The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1113: 1 Furious East Turkic Warriors

  Chapter 1120 Furious and maddened East Turkic warriors (seeking subscription for votes)

  Seeing these three virtuous brothers can’t wait, they can’t wait to turn on the lanterns to fight the pigs at night.

  Niu Wei Tuo quickly reminded him, dumbfounded. "Three virtuous brothers don't worry, it's not time yet."

  Cheng Chubi heard these words directly.

   "Xiongtai, what you said is wrong. You don't need to pay attention to the time when you eat game. What you pay attention to is fate and craftsmanship."

  "Fate is to see if we can get it, and the craftsmanship depends on whether there is a chef like me who specializes in cooking game."

   "No, no, no, I mean, I have to be on duty these few days, and I don’t have the time to take you there."

   "This Jiucheng Palace area is densely covered with mountains and forests. If you don't have a skilled hand like me to guide you, you won't be able to find it."

   "But the three virtuous brothers don't worry, when everything is settled in the palace, I will try to ask for a leave and take you to do it together."

   "In this case, we can only wait for your good news from Brother Wei Tuo, but it is better to hurry up."

   "What if those wild boars are transferred."

   "Don't worry, I have been shopping there several times, and almost every time I can see the animals searching for food in the area."


  The Temple and the two guards, under the pretext of going out to hunt some game for their Royal Highness of Peking County, finally left the Jiucheng Palace in a straightforward manner.

  Out of the Jiucheng Palace, and when you get down to the foot of the mountain, you can see Zuowei's camp. After bypassing the camp, he continued to travel south for more than ten miles.

  The Temple and the two guards walked south along the road, looking east and west.

  Finally, at a distance of more than 20 miles from the Jiucheng Palace, I saw the sign agreed upon in advance by them and the association rate.

  As soon as the temple began to call with Ye Xiao’s cry, there was a familiar whistle. The temple was overjoyed, and the horse rushed towards the place where it was vocalized.

   Soon, I saw a black-eyed and withered Turkic warrior coming out from behind a huge boulder.

  Looking at it carefully, Boscher asked a little uncertainly. "Brother Azan?"

   "Exactly, I have seen Suni (official name)."

  Bosher turned over and jumped off the horse, and asked eagerly.

   "How did you become such a ghost? Could it be that something happened?"

   Hearing this, Azan's mouth trembled twice and let out a long sigh.

   "It's hard to say a word, let's leave here as soon as possible, and we will talk about it after seeing Dayehu."

  The House also knew how great it was. After riding a horse for a few miles through the forest again, the group finally came to a remote and hidden small river valley.

  Bosher saw this team, and always felt that these brave and fearless warriors of the East Turks seemed to be sluggish.

  One by one, Te Niang was guilty of chicken disease. Many people actually slept against the tree and snored during the day.

   Right in front, beside a bonfire, the association rate also lay there and snorted.

  "Dayehu, Boshesuni is here..." A confidant on the side saw the Boshe and others, and quickly pushed the association rate that was sleeping like a dead pig.

  The association rate with two obvious dark circles sat up swayingly, his eyes swept, and after seeing the Temple, he woke up.

   stood up, walked quickly to meet him, and slammed the chest of the Temple hard, somewhat unwillingly authentic.

   "I said Brother Bosher, why did you come so late? Do you know how you live these days."


   Listening to the association rate telling about the suffering of these days, Bosher turned his eyes to death, and waited until the association rate was over.

  This is a respectful salute towards the association rate.

   "You have worked hard to protect Da Ye, then Chai Shao is very vigilant, and we really have no chance to pass the news outside."

   "As for the small cavalry of the Tang army that you mentioned by Daye Hu that appeared at night, I probably know who it is."

"who is it?"

   "It is the third son of Lu Guogong, Shaoqing Cheng Chubi of Taichang Temple of Tang State, His Royal Highness Wu Wang, and Fang Jun, the second son of Fangxiang."

   "Isn't Tang Jun from Zuowei?" Zhuo Gu couldn't help but puffed up his eyes and shouted.

  Botcher nodded firmly.

   "It's really not Tang Jun, but the three of them have their relatives."

   "Emperor Tang dared to let them act as scouts?" The association rate's eyeballs stared exaggeratedly.

  "No, no, no, they are not scouts, they...they went out to catch the monkey."

   "Who or something?" A group of East Turkic warriors all stared in disbelief.

  "It's the larva that you know, after being fried, it tastes delicious..."

   Faced with so many pairs of frightened eyes, Bosher couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and quickly explained.

   But then again, yesterday, the King of Peking County went to greet the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan.

  Li Yuan also gave a plate of that stuff to Peking Princess, and he also tasted a few of them. To tell the truth, the taste is really fragrant...

   "..." The rate of association looked at the Temple in a daze, and sat down on the pony tuck on the side with a dull expression.

  That means, these days, I have repeatedly latent failures, which have something to do with those bastards?

   "That's right...Cheng Saburo, I remember, it was the youngest Cheng family who jumped up and down in Chang'an."

   "Yes, it's him."

   "They learned about the monkey for that, and they jumped out of the camp every day, and Emperor Tang actually didn't care about it?"

   "I heard that Emperor Tang's father, the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan, also likes to eat that food."

  At this time, Azan couldn't help but ask.

   "Suni, why are there two teams? And they often appear outside the camp at the same time."

   "Oh, the other team is from Wei Wang Litai. It is said that they also went to catch the monkey."

   "Know the monkey..." Azan and Guge looked at each other, both of them saw the bitterness in each other's eyes.

  Not far away, an annoying Zhila suddenly screamed...

Let the East Turkic warriors who do not eat well and rest well these days can’t wait to take up a knife and hack a few to let go of the rate, clenched their teeth and slapped their palms on their thighs, looking at them. Taotian's anger is full inside.

   "Cheng Chubi...I remember this name, this kid has repeatedly done bad things on me."

  Azan and Guge's eyelids jumped, thinking that that night that not only spilled that stuff on them.

  The tall and heroic **** who also called friends to come over to sprinkle, needless to say, it was him, Cheng Saburo.

   "Cheng Chubi, I want to eat your meat, I want to drink your blood..." Azan bared Bai Sensen's teeth gloomily.

  Guge was more direct, with a cold face, took the scimitar, and swore to the sky.

  "The wolf **** is on, I Guge, I must use his head to make a urinal." Let this kid taste the taste of being soaked in the urine...

  All the Turkic warriors who had surrounded them were all gritted and swearing secretly through gritted teeth.

  If you have a chance, you must chop Cheng Saburo's **** stuff into mashed meat to feed the dog.

  (End of this chapter)

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