The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1108: It’s just that we...our bodies are dirty now

After finally pacifying this group of arrogant soldiers from the left, Niu Wei Tuo was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

This stride towards the soldiers who have been enjoying the compressed rations and are now comfortably bragging and bragging in front of the fire.

Seeing Niu Weiyuan coming, the soldiers got up and saluted.

Niu Wei Tuo waved his hand, looked at the guys with a smile and asked.

"How about it, after these few days, is it enough to compress a catty of dry food every day?"

"Enough, don't worry, General Niu, I feel refreshed when I eat a piece of dry food and a bowl of hot soup.

Moreover, this thing is fragrant, sweet and crispy, but it is much stronger than the rations we usually eat. "

"Yes, General, this thing tastes so good, if you can eat this stuff every day in the future, who would be happy to eat that rice porridge."

"General, this compressed dry food does not need to be boiled. You only need water or hot soup to swallow it. It's really convenient."

The soldiers of Datang will not be hungry, but the military rations have been handed down since ancient times, millet plus pickles, and occasionally some jerky.

For example, when you are on the march, when you eat, you will simmer some wild vegetables, mix them with pickles and dried meat, and then pour the millet in and stir.

This is the standard military rations of Datang soldiers, and the taste is really not much better.

It can only be said that at least they can eat enough to ensure that the soldiers have enough physical strength to march and fight.

However, the compressed dry food obtained by Cheng Saburo made the soldiers taste it, and felt it was like a rare delicacy in the world.

Moreover, this compressed dry food not only tastes good and is convenient to carry, but also is a cooked food product.

In case of an emergency march and unable to bury the pot to find fuel for cooking, the soldiers will have no problem eating and walking with a mouthful of dry food and water.

Niu Weituo stood in front of him, looking at these soldiers who were so excited that they were still smiling, and what they said was nothing but a compliment to the compressed dry food.

He couldn't help swallowing Xingzi, and couldn't help feeling a little sigh, if it wasn't for the comfort of the soldiers who eat millet.

I must be more willing to eat the compressed dry food made by Chu Bixian, not only the taste is great, but also very convenient.

However, as the commander of the army, he naturally has to lead by example, otherwise how to convince the public.

Fortunately, when the team arrives at Tongguan, they will return to Chang'an and wait until they return to Chang'an.

Well, go to the place where Brother Bi Xian has a pork banquet, that stuff is far more fragrant than compressed dry food.


Li Dezheng stood on a high **** outside Jiaozhou City, and on the side was Jiaozhou Governor Gu Da, in his early forties and strong in his youth.

Looking at the Jiaozhou people who are already working in the fields, and the Han people who followed Li Dezhang to the Tang Dynasty.

Looking at the paddy fields reflecting the blue sky and sky like a mirror, there was also a flame rising in Gu Da's heart.

He followed Li Jingdong for many years, and made a lot of contributions, and he was well received by General Li.

The position of the governor of Jiaozhou also benefited from the recommendation of General Li Jing, and he had only been in Jiaozhou for more than a year.

I have been thinking about how I can do a great cause and be appreciated by the emperor, hoping to take a step further.

Maybe one day he could seal his wife's yinzi, but unfortunately, Lin Yiguo was already a vassal of the Tang Dynasty, and he took the initiative to provoke a side provocation, but that would be slapped.

On the part of the rule of the people, he did not make much contribution. As a result, the population of the prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of the Jiaozhou Dudu Mansion is really small.

Therefore, tax revenue, in the states of Datang, can be said to be completely out of the ranks.

The Dudu Mansion was established only because it reached Nanzhao in the east and Linyi in the south, which was considered a critical place.

But before, Li Deshang, the second son of his former benefactor, jumped to his own territory, and he wanted to go to Lin Yiguo and his party.

He said that he was going to get some good baby to come over, Gu Da only acted like this one was fooling around again, after all, when he was by Li Jing's side in the past.

Knowing that the second son of Li was very confused, Cheng Ri wanted to go wandering around the rivers and lakes, being a chivalrous hero.

Gu Da kindly persuades them, but Li Dezhang insists on going south, Gu Da can only entertain them with good wine and meat, and sends them to the border of Lin Yiguo.

This journey took almost a month, which made Gu Da uneasy. He was already wondering if he would send a letter to General Li, telling him that the whereabouts of the second son of your family was unknown after he flew into Linyi.

I never thought This side was just thinking about writing, when a messenger hurriedly came from the south and sent a great news.

The second son of Li, really found a kind of rice that could be harvested three times a year in the middle of Linyi country, and he also brought seven households of Han farmers who were proficient in all kinds of three-cropping rice.

When he received this news, Gu Da's first reaction was impossible, and the second reaction was that who would dare to joke with Laozi.

After waiting for him to ponder for a long time, he finally decided to meet Li Er Gongzi who was coming towards Jiaozhou in person.

After seeing the second son of Li, the merchant surnamed Mo, and the seven Han farmers.

Hearing their vows and swearing, Gu Da couldn't help but be a little bit dubious.

Li Dezheng told Gu Da that if he didn't believe it, then it would happen that those Han farmers tried to plant in Jiaozhou, and they would be able to know the authenticity.

Gu Da, who was dubious, couldn't hold back Li Dejiu's babble and crookedness, and he looked at Li Jing's face.

It also depends on the fifteen thousand catties of rice seeds that Li Dezheng racked his brains and finally shipped out from the middle of Linyi country.

It was decided to set aside 700 acres of land and hand it over to the seven Han people from the middle of Linyi country to plant three crops of rice.

As a result, he waited until he was busy with other government affairs a few days ago, and then he thought of the matter and came over to take a look.

I saw this scene in front of me, I saw the paddy fields, and the seedlings had already been planted.

For the fact that rice can be planted in winter, this is simply a refresh of the three views of Gu Da, who was born in the north.

Today, less than half a month has passed since the end of the new year, and the rice seedlings in the 1700 acres of paddy fields are growing very vigorously.

"Virtuous nephew of the Virtue Award, the old man just now meant that by the end of February next year, three crops of rice will be harvested?"

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