The final gentleman

Chapter 853 The real betrayal

[Xie Yang] was almost the first generation of plague master that was born along with the disease.

In other words, he is a separated part of the disease, an indispensable part of the operation of the entire old world, and has been the owner of the disease since his birth.

The heat energy released by the evil yang nourishes all diseases in the old world. It is the existence of the evil yang that allows various germs to develop super fast and achieve species diversification, giving birth to diseases such as [Cancer Palace], [Leather Factory], [Arc] Sea] and other meaningful epidemic areas, as well as the powerful epidemic masters who control these areas.

It can be said that the prosperity of the entire old world is based on the nourishment of the evil yang, and even many rules are created around the evil yang.

Xie Yang's own position is also very special. He exists independently and does not have any epidemic area or organization to which he belongs. At most, some "self-motivated" admirers have established some non-governmental organizations facing the sun.

However, the long-term independent existence seems to have made Xie Yang feel a little lonely, perhaps out of sheer boredom, or perhaps in order to increase his control over the old world.

Xie Yang gave birth to two children through 'self-stripping'.

Patients who live during that time will be able to see three suns hanging high in the sky, spreading heat and light throughout the old world, further depriving those who are naturally fond of darkness and those who hide in corners of their rights to live.


The eldest son was completely killed one night. The concept of death was born for the first time in the old world in the form of bacilli, and the entire pattern of the old world also changed.

In order to curb the spread of death, the Second Son of Evil Yang took the initiative to descend in front of the cemetery where death originated, turning his body into a mountain and his disease core into a white bonfire, thus forming the landmark of the old world [Bonfire Mountains].

He became the dividing line between life and death, and could visit his respected brother at any time.

Even if the war breaks out and the evil sun falls, the second son still fulfills his duties and restrains the dead.

After the cooperation between William and Art was formally established,

As long as he didn't go to Art's [Smiley Face Club], he would almost always go to the original tomb, and he was even completely familiar with every Death Plague Knight.

The name is to study death in order to reunite with Yi Chen later.

In fact, William had other plans. His real goal was to let Xiao Putao, the collector of evil Yang's firewood, come into contact with the descendants of Evil Yang.

Whether it is the second son on the Bonfire Mountains or the eldest son of Evil Yang who is obsessed with the depths of death and has no interest in worldly affairs, that is, the first deceased, they are all the objects that Little Putao will come into contact with and learn from.

Rather than saying that William was studying in the original tomb, it was better to say that Little Putao was studying.

This is the most important link in William's "Evil Plan". We must use the unique evil sun characteristics of Little Grape to increase the probability of defeating Art from below 50% to above, and to maximize the performance of [Final Performance]. Dramatic effect.

If turning over the abyss is the key method used by William to suppress cancer cells, then Little Grape's turning over the evil sun is the final method used to erase Art.


It has long been rated as the king of diseases in the old world.

Cancer Palace has held the title of ‘the first source of epidemic area’ for a long time.

However, in the history of the development of Cancer Palace, there has always been a group that can compete with it, and even suppress it to some extent. It's a pity that this group is restricted by the evil sun and is isolated in the corner of the world.

It is the [Death Plague Knights].

The original dead brought the first death to the disease world, and also made all the diseases that pervaded the old world feel the coldness and darkness of death for the first time, making them feel real fear.

Death is an absolute poison for germs with biological structures.

No matter how extreme Art's malignant tumor is, it is still a tumor and a kind of disease, and it will pass away due to death.

In this way, Yi Chen, as a dependent of death, naturally became the strongest weapon to kill Art.

But in William's opinion, it was not enough to eliminate this last cancer, and it was still a cancer that inherited extraterritorial divinity and was qualified to become the plague lord.

Therefore, William must also arrange everything in advance.

It is also the "flipping stage" and "death sun" currently being presented.

At this moment,

As the overturned grape gradually rose from the broken abyss body and hung high in the sky, announcing that [Tumor and Heaven] had been replaced, control of the current scene once again fell into William's hands.

