The final gentleman

Chapter 743 Warning

Purple mist filled the air, and sweat-like bodily fluids just crossed the parasite's eye sockets.

Thanks to the amplification effect brought about by the sweat droplet structure, the tired Nash actually saw a darkroom through the narrow gap in the wall.

It was not the aquarium where Yi Chen had been sealed off and imprisoned, but a hidden snow area that had never been seen before.

But because the crack in the wall was too small, Nash could only see some dark bookshelves, desktops, and a few test vessels in a blink of an eye.

Just when he wanted to see more clearly,

A familiar smell accompanied by the sound of leather shoes approached from beside him, holding a bowl of fragrant instant noodles in his hand.

As Nash glanced sideways, a familiar smile came into his eyes, but the purple mist blocked the part above the mouth.

"Nash, be serious~ I guess you are the only one who can keep up with Yi Chen's movements.

Lupu's preliminary selection ceremony has ended, and the selected candidates are heading to the theater one after another. The Thirteenth Society and I are responsible for the admission arrangements. You just need to concentrate on the next performance~ Go out and eat buckets of instant noodles to restore your condition.

Looking forward to your joint performance with Yi Chen. "

The person who came was William's consciousness, and the instant noodles in his hand were just a construct of consciousness. If you want to eat instant noodles, you have to go to the real world outside.

"Boss, it's only been one day so soon! Although the running-in with Mr. Yi has not reached 100%, it is basically almost there.

You really need to replenish energy and adjust your condition, and you must not let things slip during the first performance! I want to work hard! You must save enough face for the boss. "

Nash stood up suddenly, but subconsciously looked at the crack in the wall again.

The wall that clearly had cracks turned out to be intact, with no signs of damage at all.

"Boss, I don't know if I was dazzled just now. I seem to see a secret room hidden behind this wall. Is it an area where you store important memories? Or is it Mr. Yi's..."

William's face was full of confusion, and then he pointed to the last row of bookshelves at the other end of the library, "Huh? The secret room... The library only has a secret passage leading to the aquarium.

It's probably because you're too tired. Go out and eat instant noodles. Don't have any visual hallucinations during the performance. "

"I know...I know."

As the brain-eating bugs on the surface of the epileptic brain emerged from the parasitic state, the conscious images in the library also disappeared, leaving only Yi Chen and William inside.

At the same time, a deep breathing sound came from the central area of ​​the library.


The purple mist that filled the place was inhaled by Yi Chen in one breath, and he pressed his palms down to the Dantian at the same time.

William came over while applauding, "Yi Chen, you learn so fast~ You seem to have basically mastered the old guy's "Breathing Method"."

Yi Chen, half of his body, fell on the desk, at the same height as William.

"It's all because of William that you shared the imitated movements with me, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to learn so quickly. By the way, have the participants in the final performance been confirmed?"

William directly took out the list and handed it over, "It's confirmed, it's similar to my initial estimate. The most troublesome ones are Art and the "ancestral primarch" sent by Yuyuan.

Catherine will also be attending,

As for other silver circle patients, they won't pose much of a threat.

I hope you have fun with the next performance, Yi Chen!

After the performance, we should be able to earn a sufficient amount of fear. At that time, I will find a way to find the Duke or the boss to find a way to slow down the decline of your body. "

William walked up and tried to put his palm on Yi Chen's shoulder, but who knew... snap! A condensed phantom of death slapped his palm away.

“It doesn’t matter what the performance is~ I just want to see Art’s true strength.

It’s just that, William, your state doesn’t seem right... I remember that Principal Desline warned you on the ship not long ago that some of your current behaviors have violated the character of a gentleman. Now you seem to be getting more and more excessive, even me All kinds of 'evil people' can't stand it. "

William's eyes changed slightly, he stood on tiptoes, his palms hanging above his eyebrows.

"We have seen a broader picture in advance. If we still follow the rules at this time, the speed will be too slow... We must use the old world as a stepping stone to further improve ourselves, otherwise when the real danger comes, we will not be able to protect ourselves.

Look at your body, Yi Chen,

look at my eyes,

Just facing a "story" that has been sealed and severely damaged, and with the help of an old guy, it can only end with a tragic victory at most. If you still move forward step by step~there will be no chance next time So lucky.

Now that we have seen a higher situation, we must grasp all the conditions at hand and reach the same level as this situation as soon as possible. Even if I need to do some despicable things, it doesn't matter, as long as I maintain the most basic humanity. "

Hahaha! Ha ha!

Yi Chen burst out laughing suddenly, and even felt some abdominal pain from laughing and held his stomach.

"Hey! Acting has come to me, right... What do you think, do I still know?

But, it doesn’t matter to me. If you can make profits through these means, I am also the beneficiary. "

Having said this, Yi Chen compared his right hand to a pistol and placed it against his temple, "Just be careful of playing with fire and burning yourself. At least your disguise should make you look like a [gentleman].

After all, the relationships you have established so far are based on being a 'gentleman'. "

William looked innocent. He wanted to explain but swallowed it back, "Okay~ I will correct it a little and won't be so hasty.

I prepared instant noodles outside. Do you want to come out and eat some? Little Putao has just come back, you can have a chat. "

"It's just your pet, there's nothing to talk about. If you eat one more portion, don't I count it as eaten?"

"Yes, I'll let you know before the performance starts. Have fun, Yi Chen!" William made a gentlemanly gesture and disappeared into the library.

Yi Chen, who was half-body, had a distorted expression on his face, "William, this guy is starting to get a little annoying... By the way, did Nash discover something just now?"

He supported his body with both hands and slowly came to the position where Nash hit the wall. When the gap in the wall had disappeared, Yi Chen directly slashed out with his hand knife.

I cut it open to a depth of about five meters with my bare hands, but there was nothing there, just a cement wall corresponding to the consciousness space.

"Did I hear wrongly? Or is this guy William really hiding a 'consciousness area' that I don't know about? After all, I also have a lot of things that I hide from him, as long as we make a profit together.


Breathing in and out, the gas filtered out by the purple lungs settles in the Dantian, and then flows throughout the body.

Yi Chen used this method to minimize the load on his body, and then returned to his [Aquarium] at a slow crawling speed.

Sinking to the deepest part of the tank,

It was buried with countless corpses,

Yi Chen chose to lie down in the dark coffin at the bottom for a short rest, enjoying the cramped and dark space, just like he did in the orphanage.

Although he hates the orphanage, Yi Chen's body has long been bound to it and cannot be changed.

Only in such a claustrophobic environment can he rest peacefully. Even if there is a little more space and light, he will be unable to sleep because of his instinctive vigilance.

Staring into the darkness, Yi Chen whispered softly:

"Evil thoughts have begun to overflow in the main material plane, and we are getting closer and closer to our target... I finally see the end, I am so tired of living..."

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