The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1107: Please believe me, I just ate jerky just now...

"No, I didn't say anything, why are you so anxious?" Xue Wanjun hurriedly punched and stood up.

Cheng Chubi, who was next to him, also hurriedly interrupted the topic. After a few words, he winked at Xue Wanjun.

Taking advantage of Xue Wanche's effort to get up and go out, Cheng Chubi whispered to Xue Wanjun secretly.

After that, he stood at the gate of the yard again and watched the two brothers leave.

And Cheng Chubi turned back to the courtyard, replaced Deng Chengxin, and began to fight the landlord with Li Ke and Fang Jun.

After Xue Wanjun and Brother Xue Wanche went out of Li Xuyuan, Xue Wanjun suddenly patted his head.

"Oh, Brother Yu actually forgot. There are still some official duties that have not been dealt with today. Third brother, or you should go back first."

"Why don't I go with you."

"..." Xue Wanjun looked at this enthusiastic brother, and his whole body was not well.

Reluctantly smiled and explained. "Okay, you go back quickly. By the way, if you go back, you will bring me a message to your sister-in-law.

Let her prepare more dishes tonight, and our brothers can have a few drinks. "

Hearing his brother's words, the wine worm in Xue Wanche's belly has begun to twist and roll enchantingly.

Nodded without hesitation immediately. "That's all right, second brother, go by yourself, and I will greet my sister-in-law first."

Seeing Xue Wanche galloping away, Xue Wanjun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After pretending to travel a certain distance, the horse turned around and returned to the original path.


Back in the yard, Xue Wanjun just sat down and asked before he could even drink the hot tea.

"Chu Bixian nephew, do you mean that my third brother's illness is already well?"

"Well, after such a long period of treatment, I see Sanshu Xue already knows how to actively look for topics to chat with those female yellow crowns."

"This proves that he has begun to let go of his guard, which is a great thing."

"So, I want to test it to see if Xue Sanshu can actively move towards the opposite **** under other circumstances."

Hearing Cheng Chubi's statement, Li Ke couldn't help but rejoice. He straightened his spine very restrained, as if you were coming and begging me.

Cheng Chubi glanced at the goods, he hehe directly.

"Of course, we can't go to such an improper place to conduct such an experiment.

Li Ke's face turned black to the bottom of the pot, and Fang Jun beside him let out a dumb fart.

"What is a place that is not serious?" Xue Wanjun, who is a bit better than his third brother, but not much better, asked Tie Hanhan.

Cheng Chubi opened his mouth subconsciously.

"It's the kind of girls who are naked because of poverty, always eager to find a warm and golden embrace."

Xue Wanjun finally reacted, the rigorous general Xue Da glared at Cheng Saburo with a black line, and almost wanted to kick it over.

"...You kid, what the **** are you talking about? Is it possible that you still want my third brother to go to that kind of place?"

Cheng Chubi's expression was very serious and serious. However, after seeing the golden light in the eyes of General Xue, he changed his words in time.

"I also ask Ershu Xue to stop thinking about it, but we are doing everything possible to treat Sanshu Xue.

Isn't it just to hope that Xue Sanshu will heal soon and be able to marry a daughter-in-law and pass on from generation to generation. "

Li Ke on the side also nodded frequently, his expression became very sincere, as if he was also a serious person.

"Yes, General Xue, I am waiting for the younger generation, really don't have the slightest thoughts of joking, I hope Sanshu Xue will get better soon."

Cheng Chubi lowered his voice and began to explain his plan, which was to create an accident.

Let Sanshu Xue see an accident in a strange girl's house, and see how Xue Sanshu would react.

After bravely stepping forward to extend assistance, he still ignored it.

If Xue Sanshu can bravely stretch out a helping hand, it proves that his feminphobia is not far from being cured.

If he ignores it, it means that his illness still has to be cured.

Of course, this woman, naturally, can only choose from the hooks. After all, those girls who are not wearing clothes only need you to give enough money.

Let her pretend to be a Wonder Woman and play a whip, not to mention a weak woman playing Jiao Di Di, which is their strength.

"This little brother is good, how about the little brother arrange a few people, so that Xue Sanshu has the opportunity to come to the hero to save the United States?"

Xue Wanjun looked at the volunteer Li and he was very happy.

"His Royal Highness, let the hero save the United States. I know the violent temper of my third brother very well. If he takes action, it will be a trivial matter."

Hearing this, Li Ke was right to think carefully. The manpower he had to arrange must be his confidant.

If it really made Xue Wanche's violent general to discount his hands and feet, who is this special mother?

After careful discussion and deliberation for a long time, a plan was finally agreed.


The next day, Xue Wanche stepped forward again for treatment, but today because of something with his brother, he did not travel with him.

Xue Wanche wasn't too long-winded, and drove away by himself, but just when there was still two blocks away from the hospital yard.

Xue Wanche saw that a girl who was dressed very plain but picturesque, carrying a suitcase, was walking staggeringly.

When Xue Wanche was less than ten paces away, he heard a soft cry.

Xue Wanche saw the girl with picturesque brows and slowly threw herself forward to the ground with a panic expression on her face.

The suitcase in his hand also fell to the ground, and copper coins and silk were scattered.

Seeing this scene, Xue Wanche couldn't help but stay in a daze, subconsciously pinching his horse belly with his legs, and wanted to leave this place of right and wrong.

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke, who were hiding in the door of a certain household in the alley, looked at each other and sighed slightly in disappointment.

But before he had time to sigh, he heard the sound of hooves running away and turning back.

"Girl, let me help you..." Xue Wanche's voice rang in the alley.

And Li Ke and Fang Jun got to the crack of the door again and watched Xue Wanche squat down.

After helping the girl up, pick up the fallen coins and silk for her.

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