The final gentleman

Chapter 843 Mind

In the torn tent, the audience had different moods.

Among them, the one with the most serious mood swings is the chief clown of the circus, Art Kramer. He is the person on the scene who is most likely to lose control and has the least stable body and soul.

If the blood plague that blood people are born with has a negative impact on individuals, then the risk of malignant tumors in Ater's body is probably more than ten times that of the blood plague.

And as Art absorbed all the exiled cancer patients, almost all the malignant emotions accumulated in him,

It's just that he controlled these negative emotions through greater [evil], managed them properly, so that he could survive under such world rules, and then vented them privately by spreading the clown virus.

As long as the direction of the world does not deviate too far from Art's plan and does not exceed his 'limits',

Through the "internal ladder system" he established and the [Heavenly Divinity] obtained from the invaders from outside the territory, he can stabilize the malignant tumors in the body, and even achieve qualitative changes through endless quantitative changes, surpassing the conventional tumor knights and reaching a 'high level'. Table Knights' level.

But what was happening now completely exceeded Art's 'limit'.

He couldn't accept that 'Mr. Yi', who was overpowered by him and regarded as a strong rival four months ago, had now reached this level and could actually compete with a being like the Great Emperor.

When Yi Chen poured the death entity out of sea water, Art even felt that his divinity would be swallowed up by this death.

Faced with this transcendent duel, Art did not use any defensive means throughout the entire process, allowing the tearing blade sword energy to cut on the surface of his endless tumors, and took the initiative to bear the blow.

He just sat quietly in the audience chair, his eyes not blinking for more than ten minutes.

Due to his emotional changes and his gradual loss of control, Art's body, even though he was covered by a clown suit, still had a large number of tumors undulating under his skin, and even transparent tumors like blisters appeared one after another on his face.

Until... bang!

A soft and gentle palm gently patted Art's shoulder, and at the same time, it was accompanied by a mental reminder to stabilize his out-of-control emotions.

"Hey! Art, put away your impatient heart~ We have to thank Mr. Yi for being able to drag the emperor to this extent, even to the depths of subspace.

Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, an opportunity that exceeds all our plans.

The Emperor was dragged deep into the subspace, focused on his duel with Mr. Yi, unaware of the situation in the real world.

All we need to do now is to go to the leather factory, and the "qualification" will be at hand... So much time has passed, our 'child' should have penetrated to the deepest level, and even stood in front of the Blood Lord's coffin.

There is no need to think about Mr. Yi's problem anymore. As long as you can get the "qualification", Art, with the malignant tumor system and cancer people system you have established, the divinity of heaven given by the outside world, and the "smiling face" that has already spread throughout the old world Hobby Club

In a short period of time, a royal city equivalent to the [Cancer Palace] will rise from the ground.

As a new epidemic owner, do you still need to consider these things? When the time comes, I will receive the inheritance from my boss and become the master of the circus. If you and I cooperate, both the old world and the human world that is about to be infected will become our property.

Sort out your emotions and start the final plan, Mr.Joker. "

With the help of William's epileptic brain essence, the surging tumors all over Atner's body gradually calmed down.

Then he turned his head in a weird posture and looked at William with a completely torn red face, "Ah~ thank you so much, my dear friend~ Mr. Yi's wonderful performance made me unable to recover for a while.

But it is indeed too exaggerated. It has become like this in just a few months. "

William shrugged, "I don't think so.

But, Mr. Yi is not originally from our side. He is a pure genius in the main material plane, which is broader and has more opportunities. He is also targeted by a special god and given a unique qualification for death.

Coming to our small world on the edge as a death row prisoner can be regarded as a 'dimensionality reduction blow'.

However, when you and I, Art, become one of the masters of the old world and take the initiative to contact the main material plane and use the entire old world as our name, we will surely be able to soar and witness the real world. "

Art's head turned 360°,

"Haha, your pie painting is really good~ William. Don't talk about so many distant things with me, I'm only interested in "qualifications".

Let's go, my body can't wait to accept "qualification". "

"Hold on……"

A touch of silver hair appeared at the tip of William's hair, and at the same time, it worked together with Catherine's illusion, so that when the blood people sitting opposite looked over, they would only see a group of them with "good conduct".

As the magic is performed,

William also unbuttoned and let Art and Catherine climb in one after another.

After a quick glance at Teacher Zed, who was sitting among the blood people, almost next to Gratoni, William also crawled into his belly.

On the side of the blood people,

Marquis Enwei was still shocked by the battle just now. He didn't expect that anyone could really fight to such an extent with the Emperor, and he also saw that extremely rare smile on the Emperor's face.

"The Emperor hasn't enjoyed a battle like this for a long time... Now that the venue of the duel has been moved to the depths of subspace, it seems that we are not even qualified to watch.

The tent was damaged to such an extent that there was no point in repairing it.

Since I can't watch the duel, I might as well go back first~ Although I didn't receive any danger warning from the manor, it's better to be careful.

Gratoni, are you ready? "

"about there."

Marquis Enwei still stood up politely and said towards the direction of William and others:

“Since the venue you arranged has become meaningless, there is no need for us to continue watching the show, we just need to wait for the final result of the showdown.

Thank you for your carefully arranged venue and set performance. We all gained a lot during the performance. "

William responded with a professional smile: "Marquis Enwei is too polite, you go back first! I will inform you when there is news."

at this time,

Slaanesh Nasty smelled something amiss, and she immediately opened her heart-shaped eyes and looked at sister Catherine, who had had a happy experience in the game before.

She should have received an equally ambiguous expression from the other party, but Catherine just waved lightly.


A hidden poison needle shot directly from Nast's body, and when it penetrated Catherine's eyebrows, she turned into a pool of sea water.

"Illusion! These guys have escaped long ago!"

Immediately, the expressions of the blood people present changed drastically, and Gratoni immediately used his mouth to construct a space passage back to the real world.

However, there is a special figure among the blood folk, and it is Zed who is next to Gratoni. After all, Zed was a member of the other party, which also aroused Nast's strong hostility.

Unexpectedly, Gratoni roared angrily, "Nasté, Mr. Zed will not engage in such insidious and despicable tricks. Go back and see the situation in the manor!"

Marquis Enwei on the side also nodded, signaling Nast to follow him back quickly and not to worry about Zed's problem.

All the blood people immediately got into Gratoni's abdomen and returned to the leather factory.

Gratoni and Zed were the only two people left in the dilapidated circus tent. "Mr. Zed, what are you going to do?"

“I did come to participate in this duel with the intention of annihilating the blood people at first, but during the duel I saw something different.

My duel with you is over. I will not take any actions that threaten you for the time being. I also want to have a good talk with you on behalf of humanity afterwards.

In addition, if William does something extremely despicable and completely contrary to the character of a gentleman, I will stop him as a teacher. "


Gratoni swallowed Zed in one gulp and left here. The wreckage of the performance tent was quickly swallowed up by the subspace turbulence.

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