The final gentleman

Chapter 854 Gap

No matter how spectacular the scene of Art's "cutting his belly to get the gun" was, Yi Chen didn't take a second glance. He just quietly felt the special state he was in, and quietly felt the absolute peace brought by being wrapped in the abyss.

Whether it is the noise around you or the distracting thoughts in your heart, they are all absorbed by this abyss armor.

This armor is not a dead thing, but corresponds to William's body. It is controlled by that unique brain. It will perfectly adapt to all Yi Chen's movements, achieving the effect of 1+1\u003e2.


The sound of high heels came from behind. Only Yi Chen could hear this sound.

The visitor was a middle-aged woman. She came quietly behind Yi Chen, put her hands on his shoulders, and gently pressed her cold lips to his earlobes.

She spoke softly in a gentle voice that was both motherly and teacher-like:

"You finally found a friend...the teacher is so happy for you."


Yi Chen responded in an extremely rare way, which made the long-dead woman behind him also show a gentle smile.

"This time since your friend is here, the teacher will no longer cover your eyes... I believe that no one can stop you now.

Go ahead and implement your obsession~"

Just when Yi Chen was caught up in the inner dialogue, Tumor King Art had already faced the extremely cold gaze of the 'Death Sun' and came to Yi Chen holding a special spear that he had conceived.

Even though the initiative in the scene was taken away by the sudden death sun, Art still had absolute confidence.

His true power is all concentrated in the Swelling Cathedral due to the "internal tour". Even if the tumor and the kingdom of heaven are destroyed, it doesn't matter. Being close to the plague lord, he will not be afraid of any existence under the plague lord.

Arriving in front of Yi Chen, Art once again used his almost buggy Tumor King ability - "Time Proliferation".

Cancer cells in the body absorb the material energy of the surrounding environment to the maximum extent, causing the movement of materials to slow down or even stop temporarily.

The heavenly spear with the god-killing effect grabbed Yuat's right arm.

The believers who came out of the swollen cathedral also gathered on their right arms, pushing the handle of the gun together and singing hymns, causing the entire spear to penetrate forward with strong divinity.

This is an attack that is completely beyond the physical level. Once hit by a spear, even the godhead will be damaged and the soul will be penetrated.

Because time stands still,

Seeing the gun tip approaching Yi Chen's unprotected eyebrows, and about to pierce it... Dang!

A dull, tiny crash that could only be heard by both sides of the battle spread,

The heavy, dark chain blocked Yi Chen's face at some point. The tip of the gun was stuck in the gap in the chain, unable to move forward. It was only a hair away from being able to poke it.


Art was quite puzzled. It was clear that time multiplication was not over yet, so why could the other party move? Moreover, an iron chain was used to firmly block the penetration route, blocking the gun head exactly.

Although this specially bred god-killing spear has a chance to break the iron chain, it will take time.

The warning bells of the church in Ater's body have sounded, indicating that danger is coming.

On top of Art's head,

The black knife connected to the end of the chain has been raised high, the "decapitation force" has been formed, and the feeling of being placed on the beheading platform strikes again.


Under the soles of Art's feet, swollen believers once again appeared with their hands outstretched, carrying him away quickly.

Visually it looks very funny, like stepping on golden lubricant. He quickly retreated hundreds of meters away and put a golden collar on himself to prevent decapitation through secretion of liquid from his neck.

Unfortunately, the alarm bells in the church did not stop.

With his vision stained by gold, Yi Chen did not pursue him, but slowly raised his free left hand... The left palm wrapped in the abyss armor actually turned into a black sea vortex.

It's like a whirlpool on the sea, but also like an entrance to the abyss.

While his palms were aimed at At, the Death Sun hanging in the sky also focused all its eyes on At,

Even though he was wrapped in gold, Art still felt an extreme cold that made his whole body tremble...

In a blink of an eye,


Yat, who should have been hundreds of meters away, was in front of Yi Chen in an instant, and his neck was firmly grasped by the opponent's palm, completely immobilizing him.


Before he could be surprised, the slash had already fallen.


The golden collar around Art's neck broke directly, and his head fell to the ground!

