The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1170: Just make some umbrellas, can't the old man help you?

Li Shimin wanted to lift a forty-two three-yard big foot and kick it over, but he was involved in Long Xiao's wound.

He took a breath of pain, and almost poked his fingers on the noses of these two bastards.

"You two, shut up the old man!"

Empress Changsun took the jovial Li Mingda back around, looked at this beautiful little umbrella with joy, and said to the three people hidden in the shade of the tree.

"Husband, this umbrella is really good, it's light and convenient, and I like it very much..."

Li Shimin's dark face changed in an instant, and he turned his head towards Guanyin's maidservant with an open eye and smile.

"Good, good, as long as you like it, Cheng Saburo, you did a good job, and Ke'er, hehe..."

Looking at the yin and yang face of His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, Cheng Chubi finally understood deeply what a companion is like a tiger, turning his face like turning a book.

"Brother Cheng San, I like it so much, thank you Brother Cheng San..."

Li Mingda, the little cutie also ran over, turned the handle of the umbrella in his hands with both hands, and looked at Cheng Saburo who was tall and heroic with bright eyes.

"It is an honor for Weichen to be able to make a gift that His Royal Highness likes..."

Li Shimin pulled his face, glanced at the girl, and then at Cheng Saburo, always trying to stretch his feet and kick this kid in the lotus pond.

Cheng Chubi didn't realize that he was being watched by the favored girl mad, but he smiled honestly.

"Actually, these are just trial-produced samples, if your aunt and your highness really like it.

After Weichen returns to Chang'an, he will make more beautiful umbrellas for the two. "

Hearing this, Empress Changsun and Li Mingda both looked forward to it more and more.

Li Mingda tilted his cute little head curiously.

"Brother Cheng San, why not do it now? I still want so many beautiful colorful umbrellas."


"Husband, my concubine also wants..." Empress Changsun's little daughter approached her husband in a rare gesture, and whispered in her husband's ear.

Ha ha... the Tang Dynasty, the supreme, omnipotent emperor Li Shimin's body was shaken.

"Kuanyin maidservant, give it to... father."

"???" The empress of the grandson who was full of affection and affection made her cheeky face stagnant, and her pretty face seemed to blush. What does the husband want to do?

Fortunately, the virtuous and responsive Empress Longsun was only astonished for less than a blink of an eye, and followed her husband's gaze and looked over there.

I saw my father-in-law and the Princess Yuwen dangling towards this side.

Li Yuan also didn't expect that he wanted to take Princess Yuwen to come here to relax, but actually met such a bunch of people all crowded here.

"Grandpa Grandpa!" Li Mingda, the little cutie, saw Li Yuan, and ran over there quickly under the umbrella that looked like a blue flower.

Seeing Xiao Sizi flying over with a colorful umbrella, Li Yuan couldn't help but enjoy himself.

"Oh, it turned out to be Xiao Sizi, where did you get this baby, so beautiful?"

"Huh, can you still have such a beautiful umbrella?" Princess Yuwen couldn't help but murmured her eyes brightly.

Li Mingda, the little cutie, became more and more proud, turning his hand to Cheng Saburo over there.

"Auntie also thinks it looks good, right? This is a gift from Brother Cheng San to me and my mother..."

Li Shimin walked forward for a few walks with the support of the grandson empress.

"Well, Erlang, you are hurt, so don't be too polite... Cheng Saburo, your kid really has a brain, and you actually made such a beautiful umbrella."

The eyes of Princess Yuwen never left the umbrellas in the hands of Empress Longsun and Li Mingda, as beautiful as blue flowers.

Seeing this scene, the Queen of Longsun, who has always been informed and interesting, moved forward and passed the umbrella in her hand to Princess Yuwen to admire.

"It's really a good thing, it's much more beautiful than the oiled paper umbrella that the old man carried before. Cheng Saburo really has a lot of whimsical ideas..."

Naturally, Li Yuan could also tell that Concubine Ai liked this kind of umbrella too much.

With a dry cough, Chong Cheng Saburo lifted and nodded.

"Cheng Saburo, you gave it to Xiao Si and your aunt, why don't you give it to the old man?"

Cheng Chubi dare not say that he has forgotten, but the greater the demand, the more sure he feels that he will engage in Fangzhu.

Hurry up and respectfully salute, and then he looked embarrassed.

"The emperor, the young minister designed this by himself. After all, I don't know if anyone would like it, so I just made a sample."

"If it is necessary, I am afraid that we will have to return to Chang'an before we can make it."

"In fact, as long as you have the material, you can make it today, and you can make it tomorrow."

Hearing this, Li Shimin hurriedly interjected. The lady just confessed that he didn't dare to forget Is it missing silk or something? Just tell me, the old man will solve it for you. "

"Uncle, something is really missing, it's just..." Cheng Chubi smiled rather uncomfortably.

Seeing this kid hesitating, Li Shimin was suddenly unhappy.

"Just what, just make some umbrellas, can't the old man help you?"

When Cheng Chubi heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Since my uncle is willing to help, naturally there is no problem."

"Lack of some brightly colored silk and silk, as well as wisps of lace..."

"It's simple, the old man will send it to you alone." Li Shimin waved his hand boldly. "What's still missing? Hurry up and speak."

Such a performance immediately made the three women present all smile.

"Yes, yes, besides those, there are also shortcomings of bamboo..."

"..." The atmosphere in the Lotus Garden suddenly froze.

Li Shimin's expression of arrogance hardened, and a crow that didn't know where it came from quacked and flew over everyone's heads.

A tuft of bird feces smashed into the lotus pond not far away, rippling with a gentle and charming ripple...

The corner of Li Shimin's eyes twitched, he looked at Cheng Saburo suspiciously, and subconsciously set his eyes on the girl's umbrella.

"Bamboo... well... come, dear girl, dad look at your little umbrella."

Li Shimin took the beautiful umbrella handed by Li Mingda and held it up, his face turned black in an instant.

The rib, even though it has been processed, can still be seen, showing a beautiful four-sided shape.

Empress Changsun also noticed the ribs of the parasol in her hand and subconsciously raised her hand to cover her forehead. Sure enough, this kid Cheng Saburo...

Li Shimin took a deep breath, and there was a girl and a father in front of him, if he did it for a few square bamboos.

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