The final gentleman

Chapter 842 Battle beyond level

Yi Chen, who was kneeling in the black sea, also smelled the smell of blood that shouldn't be there, and even the light of blood soaked into the corners of his eyes.

This deep red can already touch the realm of death and can pose an absolute threat to Yi Chen.

But Yi Chen's devout kneeling was not interrupted. He continued to kowtow. This absolute and pure concentration caused the darkness to gradually rise, completely covering the wooden boat where Yi Chen was.

Maybe he felt Yi Chen’s piety,

Or maybe the God of Death, who disdains the development of followers, also feels the threat from Crimson and is unwilling to let his only believer die.

In a blink of an eye,

Yi Chen seemed to have returned to the scene when he saw the statue for the first time.

Yi Chen, who was only six years old at the time, was tortured to death due to multiple escapes and serious injuries to employees.

Moreover, Director Cao happened to be on a business trip, and the employees who had long been unhappy with Yi Chen resorted to more extreme means to abuse him, throwing him into a small dark room in the infirmary to ensure that he would not completely die.

But they overlooked one thing,

Although Yi Chen will not die immediately in this state, if he does not receive nutritious meals from the orphanage canteen and does not get a good rest, the situation will only worsen.

This level lasts for a whole month.

In an absolutely dark environment, Yi Chen died little by little every day.

The concept of time has long been blurred, and I can even vaguely see my dead classmates, and the fantasies about the outside world in my brain. Even my body is softening, and I want to collapse and rest forever.

But Yi Chen didn't want to die just like that. He still had some unfinished business.

Thinking of this, he started calling for his 'little friends' in the corner. Upon hearing the call, one after another the furry guys came and volunteered to become Yi Chen's food.

Ruining hair and drinking blood,

I thought these little guys could bring Yi Chen back from hell, but they contracted a more severe plague and the situation became extremely bad.

But Yi Chen still didn't want to die. He used his mouth to bite off the ulcers on his body and chewed and swallowed them.

Even though the vision was completely blurred, he still gritted his teeth and refused to die...

Suddenly, a clear sound of waves woke up Yi Chen, and his vision became clear. He could even see the outline of the room clearly in the absolutely dark little black room, as if the light was shining back on him.

The small black room that originally only had dimensions of 4×4×4m actually had a deep passage.

Yi Chen dragged his mutilated body and crawled towards it unconsciously. He didn't know how long he had been crawling, but a shrine carved from ebony wood stood at the end.

The statue of the god enshrined on the shrine was shrouded in thick black mist.

Bursts of gloomy voices came from inside the black mist: "Your body clearly wants to die, and wants to gain eternal peace and rest. Why does your spirit keep fighting and hindering the gift of death?"

Isn't death good enough for you? Why refuse this gift? "

Yi Chen answered without any hesitation, "Because I still have things to do, and I have to spread death to others."

The word "spread" is used very well, and you can even vaguely feel that the statue in the black mist is quite happy.

"It's interesting to sow death... I didn't expect that such an interesting guy like you would be born among such boring humans.

Look directly at my idol and bow down to me, little one. I will give you an opportunity. If you seize it, you will have the opportunity to spread death. "

Yi Chen dragged his mutilated body and slowly climbed up to the shrine, and stuck his head into the black mist to spy on the true face of this mysterious statue.

It is completely different from the expected statues of gods showing postures and gestures, or in other words, there is no 'gesture' at all.

The 'statue' placed on the shrine and hidden in the thick black mist turned out to be a water tank filled with black sea water.

The sound of the ocean tide that Yi Chen heard before came from it.

But as Yi Chen stared, he saw the composition of the sea water, which were the dead that had completely festered and turned into liquid. Each wave of waves represented the simultaneous wailing of multiple dead people.

In addition, the deepest part of the water tank also corresponds to the deepest part of the sea.

At the bottom of this ocean composed of countless dead people, there is a lonely tombstone, and a special dead person is buried inside.

Like the entire sea, all the dead are the burial objects of those under the grave.

In the circus,

Art looked at the emperor's 'arrogant' posture, and he couldn't help showing a ferocious expression. It seems that even in his full glory, it is difficult to compete with such an existence.

The entire audience was suppressed by the Emperor's momentum.