The squirming of the dark eyeballs, the swing of the flame ring on the arm, the burning inside of the turned firewood,

In an instant, extreme cold and darkness enveloped the city, providing an excellent environment for the deceased to move around.

The trauma Yi Chen suffered when fighting the Emperor was actually quickly repaired in such an environment. The strong sense of affinity with death made him forget his fatigue and slowly returned to his peak.

Not only that, there is another most important change happening now.

On the withered vines, the abyssal body that Art had destroyed with his hammer was undergoing some kind of change.

The abyssal body discarded the completely smashed head part,

Gaji Gaji~ Through the wriggling of a large number of black tapeworms, the cracks between the limbs and the body are repaired and polished again, making the structure of the abyssal body look more like the armor worn by the knight.

William's abyssal posture seemed to have turned into a pair of "armor" at this moment.

Internal library.

William once again returned to his posture as a director and made a very respectful invitation gesture, and the person he invited was Yi Chen opposite him.

The high-pitched voice echoed in the library,

"The stage most suitable for the dead has been set! The final act has finally arrived.

Yi Chen, please! Continuing the last unfinished performance on the False Moon, killing the greatest evil in the old world. This time, I will be your shell to fill up the emperor's consumption of you. "

"William, what on earth are you..."

"Yi Chenqi will naturally know the answer after everything is over. I have always been grateful for Mr. Yi's care! Let me support you this time."

As the armor of the abyss formed,

Tick ​​tick tick~ The thick black liquid kept dripping, and a head that seemed to be floating out of the sea slowly emerged from the neck of the armor, and his body gradually filled the entire suit of armor.

The extraterrestrial iron chain from the monastery is wrapped around the armor of his right arm,

The black knife transformed by Nash is held tightly in his hand,

All the dead energy is condensed in the body due to the convergence effect of the abyss, and will only be completely released when it touches the target.

This time,

William conducted a true "self-turn\

,"Yi Chen, who was once the second person, became the protagonist, and William himself became the second person in the abyss, serving as the armor to support the body.

A gloomy, low chorus plays at this moment.

A unique frame of pure black color and rock formations appears above the head, and the surface of the frame is seeped with black liquid. There is no gold or silver component, and it seems that it no longer belongs to the category of patients to some extent.

Most importantly, the titles and names on the framework have also undergone tremendous changes.

§Drowns Under the Abyss - William Y. Behrens (William Y. Behrens, Drowns Under the Abyss)§

The letter "Y" is bolded, and black fluid is still being secreted.

Tumor King Art was completely shocked by the changes in front of him. He couldn't believe that the [Tumor and Heaven] displayed in his ultimate state would actually be covered, and even completely accepted by the other party as his own.

The extremely cold death sun made him feel uncomfortable all over. Every golden thread woven into the robes was sizzling and smoking, and an endless sense of crisis arose in his body.

However, the sudden change made Art calm down.

"Ah... William~ You are indeed my kind. Only people who understand me can push me to this level.

I admit you! You are a very good actor! The circus has reached a higher level again because of your joining. "

As soon as he finished speaking,

Art reached out and pulled off the roulette wings on his back, stuffed all the wings composed of twelve arms into his mouth, chewed and swallowed them.

His belly also slowly swelled during this process, and it seemed that the [swollen cathedral] in his abdomen was getting bigger during this process.

Art's mind was extradited by himself to the memory given by divinity. He saw a special god-killing gun, and this gun was not in this world.

However, he relied on the divine memory of this gun, through the current state he had reached, and through the characteristics of the malignant tumor to create himself.


A stream of golden liquid flowed out from Art's abdomen, and the entire swollen cathedral was blooming with golden light.

As Art pulled hard, some kind of tumorous holy relic appeared in the world,

The handle of the gun is made of twelve golden arms intertwined with each other. The tip of the gun is in the shape of a cross, and a suffering person is engraved on it.

Even though this was just a self-made imitation by Art based on his memory, the tip of the gun exuded a strong dangerous aura, an aura that could kill gods.

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