The final gentleman

Chapter 742 Nature

Nash was originally cooperating with Yi Chen consciously and didn't care about the outside world at all. Even the arrival of Little Putao did not affect their 'training'.

Until he heard the conversation outside, when he heard the boss and Yue Lao talking about killing the chief clown, he was so scared that his soul was shaking.

As a key member who has worked with Art, Nash knows better than anyone else how terrible Art is.

Although chiefs are equal in name, there are differences in strength between different chiefs.

Mr. Rabbit, Magician Jahn and Clown Art are the three most powerful among the chiefs, and are even called the "Big Three" in private.

As for the worries and fears expressed by Nash, Lorian, who is the origin of New Moon, does not deny it.

He once approached the circus because of Yue and accidentally encountered Art. He was almost killed and a malignant tumor was planted in his body. It took a long time and cost to completely remove it.

Since that contact, Lorian has dreamed of going to the clown circus countless times, and dreamed of being infected with malignant tumors countless times. That's why he wanted to take this opportunity to erase it, otherwise he would still be wary in the future.

Lorian accepted the opinion, "Okay, let's focus on the performance.

But if that guy Art wants to ruin the show and kill me... I will naturally kill him with all my strength.

As for William, how you choose, whether to help the clown who is also the chief of the circus, or to help me, is your own business. "

Lorien glanced at the lining of his suit, which was filled with small blood-red crosses.

William also moved next to Lorian's seat and patted his shoulder gently, "Don't worry, if Art triggers my request for self-defense, I will definitely help you kill that guy.

However, although Art is very vicious, he is also a smart guy.

There is no way he would put himself in an unfavorable situation, and the final performance I set is so simple... Mr. Yi will have a good time with Art. "

The discussion is over,

In the posture of an amoeba, Nash, who was lying next to William's ear, finally noticed the cursed heat wave behind him.

"Is this the carrier of evil yang? Why do I feel that I smell like an adult on my body?"

William also quickly introduced, "His name is Grip. He is a good friend I have known before I became a gentleman. He has been living in my body before. As my freedom was restricted when I joined the circus, he went out to develop on his own. Today happened to be Attracted by this performance.

Little Putao, this is Nash, my adjutant at the Circus Theater. He is also responsible for running the entire theater. Currently, he mainly resides in my body to coordinate and cooperate with Yi Chen. "

Little Putao's focus was not on Nash, "Yi Chen... have you got that guy under control?"

His impression of Yi Chen was still relatively rough before leaving.

"Mr. Yi is currently a very good partner of mine. With the completion of my path, we have reached a united front. Moreover, I have also prepared an external body for him, which is right here."

William directly lifted up the back of the suit, revealing the 'second body' residing on the back, except that the lower body was completely missing, and the position of the back corresponding to the 'lungs' was faintly purple.

In addition, Little Putao also noticed that there was something strange about William's abdominal cavity, vaguely exuding a dark aura that could subjectively repel the evil yang.

"Have you... changed so much?"

"Little Grape, you're not bad either."

At this time, Nash on the side interrupted the conversation, "Boss, you guys talk first! Mr. Yi still needs me to cooperate with him. After all, Art will participate in the next performance. I have to prepare carefully. It will not be good if I make a fool of myself. Got it!"

"Go ahead."

Nash climbed in along the ear hole, and as usual came to the brain area like a galaxy, completely embedded in it.

brain parasite,

Nash's consciousness also fell into the already familiar "Thinking Library", which is also William's memory palace, the processing center for all thinking and actions, and the storage place of memories.

Important memories will be written into books and stored here.

Unimportant memories will still be recorded and stored for seven days. If some memories become more important within seven days, they will also be saved separately and placed on a new bookshelf.

Therefore, as William grows, the size of the library will gradually expand. As long as the epileptic brain can support it, the library can theoretically expand infinitely.

Currently, in order to carry out 'awareness training', the library has also expanded to a basketball court-sized area.

Not only that, but the entire library was filled with a burst of purple smoke.

The ideological (human form) Nash had just fallen down, and before he could even stand completely, an urging voice came from the thick fog.

"Nash is so slow... we don't have much time to waste."

The words were filled with murderous intent, and Nash even felt that his head was about to be cut off, and he quickly looked into the depths of the purple mist.

Yi Chen's upper body was sitting on the ground, using his purple lungs to breathe.

The "conceptual loss" of half of the body not only brings about three disabilities of body, consciousness and soul, Yi Chen's body is also getting thinner, and bones can be seen in many areas.

No matter how much nutrition you eat, it is difficult to replenish it. Only through this special breathing can you adjust the state of your body.

"Second boss, I'm really sorry~ Because they just said they wanted to kill Art, the risk is too great, I have to go out and persuade them.

Let me adjust it and get started! "


Yi Chen leaned on the ground with one arm, jumped to Nash's side and reached out to touch his shoulder, leaving an ashes on his fingertips.

"Is Little Grape back?"


"how do you feel?"

"It's very powerful! I have never seen such a powerful evil sun carrier. He must have absorbed several pieces of firewood... By the way, couldn't you just go outside and watch the second boss?

I don't know this little grape, so the verbal description may not be specific enough. "

"No need, my consciousness going to the second experience will interrupt my current 'breathing pattern'. I just need to know that Little Grape is back. It seems that William plans to use Little Grape to fill the vacancies in his eyes, right?"

Nash immediately recalled the eyeball-filled look on Little Putao's face, " seems really possible."

Yi Chen looked disdainful, "There is clearly an abyss in the abdomen, and there is also an evil yang in the head. I want to use my own body to balance two mutually exclusive diseases... What a big ambition, William~"

Nash quickly followed up, "Boss, he is different, maybe he can really succeed."

"It's not that simple... In my opinion, William has been obviously a little arrogant recently, and various behaviors seem normal but reek of greed.

You should be able to feel that you admire him as the chief so much, right? Nash. "

If someone else dared to speak ill of William like this, Nash would have to twist off the other person's head.

"Boss, he just... seems to be a little different from before."

Yi Chen showed a helpless expression, "Hey~ I thought that if I only shared my positive memories with him, and cooperated with the gentleman's teaching, he would be able to develop in an absolutely positive direction.

It seems that I am still too superficial,

"Human nature" is far from being as simple as I imagined.

It may also be because I came out too early, which caused him to be affected by malignant memories in advance. It may also be the influence of that storybook. After all, even that kind of true god has warned of the danger many times.

Of course, it is also possible that William's nature is like this, but we have never discovered it.

However, there is currently nothing related to [evil] growing in William's body. He may have exposed these problems only because he looked too far ahead and was eager to grow.

alright! Keep training~ The next performance will be very interesting. "

The withered and black tongue traced along the corner of Yi Chen's mouth,

Nash also quickly stepped forward, switching himself into a giant parasite state and wrapping himself around Yi Chen's body, forming "mimetic legs" and a "haunting structure" to build a complete body.

"In the next day, I will show my true level. Nash, you have to keep up!"

"Okay, second boss!"

Lupu's public performance (primary election) has ended on the last day. A total of 188 people have passed and will be qualified to go to the moon. They will go to the inside of the Yin Shou to watch the final performance.

William also had full communication with Xiao Putao during this period, and they complemented each other's blank experiences during this period.

In the thinking library,

Yi Chen, who was sweating profusely, fell on the desk,

Nash failed to keep up with the rhythm in the end and was thrown directly out, causing some cracks in one of the side walls of the library.

Nash, whose eyeballs were filled with stars and exhausted, was in a daze when he vaguely saw an unknown darkroom inside through a crack in the wall.

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