The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1198: Follow the steps of my father, back to more than 1,400 years...

As for Luzhou, it has been a very important land and water hub in the southern part of the Shu region for a long time.

It played a very important role in controlling the southern territory of Datang.

For this reason, Tang Wude was restored to Luzhou in the first year, the governor's mansion in three years, and the governor's mansion in four years...

Li Shimin's eyelids jumped when he saw it. Although Cheng Chubi's words were too colloquial, there was something in it that made him feel self-righteous.

However, Li Shimin can still see that this kid is indeed true.

After turning to the last page, Li Shimin closed his eyes and pondered for a long time before looking at Zhao Kun.

"Let him in..."

Zhao Kun nodded and walked quickly. With little effort, Cheng Chubi followed Zhao Kun into the Great Palace.

After a respectful salute, he sat down in front of Li Shimin.

"It seems that your kid has made a lot of effort in preparing for the goal of letting go of the post..."

"Since my nephew has made up his mind to go to Shu, he has to find out where he is going in advance."

Facing Li Shimin's approval, Cheng Chubi smiled shyly and gave a very real explanation.

In fact, Cheng Chubi has been obsessed with Great Southwest since he crossed the road.

After all, there is the hometown, although this era can be regarded as a reckless land, but somehow it is also crowded.

The things that Cheng Chubi has inquired about in the past few years, combined with his understanding of later generations, although he dare not say that he knows the Southwest better than the courtiers in the DPRK.

But Cheng Chubi believes that if he goes there, he will definitely devote himself to governance and construction work.

"Isn't it because you have already set up news with your father?" Li Shimin looked at Cheng Chubi with a smile.

"As expected of father and son..."

"???" Cheng Chubi looked at Li Shimin, who was smiling weirdly, with a dazed expression, and he was completely lost.

I want to go to that place to work hard, so why is it related to my father again?

Is it possible that my father also wrote to Uncle Li?

No, I want to go to the beautiful Southwest. This news was only revealed to Li Ke before, and my father must not know it.

Li Shimin pointed to Cheng Saburo with an angry and funny expression.

"Why, still want to pretend to be stupid with the old man?"

"Do you know that in the first year of Zhenguan, your father once took the post of Luzhou governor."

"The military governors of Lu, Rong, and Rong, and the governor of Luzhou (now Luzhou, Sichuan).

He was successful in suppressing the Tieshan Liaoren rebellion. After receiving the good news, the old man also rewarded his father greatly. "

"???" Cheng Chubi was straightforward. That's my home, my hometown, and my relatives went there to go around as a result?

And he actually stayed there for several years... Fuck! What is this not tacit understanding?

Unexpectedly, he would follow the steps of his father and return to his hometown more than 1,400 years ago.

Li Shimin smiled and drove the boy Cheng Saburo out of the Great Palace.

I have to say that I just remembered that Cheng Yaojin had stayed there before.

After working there for several years, he was transferred. There are still a bunch of old men who have come down. No wonder, Cheng Saburo's kid will pick it there.

If Cheng Saburo went there, Cheng Yaojin would naturally be very happy, thinking about it, he would definitely let the old family take more care of his son.

Cheng Chubi this kid actually looks dumb and stupid, haha, nothing else, the old man doesn't bother to care about this kid.

It seemed that the father and son had already had a plan for a long time. In that case, it might be a good choice to let this kid go with Ke'er.

If you want to make trouble with demon moths, you can go to Luzhou to make trouble, so as not to make trouble in the affluent Shuzhong area.


Cheng Yaojin looked at this letter from Jiucheng Palace, and couldn't help but feel a headache.

"This kid, this is too noisy, right?"

"Before I had to encourage people to go to Jiaozhou, the old man also sent people there to buy the land, but in the end, he was tossing about going to Liangzhou again."

Cui Shi on the side smiled and added some water and essential oil to the incense burner, so that the nice fragrance of flowers continued to fill the air.

"Husband, it's no wonder Saburo, after all, your Majesty gave it away for free, since it was given by your majesty, how can Saburo take it for nothing?"

"The reason is such a reason, nothing more, let him alone, others are worried that Erlang will not be effective."

"Now, my father is for the future of this kid, but I really don't know how much hair has turned white..."

Cui looked at her husband’s black and shiny sideburns, UU reading www. will naturally not expose the husband.

Besides, the husband's mouth is whistling and crooked like this, in fact, I am afraid that he has already been happy in his heart.

"Since Saburo has asked your husband for an idea, you can think about it. You will have to hand over the 50,000 sets of cotton coats and the cotton gloves to the court at the beginning of next summer."

Cheng Yaojin stroked the thick beard like a steel pin and smashed his mouth.

"It's not a big deal. In the music of their Han and Tang firms, isn't Zhao Zhengyang specializing in silk and silk clothing?"

"With the strength of their Zhao family in Chang'an, 50,000 sets, it won't take much effort to be afraid."

"The problem now is not these 50,000 sets, but after the harvest next year, 200,000 sets of winter clothes will be provided to the court in the following year..."

Just as Cheng Yaojin was talking to the Cui family, Jia Ding's voice came from outside, but Zhao Zhengyang and his son had already entered the house.


Zhao Zhengyang and his son sat in the front hall quite nervously, but they didn't want to touch the refreshment in front of them.

The father and son thought about why they were called by the fierce General Cheng.

The mental pressure is really too great, but fortunately, he has had many dealings with Cheng San Gongzi.

If you want to come to General Cheng, you should look at the face of your own son, and don’t embarrass your father and son too much...

Just when they were uneasy, a cough came from the direction of the door, and the father and son shivered and hurried to their feet.

Cheng Yaojin smiled and lifted up Zhao Zhengyang and his son, and then Da Ma sat on the main seat with a golden sword.

"Old Zhao, and the Zhao family boy, sit down, here is the old man, you don't have to be polite."

"Inviting two people over today is not a major event, but a matter of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks. Saburo should have come to explain to you."

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