The final gentleman

Chapter 795 The Attitude of the Lord

In response to the ‘go to bed’ invitation sent by the Lord, William seemed to be happy, but in fact, he was twitching in his heart.

He has been observing carefully since he stepped into this palace.

The most dangerous area here is the giant round bed where the Lord is. The conversation just now seemed normal, but in fact William still couldn't see through the Lord's true thoughts and stance.

But the current situation is irreversible, so we can only move forward with a smile on our face.

Cancer Palace is the largest source of epidemics in the old world and has [Gold] to facilitate relationships here. William will definitely come here to seize the opportunity and even establish an alliance.

Meeting the Lord is only a matter of time, sooner or later.

Now that we have met before the war with the Blood People, we should try our best to determine the Lord's position.

Walking up the curved stairs, as the distance between the upper and lower steps shortened, William could clearly see the Lord's posture, clothing and body details.

Her lower body began to evolve into a soft, even liquid tumor structure from the upper end of her thighs and spread out on the surface of the round bed. I don't know if this is the original body or it became like this under Jin's massage.

The flesh-red wrap dress actually has a relatively hidden metal edging, and there are many very fine silk thread structures inside. It seems that you only need to touch a certain switch, and this long dress will quickly shrink and switch to a fitted suit. Female body armor.

Feeling the aura exuded by the Lord, William seemed to be able to see the other party's heroic fighting posture.

It’s just that the strange red hijab completely blocks his face, making it impossible to see his true face.

There are also metal inscriptions on the hijab that William cannot understand. It seems that the hijab can change with the long skirt and turn into some kind of helmet. In other words, the hijab plays a sealing and suppressive role, suppressing the infinite growth in the body of the statue. origin of tumors.


The circular bed with a width of 100 meters is also fully displayed.

It is not so much a bed as it is a huge sarcoma with no wrinkles and only the shape of a round bed.

When he came to the bed, William took off his shoes and stepped directly on it.

The moment his body landed on the round bed, William immediately felt an inexplicable sense of restraint, as if he had fallen into some special "field." If he did not get the Lord's permission, he would be trapped on this bed forever. Devoured by endless tumors.

The place William chose to go to bed was relatively close to Kim, but there was also a distance of five meters between the two women.

Jin is still immersed in the massage,

The Lord's head covered with a red hijab has been turned around, and it seems that he can look at William through the hijab.

The mouth born on the back of William's hand continued to make female sounds,

"Just go to bed! Your body is very good, the frame is almost perfectly reconstructed, but there are some holes that have not been filled~ By the way, your relationship with Art should be very good, right?"


"It's just a general relationship. Why is his tumor growing in the area of ​​your eyes where you have no concept?"

“This is a special collaboration I reached with Art through my relationship with my colleagues in the circus.

As the Lord said, the route I chose is "Perfection". Many diseases require the coordination of the Gestalt's body. Any lack will destroy this integrity.

The world infection is almost complete,

I have to get rid of the blood people before I get here, otherwise once those guys go to the human world, my friends, relatives, and the organization that nurtured me will be in catastrophe.

There is no news about Mr. Yi's search for ideas among the dead, so I had no choice but to make this decision to cooperate with Art.

During the first performance, I saw Art's true ability and determined that his unique "malignant tumor" might be able to replace my missing right eye through long-term cultivation. The risk was certainly there, but I was confident in controlling it. "

“The blood people… I heard Jin talk about this.

Don't be nervous~ I won't kill you because of your relationship with Art. After all, Art's birth and existence are also directly related to me.

Can you let me see your "eyes"? "


William reached out and took off his monocle. There should be nothing in the right eye area, but there was clearly a group of slightly raised tumor particles in the center.

It looked ordinary and nothing special, but the Lord was moved by it, and the hijab trembled slightly, and for a moment it seemed that the Lord's red lips could be seen.

"Has Art reached this level? There are only three people in the entire Cancer Palace who can plant such a "tumor". Now he is only one step away from becoming the "pandemic master".

Just wanting to plant such a tumor would cost a lot. Since you were in a partnership, what did you give Art in exchange? "


As soon as these words came out, the Lord was stunned for a while.

"Is this a deal? No wonder someone like Art would cooperate with you... However, there is another more important reason why Art chooses to cooperate with you, right?"


William's expression remained unchanged, but a drop of cold sweat slid down his back.

“‘Similar interests’ are the real key to collaboration.

I know very well what kind of person Art is. He is a very casual and extremely paranoid guy. He would never cooperate with normal people, let alone trust others.

Art would only be interested unless someone appeared who could appreciate him and allow him to appreciate him at the same time.

And William, you seem to be just such a person. You have been restraining and disguising since you set foot in the Cancer Palace. Perhaps it has something to do with your identity as an actor, or perhaps it is your innate nature.

Your words are true and false mixed together,

When facing me, even if he confesses important things as much as possible, he still falsifies some details and relevant events, and his expression changes quite a lot.

Very powerful language skills. If I hadn't asked the tumor attendant to investigate some things in advance and have a thorough understanding of Art, I might really be confused by your words.

You and Art are by no means simply cooperating. The Smiley Face Club that has recently sprung up in various cities in the old world should have your strong support.

No matter what the real purpose of your cooperation with Art is, Jin will stay in the Cancer Palace and will not follow you to the extremely dangerous leather factory.

I am personally looking forward to your performance and I will be watching the live broadcast from the top of the Cancer Palace.

Goodbye, Mr. William! I personally admire you very much for fighting against extraterritorial threats and informing the world about it, so I will not embarrass you here.

Two final reminders for you:

Among the Seven Marquises, there is one who is very special. It was his existence that preserved the property of the Blood People after the decline and negotiated a cooperative relationship with the leather factory. You need to be more careful.

The second reminder is for you personally. Pretending too perfectly will make you forget yourself, and being too thorough solipsistic will sooner or later make you doomed. "

William looked helpless, "Huh~ I'm really sorry, I just want to leave a good impression on the Lord. I will try my best to bring a revolutionary performance to the old world, and it will definitely satisfy the Lord."

Then the area of ​​the round bed where William was sitting began to sink, gradually engulfing him completely! It sinks completely into it, keeps going downwards under the squeezing of the flesh, and is finally discharged from the bottom of the cancerous uterus.

William, whose whole body was covered in foul-smelling pus, dragged his tired body out of the pus lake.

He immediately picked up the collar with both hands and shook it hard, and all the dirt was separated instantly... William also put on the monocle again, and at the same time used his wet 'hairspray hands' to completely stand up the scattered hair.

The whole person's image and aura also changed instantly.

"Ah~ Did the recent 'speech' at the fan club make me too confident? Your Lord is indeed different. It seems that my acting skills still need to be improved.

It doesn't matter if you can't get Cancer Palace's vote, as long as you confirm the Lord's attitude.

The Lord does not completely hate Art, and even has some nurturing feelings in it... As long as this is confirmed, it is enough, so as to avoid the situation of being surrounded and suppressed by the Cancer Knights due to cooperation with Art, and avoid Adds an element of uncertainty to the performance.

Everything is ready and ready to start setting up the stage when we get back! "

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