The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1197: "Five-Year Development Plan for the Central and Eastern Region of Jiannan Road..

Thinking about this, Fang Jun's face showed a simple and honest smile similar to that of a tram idiot.

I can see Cheng Chubi's face is unclear, whether there is something wrong with this child.

Forget it, ignore it, since this kid is willing to follow, of course Cheng Chubi is happy to see it happen.

He cast a wink at Li Ke, and Li Ke immediately understood.

That's right...Who is Jun's father? Fang Xuanling, who has been prime minister for ten years, is a high-ranking Fang Xiang family's Erlang.

If you follow our brothers and jump to the wilderness in southern Shun.

Behind Li Ke represents the support of the royal family, and Cheng Chubi is confident that he can represent Wu Xun, and that Jun Jun can represent the interests of civil servants.

No matter how selfless Fang Xiangye is, how can he not take care of his own son?

Even at home every day, copying a big stick to make Fang Jun scream, and leave the house, Fang Erlang is a good baby of Fang Xiangye.

All you need to do is to cast a few more eyes, the grandpa Fang, tut...

Cheng Chubi instantly felt that he was more confident in returning to his hometown and doing poverty alleviation work for his hometown.

Although it is a bit early to develop the entire southwest, only the three-state land is developed to serve as an important base for Datang's future in the southern territory.

I believe that Li Shimin, a wise monarch, cannot fail to realize the benefits.

If Datang can deepen its control in southern Sichuan and the central and northern regions of Guizhou, it will also be conducive to future communication and exchanges with the southern territory.

The more he thought about it, Cheng Chubi felt that his thinking became clearer, and he slapped his lap on his thigh.

"Just do it, you two play."

"Brother Chubi, what are you going to do?"

"I am going to write a "Outline of the Five-Year Development Plan for the Central and Eastern Region of Jiannan Road."

"..." Li Ke and Fang Jun looked at the figure of Brother Chu Bi jumping out with a dumbfounded look, and they didn't quite understand what Xiongtai was talking about.

Sitting in the room, Cheng Chubi began to copy his quill, recording all his endless thoughts and thoughts on paper.

The biggest advantage of the prescription body is the speed of writing, which is similar to shorthand. Cheng Chubi almost writes wherever he thinks of his mind.

It took more than an hour before Cheng Chubi satisfactorily looked at the "Outline of the Five-Year Development Plan for the Central and Eastern Region of Jiannan Road" which had been altered several times.

After reviewing the manuscript, Deng Chengxin was called. After thinking about it, Cheng Chubi called Li Ke and Fang Jun.

I probably explained to them the main content of the "Outline of the Five-Year Development Plan for the Central and Eastern Region of Jiannan Road".

The first is to vigorously expand transportation and establish transportation hubs, and the second is to vigorously develop economic crops such as tea and **** which are suitable for large-scale planting.

There are so many, Cheng Chubi summed up seven or eight points in total.

Build roads, grow tea, grow rapeseed, grow fruits, and even various Chinese medicinal materials, beekeeping, or pigs.

Or set up literacy classes, teach farming techniques, and so on.

Li Ke didn't quite understand, but since Brother Chu Bi was so plausible. Then it's up to it, and the father can just let him do it.


Li Shimin had just used lunch, sitting behind the case, looking at the Jiannan Road map that was spread out and hung in the hall.

Cheng Chubi chose the location in the middle east of Jiannan Road, which belongs to the southeastern part of the Shuzhong Basin.

Except for a small half of Rongzhou and Luzhou, which are still in the plains, almost all other places are between high mountains and ridges.

Li Shimin really couldn't understand what he could do when he got there.

But by the way, Cheng Saburo is really different from ordinary people.

He has always been able to do what he can do, maybe he dare to do so only if he is sure.

Just when Li Shimin touched his small beer belly and sighed.

Zhao Kun saw the energetic Cheng Saburo and jumped towards the Great Palace with a gratifying expression on his face.

Quickly reached out to stop. "I said Cheng Saburo, why are you here? Your Majesty is going to take a lunch break."

"Oh... I forgot about it. But it's all here, since your majesty is on a lunch break.

Then trouble Zhao Shu, wait for your majesty to wake up, and help me present this good thing to your majesty. "

While talking, Cheng Chubi took out a dozen sheets of paper from his arms, and covered it with a blank sheet of paper.

On the white paper, sixteen characters are written in block letters: "Outline of the Five-Year Development Plan for the Central and Eastern Region of Jiannan Road".

"What is this?"

"Hehe, this is my little nephew's conscientious work and painstaking effort, and I came up with an idea of ​​how to build a beautiful large...the central and eastern part of Jiannan Road.

"..." Zhao Kun looked at Cheng Saburo, who had just opened his mouth, with a black line on his face. UU Reading wanted to let this kid go straight away.

But after thinking about it, I said. "You wait here, I will come as soon as I go."

"???" Cheng Chubi looked at Zhao Kun's generous back, always feeling that the head of the hair-faced guard was taking advantage of him.

Zhao Kun opened the curtain and saw that His Majesty did not rest but was still there in a daze at the map, so he walked over quickly.

"Your Majesty, Cheng Saburo is here..."

When Li Shimin was interrupted, his brow furrowed and he was unwilling to be authentic.

"Why is he here? Didn't I ask him to wait until I think about it?"

Zhao Kun stretched out his hands and handed a roll of Chengjia paper full of words.

"He said that he was here to present to your Majesty the "Outline of the Five-Year Development Plan for the Central and Eastern Region of Jiannan Road."

After Li Shimin took it, he saw a few words written on the most superficial piece of paper.

"... "Outline of the Five-Year Development Plan for the Central and Eastern Region of Jiannan Road"? This kid, why, is so happy to take a stroll to Shunan?"

After Li Shimin opened the cover with a bewildered look, fortunately, the words and sentences in it were able to be read and understood at any rate.

Although some words and sentences are a bit confusing, after combining the context, Li Shimin can probably understand his meaning.

Zhao Kun saw His Majesty concentrating on studying this self-proclaimed painstaking work of Cheng Saburo, standing aside and waiting.

After Li Shimin looked at it carefully, his face was already a little moved.

There is hardly any flashy rhetoric throughout the whole article, and there is no such thing as a civil servant who likes to cite scriptures at every turn.

Take the words of the sages and mix it into it, and then whistle a few words of my personal opinion.

At the same time, the local bamboo resources are very rich, and it is entirely possible to vigorously develop bamboo and wood products to form industrialization...

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