This is a death execution given by Yi Chen in his prime, fully infiltrating the concept of "beheading" into it. At the same time, it is all done under the witness of the "Death Sun", which further confirms the effect of beheading.


The golden liquid spurted out from the clown's neck crazily, but before it splashed onto Yi Chen's body, it had already dimmed and decayed, turning into sporadic energy that was absorbed by the little grape.

Who knows.

The headless body flowing with golden liquid suddenly trembled, and faint laughter could be heard coming from within.


The arm that was already hanging down suddenly grabbed the spear and thrust forward,

The god-killing spear named "Longinus Tumorized Imitation" seized the gap between the beheading and stabbed Yi Chen's head again.

Who knew~ the chain was shaking!

Under the pull of the iron chain, the black knife changed its retraction route and rebounded to the front, firmly blocking the path of the spear.


At the same time as the weapons collide,

Yi Chen performed a super-fast side kick with a roundabout step, and hit Art's abdomen perfectly with one kick.

The force of this kick is obviously very heavy, and you can even see air ripples with a diameter of tens of meters. The strange thing is that even the slightest impact, even the sound seems to be absorbed by the Abyss Armor.

This kick is not only powerful, but also combined with the real abyss vortex.

Art's headless body was instantly twisted into a doughnut and flew straight out, knocking down three tall buildings before being blocked by the boundary of the field.

The only thing left on the edge looked like mud, wearing a messy robe and a deformed crown.

Yi Chen looked at this scene and just said lightly:

"In the process of gaining qualifications and being promoted, the concept of the so-called [head] has been abandoned, or the human form has been abandoned... Beheading is only equivalent to cutting off a limb.

Ready to incorporate infinity into the concept of physicality? "

Like mud, Art showed a hateful face on the surface, and the swollen cathedral in his body immediately started a sacrificial ceremony to sacrifice the 'absorbed' in his body to obtain the most efficient regeneration.

The meat paste was shrouded in golden light, and Art instantly changed back to his original state.

In terms of regeneration, Art, as the [Tumor King], can be said to be the first person under the plague lord, but such regeneration still comes at a high cost, and many people in his body have already sacrificed a lot.

"Mr. Yi's principle of time stasis is different from mine. He achieves stasis through pure death, combined with a scene that is completely adapted to the deceased, so that the surrounding materials also completely die.

It's really scary... But if you want to kill me, you have to strike at least 971 times like just now.

In the course of these slashes, I'll find a way to kill you or a way out of here. I have to say, this kind of death scene is really too restraining for me, ah, it’s really dangerous. "

Taking advantage of the opportunity of hitting the edge of the scene, Art had buried a ball of seeds that could resist the erosion of death. It only needed to grow slowly to create an exit.

Just when Art was thinking about how to deal with Yi Chen, who was in a special state, the opponent's palm was raised again and aimed at him.


【Abyss Adsorption】

The little grape in the sky is responsible for the ‘visual mark’,

Once the mark is completed, Yi Chen only needs to raise his palm to attract the target back. The process of returning corresponds to the spatial jump, and he can directly catch Art in front of him.


Art, who was far away, had his neck pinched again, but he was laughing wildly.

"Mr. Yi, why are you so obsessed with beheading?

I can't be killed, hahaha~ Hurry up and cut off my head to satisfy your weird beheading habit. "

Bang bang~ The iron chains shook and wrapped around both arms, especially the fists.

No beheading,

Instead, he punched Art directly in the face, which was full of gold teeth. All the teeth were punched into his stomach, and his whole face was so beaten that even the people in the Cancer Palace didn't recognize him.

After receiving a punch, Art should have flown out in a straight line, but he only flew less than two meters... Buzz! There was another suction from the palm of my hand.

He was teleported to Yi Chen again.

This time, he no longer grabbed Art's neck, but punched him right in front of him.

Although each punch was silent, its power could penetrate into every cell in his body. Art was gradually beaten until his consciousness became blurred, and even the stairs leading to the kingdom of heaven became blurred.

But Yi Chen's actions were not sloppy at all, almost beating Art to death with one punch...

I have a fever again, hey... I will finish the book next year and will never touch this kind of subject again.

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