The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1114: Don’t you think it’s a waste to leave so many leaves withered...

Cheng Chubi smashed his mouth and opened his eyes. It was a good place to enjoy the cold under the big tree. This is really true.

Especially at noon, Cheng Chubi felt that taking a nap in the room was cool without the shade of the trees.

Sitting on the cool couch, he straightened his body, moved his bones, and looked around.

Li Ke's sleeping posture is not very good, he likes to curl up into a ball, is it because he lacks maternal love?

It's no wonder that I like to look for young ladies all day long, and I don't know if the young ladies I look for are all older than him.

As for Fang Jun's sleeping posture, he was also shrunk into a ball, just opposite Li Ge's face.

It's a pity that the two cool beds are a little far apart, so they moved together, took a picture with the phone and posted it to Moments.

Cheng Chubi believed it by writing a not-so-serious testimony.

Hupugou friends in the circle of friends can definitely drive the car to the steering wheel.

With a grin, Cheng Chubi couldn't help feeling a little sad, but it was a pity that he had come to this great era.

Although there are upstairs and downstairs, there are no lights and phones. Communication or even roar, travel basically depends on walking, even if there is a BMW gifted by God, you still have to move by yourself.

Because horse riding is originally a whole-body exercise, the faster the horse runs, the better the coordination ability of the human body can be exercised.

Thinking of his vigorous riding skills, Cheng Chubi touched his chin, considering whether he should train the Meiniang, who has been supplementing collagen, if he had a chance.

Of course it is to teach her riding skills, the kind that is very serious. After all, if you ride a lot, practice makes perfect and you can understand by analogy...

Hearing the ghostly dark laughter, Li Ke woke up instantly, seeing Brother Chu Bi's sneaky expression, Li Ke was unwilling to speak authentically.

"Brother Chubi, you laugh when you smile, why do you have to laugh so grimly?"

"When you think of happy things, of course you have to smile. By the way, our brothers played cards all day yesterday."

"Today is still like yesterday, will it be too vain to spend time?"

Hearing this, Li Ke weakly fell back on the couch.

"Brother Chubi, brother, I can't stand it.

Last night, I went outside the Jiucheng Palace and caught the monkey again. After I came back, I actually played cards to the middle of the time. "

"I'm still sleepy now, I have to go to sleep again to make up for sleep..."

Anyhow, Li Ke woke up with a crooked sentence, Fang Jun was like a pig who couldn't sleep.

Seeing that these two brothers who were cutting chicken heads and burning yellow paper were so decadent, Cheng Chubi stood up unwillingly and moved his arms.

"Yes, go to sleep if you like to sleep, I'll go for a stroll by myself."


The three relatives were still snoring in the house one after another at this moment, and Cheng Chubi felt that he was really going to go alone.

It's better to leave it alone, it's better than to do nothing here.

Cheng Chubi wandered around in the Jiucheng Palace. He was already familiar with it. This time, he was revisiting the old place.

Swaying and swaying, unconsciously, he slipped to the lotus pond again, only to see a guard standing at the door of the lotus pond.

Cheng Chubi looked curious and strode forward.

The two guards squatting here, following the word of your majesty.

Seeing the tall and burly Cheng Saburo walking towards this side in a leisurely posture.

There was a tacit exchange of eyes and a weird smile appeared.

"Sure enough..."

When Cheng Chubi saw the other person smiling, he naturally had to smile back politely.

"What are the two elder brothers doing here? What about the lotus inside, I will go in and take a look at the little brother."

The two guards stretched out their hands neatly and stopped in front of Cheng Chubi.

"Sorry, Cheng Taichang, you should go back."

"What do you mean? Could it be your majesty and the empress strolling inside?"

One of the guards shook his head with a black line on his face.

"There is no one inside, but I will give your majesty's orally. Without his majesty's hand-written instruction, you are not allowed to enter the lotus pond.

"???" Cheng Chubi suddenly felt groggy. What do you mean? Looking at a lotus, Lao Tzu actually needs his Majesty's handwriting?

"Your Majesty really said that?" Cheng Chubi raised his eyes unwillingly.

Lao Tzu made a contribution to the Tang Dynasty and even shed blood in your old Li family. How did you treat your loyal minister like this?

Seeing Cheng Saburo's expression of wanting to eat people, the two guards with numb scalp were also helpless.

"Cheng Taichang, do you think we two dare to make a joke about this?"

"If you don't believe it, go directly to the Great Hall and ask the next one if you don't know."

"Yes, yeah... Your Majesty is afraid that this lotus pond will be upset by what the empress and the empress are upset. This is what made us guard."

"Your Majesty also said, if Cheng Taichang, if you really want to go in, it's not impossible.

But if there is a lotus leaf damaged inside, please go to Zuowei to lead the twenty. "

Cheng Chubi pulled a face, turned around unhappily, and left, Nima, I went in and swayed, turning around, and the leaves fell on their own, should it be counted as not on my head?

"Okay, it's just a few lotus flowers. What's so interesting? I might as well go see Zhizhihou after seeing that stuff."

That's all, it seems that the lotus leaf chicken is a bit difficult for the time being, so I went back to discuss with the black-faced old man Li Yuan.

See if his old face can go in and rub a few lotus leaves.

Having said that, what the empress is looking at are lotus flowers, but not for leaf appreciation. If you leave so many leaves withered, don’t you think it’s a waste of food?


Cheng Saburo, who failed to get the lotus leaf, was unhappy and continued to wander around. Since this lotus pond is being guarded, I don't know what the Fangzhu is over there?

But having said that, the square bamboo in the Jiucheng Palace is a big bunch, and if you do it quietly, no one will see it.

Before I knew it, I saw that not far ahead, Li Mingda's little cutie seemed to be catching butterflies among the flowers.

Beautiful flowers are dotted among the greenery. Li Mingda, in a light pastel dress, is holding a ball fan cheerfully and walking cautiously.

Then suddenly he rushed over, seeming to have caught an insect such as a butterfly, and then turned around excitedly.

I saw a palace girl with a dark expression behind her, and obviously a little emotionally wrong, opened a bag and asked her to throw in the gadgets she caught.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Chubi was amused, and walked towards there. "Your Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness..."

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