The final gentleman

Chapter 841 Deep Red

Arrogant. When Emperor Pride’s head was raised high,

On the viewing platform,

The three marquis and even the dozen or so earls behind him did not panic because the emperor was beheaded. They simply showed shocked expressions. They did not expect that their opponents could push the emperor to such an extent.

Zed, who had basically recovered after receiving medical treatment in the stomach world of Gratoni, did not change his position and still chose to sit on the side of the blood people.

Zed is feeling the state of the great emperor through his unique physical perception, but the feedback he gets is endless crimson. He can even hear the physical friction of the mighty army from the flesh, as if something is about to be liberated.

"Is this showdown about to officially begin..."

On the other side of the viewing platform,

William and Art, the co-leaders of this circus performance, changed their expressions at the same time. They were not happy because Yi Chen had the upper hand and even had the opportunity to kill the emperor, but they looked ugly.

"Art, do you feel it?"

Art said with an uncomfortable look on his face, "How could I not feel it? My whole body is about to burst~ This is too exaggerated. I didn't expect that the legendary emperor could exaggerate to such an extent.

The skin bag is just a 'restraint', and what is contained inside is the real thing. No wonder the blood has been leaking out through the hair bag on the head before. It turns out that it cannot contain the main body.

Being able to see the Emperor's 'true form' here is quite satisfying. "

William looked serious, "Stop talking nonsense, Art! Leave quickly and help me expand the circus, otherwise the size of the circus in front of you will be overwhelmed."

"Isn't it good to burst? When the game is forced to be interrupted and these blood people are left in the depths of subspace, we can quickly return to the leather factory through your means, William, and combine with our 'children' to handle the final matters ”

"Don't act stupid, Art... If it were really that simple, you wouldn't be nervous. The aura that the Emperor is currently releasing completely exceeds our expectations.

The blood he can release can definitely wrap all the blood people living in the place and protect them from the erosion of the turbulent flow of space.

As for Gluttony Gratoni on the viewing platform, he has the ability to devour space. It cannot be ruled out that he has teamed up with Marquis Enwei to find a way to return directly to the tannery.

Judging from the current situation, since Mr. Yi has also shown strength beyond our imagination, the two of us will provide the venue conditions as much as possible so that they can have fun playing and consume the emperor's physical energy and blood as much as possible.

Otherwise, even if our plan can be successfully implemented, the Emperor will be an obstacle that cannot be ignored.

Hurry! Help expand the venue, otherwise it will explode. "

While William and Art were chatting, the decapitated emperor began to spurt a large amount of blood from his neck, and it was an unstoppable spurt, like a human body spring.

The column of blood rose from a few meters at the beginning to dozens of meters, and even washed up to the top of the circus.

Crash, clatter, rain of blood naturally poured down, instantly turning the entire venue red, and even the auditorium began to accumulate water.

When the blood was about to reach his ankle, William and Art acted together.

The main raw material of this circus tent is ‘Art’s tumor’, and the boss’s hair only serves as a node support.

Art put his hand on the tent and began to transfer the tumors in his body, expanding the tent by adding raw materials.

William stirred the abyss in his belly and used space means to open up the deep space where the circus tent was as wide as possible so that the tent could expand normally without being squeezed by space.

With the combined efforts of the two, the circus began to grow slowly.

The central arena was stretched to four times its original size. The panting William sat down and quickly took out a cigarette from the original tomb to refresh himself.

"In this case, it should be barely able to hold it... What kind of blood loss is this~ Does this guy, the Emperor, want to show us the past empire here?"

inside the venue,

The blood is still gushing out crazily,

Yi Chen did not continue to attack the headless body that was constantly spurting blood in front of him, because he knew one thing very well. This skin bag was just a 'binding device' to restrain the emperor, and any attack would only accelerate the disintegration of the binding device.

He retreated to the sidelines and waited quietly for the emperor's true posture.

Feeling the continuous emergence of the blood epidemic, feeling the crimson threat approaching death, even Yi Chen couldn't help but sigh,

“Without any divinity, Emperor Pride’s arrogance prevented him from accepting anything from the outside world.

Just by developing his own disease, he can become so strong, which is far beyond the comparison of the clown who absorbs everything and refuses to come.

No wonder those on the main material plane would launch a full-scale attack on this small world floating on the edge of the universe and curb the rules because the development of the disease here has exceeded the 'mainstream rules'.

If not restricted, it is likely to threaten the theological rule of those guys.

Facing such a strong man, I must use all my strength..."

With his feet dangling in the air, Yi Chen slowly closed his eyes, and his mind returned to the surface of the dark sea again, riding alone in a boat. This time he knelt down very devoutly and bowed to the sea.

This scene of kneeling and worshiping was naturally projected into reality. Patients who did not understand the meaning of divinity could not understand it. Only William showed a smile.

Ten minutes passed,

The gushing blood finally stopped,

The inside of the arena, which had been stretched four times, was still filled with blood, and it would overflow within 1cm.

The headless body of the Great Emperor began to squirm, as if something was about to come out.

Uh-huh! Two crimson arms suddenly tore open the neck and stretched out, then completely tore the entire skin, revealing a flawless blood-stained figure, stepping steadily on the blood-filled surface of the arena.

The long dark red hair floats in the air like a sun disk, swaying slightly,

The surface of the bright red skin is covered with crystal blood vessels in a geometric structure, in which extremely pure blood flows.

"No mouth", because the emperor in this posture does not need to pass orders through his mouth, his will will be declared to the world through blood.

"Earless", the emperor does not need to listen to any opinions or suggestions, he only needs to issue instructions and suppress heretics.

"Nose", everything is covered in the smell of blood, and the sense of smell becomes meaningless here.

Only the corresponding eyes of the twins still exist, because the emperor will witness with his own eyes the invasion and coverage of the world by the bright red, and the humility and death of the enemy.

The previous sword was held with one hand, but now it is held with two hands.

When the left and right hands hold the hilt of the sword at the same time, it is as if the emperor is personally on the battlefield and standing at the front of the army, and the momentum of all the soldiers is therefore high.

The sword body wrapped in crimson ropes began to shake. The bandage-like ropes were slightly loosened and floated in the air in the form of strips.

Tiny names slowly seeped out from the surface, which were the names of citizens who had voluntarily sacrificed their lives.

Epic music plays here, full of aggression and uneasiness,

An almost golden blood-soaked frame appeared above the emperor's head at this moment.

It is not densely woven with blood vessels like other marquises. The golden frame is engraved with bloody knights rushing to the front line, and at the end is a bloody skull wearing a crown.

The inside of the frame is filled with crystallized blood.

The top is marked with the name and title.

Pride the Great, The First Crimson Red

You can vaguely hear a distant voice echoing in the blood, "My expedition has just begun..."

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