The final gentleman

Chapter 797 Return

"Endless Prison"

Nash did not follow Yi Chen to the Black Dead Sea, to the deeper realm of death. After all, he had just come into contact with death, and his application and understanding were far inferior to Yi Chen. If he was forcibly sent there, he would only be swallowed by the Dead Sea.

However, Nash has not been idle in the past few months.

After learning that the unbound white-haired skeleton was helping 'Boss Yi', he no longer went crazy but waited honestly, waiting for Boss Yi to return with a body with a complete concept.

After Nash sat obediently for a month, the white-haired skeleton seemed to see the 'determination' in this parasite and spoke, but the voice sounded throughout the endless prison,

The white-haired skeleton asked about Nash's specific identity and the origin of death on it.

After a series of chats, it can be seen that Nash is a very simple person and has the willingness to follow others throughout his life.

This white-haired skeleton, to be precise, should be the consciousness of Baron Casas stored in the entire endless prison, preparing to give Nash some death lessons to make him more suitable for the future Yi Chen.

Due to the long delay, the warden who was guarding the outside of the Endless Prison was impatient and asked the two great prison monks to take turns guarding the corroded and damaged entrance of the Endless Prison in a group. If there is any information, he would be informed. report.

More than three months have passed,

Nash, who had not eaten, showed an extremely shriveled and shrunken parasite body, curled up on the ground. But he didn't feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, he became more comfortable with death during this hunger strike.

at this time,

Tick! The sound of liquid falling to the ground made Nash wake up suddenly, and he opened his eyes that had almost lost their luster.

What fell to the ground was a drop of black liquid, the second largest drop.

But this drop of black liquid continued to spread and stretch on the ground, and eventually even dyed the entire ground black.

One by one, the dead who had been killed by Yi Chen crawled out from the black ground, hundreds of them... they formed a circle, and then began to draw lots under the guidance of a certain leader.

The deceased person who was drawn accepted his fate very calmly and lay flat on the ground in the center.

The rest of the dead were performing some kind of prayer and kneeling before him.

Eventually the deceased's body began to collapse, liquefy and then reorganize.

The long black hair falls down,

The slender and contoured body is completely relaxed, and the arms are spread out with all their strength.

The deep eyes slowly changed from dull to bright, as if the consciousness in the Dead Sea was crawling from the depths of the brain to the surface.

Do not know why,

Although Nash had not yet fully confirmed the identity of the person in front of him, his body instinctively wrapped around him. The huge, shriveled body of the parasite wrapped around his waist and abdomen perfectly, blocking the young man's private area, and then gently wrapped the parasite's head. Put it lightly on your shoulders.


"Boss Yi is here!"

"Are my [lungs] still there?"

"Yes! I have kept it in the deepest part of my body and used all the nutrients to nourish it."

After that, Nash dug out the purple lung buried deepest in his mouth.

Who would have thought that when Yi Chen took over the purple lung, he didn't put it into his body, but squeezed it hard! This pair of purple lungs, which came from the incarnation of the True Gold Haohua Lung Zang, was actually crushed directly, and its vitality was no longer available.


Just when Nash was puzzled, Yi Chen held up the crushed purple lungs.

Under the influence of a certain artistic conception of death, the crushed purple lungs turned into black liquid containing residue and poured into Yi Chen's open mouth.

Before long,

A "Lung of the Dead" that contained all the characteristics of the Purple Lung and exuded the aura of death was constructed in Yi Chen's body and became the "inherent component" of his body.

Unlike other organs and bodies, the lungs will always exist with Yi Chen's consciousness and soul.

"Boss... you have really reached a deeper level! Congratulations!"


Nash was happy but also a little frustrated. After all, as Yi Chen "regained the concept", his job of replacing the lower body would come to an end.

It may be impossible to continue the alliance in the future, and Nash will return to the theater and be responsible for related performance work.

the other side,

Yi Chen did not feel this deeper death for a long time, but immediately turned around, facing the white-haired skeleton that also existed deep in the prison, and sat cross-legged.

This time he also took the initiative to speak:

"Mr. Barron, do you want to go out with me?"

"No... I don't need to go out now. My consciousness has been completely integrated with the endless prison. Once I leave, the entire ladder of sin will collapse, and the chaos of the old world will increase significantly.

Although I also want to go home for a visit, the warden is kind to me and I am willing to stay here to stabilize the entire prison for him.

Besides, even with the prison as a patch on my brain, I could still fall ill if I was traumatized again. I'm more dangerous now than ever.

Just take a message out for me. "


Balon also asked curiously, "Where are you going next? With your current death skills, few people in the entire old world except the Plague Lord can stop you... Or are you planning to go back to your original world? Continue to fulfill your mission.”

“I will indeed return to my old world, but there are things to do before I get here.

Next, I will go to the Yousui Leather Factory and cooperate with my "consciousness carrier" in this world to deal with the blood people there. To a certain extent, it is a personal grudge. "

"Leather factory, blood people? How are these connected?"

Balon, who has not had contact with the outside world for a long time, naturally does not understand these things.

Yi Chen was also like a junior, describing in great detail the fact that the leather factory was forced to accept the blood people due to various complicated circumstances that were about to go bankrupt.

At the same time, it also tells about the contradictory relationship between the leather factory, the blood people and the G\u0026D organization that infected the world.

"It turns out that even in ancient times, the Blood People were the most violent residents of the epidemic area. They were very aggressive and possessive, and they were also the most irrational group.

Your worries are correct. According to the nature of this group of blood people, as long as the infection of the world is completed and the two worlds are connected, they will definitely kill and assimilate all the humans there as soon as possible, and destroy the so-called gentleman organization in your mouth.

You must decide the winner with them here, otherwise it will be too late.

But there is a reason why the blood people were given the source of the epidemic area and can survive until now. This group of guys should not be underestimated.

Although your death has reached this depth, there is still a lot of danger in trying to destroy the blood people.

As the first leader of the Death Plague Knights, I had a direct conflict with the Seven Marquises due to a conflict of interest. There was one guy among them who was very special and difficult to deal with.

Although I was slightly suppressed at first, it still brought me a lot of pressure.

In addition, there is the most important point.

Blood is the most common and most widespread carrier of vitality in the world, which means that blood people have unique talents at the vitality level.

Likewise, the plague lord who once ruled the blood people was called the 'one who cannot be killed'.

Even though that war resulted in the complete defeat of the old world, the blood people at the forefront suffered heavy casualties, and the plague lord was jointly killed...but I personally do not agree that that existence will truly die.

Because I have never seen the breath of death in the Blood People's Plague Lord, and it seems that death will never be related to it.

The Blood People United Leather Factory may not be a superficial cooperation, so you must be careful. If you are defeated and hunted, you can choose to take refuge with me. "

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