The final gentleman

Chapter 796 Conversations between Deaths

In the black ocean that should have been free of debris, a special "Skull Island" temporarily emerged due to the invasion of alternative death.

It is made up of pure skeletons and there is an endless pit in the central area, like a new abyss.

With only his head left, Yi Chen relied on the skeletal body provided by the island itself and crawled downwards for an unknown length of time.

Due to the high vulnerability of the skeleton body, the pressure it experiences during the crawling process continues to increase. Repairing and replacing the skeleton is a necessary process.

Even as time passed, this process became as natural as breathing. It seemed that the bones of the entire island were freely used by Yi Chen as 'air'.

Yi Chen forgot about his original physical body and regarded these bones and even the entire island as part of his body, no longer stuck to the so-called completeness and uniqueness.

I don’t know how long it has been,

Yi Chen had even forgotten what he was doing and death itself.


The soles of his feet touched the ground and finally reached the bottom. His dull eyes gradually recovered.

Since the entire Skull Island floats in the Black Sea, a shallow layer of seawater overflows at the very bottom of the Bone Abyss, barely reaching the ankles.

The most important thing is that there is a person sitting below.

A white-haired man with a shirtless upper body, a plain white war skirt on his lower body and a special skull hanging around his waist. He is handsome and resolute.

His eyes filled with white miasma were looking sideways at the white-maned horse crouching beside him. Although the horse had flesh and blood, its bones were exposed, and every rib wrapped around the horse's body like armor.

After stroking it for a moment, he turned his attention to Yi Chen.

"Is this dark sea the origin of your death? Its breadth and depth far exceed that of the death epidemic. It should have been created by one or even multiple gods related to death, and it even far exceeds my inherent understanding of death. understand.

It's strange that none of the outsiders who invaded the old world used such a death ability, otherwise I might have been killed.

Are there few people in the outside world who believe in your god?

No need to be restrained, sit down! After all, this is a consciousness space temporarily created through your understanding of death... I am just an 'outsider'. "

Yi Chen stepped forward with some surprise and sat cross-legged in front of the other party.

The image of the white-haired man in front of him perfectly matched the rumors Yi Chen had heard from others.

This person is the first leader of the Death Plague Knights, the first person who was once ‘under the king’, and the only Death Plague Knight in history who developed an alternative death.

During the war, the intruders were frightened by the news. All methods used on this person could not kill him. In the end, the intruders were forced to use extraordinary means to invade his brain and make him crazy.

【White Death-Balon Casas, the White Death】

"I don't know how many people believe in my death god. I only know that most people cannot accept this gift.

Mr. Baron, you seem to have a certain understanding of the god system in the outside world? "

“Of course, after all, many people were killed on the battlefield.

Most of their memories are blocked, but I still discovered many interesting things. As for you, since you are also an outsider, why are you combined with a parasite that is powerful, even comparable to [Hallowest Protozoa]?

In addition, I can also smell the smell of home on your body. Although it is very thin, it is indeed the death plague and it is the native death plague in the original tomb... It means that you have been there and may even have met my Lord.

Let me briefly explain your origin. Although I am very interested in you, if you are purely from outside the territory, I will still be resistant and refuse to share my death. "

Yi Chen simply said, "I came to this world for some reason. To be precise, it is a fringe world that was infected and assimilated by the disease.

After a relatively long period of exploration, I slowly came into contact with the old world, and that was it. "

"Ha~" Baron couldn't help but smile slightly, showing a little more interest in the young man in front of him, "Aren't you willing to share any personal privacy?

No matter what, you should at least tell me how you got this dilapidated body with more than 50% loss of concept, right? "

"Evil...this is what I tried my best to kill before I came to this world. Unfortunately, my killing can only stop the surface, and the real evil has already grown there."

Yi Chen did not hide this matter and told the relevant things that happened in Feishan in detail.

