The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1109: Walking in the night for more than 20 miles under a strong scent...

Hearing the number of 100 Jin, Cheng Chubi finally nodded with a bit of satisfaction on his face.

The two disciples of Ning Xuan's deception and abduction levels, who hadn't even learned a little bit of alchemy skills by Ning Xuan, had long been kicked away by Uncle Fu.

And the few fat-physic Cheng Fu Jia Ding around him are all the Cheng's family members who are more ingenious and have good minds.

Under the education and inspiration of the housekeeper Fu Uncle and Cheng Jie, this Ning Xuan has already expressed his willingness to change his past and work hard to be an outstanding Cheng Fu family.

Naturally, Cheng Chubi would not let such a former alchemist with a very experimental spirit, and now Chengfu chemist Ding did not use it.

So after getting this Ning Xuan from Uncle Fu, he has a stable mind and is willing to do things conscientiously.

Cheng Chubi took out the gunpowder formula he had recorded and asked them to make it according to the formula.

When Ning Xuan and the others had eaten and drank enough, they led Cheng Chubi to a secluded courtyard in the Bofu of Dong'e County.

There are only three rooms in the yard, the one in the middle is used to store the made gunpowder.

The other one was used to store the raw materials, and the other was the place where Ning Xuan and several Cheng Fu family members made gunpowder.

Cheng's house Dingdang came to the middle of the house first, opened the door lock, and pushed it aside.

Cheng Chubi saw ten jars inside, and inside one jar was ten kilograms of gunpowder.

Cheng Chubi picked up one of the jars and opened the lid to reveal the gunpowder particles inside.

The size of these gunpowder particles is slightly larger than that of millet particles, and they are obtained by molding.

And just to design this kind of molding, Cheng Chubi worked hard to get it out.

The shapes of the obtained gunpowder particles were almost the same. Cheng Chubi pinched a few gunpowder particles and crushed the gunpowder particles with a little force.

"My son, why do you have to make the gunpowder into this kind of pellets? In fact, as long as it is prepared and stored..."

"That's easy, but it can easily cause the gunpowder to fail."

Cheng Chubi turned his head and looked at the fellow Cheng Fu who asked the question patiently explaining something.

"Moreover, the burning effect of that kind of dusty gunpowder is far behind this kind of granular gunpowder."

"Why, don't you believe it?"

Seeing the suspicious expressions of these guys, Cheng Chubi hesitated and shook the can of gunpowder.

"Since you don't believe it, let me do a test and you will understand."

This experiment was very simple, that is, Cheng Chubi had people fetched the powdered gunpowder prepared and poured it into a gunpowder line about three feet long.

And he also poured out the granular gunpowder from the jar, and also laid out a gunpowder line of the same length as the dusty gunpowder.

After that, Cheng Chubi picked up two incense sticks and asked them to watch them carefully. The next moment, Cheng Chubi's two incense sticks touched the medicinal thread.

Ning Xuan and the others all saw the billowing farm smoke and orange flames from the two gunpowder lines.

Naturally, I also saw that after a few blinks of an eye after the granular gunpowder line had completely burned, the dusty gunpowder line could be burned out.


One hundred catties is enough. After all, Cheng Chubi is to make the New Year more festive and lively.

It must be possible for the neighbors in the neighborhood of Lu Guo Gong's residence to understand that the old Cheng family is absolutely second to none regardless of what they are doing.

Making firecrackers is actually very simple, that is, wrap the gunpowder tightly with Cheng's paper, and then plug in the leads.

At that time, weave the fuse together again. If you want to make a thousand sounds, you will have a thousand sounds.

Seeing them awkwardly start to make artificial firecrackers, one person can only make ten in about a quarter of an hour, which makes Cheng Chubi, who was expecting a lot of news, a black line on his face.

But think about it, this is purely handmade, and it is not operated by a dexterous lady. There are 50 pieces in a quarter of an hour for five people, which is quite good.

Cheng Chubi admired their production, and had nothing to do with him, so he couldn't help but set his eyes on the bamboo bush not far away, which was his Majesty's favorite square bamboo he got from the palace.

However, one of the ten-odd roots returned has completely lost its vitality.

Looking at the square bamboos that were as thick as a thumb, and seeing the gunpowder jars in the room over there, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but think.

Wouldn't it be possible to get some cannons to relieve and enjoy the addiction?

Thinking of this, Cheng Chubi could no longer hold back his turbulent heart.

The habit of frying streams, cow dung, and tree holes all the year round in the beautiful mountainous and forested suburbs of the southwest. If you want to let it go, you have to let it go vigorously.

"Deng Xin, go, bring me a saw." Cheng Chubi's big hand patted Deng Chengxin's shoulder and began to flex his hands.


Although this bamboo tube is only thick with fingers, it is close to three inches in length.

This reminds Cheng Chubi of the dynamite sticks that desperadoes like to play in the cowboy films that they have watched in the past.

The longer ones are better than the shorter ones. This is the correct understanding of most things as a mature man.

Fill the inside with gunpowder, then insert the fuse, and seal the opening with shredded paper, and standard large firecrackers gradually take shape.

Cheng Chubi made all of the square bamboo, which had been sawn into nearly twenty sections, into big firecrackers, and only then satisfactorily wrapped the finished products.

Of course, firecrackers of this kind of physique should not be scattered in the city. Only by physique, Cheng Chubi can determine the power of this thing.

It's definitely more hilarious than the "Mine Mines" I've played. Carrying those twenty explosive-level firecrackers, Cheng Chubi rushed back to Lu Guo Gong's mansion.

There are no two days before the Chinese New Year. In this meeting, both the court and the people in the city of Chang'an are busy purchasing new year goods.

There are really not many people who are still working diligently. Li Ke, the turbulent prince, actually sent someone to send a message.

Informed Brother Cheng Chubi that it was heard that in the large dense forest outside Xi Neiyuan, someone had spotted tigers.

As soon as he heard the news, Li Ke hurriedly called out his friends and invited everyone to go together, if he could hunt a gorgeous tiger.

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