ruins, the rat people scattered in other areas of the rat city, or the rat people who had left the city, they all felt a sense of gaze that went straight to their hearts, forcing them to look up.

Something was slowly emerging among the clouds that were raining heavily and thundering constantly. After waiting for a moment, a huge eyeball appeared and stared at everyone.

The giant eye shoots out a green light vertically, which falls right into the depths of the pit.

between the beams of light,

A mysterious individual wrapped in a cloak slowly emerged.

Behind his head, four completely different eyeballs rotated at equal intervals and at a uniform speed.

The newly activated second one showed the green color of plague, giving everyone a more terrifying feeling than Dugar, as if just being stared at by this green eye would turn it into a puddle of plague pus.

As the four eyeballs slowly converged in the mysterious man's hand, they flowed back into the body along the skin of the arm,

The shower stopped, the thunder dispersed, and the giant eye disappeared like an illusion.

When the rat people kneeling around tried to peek at the face under the hood, they discovered that this mysterious man was not Dugar at all, but an unfamiliar face.

A face covered with ember lines and full of eyeballs. It felt like one more look would set him on fire and explode to death.


Little Grape in the form of a prophet took a deep breath. The second core corpse in his body had been activated, and part of his memory had been completed.

The overall level has also reached the limit of open source. Its growth method seems to be different from ordinary patients. Even it itself does not know what state all corpses will reach when activated.

The little grape floating in the air had no intention of staying. He looked around and quickly located the Meat Villa located thousands of meters outside the city.

Stretch your arm forward and flick your fingers!

A green plague eyeball shot out quickly,

He immediately followed, stepping on the green eyeball representing the plague with one foot, and walked in the air.

As green exhaust emitted from the tail of the eyeball, whoosh~ it continued to accelerate, carrying Little Grape and flew directly into this peculiar villa.

He landed firmly, keeping his hands on his waist.

"Haha! This grape has already activated the second core ancient corpse. It can directly reach the limit of open source without any disease training. Next, I will start to find and complete the way!"

However, William and Kim just glanced at each other and then turned around and continued chatting.

This made Little Grape feel very uncomfortable and even wanted to run away in anger. At this moment, William, who was chatting, suddenly said loudly:

"There may be no rest time in the next exploration of the abyss. Do you need a rest, little Putao?"

"I just finished a gluttonous feast. How could I need to rest? I just need to go straight away."

"That's good! Jin and I have already agreed that she will go to the abyss with us.

But we have to do one thing before we officially set off. Little Putao, your eye skills should have improved a lot, right? I need to ask you to ‘preempt this’ in this matter. "

"What's the matter?" Little Putao vaguely heard some questions, but did not directly agree.

"You also saw it when you were in Rat City, the tallest tower, the Dark Moon Tower.

Can you see through the situation inside with your current vision? You don’t need to do much, you just need to confirm whether the legendary ‘second city lord’ is still alive inside.

This time we made things so big that we even directly broke the pattern of the rat city. A large number of rat people will leave because of this, but there is still no movement in the tower.

I suspect that the rumored city lord died inside long ago due to the trauma left by the war. I need your help to confirm this matter. "

When talking about the Dark Moon Tower, Little Putao's eyes became wary, "What's there to confirm? Since others don't care about the changes in Rat City, why don't we just leave? What does it have to do with us whether we die or not?" ."

"No...if this rumored "Moon Rat" is still alive, I want to meet him. Moreover, Jin was also very interested in this ancient tumor knight. "

"Ahem~ Okay! But let's make an agreement first. I'm only responsible for fluoroscopic observation, and I'll only take one look. I won't help you with what happens next."

When Xiao Putao answered with some confidence, William followed up and asked: "Little Putao, you must have vaguely sensed something during the breakthrough, right? That's why you hurriedly left the Rat City and came to us instead of staying where you were to consolidate. .

There's something inside that tower that scares you, right? "

"I didn't go to see it, but my instinct made me refuse to peek into the tower... However, since you sincerely asked me for help, I reluctantly agreed to you once."

"Thank you little grape."

Speaking, Little Grape will directly transform into the most common scarf form and follow the action.

When everyone left the temporarily constructed villa, the entire villa was recycled along Jin's heels and turned back into a small ball of flesh in the body, achieving perfect recycling.

He also rushed back to the city with his legs galloping. During the run, William not only asked curiously:

"Jin, by the way, the Tumor Knight seems to have a corresponding mount, right?

The three knights I saw at the circus gate last time all had cancerous mounts corresponding to their own attributes. Don't you have one yet? "

"Not yet, after all, I have just become a Cancer Knight for less than a week.

Unlike the original tomb, the Cancer Palace always has the resources of dead horses. You only need to pass a certain assessment to obtain the mount.

We want to prepare a variety of precious materials to build a mount, including a sound slave soul, preferably a powerful enough animal spirit.

I hope this exploration of the abyss will be fruitful~ But... I can barely accept the soul of a mouse, hehe. "

William heard Jin's intention, "Jin, it's best not to take advantage of Tower Rat. It's better for me to negotiate first."

"If the other party is unwilling to negotiate and becomes insane due to the erosion of the abyss, then I can take action, right?"

"Let's wait until we meet each other to discuss the specific situation."

Returning to Rat City again, the entire inner city was deserted due to a series of operations by Little Putao.

When everyone came to the Dark Moon Tower and looked up at this completely different tower towering into the clouds,

Even Jin felt some unknown pressure at this moment, as if the entire tower was pressing on his heart, making him breathless.

The eyeballs appear on the surface of the scarf, and as scars from embers cover the eyeballs, the vision increases to the maximum.

The seal set on the surface of the tower was slowly penetrated by Little Grape, and he peered into the deep and dark interior of the tower.

I spied a trace of silver hair,

A pair of eyes that are completely absent-minded,

And the dark matter vaguely moving between the pupils.

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