The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1169: Even the light blue material is also the palace of the king of Wu...

Hearing her husband's low painful grunt, Empress Changsun was taken aback and quickly held on.

"Husband, you are..."

"It's okay, uh..." Li Shimin hurriedly relaxed, holding the willow tree beside him with his hand, finally he was not exactly the same as the son of Ying Guoli.

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke came to the front just after the ceremony.

Li Shimin twitched the corners of his mouth with a smile.

"You two, do you want to come to see the lotus in this lotus garden?"

Cheng Chubi shook his head and stood in front of Li Shimin toward the other side.

The watery bright eyes looked at his little cutie and squeezed his eyes secretly, and then smiled flatteringly.

"No, no, my nephew is here to give gifts to the empress and the princess."

"Is it delicious?" Li Mingda tilted his head when he heard it, and his crisp and sweet voice rang by the lotus pond.

"..." A gentle wind blew the willow branches, gently swaying.

All the adults were numb and looked at the little greedy cat-level Princess Jinyang.

Then, Li Shimin's gaze quickly fell on Cheng Chubi again, at least in the heart of the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

I feel that it is precisely because of this kid that his mind on the palm of his hand will go wrong.

Seeing Uncle Li's unfriendly gaze, Cheng Chubi smiled flatteringly while untying the cloth.

"Not this time, now Qiuyang is irritated, and Weichen feels such a hot sun.

It's easy to hurt your Royal Highness and your aunt's delicate skin, so I specially made two small umbrellas for your aunt and your Royal Highness..."

After speaking, Cheng Chubi just unwrapped the cloth, then turned his hand a dozen, a brilliant light blue with beautiful patterns and tassels on the edges.

But on the umbrella surface, there are butterflies made of white silk cloth dotted on the umbrella surface...

It looks like a huge blue flower with white butterflies dancing on it.


With just one glance, the two women, Empress Longsun and Li Mingda, both of them invariably brightened.

Even if it was Li Shimin, after seeing it, he couldn't help but was stunned, but he really didn't expect that there would be such an umbrella.

Cheng Chubi opened up the parasol and stood under the sun as an umbrella model. Through the umbrella, the sun was blocked, leaving a clear umbrella shadow on the ground.

"Brother Cheng San, I want it!" Li Mingda directly let go of his father's hand, and quickly stepped forward, standing on tiptoe and stretching out his hand.

Of course, Cheng Chubi was kind enough to lower his height and handed it to Li Mingda.

Li Mingda received the hand with joy, and happily held the parasol and hopped around in the sun.

In the eyes of Empress Longsun and Li Shimin, she was like the most beautiful young girl in the world, holding a handful of huge flowers that matched her appearance.

The plain white butterfly on the flower, with her happily jumping, and dancing on the flower, seems to be greedy for nectar, nostalgic and unwilling to rise...

Li Shimin opened his eyes and smiled, stroking his long beard.

"As expected to be my girl, she looks good no matter how she looks up."

Empress Changsun nodded and smiled appreciatively, but frequently looked towards the other unopened parasol in Cheng Chubi's hand.

Cheng Chubi finally woke up and hurriedly handed over the other parasol with both hands respectfully.

Empress Changsun nodded at Cheng Chubi, an acquainted kid, and opened the parasol as she walked away from the shade of the tree.

Li Shimin looked at his beloved wife Guanyin maidservant wearing a water-blue long skirt, holding a light blue parasol, and setting off the deep blue sky.

When the lady looked back and smiled, it became more and more that her skin was surpassing the snow, and the leisurely look of Guanyin's maidservant looked forward to her beautiful eyes, which was touching.

"Mother, mother, come soon..." Li Mingda, in a pale pink dress, ran over with a happily smile, and took her mother's hand.

Seeing the mother and daughter holding hands and holding umbrellas of the same style, Li Shimin's mouth never closed.

Whether it is a lady or a girl, they are so spicy and beautiful, with that small umbrella, it really has a special style.

"Cheng Saburo..." Li Shimin's eyes and expressions gradually became kind and gentle and looked at Cheng Saburo.

Although this little baby is a little bit more temperamental, she is a good boy after all, and at least her appreciation level is still very good.

"You kid, you have quite a whimsical idea, you can actually think of making such a sunshade umbrella, hahaha..."

"Uncle, my nephew just feels that the sunshades that I usually use are too heavy and too large, which is not only very laborious, but also inconvenient."

"So I feel that women with white skin like Shengxue like Auntie and His Royal Highness must not be happy to be exposed to the sun..."

Speaking of this, Cheng Chubi felt a finger poking his waist. day!

This is a noun must be, after all, it is a big man who is poking himself at the back, so it can only be a noun, referring to the venomous autumn sun.

It seems that Li Ke can't wait to show his sense of existence, and wants to take a few more credits.

"My nephew went back and talked about this to His Royal Highness Wu, but His Royal Highness gave the little nephew a lot of ideas.

Even the light blue material was the handwriting of His Royal Highness Wu. "


Hearing that Brother Chu Bi finally spoke of his merits, Li Ke chuckled and greeted his father's gaze, lowering his eyebrows in an authentic manner.

"The child is just trying to do his best."

"In fact, the child didn't do anything, it was all the credit of Brother Chubi."

Seeing that his own Saburo also knows how to be humble, Li Shimin stroked his long beard and nodded at this good son of the British fruit.

Continue to look at the past, but at this moment, Li Shimin suddenly felt that something was wrong.

That light blue material? The old man has lived for most of his life, only knowing that clothes are about pieces, but he never heard that fabrics are about pieces.

Li Shimin looked at the two light blue umbrellas suspiciously, and the more he looked at them, the more familiar they became.

The face of the emperor of Tang Dynasty gradually darkened. Isn't this the characteristic silk and satin that the Jiangnan paid tribute before? Even the patterns above are exactly the same.

I remember that Ke'er liked this color very much, so she rewarded it to this kid. Before, this guy had specially made a long gown and showed it in front of her.

Hmm... the more you look at the ornamentation on the rim of the umbrella, the more it feels like the cuffs of the gown that Ke'er wears.

"It turns out that this thing was made from Ke'er your old clothes, right?"

Li Shimin's expression couldn't be seen in joy or anger, and his tone seemed vague and authentic.

In an instant, the alarm bell in Li Ke's mind became loud, and his expression instantly became confused, as if he had temporarily lost his IQ.

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