The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1206: His Majesty the Emperor and the Empress are very good at sharing with the people...

Cheng Chubi happily, continued to add enough ingredients to it, and then continued to copy the spatula and slowly stir.

"The emperor, to eat, of course you have to pursue the ultimate taste, especially for hot pot. The most important thing is the bottom material."

"Don't make it like that. It tastes dull and tasteless. What's the point? It's blasphemy."

Li Mingda looked at the butter cubes beside Cheng Chubi curiously, and asked curiously after touching his fingers.

"Brother Cheng San, why do you use butter instead of other fats to fry these spices?"

Cheng Chubi, as an inexperienced Southwestern cuisine culinary genius, heard such excellent questions.

Naturally, I was very happy to popularize the tips of using butter in hot pot to the people present.

That's because the butter is more fragrant and viscous, so it can easily attach to the food.

In this way, when people eat hot pot, they can taste the oily aroma when they use the butter sauce to cook the cooked dishes at the bottom of the pot.

The meat fat and smell of meat dishes are all incorporated into the butter base.

In addition, the flavor of the pepper and other condiments in the base is also incorporated into the bottom of the pot, giving the butter a more mellow and charming taste.

"...Moreover, the butter can not only increase the fragrance and taste, nourish the five internal organs, and replenish the blood.

It can also cure lung dysfunction, cough and asthma, stop vomiting, quench thirst, reduce stool and moisturize skin..."

Li Yuan's head grew louder for a while, and he sniffed his nose, smelling the scent, and couldn't help but vomit.

"I said Cheng Saburo, how long is your information, it's almost dark this day."

"It will be ready right away. Today is mainly in a hurry. The taste of the base material is not strong enough. Generally speaking, it takes at least one hour to cook on a low fire..."

No way, these guys are not here to appreciate their cooking skills, they are all here waiting to eat their own cooking results.

When the stir-fried system was so-so, the mandarin duck pot was finally brought, half of the white soup, half of the red soup.

Paired with the yellow copper pot, it looks so ritual to eat hot pot.

The mutton was frozen in the ice kiln of the Jiucheng Palace and then cut into slices. Li Mingda took a thin slice of mutton and stubbornly ignored the advice of his grandfather. Making red oil soup.

Then he began to count his fingers seriously, and then copied it, dipped it into the saucer of garlic and sesame oil, mixed with shallots and parsley.

After putting it in the mouth, I only felt as if there was a lot of taste, blooming on the taste buds on the tip of the tongue.

After a long while, after swallowing happily, Li Mingda opened his eyes and smiled at Li Yuan with a triumphant little cheek.

"Grandpa, the red soup is delicious, much better than the white soup."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but smile. It is the good girl who likes to eat red soup.

"Well, good, eat if you like. If the red oil soup made by the process Saburo is too strong, you can eat less."


"Why did the girl go out for so long and haven't come back?"

Li Shimin had already begun to fidget and looked back frequently.

Empress Changsun didn't even want to make a way. "Perhaps I went to Qingyou Pavilion to eat delicious food again."

"This girl..." Li Shimin's face went dark for a moment, after thinking about it, he stood up.

"Miss, we have been sitting for so long, and our bodies are stiff, so are we going to walk around?"

Empress Changsun stood up with a smile.

"Okay, let's take a stroll, just to go to Qingyou Pavilion to see what Cheng Saburo is doing today."

Li Shimin nodded subconsciously, and then reacted. Turning around, he saw the smiling face of Guanyin's maidservant.

Can only cheeky and have fun.

"Anyone who knows me, Guanyin maid, is also idle anyway."

The husband and the husband left the Yurong Hall, and with little effort, they arrived outside the Qingyou Pavilion.

There was already a smell coming from here, and Li Shimin couldn't help but snorted subconsciously.

Sure enough, the old man had expected it, and it seemed that this was how my dear daughter was fooled to Qingyou Pavilion, but after all, the smell did smell quite fragrant.

After stepping into the Qingyou Pavilion, not long after walking, I can already see that my beloved daughter and my relatives are sitting there eating red.

Father Zhongbao deserves to be the most loyal **** of the Supreme Emperor. He immediately reminded Li Yuan, who was eating happily, as soon as he saw Li Shimin and Empress Longsun.

"Your Majesty, the emperor and empress are here..."

"Oh, good son, your father and your mother are here." Li Yuan lowered his head to remind Li Mingda on the side, seeing Li Mingda put down his bowl and chopsticks and flew away.

Turning his head and draining the wine in the glass silently, UU squeezed his eyebrows while reading www.uuká, then handed the glass to Li Ke, who was sitting next to him.

With a wink, Li Ke, who was already proficient, didn't understand what Grandpa Huang meant.

After Li Shimin stepped forward to give his father a gift, he glanced over the group of diners who were gasping, and Hu Shanggong also concealedly wiped his grease mouth and came to salute.

Regarding the normal state of Qingyou Pavilion, Li Shimin didn't bother to say anything, smiled and motioned for everyone to sit down.

"Huh, where's Cheng Saburo?"

"Daddy, Brother Cheng said that he would mix cold skin for us, saying that hot pot is too spicy, and it is good to eat something cold."

Cheng Chubi heard the movement outside and walked out carrying a big wooden basin with seven or eight small bowls.

"It turns out that the uncle and aunt are here too. They came just right. How do you taste the cold skin mixed with my nephew?"

"Here, these four bowls are mixed with sesame sauce, and these four bowls are mixed with vinegar. The flavor and taste are different..."

Facing the hospitable Cheng Saburo, what else could Li Shimin say, picking up a bowl of vinegar-mixed cold skin, and holding his chopsticks.

Unable to make a sound, Li Shimin stared at the white as if transparent Liangpi.

It took a long time to taste the first bite. Oh, it feels quite good, sour and refreshing, and there are fried meat and oil residue mixed in it.

Li Shimin killed the small bowl of Liangpi in just three or five mouths, and couldn't help but say happily.

"It tastes pretty good."

Cheng Chubi also picked up a bowl of his own, and pulled a bowl of Liangpi off his belly in a few mouthfuls, and shook his head regretfully.

"In fact, there is still a lot of missing ingredients. This is really not enough time. Otherwise, if you have a crisp whistle or a soft whistle, it will be more delicious."

Hearing that this kind of white translucent cold skin is actually made of flour, the grandson empress is also amazed.

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