The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1196: More than 1,000 years in advance, I must do something for my hometown...

Cheng Chubi didn't inquire about the tea making of Datang, and even saw tea samples.

After all, he always likes to make some tea to refresh the medical workers every night shift.

The methods used to make tea in this era are rather crude.

To sum it up, it's just like what Lu Yu said in the tea scriptures.

Picking it, steaming it, pounding it, patting it, baking it, wearing it, sealing it, a thousand pieces of tea...

At that time, Cheng Chubi held a tea cake that still smelled of tea after being repeatedly ravaged, and he was really full of emotions.

I feel the Chinese people's deep love for tea drinks, and at the same time I feel distressed that those tea leaves are so tossed.

But having said that, this is somewhat similar to the tea making technique of Pu'er tea.

Cheng Chubi lives in the beautiful Southwest, especially during the years of poverty alleviation.

In Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, all places suitable for growing tea are full of tea, and each place is no longer limited to green and red.

For example, the village where Cheng Chubi and the township cadres helped together happened to be in a cloud-shrouded mountain.

It is the most suitable place to grow tea, in order to make the best use of tea.

The tenderest buds and leaves are used to make green tea, and the larger leaves are used to make black tea, so that every piece of tea can be used in the most profitable way.

Especially every year at the peak of tea picking, Cheng Chubi also takes time to help out with a few familiar friends.

Well, of course there is less time for hands and more time for mouths, but at any rate, I have a good understanding of the process of green tea and black tea.

Green tea is only obtained after finishing, kneading, and drying.

For black tea, the tea is picked and left alone, spread it out to lose moisture and then twist it, and then take a plastic bag and throw in the twisted black tea.

The opening cannot be completely sealed, and some air circulation must be reserved.

After a day, the color of the tea will turn yellow-red, and then it will be dried with a carbon fire, which is black tea.

Cheng Chubi made it by himself several times in the past, and he felt that the taste was good, but that was when he was too free to make it and drink it by himself.

When Li Shimin heard this, he ignored this kid, and he did not say that the court should further develop the land of Shu.


And to manage the south side of the Shu area well, it was very much in line with Li Shimin's wishes.

Shuzhong is the place where Great Tang's taxation is heavy. However, there are Tubo to the west and Six Emperors to the south. They all peep into the wealth and happiness of Shu, and they often disturb the side.

However, Datang has a headache for this, but there is no way to do it once and for all.

Count on this kid? Li Shimin didn't think it was very reliable, but Cheng Saburo was another lucky general.

In case this kid makes a mistake, he can solve the problem...

Li Shimin stroked his long beard, raised his eyes and looked at Cheng Chubi and Li Ke.

"If you want to go to Shu, it is impossible for the old man to let you go to those rich and fertile places in Shu."

"I just heard Cheng Sablang's words. It seems that you are very familiar with the Rongzhou (Yibin), Luzhou, and Bozhou (Zunyi) areas?"

Cheng Chubi nodded solemnly, no one knew that area better than him, after all, his hometown was in that area.

Although I don't know what happened over there, since Datang can establish states and counties there, it at least shows that Datang has a strong dominance over those.

I have traveled to Datang, but if I have a chance, I have to go back to my hometown after all.

More than a thousand years in advance, we must also make some contributions to our hometown and strive to establish something of great archaeological and historical value in that area.

Well, the former is the main one, striving to make the people of hometown rich as soon as possible, otherwise, how can you be worthy of your status as a great Tang dignitaries?

As the saying goes, greatness helps the world, and poorness helps individuals.

Later generations knew that in that area to get rich with many kinds of tea, Cheng Chubi, who had a wealth of experience in poverty alleviation, really didn't believe it. He couldn't do the poverty alleviation work in his hometown.

Li Shimin looked at Cheng Saburo suspiciously. He always felt that this kid was as quiet as a chicken and did not speak, but his eager gaze made people feel a little palpitating.

"Do you want to go there?"

"Uncle, you are really right. In that kind of place, you need someone who is as determined as your nephew, who is willing to go to the grassroots and work hard."



Li Shimin didn't give the result, just said that he should consider it carefully, and patted his **** without saying a word.

Three young men with bewildered faces were left behind, staring at each other.

Li Ke didn't react until now, with a black line on his face waiting to grab Brother Chu Bi by the collar. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

"Brother Chubi, it is good to go to Shu, why do you keep trying to jump south?"

"Do you think your father can rest assured that the two of us squatted in Yizhou? Besides, don't you believe in others, don't you believe me?"

"Take you over there, not only will you be able to eat and drink spicy food, but it will also allow you to make money and make a lot of money over there."

"...Brother Chubi, you are enough." When Li Ke heard the words making money, making big money, he was about to bleed in distress.

In the previous pepper plantation, a sum of pepper was invested; afterwards, to carry out the development of Liangzhou, a sum of money would have to be prepared.

Now Brother Chubi jumped to that poor place in southern Shun to make a lot of money, presumably he wanted to make himself pay.

Just when Li Ke was lying on the floor with his heart in his arms, his face was worse than death.

Fang Jun's eyes rolled for a long time, and he couldn't help but said to Cheng Chubi.

"Brother Chubi, can you bring a little brother?"

"You?" Cheng Chubi and Li Ke looked at Fang Jun together.

Then they looked at each other, and finally Li Ke slapped Fang Jun's shoulder.

"Brother virtuous, don't make trouble, you are happy, can your father be happy?"

Fang Jun frowned unwillingly.

"I am willing, my mother is willing, my mother is willing, my father is not happy, but also happy."

"...Hey, this logic is so seamless. Brother Xian, you are really turning your mind much faster than before."

Fang Jun looked at the two Xiongtai who had brought countless hardships to his body and mind, and raised his eyes to the ceiling.

I will stay with the two of you for a few more years, only to get revenge for one or two.

People can't suffer a loss for a lifetime, even if they suffer ten losses and take revenge one or two times, they can have the joy of success anyway.

Besides, Fang Jun can swear by his toes just now when Brother Chubi whispered all kinds of spices and wild animals in the Southwest.

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