There was only one area that was not affected, which was where Yi Chen was.

The emperor's twin eyes looked at Yi Chen, who was kneeling devoutly, and could not help but tilt his head. He did not directly raise his sword to kill the opponent.

Because the emperor has regarded Yi Chen as a 'strong enemy', he must be completely defeated from the front.

The depth of death displayed by Yi Chen made the emperor willing to wait for a moment for this weird act of kneeling.


The kneeling stopped.

Black sea water crazily overflowed from the seven holes of Yi Chen. His whole body was struggling as if he was drowning. The black liquid became more and more until it covered Yi Chen's whole body.

Eventually it was sucked into the body again and returned to its original state.

It's just that Yi Chen's posture is like a dead person floating on the water, with his arms drooped in front of him, his entire back bulging at the highest point, and his head drooped deeply.

Still wearing a black shirt and trousers, it doesn't look like much has changed.

But some of the audience at the scene could feel the true meaning of Yi Chen's gesture.

William, who continued to study in the original tomb for many months, looked at the "drowned" Yi Chen and whispered, "The other [entity] formed by the corpse of an audience member who first came to the scene,

Returning to the previous concept of abandoning the entity and appearing as pure death, the [virtual] body,

And now the self [entity] is recast with the water of the deep sea.

There are three changes in total, each time sinking deeper into the Black Sea, each time revealing more divinity, each time getting closer to real death, and everything will return to zero if you don't pay attention.

You are too strong... Yi Chen! "

inside the venue,

Seeing that Yi Chen's condition had stabilized, the emperor no longer waited.

One step out!

The blood that overflowed the venue stirred up waves of blood hundreds of meters high. The Emperor seemed to be ordering tens of thousands of Scarlet Crusaders to start his expedition.

When the bloody sword in his hand was swung out, every name engraved on the bandage screamed.

Yi Chen, who was 'drowning', suddenly woke up. He seemed to be using the buoyancy of the black sea to raise his arm and swing out the long black knife.

The moment the swords collide,

All the smiling spectators watching the battle exploded and died.

Catherine maintained the posture of a Buddha sitting on a lotus and raised a seawater barrier in front of her, but she was still shocked so much that blood oozed from the corners of her mouth.

William also unfolded the yellow leather barrier and cooperated with his own abyss rotation to twist away the impact, but strong ripples still appeared on the surface of the clothing.

Only Art relied on his body to resist the impact, but his expression was not good-looking at all, and his eyes were completely bloodshot.

The situation on the Blood People's side was similar. Many counts jointly created a blood barrier to block the impact, while Slaanesh and Nasté hid behind the blood wall created by Marquis Enwy.

Only Gratoni and Zed remained sitting side by side in a normal posture, resisting with physical strength, and seemed to be secretly comparing and competing.

However, blood flowed from multiple mouths all over Gratoni's body.

Zedd commented in a low voice on the situation in front of him.

"The level of this duel has surpassed the [Silver Circle]. Even if we are just spectators, we will be affected by this duel. If we are not careful, we will lose our limbs or even be killed."

Not only the audience, but the circus tent that had just been expanded was torn in half, with the top completely torn off and involved in the subspace turbulence.

Unexpectedly, before William, the person in charge, came to fill the tent,

The blood at the Emperor's feet rose up on its own, forming a blood curtain to complete the circus tent and isolate the influence of subspace.

With one black and one red, and the collision of knives and swords, the tent continued to be torn apart again and again, and was repaired again and again with blood.

The audience was affected by the intense battle, and Zed, who had previously maintained a normal sitting posture, was forced to wrap his whole body into a muscle ball.

Gratoni let his tooth enamel cover his whole body and did not dare to hold on any longer.

Only Art continued to remain seated, his divinity revealed but his expression extremely ugly, because what the two people in front of him showed had surpassed him.


When the swords collided equally again,

The emperor seemed to have made a decision. From his back, a bloody arm lifted up and stacked by the people grew out of his back. It grabbed Yi Chen's face and threw him with all his strength!

Throw it out of the tent and into the turbulence of subspace.

It seemed that for the Emperor, such a duel should not be constrained by such a small space as a tent. With one step, he pursued the depths of the subspace with endless blood.

William and others who were left sitting in the dilapidated tent looked at each other.

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