These remarks aroused a lot of interest in Balon, "The proliferation of gods and the growth of evil... will those self-righteous guys also make such a huge mistake? And they want us to help deal with this mess. It's really interesting. .

Since part of your position is biased towards our disease world, that's fine~ Next, we can have a good exchange of experiences of death. As for this 'small injury' on your body, it is insignificant to the depth you are in now. "

Yi Chen was still a little wary. He didn't completely believe the man in front of him, but for some reason...perhaps because both of them were comprehenders of death, Yi Chen spoke a little more and was willing to communicate with this person in his heart.

"Mr. Baron, I have heard rumors about you... Rumors say that you went crazy during the war and killed many, many people, so you were imprisoned in the deepest part of the monastery."

Baron nodded calmly and admitted, "Yes, my spirit was completely disturbed by those outsiders and caused almost irreversible "brain concept damage."

The brain is the gestation and carrier of our consciousness. Once it is damaged by such a concept, there is no way to go deep into death rationally and find a way to repair it like you can now.

However, those guys in the old world are all very loyal. Even though I killed a large number of people and committed heinous crimes due to my mental disorder, even the world evaluation regarded me as 'unconducive to the development of the world, and may even Factors that destroy the world'.

While the monastery was imprisoning me, it was still trying to figure out how to recover me.

They tried all kinds of methods, and even asked the dental clinic to assist, but still there was not much progress... Until a great prison monk named [Xia Daiti] came to "Endless" regardless of the danger and conducted a long period of torture on me. Psychotherapy, talking to me for at least six hours every day.

Although I couldn't fix the concept of brain, it slowly stabilized my thoughts.

Unfortunately, she seems to trust me too much..."

When talking about this issue, Yi Chen caught the change in Baron's expression.

"You killed her, right?"

Yi Chen's sudden answer was a bit unexpected. Such words that may touch the other person's inner trauma may completely make a madman have a complete attack, which is quite dangerous.

But Baron didn't show any anger or mood swings. He just said calmly, "Yes, I killed her... Therefore, I asked the warden to execute me completely. Dangerous defective products like me cannot The necessity to stay alive.

Unfortunately, I don’t know whether the warden really had no means, or he still wanted to give me a chance. I was executed by a special method and was on the verge of complete death.

As a result, my consciousness merged with the prison in the entire endless area~ It was as if the prison itself had filled the missing parts of my brain, as if [Xia Daiti]’s long-standing psychological therapy was fully effective at this moment, and my mind was integrating with the prison. It slowly stabilized over time.

Although it cannot be said to be completely stable, "Endless Prison" is a relatively complete patch for my brain.

The reason why you were able to break into the deepest part to see me this time is not only due to your own factors, but also because the warden and his old man deliberately let things slip, wanting to test my state with you. "

Yi Chen didn't say anything more and just nodded.

He just pointed out Baron's pain point deliberately, and the other party didn't have any emotional fluctuations, which is enough to show that the mental state is stable and the communication can continue here.

"Young man, you don't seem to like chatting very much... You came here at all costs, probably because you want to find the concepts you lost."

Yi Chen nodded in response, "Yes, in my opinion, as long as we reach a sufficient depth of death, we may be able to recover the concept."

"No..." Balon shook his head and denied, "Death will only destroy and end everything, it will not construct everything like life.

The concept of damage cannot be condensed through death, and there is no such thing as recovery.

Those laymen who use death to continuously 'regenerate' are simply repeating the process of death. They are too timid and dare not face death directly or fall into it. "

"How to do?"

"I am death, so why do I need a body...You should have realized it deeply when you climbed down this abyss, right? We don't need the concept of the body at all. We are death itself, and everything related to death will become us Carrier.

When you reach this depth and are able to communicate with me, you no longer need the so-called physical concept. Death in the world is enough to carry your thoughts.

If you want a humanoid body to express your inherent form, just find a few bones. "

These words were like enlightenment, making Yi Chen suddenly widen his eyes and bow deeply to the person in front of him.

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